// // compiler-tester.cs // // Author: // Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com) // // Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // Copyright (C) 2012 Xamarin Inc (http://www.xamarin.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Xml; using System.Collections.Generic; using Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter; using System.Globalization; namespace TestRunner { interface ITester { string Output { get; } bool Invoke (string[] args); bool IsWarning (int warningNumber); } class ReflectionTester: ITester { MethodInfo ep; object[] method_arg; StringWriter output; int[] all_warnings; public ReflectionTester (Assembly a) { Type t = a.GetType ("Mono.CSharp.CompilerCallableEntryPoint"); if (t == null) Console.Error.WriteLine ("null, huh?"); ep = t.GetMethod ("InvokeCompiler", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public); if (ep == null) throw new MissingMethodException ("static InvokeCompiler"); method_arg = new object [2]; PropertyInfo pi = t.GetProperty ("AllWarningNumbers"); all_warnings = (int[])pi.GetValue (null, null); Array.Sort (all_warnings); } public string Output { get { return output.GetStringBuilder ().ToString (); } } public bool Invoke(string[] args) { output = new StringWriter (); method_arg [0] = args; method_arg [1] = output; return (bool)ep.Invoke (null, method_arg); } public bool IsWarning (int warningNumber) { return Array.BinarySearch (all_warnings, warningNumber) >= 0; } } #if !NET_2_1 class ProcessTester: ITester { ProcessStartInfo pi; string output; public ProcessTester (string p_path) { pi = new ProcessStartInfo (); pi.FileName = p_path; pi.CreateNoWindow = true; pi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; pi.RedirectStandardOutput = true; pi.RedirectStandardError = true; pi.UseShellExecute = false; } public string Output { get { return output; } } public bool Invoke(string[] args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ("/nologo "); foreach (string s in args) { sb.Append (s); sb.Append (" "); } pi.Arguments = sb.ToString (); Process p = Process.Start (pi); output = p.StandardError.ReadToEnd (); if (output.Length == 0) output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd (); p.WaitForExit (); return p.ExitCode == 0; } public bool IsWarning (int warningNumber) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } #endif class TestCase : MarshalByRefObject { public readonly string FileName; public readonly string[] CompilerOptions; public readonly string[] Dependencies; public TestCase (string filename, string[] options, string[] deps) { this.FileName = filename; this.CompilerOptions = options; this.Dependencies = deps; } } class NUnitChecker : PositiveChecker { class TestCaseEntry { string name; string referenceFile; string executedMethod; bool has_return; public TestCaseEntry (string name, string referenceFile, MethodInfo executedMethod) { this.name = name.Replace ('-', '_'); this.referenceFile = referenceFile; this.executedMethod = ConvertMethodInfoToText (executedMethod, out has_return); } public string Name { get { return name; } } public string ReferenceFile { get { return referenceFile; } } static string ConvertMethodInfoToText (MethodInfo mi, out bool hasReturn) { hasReturn = mi.ReturnType != typeof (void); string declaring = mi.DeclaringType.FullName.Replace ('+', '.'); var param = mi.GetParameters (); if (param.Length == 0) return declaring + "." + mi.Name + " ()"; return declaring + "." + mi.Name + " (new string[0])"; } public string GetTestFixture () { var call = name + "::" + executedMethod; if (!has_return) return call; return string.Format ("Assert.AreEqual (0, {0})", call); } } List entries = new List (); public NUnitChecker (ITester tester) : base (tester, null) { } public override void CleanUp () { base.CleanUp (); StringBuilder aliases = new StringBuilder (); var src_dir = Path.Combine ("projects", "MonoTouch"); string src_file = Path.Combine (src_dir, "tests.cs"); using (var file = new StreamWriter (src_file, false)) { foreach (var e in entries) { file.WriteLine ("extern alias {0};", e.Name); aliases.AppendFormat (" ", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (e.ReferenceFile)); aliases.Append (Environment.NewLine); aliases.AppendFormat (" {0}", e.Name); aliases.Append (Environment.NewLine); aliases.AppendFormat (" ..\\..\\{0}", Path.GetFileName (e.ReferenceFile)); aliases.Append (Environment.NewLine); aliases.AppendLine (" "); } file.WriteLine (); file.WriteLine ("using NUnit.Framework;"); file.WriteLine (); file.WriteLine ("[TestFixture]"); file.WriteLine ("public class Tests {"); foreach (var e in entries) { file.WriteLine ("\t[Test]"); file.WriteLine ("\tpublic void TestFile_{0} ()", e.Name); file.WriteLine ("\t{"); file.WriteLine ("\t\t{0};", e.GetTestFixture ()); file.WriteLine ("\t}"); file.WriteLine (); } file.WriteLine ("}"); } var input = File.ReadAllText (Path.Combine (src_dir, "MonoTouch.csproj.template")); input = input.Replace ("@GENERATED_REFERENCES", aliases.ToString ()); input = input.Replace ("@TEST_SOURCEFILE", Path.GetFileName (src_file)); File.