// // CultureData.cs // // Authors: // Marek Safar // // Copyright (C) 2015 Xamarin Inc (http://www.xamarin.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; namespace System.Globalization { [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] class CultureData { #region Sync with object-internals.h // Time private String sAM1159; // (user can override) AM designator private String sPM2359; // (user can override) PM designator private String sTimeSeparator; private volatile String[] saLongTimes; // (user can override) time format private volatile String[] saShortTimes; // short time format // Calendar specific data private int iFirstDayOfWeek; // (user can override) first day of week (gregorian really) private int iFirstWeekOfYear; // (user can override) first week of year (gregorian really) #endregion private volatile int[] waCalendars; // all available calendar type(s). The first one is the default calendar // Store for specific data about each calendar private CalendarData[] calendars; // Store for specific calendar data // Language private String sISO639Language; // ISO 639 Language Name readonly string sRealName; bool bUseOverrides; // TODO: should query runtime with culture name for a list of culture's calendars int calendarId; int numberIndex; int iDefaultAnsiCodePage; int iDefaultOemCodePage; int iDefaultMacCodePage; int iDefaultEbcdicCodePage; bool isRightToLeft; string sListSeparator; private CultureData (string name) { this.sRealName = name; } static CultureData s_Invariant; public static CultureData Invariant { get { if (s_Invariant == null) { var invariant = new CultureData (""); // Language invariant.sISO639Language = "iv"; // ISO 639 Language Name // Time invariant.sAM1159 = "AM"; // AM designator invariant.sPM2359 = "PM"; // PM designator invariant.sTimeSeparator = ":"; invariant.saLongTimes = new String[] { "HH:mm:ss" }; // time format invariant.saShortTimes = new String[] { "HH:mm", "hh:mm tt", "H:mm", "h:mm tt" }; // short time format // Calendar specific data invariant.iFirstDayOfWeek = 0; // first day of week invariant.iFirstWeekOfYear = 0; // first week of year invariant.waCalendars = new int[] { (int)CalendarId.GREGORIAN }; // all available calendar type(s). The first one is the default calendar // Store for specific data about each calendar invariant.calendars = new CalendarData[CalendarData.MAX_CALENDARS]; invariant.calendars[0] = CalendarData.Invariant; invariant.iDefaultAnsiCodePage = 1252; // default ansi code page ID (ACP) invariant.iDefaultOemCodePage = 437; // default oem code page ID (OCP or OEM) invariant.iDefaultMacCodePage = 10000; // default macintosh code page invariant.iDefaultEbcdicCodePage = 037; // default EBCDIC code page invariant.sListSeparator = ","; Interlocked.CompareExchange (ref s_Invariant, invariant, null); } return s_Invariant; } } public static CultureData GetCultureData (string cultureName, bool useUserOverride) { try { var ci = new CultureInfo (cultureName, useUserOverride); return ci.m_cultureData; } catch { return null; } } public static CultureData GetCultureData (string cultureName, bool useUserOverride, int datetimeIndex, int calendarId, int numberIndex, string iso2lang, int ansiCodePage, int oemCodePage, int macCodePage, int ebcdicCodePage, bool rightToLeft, string listSeparator) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (cultureName)) return Invariant; var cd = new CultureData (cultureName); cd.fill_culture_data (datetimeIndex); cd.bUseOverrides = useUserOverride; cd.calendarId = calendarId; cd.numberIndex = numberIndex; cd.sISO639Language = iso2lang; cd.iDefaultAnsiCodePage = ansiCodePage; cd.iDefaultOemCodePage = oemCodePage; cd.iDefaultMacCodePage = macCodePage; cd.iDefaultEbcdicCodePage = ebcdicCodePage; cd.isRightToLeft = rightToLeft; cd.sListSeparator = listSeparator; return cd; } internal static CultureData GetCultureData (int culture, bool bUseUserOverride) { // Legacy path which we should never hit return null; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] extern void fill_culture_data (int datetimeIndex); public CalendarData GetCalendar (int calendarId) { // arrays are 0 based, calendarIds are 1 based int calendarIndex = calendarId - 1; // Have to have calendars if (calendars == null) { calendars = new CalendarData[CalendarData.MAX_CALENDARS]; } var calendarData = calendars[calendarIndex]; if (calendarData == null) { calendarData = new CalendarData (sRealName, calendarId, bUseOverrides); calendars [calendarIndex] = calendarData; } return calendarData; } internal String[] LongTimes { get { return saLongTimes; } } internal String[] ShortTimes { get { return saShortTimes; } } internal String SISO639LANGNAME { get { return sISO639Language; } } internal int IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK { get { return iFirstDayOfWeek; } } internal int IFIRSTWEEKOFYEAR { get { return iFirstWeekOfYear; } } internal String SAM1159 { get { return sAM1159; } } internal String SPM2359 { get { return sPM2359; } } internal String TimeSeparator { get { return sTimeSeparator; } } internal int[] CalendarIds { get { if (this.waCalendars == null) { // Need this specialization because GetJapaneseCalendarDTFI/GetTaiwanCalendarDTFI depend on // optional calendars switch (sISO639Language) { case "ja": waCalendars = new int[] { calendarId, Calendar.CAL_JAPAN }; break; case "zh": waCalendars = new int[] { calendarId, Calendar.CAL_TAIWAN }; break; case "he": waCalendars = new int[] { calendarId, Calendar.CAL_HEBREW }; break; default: waCalendars = new int [] { calendarId }; break; } } return waCalendars; } } internal CalendarId[] GetCalendarIds() { var items = new CalendarId[CalendarIds.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < CalendarIds.Length; i++) items[i] = (CalendarId)CalendarIds[i]; return items; } internal bool IsInvariantCulture { get { return string.IsNullOrEmpty (sRealName); } } internal String CultureName { get { return sRealName; } } internal String SCOMPAREINFO { get { return ""; } } internal String STEXTINFO { get { return sRealName; } } internal int ILANGUAGE { get { return 0; } } internal int IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE { get { return iDefaultAnsiCodePage; } } internal int IDEFAULTOEMCODEPAGE { get { return iDefaultOemCodePage; } } internal int IDEFAULTMACCODEPAGE { get { return iDefaultMacCodePage; } } internal int IDEFAULTEBCDICCODEPAGE { get { return iDefaultEbcdicCodePage; } } internal bool IsRightToLeft { get { return isRightToLeft; } } internal String SLIST { get { return sListSeparator; } } #region from reference sources // Are overrides enabled? internal bool UseUserOverride { get { return this.bUseOverrides; } } // Native calendar names. index of optional calendar - 1, empty if no optional calendar at that number internal String CalendarName(int calendarId) { // Get the calendar return GetCalendar(calendarId).sNativeName; } // All of our era names internal String[] EraNames(int calendarId) { Contract.Assert(calendarId > 0, "[CultureData.saEraNames] Expected Calendar.ID > 0"); return this.GetCalendar(calendarId).saEraNames; } internal String[] AbbrevEraNames(int calendarId) { Contract.Assert(calendarId > 0, "[CultureData.saAbbrevEraNames] Expected Calendar.ID > 0"); return this.GetCalendar(calendarId).saAbbrevEraNames; } internal String[] AbbreviatedEnglishEraNames(int calendarId) { Contract.Assert(calendarId > 0, "[CultureData.saAbbrevEraNames] Expected Calendar.ID > 0"); return this.GetCalendar(calendarId).saAbbrevEnglishEraNames; } // (user can override default only) short date format internal String[] ShortDates(int calendarId) { return GetCalendar(calendarId).saShortDates; } // (user can override default only) long date format internal String[] LongDates(int calendarId) { return GetCalendar(calendarId).saLongDates; } // (user can override) date year/month format. internal String[] YearMonths(int calendarId) { return GetCalendar(calendarId).saYearMonths; } // day names internal string[] DayNames(int calendarId) { return GetCalendar(calendarId).saDayNames; } // abbreviated day names internal string[] AbbreviatedDayNames(int calendarId) { // Get abbreviated day names for this calendar from the OS if necessary return GetCalendar(calendarId).saAbbrevDayNames; } // The super short day names internal string[] SuperShortDayNames(int calendarId) { return GetCalendar(calendarId).saSuperShortDayNames; } // month names internal string[] MonthNames(int calendarId) { return GetCalendar(calendarId).saMonthNames; } // Genitive month names internal string[] GenitiveMonthNames(int calendarId) { return GetCalendar(calendarId).saMonthGenitiveNames; } // month names internal string[] AbbreviatedMonthNames(int calendarId) { return GetCalendar(calendarId).saAbbrevMonthNames; } // Genitive month names internal string[] AbbreviatedGenitiveMonthNames(int calendarId) { return GetCalendar(calendarId).saAbbrevMonthGenitiveNames; } // Leap year month names // Note: This only applies to Hebrew, and it basically adds a "1" to the 6th month name // the non-leap names skip the 7th name in the normal month name array internal string[] LeapYearMonthNames(int calendarId) { return GetCalendar(calendarId).saLeapYearMonthNames; } // month/day format (single string, no override) internal String MonthDay(int calendarId) { return GetCalendar(calendarId).sMonthDay; } // Date separator (derived from short date format) internal String DateSeparator(int calendarId) { #if MONO // see https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/pull/19976 if (calendarId == (int)CalendarId.JAPAN && !AppContextSwitches.EnforceLegacyJapaneseDateParsing) { // The date separator is derived from the default short date pattern. So far this pattern is using // '/' as date separator when using the Japanese calendar which make the formatting and parsing work fine. // changing the default pattern is likely will happen in the near future which can easily break formatting // and parsing. // We are forcing here the date separator to '/' to ensure the parsing is not going to break when changing // the default short date pattern. The application still can override this in the code by DateTimeFormatInfo.DateSeparartor. return "/"; } #endif return GetDateSeparator(ShortDates(calendarId)[0]); } // NOTE: this method is used through reflection by System.Globalization.CultureXmlParser.ReadDateElement() // and breaking changes here will not show up at build time, only at run time. static private String GetDateSeparator(String format) { // Date format separator (ie: / in 9/1/03) // // We calculate this from the provided short date // // // Find the date separator so that we can pretend we know SDATE. // return GetSeparator(format, "dyM"); } private static string GetSeparator(string format, string timeParts) { int index = IndexOfTimePart(format, 0, timeParts); if (index != -1) { // Found a time part, find out when it changes char cTimePart = format[index]; do { index++; } while (index < format.Length && format[index] == cTimePart); int separatorStart = index; // Now we need to find the end of the separator if (separatorStart < format.Length) { int separatorEnd = IndexOfTimePart(format, separatorStart, timeParts); if (separatorEnd != -1) { // From [separatorStart, count) is our string, except we need to unescape return UnescapeNlsString(format, separatorStart, separatorEnd - 1); } } } return String.Empty; } private static int IndexOfTimePart(string format, int startIndex, string timeParts) { Contract.Assert(startIndex >= 0, "startIndex cannot be negative"); Contract.Assert(timeParts.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '\'', '\\' }) == -1, "timeParts cannot include quote characters"); bool inQuote = false; for (int i = startIndex; i < format.Length; ++i) { // See if we have a time Part if (!inQuote && timeParts.IndexOf(format[i]) != -1) { return i; } switch (format[i]) { case '\\': if (i + 1 < format.Length) { ++i; switch (format[i]) { case '\'': case '\\': break; default: --i; //backup since we will move over this next break; } } break; case '\'': inQuote = !inQuote; break; } } return -1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Unescape a NLS style quote string // // This removes single quotes: // 'fred' -> fred // 'fred -> fred // fred' -> fred // fred's -> freds // // This removes the first \ of escaped characters: // fred\'s -> fred's // a\\b -> a\b // a\b -> ab // // We don't build the stringbuilder unless we find a ' or a \. If we find a ' or a \, we // always build a stringbuilder because we need to remove the ' or \. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static private String UnescapeNlsString(String str, int start, int end) { Contract.Requires(str != null); Contract.Requires(start >= 0); Contract.Requires(end >= 0); StringBuilder result = null; for (int i = start; i < str.Length && i <= end; i++) { switch (str[i]) { case '\'': if (result == null) { result = new StringBuilder(str, start, i - start, str.Length); } break; case '\\': if (result == null) { result = new StringBuilder(str, start, i - start, str.Length); } ++i; if (i < str.Length) { result.Append(str[i]); } break; default: if (result != null) { result.Append(str[i]); } break; } } if (result == null) return (str.Substring(start, end - start + 1)); return (result.ToString()); } #endregion static internal String[] ReescapeWin32Strings(String[] array) { return array; } static internal String ReescapeWin32String(String str) { return str; } internal static bool IsCustomCultureId(int cultureId) { return false; } internal void GetNFIValues (NumberFormatInfo nfi) { if (this.IsInvariantCulture) { // Same as default values } else { // // We don't have information for the following four. All cultures use // the same value of the number formatting values. // // PercentDecimalDigits // PercentDecimalSeparator // PercentGroupSize // PercentGroupSeparator // fill_number_data (nfi, numberIndex); } // // We don't have percent values, so use the number values // nfi.percentDecimalDigits = nfi.numberDecimalDigits; nfi.percentDecimalSeparator = nfi.numberDecimalSeparator; nfi.percentGroupSizes = nfi.numberGroupSizes; nfi.percentGroupSeparator = nfi.numberGroupSeparator; } [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] extern static void fill_number_data (NumberFormatInfo nfi, int numberIndex); } }