using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; namespace Commons.Xml.Nvdl { public class NvdlXsdValidatorProvider : NvdlValidationProvider { public override NvdlValidatorGenerator CreateGenerator ( XmlReader reader, NvdlConfig config) { if (reader.NamespaceURI != XmlSchema.Namespace) return null; ArrayList al = new ArrayList (); while (!reader.EOF) { if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { reader.Read (); continue; } reader.MoveToContent (); XmlSchema xs = XmlSchema.Read (reader, null); xs.Compile (null, config.XmlResolverInternal); al.Add (xs); reader.Read (); } return new NvdlXsdValidatorGenerator (al.ToArray (typeof (XmlSchema)) as XmlSchema []); } } internal class NvdlXsdValidatorGenerator : NvdlValidatorGenerator { XmlSchema [] schemas; public NvdlXsdValidatorGenerator (XmlSchema [] schemas) { this.schemas = schemas; } public override XmlReader CreateValidator (XmlReader reader, XmlResolver resolver) { XmlReaderSettings s = new XmlReaderSettings (); s.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema; // do not allow inline schema and schemaLocation. s.ValidationFlags = XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessIdentityConstraints; s.XmlResolver = resolver; foreach (XmlSchema schema in schemas) s.Schemas.Add (schema); return XmlReader.Create (reader, s); } public override bool AddOption (string name, string arg) { return false; } public override bool HandleError (Exception ex, XmlReader reader, string nvdlLocation) { if (ex is XmlSchemaException) throw new NvdlInstanceValidationException (String.Format ("XML schema validation error occured as a part of NVDL validation."), ex, this, nvdlLocation); return false; } } }