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (src_dir, "MonoTouch.csproj"), input); return; } protected override bool ExecuteTestFile (TestCase test, string binaryFileName) { Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFile (binaryFileName); var ep = assembly.EntryPoint; if (!ep.IsPublic) { HandleFailure (test.FileName, TestResult.LoadError, "Entry method is private"); return false; } if (ep.DeclaringType.IsNestedPrivate || ep.DeclaringType.IsNestedFamily) { HandleFailure (test.FileName, TestResult.LoadError, "Entry method in hidden nested type"); return false; } entries.Add (new TestCaseEntry (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (test.FileName), binaryFileName, ep)); HandleFailure (test.FileName, TestResult.Success, null); return true; } } class PositiveTestCase : TestCase { public class VerificationData : MarshalByRefObject { public class MethodData : MarshalByRefObject { public MethodData (MethodBase mi, int il_size) { this.Type = mi.DeclaringType.ToString (); this.MethodName = mi.ToString (); this.MethodAttributes = (int) mi.Attributes; this.ILSize = il_size; } public MethodData (string type_name, string method_name, int method_attributes, int il_size) { this.Type = type_name; this.MethodName = method_name; this.MethodAttributes = method_attributes; this.ILSize = il_size; } public string Type; public string MethodName; public int ILSize; public bool Checked; public int MethodAttributes; } ArrayList methods; public bool IsNewSet; public VerificationData (string test_file) { this.test_file = test_file; } string test_file; public static VerificationData FromFile (string name, XmlReader r) { VerificationData tc = new VerificationData (name); ArrayList methods = new ArrayList (); r.Read (); while (r.ReadToNextSibling ("type")) { string type_name = r ["name"]; r.Read (); while (r.ReadToNextSibling ("method")) { string m_name = r ["name"]; int method_attrs = int.Parse (r["attrs"]); r.ReadToDescendant ("size"); int il_size = r.ReadElementContentAsInt (); methods.Add (new MethodData (type_name, m_name, method_attrs, il_size)); r.Read (); } r.Read (); } tc.methods = methods; return tc; } public void WriteCodeInfoTo (XmlWriter w) { w.WriteStartElement ("test"); w.WriteAttributeString ("name", test_file); string type = null; foreach (MethodData data in methods) { if (!data.Checked) continue; if (type != data.Type) { if (type != null) w.WriteEndElement (); type = data.Type; w.WriteStartElement ("type"); w.WriteAttributeString ("name", type); } w.WriteStartElement ("method"); w.WriteAttributeString ("name", data.MethodName); int v = data.MethodAttributes; w.WriteAttributeString ("attrs", v.ToString ()); w.WriteStartElement ("size"); w.WriteValue (data.ILSize); w.WriteEndElement (); w.WriteEndElement (); } if (type != null) w.WriteEndElement (); w.WriteEndElement (); } public MethodData FindMethodData (string method_name, string declaring_type) { if (methods == null) return null; foreach (MethodData md in methods) { if (md.MethodName == method_name && md.Type == declaring_type) return md; } return null; } public void AddNewMethod (MethodBase mb, int il_size) { if (methods == null) methods = new ArrayList (); MethodData md = new MethodData (mb, il_size); md.Checked = true; methods.Add (md); } } VerificationData verif_data; public PositiveTestCase (string filename, string [] options, string [] deps) : base (filename, options, deps) { } public void CreateNewTest () { verif_data = new VerificationData (FileName); verif_data.IsNewSet = true; } public VerificationData VerificationProvider { set { verif_data = value; } get { return verif_data; } } } class Checker: MarshalByRefObject, IDisposable { protected ITester tester; protected int success; protected int total; protected int ignored; protected int syntax_errors; string issue_file; StreamWriter log_file; protected string[] extra_compiler_options; // protected string[] compiler_options; // protected string[] dependencies; protected ArrayList tests = new ArrayList (); protected Hashtable test_hash = new Hashtable (); protected ArrayList regression = new ArrayList (); protected ArrayList know_issues = new ArrayList (); protected ArrayList ignore_list = new ArrayList (); protected ArrayList no_error_list = new ArrayList (); ArrayList skip = new ArrayList (); protected bool verbose; protected bool safe_execution; int total_known_issues; protected Checker (ITester tester) { this.tester = tester; } public string IssueFile { set { this.issue_file = value; ReadWrongErrors (issue_file); } } public string LogFile { set { this.log_file = new StreamWriter (value, false); } } public bool Verbose { set { verbose = value; } } public bool SafeExecution { set { safe_execution = value; } } public string[] ExtraCompilerOptions { set { extra_compiler_options = value; } } protected virtual bool GetExtraOptions (string file, out string[] compiler_options, out string[] dependencies) { int row = 0; compiler_options = null; dependencies = null; try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader (file)) { String line; while (row++ < 3 && (line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (!AnalyzeTestFile (file, ref row, line, ref compiler_options, ref dependencies)) return false; } } } catch { return false; } return true; } protected virtual bool AnalyzeTestFile (string file, ref int row, string line, ref string[] compiler_options, ref string[] dependencies) { const string options = "// Compiler options:"; const string depends = "// Dependencies:"; if (row == 1) { compiler_options = null; dependencies = null; } int index = line.IndexOf (options); if (index != -1) { compiler_options = line.Substring (index + options.Length).Trim().Split (' '); for (int i = 0; i < compiler_options.Length; i++) compiler_options[i] = compiler_options[i].TrimStart (); } index = line.IndexOf (depends); if (index != -1) { dependencies = line.Substring (index + depends.Length).Trim().Split (' '); for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.Length; i++) dependencies[i] = dependencies[i].TrimStart (); } return true; } public bool Do (string filename) { if (test_hash.Contains (filename)) return true; if (verbose) Log (filename + "...\t"); if (skip.Contains (filename)) { return false; } if (ignore_list.Contains (filename)) { ++ignored; LogFileLine (filename, "NOT TESTED"); return false; } string[] compiler_options, dependencies; if (!GetExtraOptions (filename, out compiler_options, out dependencies)) { LogFileLine (filename, "ERROR"); return false; } if (extra_compiler_options != null) { if (compiler_options == null) compiler_options = extra_compiler_options; else { string[] new_options = new string [compiler_options.Length + extra_compiler_options.Length]; extra_compiler_options.CopyTo (new_options, 0); compiler_options.CopyTo (new_options, extra_compiler_options.Length); compiler_options = new_options; } } TestCase test = CreateTestCase (filename, compiler_options, dependencies); test_hash.Add (filename, test); ++total; if (dependencies != null) { foreach (string dependency in dependencies) { if (!Do (dependency)) { LogFileLine (filename, "DEPENDENCY FAILED"); return false; } } } tests.Add (test); return Check (test); } protected virtual bool Check (TestCase test) { string[] test_args; if (test.CompilerOptions != null) { test_args = new string[2 + test.CompilerOptions.Length]; test.CompilerOptions.CopyTo (test_args, 0); } else { test_args = new string[2]; } test_args[test_args.Length - 2] = test_args[0]; test_args[test_args.Length - 1] = "-debug"; test_args[0] = test.FileName; return tester.Invoke (test_args); } protected virtual TestCase CreateTestCase (string filename, string [] options, string [] deps) { return new TestCase (filename, options, deps); } void ReadWrongErrors (string file) { const string ignored = "IGNORE"; const string no_error = "NO ERROR"; const string skip_tag = "SKIP"; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader (file)) { string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.StartsWith ("#")) continue; ArrayList active_cont = know_issues; if (line.IndexOf (ignored) > 0) active_cont = ignore_list; else if (line.IndexOf (no_error) > 0) active_cont = no_error_list; else if (line.Contains (skip_tag)) active_cont = skip; string file_name = line.Split (' ')[0]; if (file_name.Length == 0) continue; active_cont.Add (file_name); } } total_known_issues = know_issues.Count; } protected virtual void PrintSummary () { LogLine ("Done" + Environment.NewLine); float rate = 0; if (total > 0) rate = (float) (success) / (float)total; LogLine ("{0} test cases passed ({1:0.##%})", success, rate); if (syntax_errors > 0) LogLine ("{0} test(s) ignored because of wrong syntax !", syntax_errors); if (ignored > 0) LogLine ("{0} test(s) ignored", ignored); if (total_known_issues - know_issues.Count > 0) LogLine ("{0} known issue(s)", total_known_issues - know_issues.Count); know_issues.AddRange (no_error_list); if (know_issues.Count > 0) { LogLine (""); LogLine (issue_file + " contains {0} already fixed issues. Please remove", know_issues.Count); foreach (string s in know_issues) LogLine (s); } if (regression.Count > 0) { LogLine (""); LogLine ("The latest changes caused regression in {0} file(s)", regression.Count); foreach (string s in regression) LogLine (s); } } public int ResultCode { get { return regression.Count == 0 ? 0 : 1; } } protected void Log (string msg, params object [] rest) { Console.Write (msg, rest); if (log_file != null) log_file.Write (msg, rest); } protected void LogLine (string msg) { Console.WriteLine (msg); if (log_file != null) log_file.WriteLine (msg); } protected void LogLine (string msg, params object [] rest) { Console.WriteLine (msg, rest); if (log_file != null) log_file.WriteLine (msg, rest); } public void LogFileLine (string file, string msg, params object [] args) { string s = verbose ? string.Format (msg, args) : file + "...