// // System.Web.Services.Description.SoapProtocolImporter.cs // // Author: // Tim Coleman (tim@timcoleman.com) // Lluis Sanchez Gual (lluis@ximian.com) // // Copyright (C) Tim Coleman, 2002 // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System.CodeDom; using System.Web.Services; using System.Web.Services.Protocols; using System.Web.Services.Configuration; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; namespace System.Web.Services.Description { public class SoapProtocolImporter : ProtocolImporter { #region Fields SoapBinding soapBinding; SoapCodeExporter soapExporter; SoapSchemaImporter soapImporter; XmlCodeExporter xmlExporter; XmlSchemaImporter xmlImporter; CodeIdentifiers memberIds; ArrayList extensionImporters; Hashtable headerVariables; XmlSchemas xmlSchemas; XmlSchemas soapSchemas; #endregion // Fields #region Constructors public SoapProtocolImporter () { extensionImporters = ExtensionManager.BuildExtensionImporters (); } void SetBinding (SoapBinding soapBinding) { this.soapBinding = soapBinding; } #endregion // Constructors #region Properties public override string ProtocolName { get { return "Soap"; } } public SoapBinding SoapBinding { get { return soapBinding; } } public SoapCodeExporter SoapExporter { get { return soapExporter; } } public SoapSchemaImporter SoapImporter { get { return soapImporter; } } public XmlCodeExporter XmlExporter { get { return xmlExporter; } } public XmlSchemaImporter XmlImporter { get { return xmlImporter; } } #endregion // Properties #region Methods protected override CodeTypeDeclaration BeginClass () { soapBinding = (SoapBinding) Binding.Extensions.Find (typeof(SoapBinding)); CodeTypeDeclaration codeClass = new CodeTypeDeclaration (ClassName); #if NET_2_0 codeClass.IsPartial = true; #endif string location = null; if (Port != null) { SoapAddressBinding sab = (SoapAddressBinding) Port.Extensions.Find (typeof(SoapAddressBinding)); if (sab != null) location = sab.Location; } string namspace = (Port != null ? Port.Binding.Namespace : Binding.ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace); string name = (Port != null ? Port.Name : Binding.Name); if (Style == ServiceDescriptionImportStyle.Client) { CodeTypeReference ctr = new CodeTypeReference ("System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol"); codeClass.BaseTypes.Add (ctr); } else { CodeTypeReference ctr = new CodeTypeReference ("System.Web.Services.WebService"); codeClass.BaseTypes.Add (ctr); CodeAttributeDeclaration attws = new CodeAttributeDeclaration ("System.Web.Services.WebServiceAttribute"); attws.Arguments.Add (GetArg ("Namespace", namspace)); AddCustomAttribute (codeClass, attws, true); } CodeAttributeDeclaration att = new CodeAttributeDeclaration ("System.Web.Services.WebServiceBinding"); att.Arguments.Add (GetArg ("Name", name)); att.Arguments.Add (GetArg ("Namespace", namspace)); AddCustomAttribute (codeClass, att, true); if (Style == ServiceDescriptionImportStyle.Client) { CodeConstructor cc = new CodeConstructor (); cc.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public; GenerateServiceUrl (location, cc.Statements); #if NET_2_0 if (ProtocolName.ToUpper () == "SOAP12") { CodeExpression thisSoapVer = new CodeFieldReferenceExpression (new CodeThisReferenceExpression(), "SoapVersion"); CodeFieldReferenceExpression soap12Enum = new CodeFieldReferenceExpression (new CodeTypeReferenceExpression (typeof (SoapProtocolVersion)), "Soap12"); cc.Statements.Add (new CodeAssignStatement (thisSoapVer, soap12Enum)); } #endif codeClass.Members.Add (cc); } memberIds = new CodeIdentifiers (); headerVariables = new Hashtable (); return codeClass; } protected override void BeginNamespace () { #if NET_2_0 xmlImporter = new XmlSchemaImporter (LiteralSchemas, base.CodeGenerationOptions, base.CodeGenerator, base.ImportContext); soapImporter = new SoapSchemaImporter (EncodedSchemas, base.CodeGenerationOptions, base.CodeGenerator, base.ImportContext); xmlExporter = new XmlCodeExporter (CodeNamespace, null, base.CodeGenerator, base.CodeGenerationOptions, null); soapExporter = new SoapCodeExporter (CodeNamespace, null, base.CodeGenerator, base.CodeGenerationOptions, null); #else xmlImporter = new XmlSchemaImporter (LiteralSchemas, ClassNames); soapImporter = new SoapSchemaImporter (EncodedSchemas, ClassNames); xmlExporter = new XmlCodeExporter (CodeNamespace, null); soapExporter = new SoapCodeExporter (CodeNamespace, null); #endif } protected override void EndClass () { SoapTransportImporter transportImporter = SoapTransportImporter.FindTransportImporter (soapBinding.Transport); if (transportImporter == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Transport '" + soapBinding.Transport + "' not supported"); transportImporter.ImportContext = this; transportImporter.ImportClass (); if (xmlExporter.IncludeMetadata.Count > 0 || soapExporter.IncludeMetadata.Count > 0) { if (CodeTypeDeclaration.CustomAttributes == null) CodeTypeDeclaration.CustomAttributes = new CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection (); CodeTypeDeclaration.CustomAttributes.AddRange (xmlExporter.IncludeMetadata); CodeTypeDeclaration.CustomAttributes.AddRange (soapExporter.IncludeMetadata); } } protected override void EndNamespace () { } protected override bool IsBindingSupported () { #if NET_2_0 object o = Binding.Extensions.Find (typeof(SoapBinding)); return o != null && !(o is Soap12Binding); #else return Binding.Extensions.Find (typeof(SoapBinding)) != null; #endif } [MonoTODO] protected override bool IsOperationFlowSupported (OperationFlow flow) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } static readonly char [] whitespaces = new char [] {' ', '\t', '\n', '\r'}; protected virtual bool IsSoapEncodingPresent (string uriList) { foreach (string s in uriList.Split (whitespaces)) if (s == "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/") return true; return false; } protected override CodeMemberMethod GenerateMethod () { try { SoapOperationBinding soapOper = OperationBinding.Extensions.Find (typeof (SoapOperationBinding)) as SoapOperationBinding; if (soapOper == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Soap operation binding not found"); SoapBindingStyle style = soapOper.Style != SoapBindingStyle.Default ? soapOper.Style : soapBinding.Style; SoapBodyBinding isbb = null; XmlMembersMapping inputMembers = null; bool isWrapped = CheckIsWrapped (); isbb = OperationBinding.Input.Extensions.Find (typeof(SoapBodyBinding)) as SoapBodyBinding; if (isbb == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Soap body binding not found"); inputMembers = ImportMembersMapping (InputMessage, isbb, style, false, isWrapped); if (inputMembers == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Input message not declared"); // If OperationBinding.Output is null, it is an OneWay operation SoapBodyBinding osbb = null; XmlMembersMapping outputMembers = null; if (OperationBinding.Output != null) { osbb = OperationBinding.Output.Extensions.Find (typeof(SoapBodyBinding)) as SoapBodyBinding; if (osbb == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Soap body binding not found"); outputMembers = ImportMembersMapping (OutputMessage, osbb, style, true, isWrapped); if (outputMembers == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Output message not declared"); } CodeMemberMethod met = GenerateMethod (memberIds, soapOper, isbb, inputMembers, outputMembers); if (isbb.Use == SoapBindingUse.Literal) xmlExporter.ExportMembersMapping (inputMembers); else soapExporter.ExportMembersMapping (inputMembers); if (osbb != null) { if (osbb.Use == SoapBindingUse.Literal) xmlExporter.ExportMembersMapping (outputMembers); else soapExporter.ExportMembersMapping (outputMembers); } foreach (SoapExtensionImporter eximporter in extensionImporters) { eximporter.ImportContext = this; eximporter.ImportMethod (met.CustomAttributes); } return met; } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { UnsupportedOperationBindingWarning (ex.Message); return null; } } bool CheckIsWrapped () { return (OutputMessage == null || (OutputMessage.Parts.Count == 1 && OutputMessage.Parts[0].Name == "parameters")) && (InputMessage == null || (InputMessage.Parts.Count == 1 && InputMessage.Parts[0].Name == "parameters")); } XmlMembersMapping ImportMembersMapping (Message msg, SoapBodyBinding sbb, SoapBindingStyle style, bool output, bool wrapped) { string elemName = Operation.Name; if (output) elemName += "Response"; if (wrapped) { // Wrapped parameter style MessagePart part = msg.Parts[0]; if (sbb.Use == SoapBindingUse.Encoded) { SoapSchemaMember ssm = new SoapSchemaMember (); ssm.MemberName = part.Name; ssm.MemberType = part.Type; return soapImporter.ImportMembersMapping (elemName, part.Type.Namespace, ssm); } else return xmlImporter.ImportMembersMapping (part.Element); } else { if (sbb.Use == SoapBindingUse.Encoded) { SoapSchemaMember[] mems = new SoapSchemaMember [msg.Parts.Count]; for (int n=0; n 0) methodParams = new CodeArrayCreateExpression (typeof(object), paramArray); else methodParams = new CodeArrayCreateExpression (typeof(object), 0); // Assignment of