Writing system Main article: Portuguese alphabet Portuguese is written using the Latin alphabet with 26 letters. Three of them (K, W and Y) are only used for non-Portuguese origin words, in terms like darwinismo (Darwinism, from English "Darwin"). It uses ‡ and acute, grave, circumflex and tilde accents over vowels, as well as, in some forms and only in Brazil, diaeresis on a U as in ling¡stica (Linguistics, lingu¡stica is used in the rest of the Portuguese speaking nations). [edit] Written varieties and Spelling Reform As of 2005, Portuguese has two major written forms: * European and African Portuguese * Brazilian Portuguese Written varieties Portugal & Africa Brazil translation Different pronunciation Ant¢nio Ant“nio Anthony V‚nus Vˆnus Venus Facto Fato Fact Deaf consonants ac‡„o a‡„o action direc‡„o dire‡„o direction el‚ctrico el‚trico electric ¢ptimo ¢timo very good Accents Frequente Freqente Frequent ideia id‚ia idea In Brazil most first 'c's in 'cc', 'c‡' or 'ct'; and 'p's in 'pc', 'p‡' or 'pt' were eliminated from the language, since they are not pronounced in the cultivated spoken language, but are remnants from the language's Latin origin (though some continue to exist in cultivated Brazilian Portuguese, others in European Portuguese). An example is "facto" (in Portugal) and "fato" (in Brazil), both meaning fact -- one of the rare words that will continue to be accepted and is pronounced differently in both countries. Also, there are differences in accent marks, due to: 1. Different pronunciation: Brazil uses closed vowels in words such as "Ant“nio" (Anthony) or "an“nimo" (anonymous), whereas Portugal and Africa use open ones, "Ant¢nio" or "an¢nimo", respectively. 2. Easier reading: Because "qu" can be read in two different ways in Portuguese: "kw" or "k", Brazil uses the diaeresis (called 'trema' in Portuguese), instead of "cinquenta" they write "cinqenta". Currently, some press in Brazil has stopped using this accent mark. It was part of an orthographic agreement but abolished in Portugal. A 1990 Spelling Reform (Port. Reforma Ortogr fica), intended to create an International Portuguese Standard, was ratified by Brazil, Cape Verde, and Portugal. East Timor, not an original subscriber, will ratify shortly along with Guinea-Bissau. Brazil and East Timor were the biggest supporters of the reform and pressured the CPLP for a fast implementation, but the implementation date has not yet been set. In East Timor, both orthographies are currently being taught to children. Galiza was also invited to take part in the reform but the Galician government ignored the invitation (note that this government states that Galician and Portuguese are different languages). However, an unofficial commission formed by Galician linguists (supporting the unity of the language) was sent and participated in the reform. 2 (NOTE: Removed non-convertible characters for testing Mono) Even if today's orthographies do not harm intelligibility between native speakers, the orthography of one country is considered incorrect in the other, leading to two different translations of the same book written in another language and it can confuse foreigners that are learning the language. One endeavour of this reform is to promote the language internationally, just like the spelling reforms of Spanish by the Real Academia Espa¤ola helped to promote the Spanish language. The language is not very popular internationally, even if it is the third-most-spoken Western language in the world, after English and Spanish. Another objective is Portugal's aid to Brazil and African countries in education of the Portuguese language to African and Amerindian populations, Brazil's educational aid to Africa and greater cultural and academic exchange. Another agreement was made for the new words that will come into the language. (snip) Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_language" Categories: Pages containing IPA | Portuguese language | Languages of Portugal | Languages of Brazil | Languages of Cape Verde | Languages of Macao | Guttural R