\t" + string.Format (msg, args); Console.WriteLine (s); if (log_file != null) log_file.WriteLine (s); } #region IDisposable Members public void Dispose() { if (log_file != null) log_file.Close (); } #endregion public virtual void Initialize () { } public virtual void CleanUp () { PrintSummary (); } } class PositiveChecker: Checker { readonly string files_folder; readonly static object[] default_args = new object[1] { new string[] {} }; string doc_output; string verif_file; bool update_verif_file; Hashtable verif_data; #if !NET_2_1 ProcessStartInfo pi; #endif readonly string mono; public enum TestResult { CompileError, ExecError, LoadError, XmlError, Success, ILError, DebugError, MethodAttributesError } public PositiveChecker (ITester tester, string verif_file): base (tester) { files_folder = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory (); this.verif_file = verif_file; #if !NET_2_1 pi = new ProcessStartInfo (); pi.CreateNoWindow = true; pi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; pi.RedirectStandardOutput = true; pi.RedirectStandardError = true; pi.UseShellExecute = false; mono = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("MONO_RUNTIME"); if (mono != null) { pi.FileName = mono; } #endif } public bool UpdateVerificationDataFile { set { update_verif_file = value; } get { return update_verif_file; } } protected override bool GetExtraOptions(string file, out string[] compiler_options, out string[] dependencies) { if (!base.GetExtraOptions (file, out compiler_options, out dependencies)) return false; doc_output = null; if (compiler_options == null) return true; foreach (string one_opt in compiler_options) { if (one_opt.StartsWith ("-doc:")) { doc_output = one_opt.Split (':', '/')[1]; } } return true; } class DomainTester : MarshalByRefObject { public bool CheckILSize (PositiveTestCase test, PositiveChecker checker, string file) { Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFile (file); bool success = true; Type[] types = assembly.GetTypes (); foreach (Type t in types) { // Skip interfaces if (!t.IsClass && !t.IsValueType) continue; if (test.VerificationProvider == null) { if (!checker.UpdateVerificationDataFile) checker.LogFileLine (test.FileName, "Missing IL verification data"); test.CreateNewTest (); } foreach (MemberInfo m in t.GetMembers (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)) { MethodBase mi = m as MethodBase; if (mi == null) continue; if ((mi.Attributes & (MethodAttributes.PinvokeImpl)) != 0) continue; success &= CompareIL (mi, test, checker); } } return success; } bool CompareIL (MethodBase mi, PositiveTestCase test, PositiveChecker checker) { string m_name = mi.ToString (); string decl_type = mi.DeclaringType.ToString (); PositiveTestCase.VerificationData data_provider = test.VerificationProvider; PositiveTestCase.VerificationData.MethodData md = data_provider.FindMethodData (m_name, decl_type); if (md == null) { data_provider.AddNewMethod (mi, GetILSize (mi)); if (!data_provider.IsNewSet) { checker.HandleFailure (test.FileName, PositiveChecker.TestResult.ILError, decl_type + ": " + m_name + " (new method?)"); return false; } return true; } if (md.Checked) { checker.HandleFailure (test.FileName, PositiveChecker.TestResult.ILError, decl_type + ": " + m_name + " has a duplicate"); return false; } md.Checked = true; if (md.MethodAttributes != (int) mi.Attributes) { checker.HandleFailure (test.FileName, PositiveChecker.TestResult.MethodAttributesError, string.Format ("{0} ({1} -> {2})", decl_type + ": " + m_name, md.MethodAttributes, mi.Attributes)); } md.MethodAttributes = (int) mi.Attributes; int il_size = GetILSize (mi); if (md.ILSize == il_size) return true; if (md.ILSize > il_size) { checker.LogFileLine (test.FileName, "{0} (code size reduction {1} -> {2})", decl_type + ": " + m_name, md.ILSize, il_size); md.ILSize = il_size; return true; } checker.HandleFailure (test.FileName, PositiveChecker.TestResult.ILError, string.Format ("{0} (code size {1} -> {2})", decl_type + ": " + m_name, md.ILSize, il_size)); md.ILSize = il_size; return false; } static int GetILSize (MethodBase mi) { MethodBody body = mi.GetMethodBody (); if (body != null) return body.GetILAsByteArray ().Length; return 0; } bool ExecuteFile (MethodInfo entry_point, string filename) { TextWriter stdout = Console.Out; TextWriter stderr = Console.Error; Console.SetOut (TextWriter.Null); Console.SetError (TextWriter.Null); ParameterInfo[] pi = entry_point.GetParameters (); object[] args = pi.Length == 0 ? null : default_args; object result = null; try { try { result = entry_point.Invoke (null, args); } finally { Console.SetOut (stdout); Console.SetError (stderr); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApplicationException (e.ToString ()); } if (result is int && (int) result != 0) throw new ApplicationException ("Wrong return code: " + result.ToString ()); return true; } public bool Test (string file) { Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFile (file); return ExecuteFile (assembly.EntryPoint, file); } } protected override bool Check(TestCase test) { string filename = test.FileName; try { if (!base.Check (test)) { HandleFailure (filename, TestResult.CompileError, tester.Output); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { if (e.InnerException != null) e = e.InnerException; HandleFailure (filename, TestResult.CompileError, e.ToString ()); return false; } // Test setup if (filename.EndsWith ("-lib.cs") || filename.EndsWith ("-mod.cs")) { if (verbose) LogFileLine (filename, "OK"); --total; return true; } string file = Path.Combine (files_folder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (filename) + ".exe"); // Enable .dll only tests (no execution required) if (!File.Exists(file)) { HandleFailure (filename, TestResult.Success, null); return true; } return ExecuteTestFile (test, file); } protected virtual bool ExecuteTestFile (TestCase test, string binaryFileName) { string filename = test.FileName; AppDomain domain = null; #if !NET_2_1 if (safe_execution) { // Create a new AppDomain, with the current directory as the base. AppDomainSetup setupInfo = new AppDomainSetup (); setupInfo.ApplicationBase = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; setupInfo.LoaderOptimization = LoaderOptimization.SingleDomain; domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (binaryFileName), null, setupInfo); } #endif try { DomainTester tester; try { #if !NET_2_1 if (domain != null) tester = (DomainTester) domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap (typeof (PositiveChecker).Assembly.FullName, typeof (DomainTester).FullName); else #endif tester = new DomainTester (); if (!tester.Test (binaryFileName)) return false; } catch (ApplicationException e) { HandleFailure (filename, TestResult.ExecError, e.Message); return false; } catch (Exception e) { HandleFailure (filename, TestResult.LoadError, e.ToString ()); return false; } if (doc_output != null) { string ref_file = filename.Replace (".cs", "-ref.xml"); try { #if !NET_2_1 new XmlComparer ("doc").Compare (ref_file, doc_output); #endif } catch (Exception e) { HandleFailure (filename, TestResult.XmlError, e.Message); return false; } } else { if (verif_file != null) { PositiveTestCase pt = (PositiveTestCase) test; pt.VerificationProvider = (PositiveTestCase.VerificationData) verif_data[filename]; if (!tester.CheckILSize (pt, this, binaryFileName)) return false; } if (filename.StartsWith ("test-debug", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var mdb_file_name = binaryFileName + ".mdb"; MonoSymbolFile mdb_file = MonoSymbolFile.ReadSymbolFile (mdb_file_name); var mdb_xml_file = mdb_file_name + ".xml"; ConvertSymbolFileToXml (mdb_file, mdb_xml_file); var ref_file = filename.Replace(".cs", "-ref.xml"); try { new XmlComparer ("symbols").Compare (ref_file, mdb_xml_file); } catch (Exception e) { HandleFailure (filename, TestResult.DebugError, e.Message); return false; } } } } finally { if (domain != null) AppDomain.Unload (domain); } HandleFailure (filename, TestResult.Success, null); return true; } static void ConvertSymbolFileToXml (MonoSymbolFile symbolFile, string xmlFile) { using (XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter (xmlFile, Encoding.UTF8)) { writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; writer.WriteStartDocument (); writer.WriteStartElement ("symbols"); writer.WriteStartElement ("files"); foreach (var file in symbolFile.Sources) { writer.WriteStartElement ("file"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("id", file.Index.ToString ()); writer.WriteAttributeString ("name", Path.GetFileName (file.FileName)); var checksum = file.Checksum; if (checksum != null) writer.WriteAttributeString ("checksum", ChecksumToString (checksum)); writer.WriteEndElement (); } writer.WriteEndElement (); writer.WriteStartElement ("methods"); foreach (var method in symbolFile.Methods) { writer.WriteStartElement ("method"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("token", IntToHex (method.Token)); var il_entries = method.GetLineNumberTable (); writer.WriteStartElement ("sequencepoints"); foreach (var entry in il_entries.LineNumbers) { writer.WriteStartElement ("entry"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("il", IntToHex (entry.Offset)); writer.WriteAttributeString ("row", entry.Row.ToString ()); writer.WriteAttributeString ("col", entry.Column.ToString ()); writer.WriteAttributeString ("file_ref", entry.File.ToString ()); writer.WriteAttributeString ("hidden", BoolToString (entry.IsHidden)); writer.WriteEndElement (); } writer.WriteEndElement (); writer.WriteStartElement ("locals"); foreach (var local in method.GetLocals ()) { writer.WriteStartElement ("entry"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("name", local.Name); writer.WriteAttributeString ("il_index", local.Index.ToString ()); writer.WriteAttributeString ("scope_ref", local.BlockIndex.ToString ()); writer.WriteEndElement (); } writer.WriteEndElement (); writer.WriteStartElement ("scopes"); foreach (var scope in method.GetCodeBlocks ()) { writer.WriteStartElement ("entry"); writer.WriteAttributeString ("index", scope.Index.ToString ()); writer.WriteAttributeString ("start", IntToHex (scope.StartOffset)); writer.WriteAttributeString ("end", IntToHex (scope.EndOffset)); writer.WriteEndElement (); } writer.WriteEndElement (); writer.WriteEndElement (); } writer.WriteEndElement (); writer.WriteEndElement (); writer.WriteEndDocument (); } } static string ChecksumToString (byte[] checksum) { var sb = new StringBuilder (checksum.Length * 2); for (int i = 0; i < checksum.Length; i++) { sb.Append ("0123456789abcdef"[checksum[i] >> 4]); sb.Append ("0123456789abcdef"[checksum[i] & 0x0F]); } return sb.ToString (); } static string IntToHex (int value) { return "0x" + value.ToString ("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } static string BoolToString (bool value) { return value ? "true" : "false"; } protected override TestCase CreateTestCase (string filename, string [] options, string [] deps) { return new PositiveTestCase (filename, options, deps); } public void HandleFailure (string file, TestResult status, string extra) { switch (status) { case TestResult.Success: success++; if (know_issues.Contains (file)) { LogFileLine (file, "FIXED ISSUE"); return; } if (verbose) LogFileLine (file, "OK"); return; case TestResult.CompileError: if (know_issues.Contains (file)) { LogFileLine (file, "KNOWN ISSUE (Compilation error)"); know_issues.Remove (file); return; } LogFileLine (file, "REGRESSION (SUCCESS -> COMPILATION ERROR)"); break; case TestResult.ExecError: if (know_issues.Contains (file)) { LogFileLine (file, "KNOWN ISSUE (Execution error)"); know_issues.Remove (file); return; } LogFileLine (file, "REGRESSION (SUCCESS -> EXECUTION ERROR)"); break; case TestResult.XmlError: if (know_issues.Contains (file)) { LogFileLine (file, "KNOWN ISSUE (Xml comparision error)"); know_issues.Remove (file); return; } LogFileLine (file, "REGRESSION (SUCCESS -> DOCUMENTATION ERROR)"); break; case TestResult.LoadError: if (extra != null) extra = ": " + extra; LogFileLine (file, "REGRESSION (SUCCESS -> LOAD ERROR)" + extra); extra = null; break; case TestResult.MethodAttributesError: case TestResult.ILError: if (!update_verif_file) { LogFileLine (file, "IL REGRESSION: " + extra); } extra = null; break; case TestResult.DebugError: LogFileLine (file, "REGRESSION (SUCCESS -> SYMBOL FILE ERROR)"); break; } if (extra != null) LogLine ("{0}", extra); if (!regression.Contains (file)) regression.Add (file); } public override void Initialize () { if (verif_file != null) { LoadVerificationData (verif_file); } base.Initialize (); } public override void CleanUp () { base.CleanUp (); if (update_verif_file) { UpdateVerificationData (verif_file); } } void LoadVerificationData (string file) { verif_data = new Hashtable (); if (!File.Exists (file)) { LogLine ("Writing verification data to `{0}' ...", file); return; } LogLine ("Loading verification data from `{0}' ...", file); using (XmlReader r = XmlReader.Create (file)) { r.ReadStartElement ("tests"); while (r.Read ()) { if (r.Name != "test") continue; string name = r.GetAttribute ("name"); PositiveTestCase.VerificationData tc = PositiveTestCase.VerificationData.FromFile (name, r); verif_data.Add (name, tc); } } } void UpdateVerificationData (string file) { LogLine ("Updating verification data `{0}' ...", file); XmlWriterSettings s = new XmlWriterSettings (); s.Indent = true; using (XmlWriter w = XmlWriter.Create (new StreamWriter (file, false, Encoding.UTF8), s)) { w.WriteStartDocument (); w.WriteComment ("This file contains expected IL and metadata produced by compiler for each test"); w.WriteStartElement ("tests"); foreach (PositiveTestCase tc in tests) { if (tc.VerificationProvider != null) tc.VerificationProvider.WriteCodeInfoTo (w); } w.WriteEndElement (); } } } class NegativeChecker: Checker { string expected_message; string error_message; bool check_msg; bool check_error_line; bool is_warning; IDictionary wrong_warning; protected enum CompilerError { Expected, Wrong, Missing, WrongMessage, MissingLocation, Duplicate } public NegativeChecker (ITester tester, bool check_msg): base (tester) { this.check_msg = check_msg; wrong_warning = new Hashtable (); } protected override bool AnalyzeTestFile (string file, ref int row, string line, ref string[] compiler_options, ref string[] dependencies) { if (row == 1) { expected_message = null; int index = line.IndexOf (':'); if (index == -1 || index > 15) { LogFileLine (file, "IGNORING: Wrong test file syntax (missing error mesage text)"); ++syntax_errors; base.AnalyzeTestFile (file, ref row, line, ref compiler_options, ref dependencies); return false; } expected_message = line.Substring (index + 1).Trim (); } if (row == 2) { string filtered = line.Replace(" ", ""); // Some error tests require to have different error text for different runtimes. if (filtered.StartsWith ("//GMCS")) { row = 1; return AnalyzeTestFile(file, ref row, line, ref compiler_options, ref dependencies); } check_error_line = !filtered.StartsWith ("//Line:0"); if (!filtered.StartsWith ("//Line:")) { LogFileLine (file, "IGNORING: Wrong test syntax (following line after an error messsage must have `// Line: xx' syntax"); ++syntax_errors; return false; } } if (!base.AnalyzeTestFile (file, ref row, line, ref