// Novell.Directory.Ldap.Rfc2251.RfcLdapSuperDN.cs
// Author:
// Boris Kirzner (borisk@mainsoft.com)
using System;
using Novell.Directory.Ldap.Asn1;
namespace Novell.Directory.Ldap.Rfc2251
///Represents an [0] LDAP DN OPTIONAL used as newSuperior attribute of
/// ModifyDNRequest (For more detail on this Syntax refer to rfc2251).
public class RfcLdapSuperDN : Asn1Tagged
private sbyte[] content;
/// ASN.1 [0] LDAP DN OPTIONAL tag definition.
public static readonly int TAG = 0x00;
/// ID is added for Optimization.
/// Id needs only be one Value for every instance, thus we create it only once.
protected static readonly Asn1Identifier ID = new Asn1Identifier(Asn1Identifier.CONTEXT, false, TAG);
/// Constructs an RfcLDAPSuperDN object from a String object.
/// A string value that will be contained in the this RfcLDAPSuperDN object
public RfcLdapSuperDN(String s) : base(ID, new Asn1OctetString(s), false) //type is encoded IMPLICITLY
try {
System.Text.Encoding encoder = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8");
byte[] ibytes = encoder.GetBytes(s);
sbyte[] sbytes=SupportClass.ToSByteArray(ibytes);
this.content = sbytes;
catch(System.IO.IOException uee) {
throw new System.SystemException(uee.ToString());
/// Constructs an RfcLDAPSuperDN object from a byte array.
/// A byte array representing the string that will be contained in the this RfcLDAPSuperDN object
public RfcLdapSuperDN(sbyte[] ba) : base(ID, new Asn1OctetString(ba), false) //type is encoded IMPLICITLY
this.content = ba;
/// Encodes the current instance into the
/// specified output stream using the specified encoder object.
/// Encoder object to use when encoding self.
/// The output stream onto which the encoded byte
/// stream is written.
public override void encode(Asn1Encoder enc, System.IO.Stream out_Renamed)
enc.encode(this, out_Renamed);
return ;
/// Returns the content of this RfcLdapSuperDN as a byte array.
public sbyte[] byteValue()
return content;
/// Returns the content of this RfcLdapSuperDN as a String.
public System.String stringValue()
System.String s = null;
try {
System.Text.Encoding encoder = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8");
char[] dchar = encoder.GetChars(SupportClass.ToByteArray(content));
s = new String(dchar);
catch (System.IO.IOException uee) {
throw new System.SystemException(uee.ToString());
return s;
/// Return a String representation of this RfcLdapSuperDN.
public override System.String ToString()
return base.ToString() + " " + stringValue();