$ mono localization.exe --help --version -h, -?, --help show this message and exit. -v, --verbose increase message verbosity. -n=VALUE must be an int -V, --version output version information and exit. NDesk.Options Localizer Demo 1.0 $ LANGUAGE=es mono localization.exe --with-gettext --help --version -h, -?, --help A mostrar este mensaje y salir. -v, --verbose Aumento mensaje verbosidad. -n=VALUE Debe ser un int -V, --version Salida de informaciĆ³n de versiĆ³n y sale. NDesk.Options Localizer Demo 1.0 $ mono localization.exe --with-hello --help --version -h, -?, --help hello:show this message and exit. -v, --verbose hello:increase message verbosity. -nhello:=VALUE hello:must be an int -V, --version hello:output version information and exit. NDesk.Options Localizer Demo 1.0 $ mono localization.exe -n not-an-int localization: Could not convert string `not-an-int' to type Int32 for option `-n'. $ mono localization.exe --with-hello -n not-an-int localization: hello:Could not convert string `not-an-int' to type Int32 for option `-n'.