compiler_options, ref dependencies)) return false; is_warning = false; if (compiler_options != null) { foreach (string s in compiler_options) { if (s.StartsWith ("-warnaserror") || s.StartsWith ("/warnaserror")) is_warning = true; } } return true; } protected override bool Check (TestCase test) { string filename = test.FileName; int start_char = 0; while (Char.IsLetter (filename, start_char)) ++start_char; int end_char = filename.IndexOfAny (new char [] { '-', '.' } ); string expected = filename.Substring (start_char, end_char - start_char); try { if (base.Check (test)) { HandleFailure (filename, CompilerError.Missing); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { HandleFailure (filename, CompilerError.Missing); if (e.InnerException != null) e = e.InnerException; Log (e.ToString ()); return false; } int err_id = int.Parse (expected, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (tester.IsWarning (err_id)) { if (!is_warning) wrong_warning [err_id] = true; } else { if (is_warning) wrong_warning [err_id] = false; } CompilerError result_code = GetCompilerError (expected, tester.Output); if (HandleFailure (filename, result_code)) { success++; return true; } if (result_code == CompilerError.Wrong) LogLine (tester.Output); return false; } CompilerError GetCompilerError (string expected, string buffer) { const string error_prefix = "CS"; const string ignored_error = "error CS5001"; string tested_text = "error " + error_prefix + expected; StringReader sr = new StringReader (buffer); string line = sr.ReadLine (); ArrayList ld = new ArrayList (); CompilerError result = CompilerError.Missing; while (line != null) { if (ld.Contains (line) && result == CompilerError.Expected) { if (line.IndexOf ("Location of the symbol related to previous") == -1) return CompilerError.Duplicate; } ld.Add (line); if (result != CompilerError.Expected) { if (line.IndexOf (tested_text) != -1) { if (check_msg) { int first = line.IndexOf (':'); int second = line.IndexOf (':', first + 1); if (line.IndexOf ("Warning as Error: ", first, StringComparison.Ordinal) > 0) { if (check_error_line) { second = line.IndexOf (':', second + 1); } } else if (second == -1 || !check_error_line) { second = first; } string msg = line.Substring (second + 1).TrimEnd ('.').Trim (); if (msg != expected_message && !TryToMatchErrorMessage (msg, expected_message)) { error_message = msg; return CompilerError.WrongMessage; } if (check_error_line && line.IndexOf (".cs(") == -1) return CompilerError.MissingLocation; } result = CompilerError.Expected; } else if (line.IndexOf (error_prefix) != -1 && line.IndexOf (ignored_error) == -1) result = CompilerError.Wrong; } line = sr.ReadLine (); } return result; } static bool TryToMatchErrorMessage (string actual, string expected) { var path_mask_start = expected.IndexOf ("*PATH*"); if (path_mask_start > 0 && actual.Length > path_mask_start) { var path_mask_continue = expected.Substring (path_mask_start + 6); var expected_continue = actual.IndexOf (path_mask_continue, path_mask_start); if (expected_continue > 0) { var path = actual.Substring (path_mask_start, expected_continue - path_mask_start); if (actual == expected.Replace ("*PATH*", path)) return true; throw new ApplicationException (expected.Replace ("*PATH*", path)); } } return false; } bool HandleFailure (string file, CompilerError status) { switch (status) { case CompilerError.Expected: if (know_issues.Contains (file) || no_error_list.Contains (file)) { LogFileLine (file, "FIXED ISSUE"); return true; } if (verbose) LogFileLine (file, "OK"); return true; case CompilerError.Wrong: if (know_issues.Contains (file)) { LogFileLine (file, "KNOWN ISSUE (Wrong error reported)"); know_issues.Remove (file); return false; } if (no_error_list.Contains (file)) { LogFileLine (file, "REGRESSION (NO ERROR -> WRONG ERROR CODE)"); no_error_list.Remove (file); } else { LogFileLine (file, "REGRESSION (CORRECT ERROR -> WRONG ERROR CODE)"); } break; case CompilerError.WrongMessage: if (know_issues.Contains (file)) { LogFileLine (file, "KNOWN ISSUE (Wrong error message reported)"); know_issues.Remove (file); return false; } if (no_error_list.Contains (file)) { LogFileLine (file, "REGRESSION (NO ERROR -> WRONG ERROR MESSAGE)"); no_error_list.Remove (file); } else { LogFileLine (file, "REGRESSION (CORRECT ERROR -> WRONG ERROR MESSAGE)"); LogLine ("Exp: {0}", expected_message); LogLine ("Was: {0}", error_message); } break; case CompilerError.Missing: if (no_error_list.Contains (file)) { LogFileLine (file, "KNOWN ISSUE (No error reported)"); no_error_list.Remove (file); return false; } if (know_issues.Contains (file)) { LogFileLine (file, "REGRESSION (WRONG ERROR -> NO ERROR)"); know_issues.Remove (file); } else { LogFileLine (file, "REGRESSION (CORRECT ERROR -> NO ERROR)"); } break; case CompilerError.MissingLocation: if (know_issues.Contains (file)) { LogFileLine (file, "KNOWN ISSUE (Missing error location)"); know_issues.Remove (file); return false; } if (no_error_list.Contains (file)) { LogFileLine (file, "REGRESSION (NO ERROR -> MISSING ERROR LOCATION)"); no_error_list.Remove (file); } else { LogFileLine (file, "REGRESSION (CORRECT ERROR -> MISSING ERROR LOCATION)"); } break; case CompilerError.Duplicate: // Will become an error soon LogFileLine (file, "WARNING: EXACTLY SAME ERROR HAS BEEN ISSUED MULTIPLE TIMES"); return true; } regression.Add (file); return false; } protected override void PrintSummary() { base.PrintSummary (); if (wrong_warning.Count > 0) { LogLine (""); LogLine ("List of incorectly defined warnings (they should be either defined in the compiler as a warning or a test-case has redundant `warnaserror' option)"); LogLine (""); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in wrong_warning) LogLine ("CS{0:0000} : {1}", de.Key, (bool)de.Value ? "incorrect warning definition" : "missing warning definition"); } } } class Tester { static int Main(string[] args) { string temp; if (GetOption ("help", args, false, out temp)) { Usage (); return 0; } string compiler; if (!GetOption ("compiler", args, true, out compiler)) { Usage (); return 1; } ITester tester; try { Console.WriteLine ("Loading " + compiler + " ..."); tester = new ReflectionTester (Assembly.LoadFile (compiler)); } catch (Exception) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("Switching to command line mode (compiler entry point was not found)"); if (!File.Exists (compiler)) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("ERROR: Tested compiler was not found"); return 1; } tester = new ProcessTester (compiler); } string mode; if (!GetOption ("mode", args, true, out mode)) { Usage (); return 1; } Checker checker; bool positive; switch (mode) { case "neg": checker = new NegativeChecker (tester, true); positive = false; break; case "pos": string iltest; GetOption ("il", args, false, out iltest); checker = new PositiveChecker (tester, iltest); positive = true; if (iltest != null && GetOption ("update-il", args, false, out temp)) { ((PositiveChecker) checker).UpdateVerificationDataFile = true; } break; case "nunit": positive = true; checker = new NUnitChecker (tester); break; default: Console.Error.WriteLine ("Invalid -mode argument"); return 1; } if (GetOption ("issues", args, true, out temp)) checker.IssueFile = temp; if (GetOption ("log", args, true, out temp)) checker.LogFile = temp; if (GetOption ("verbose", args, false, out temp)) checker.Verbose = true; if (GetOption ("safe-execution", args, false, out temp)) checker.SafeExecution = true; if (GetOption ("compiler-options", args, true, out temp)) { string[] extra = temp.Split (' '); checker.ExtraCompilerOptions = extra; } string test_pattern; if (!GetOption ("files", args, true, out test_pattern)) { Usage (); return 1; } var files = new List (); switch (test_pattern) { case "v1": files.AddRange (Directory.GetFiles (".", positive ? "test*.cs" : "cs*.cs")); break; case "v2": files.AddRange (Directory.GetFiles (".", positive ? "gtest*.cs" : "gcs*.cs")); goto case "v1"; case "v4": files.AddRange (Directory.GetFiles (".", positive ? "dtest*.cs" : "dcs*.cs")); goto case "v2"; default: files.AddRange (Directory.GetFiles (".", test_pattern)); break; } if (files.Count == 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("No files matching `{0}' found", test_pattern); return 2; } checker.Initialize (); /* files.Sort ((a, b) => { if (a.EndsWith ("-lib.cs", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { if (!b.EndsWith ("-lib.cs", StringComparison.Ordinal)) return -1; } else if (b.EndsWith ("-lib.cs", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { if (!a.EndsWith ("-lib.cs", StringComparison.Ordinal)) return 1; } return a.CompareTo (b); }); */ foreach (string s in files) { string filename = Path.GetFileName (s); if (Char.IsUpper (filename, 0)) { // Windows hack continue; } if (filename.EndsWith ("-p2.cs")) continue; checker.Do (filename); } checker.CleanUp (); checker.Dispose (); return checker.ResultCode; } static bool GetOption (string opt, string[] args, bool req_arg, out string value) { opt = "-" + opt; foreach (string a in args) { if (a.StartsWith (opt)) { int sep = a.IndexOf (':'); if (sep > 0) { value = a.Substring (sep + 1); } else { value = null; if (req_arg) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("Missing argument in option " + opt); return false; } } return true; } } value = null; return false; } static void Usage () { Console.WriteLine ( "Mono compiler tester, (C) 2009 Novell, Inc.\n" + "compiler-tester -mode:[pos|neg] -compiler:FILE -files:file-list [options]\n" + " \n" + " -compiler:FILE The file which will be used to compiler tests\n" + " -compiler-options:OPTIONS Add global compiler options\n" + " -il:IL-FILE XML file with expected IL details for each test\n" + " -issues:FILE The list of expected failures\n" + " -log:FILE Writes any output also to the file\n" + " -help Lists all options\n" + " -mode:[pos|neg] Specifies compiler test mode\n" + " -safe-execution Runs compiled executables in separate app-domain\n" + " -update-il Updates IL-FILE to match compiler output\n" + " -verbose Prints more details during testing\n" ); } } }