output parameters CodeStatementCollection outAssign = new CodeStatementCollection (); CodeVariableReferenceExpression arrVar = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression (varResults); for (int n=0; n 0) { dec = new CodeVariableDeclarationStatement (typeof(object[]), varResults, inv); method.Statements.Add (dec); method.Statements.AddRange (outAssign); } else method.Statements.Add (inv); // Begin Invoke Call CodeExpression expCallb = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression (varCallback); CodeExpression expAsyncs = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression (varAsyncState); inv = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (ethis, "BeginInvoke", varMsgName, methodParams, expCallb, expAsyncs); methodBegin.Statements.Add (new CodeMethodReturnStatement (inv)); // End Invoke call CodeExpression varAsyncr = new CodeVariableReferenceExpression (varAsyncResult); inv = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression (ethis, "EndInvoke", varAsyncr); if (outputMembers != null && outputMembers.Count > 0) { dec = new CodeVariableDeclarationStatement (typeof(object[]), varResults, inv); methodEnd.Statements.Add (dec); methodEnd.Statements.AddRange (outAssign); } else methodEnd.Statements.Add (inv); } else { method.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public | MemberAttributes.Abstract; } // Attributes ImportHeaders (method); CodeAttributeDeclaration att = new CodeAttributeDeclaration ("System.Web.Services.WebMethodAttribute"); if (messageName != method.Name) att.Arguments.Add (GetArg ("MessageName",messageName)); AddCustomAttribute (method, att, (Style == ServiceDescriptionImportStyle.Server)); if (style == SoapBindingStyle.Rpc) { att = new CodeAttributeDeclaration ("System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapRpcMethodAttribute"); att.Arguments.Add (GetArg (soapOper.SoapAction)); if (inputMembers.ElementName != method.Name) att.Arguments.Add (GetArg ("RequestElementName", inputMembers.ElementName)); if (outputMembers != null && outputMembers.ElementName != (method.Name + "Response")) att.Arguments.Add (GetArg ("ResponseElementName", outputMembers.ElementName)); att.Arguments.Add (GetArg ("RequestNamespace", inputMembers.Namespace)); if (outputMembers != null) att.Arguments.Add (GetArg ("ResponseNamespace", outputMembers.Namespace)); if (outputMembers == null) att.Arguments.Add (GetArg ("OneWay", true)); } else { if (outputMembers != null && (inputMembers.ElementName == "" && outputMembers.ElementName != "" || inputMembers.ElementName != "" && outputMembers.ElementName == "")) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Parameter style is not the same for the input message and output message"); att = new CodeAttributeDeclaration ("System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute"); att.Arguments.Add (GetArg (soapOper.SoapAction)); if (inputMembers.ElementName != "") { if (inputMembers.ElementName != method.Name) att.Arguments.Add (GetArg ("RequestElementName", inputMembers.ElementName)); if (outputMembers != null && outputMembers.ElementName != (method.Name + "Response")) att.Arguments.Add (GetArg ("ResponseElementName", outputMembers.ElementName)); att.Arguments.Add (GetArg ("RequestNamespace", inputMembers.Namespace)); if (outputMembers != null) att.Arguments.Add (GetArg ("ResponseNamespace", outputMembers.Namespace)); att.Arguments.Add (GetEnumArg ("ParameterStyle", "System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapParameterStyle", "Wrapped")); } else att.Arguments.Add (GetEnumArg ("ParameterStyle", "System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapParameterStyle", "Bare")); if (outputMembers == null) att.Arguments.Add (GetArg ("OneWay", true)); att.Arguments.Add (GetEnumArg ("Use", "System.Web.Services.Description.SoapBindingUse", bodyBinding.Use.ToString())); } AddCustomAttribute (method, att, true); CodeTypeDeclaration.Members.Add (method); if (Style == ServiceDescriptionImportStyle.Client) { CodeTypeDeclaration.Members.Add (methodBegin); CodeTypeDeclaration.Members.Add (methodEnd); } return method; } CodeParameterDeclarationExpression GenerateParameter (XmlMemberMapping member, FieldDirection dir) { #if NET_2_0 string type = member.GenerateTypeName (CodeGenerator); #else string type = member.TypeFullName; #endif CodeParameterDeclarationExpression par = new CodeParameterDeclarationExpression (type, member.MemberName); par.Direction = dir; return par; } void GenerateMemberAttributes (XmlMembersMapping members, XmlMemberMapping member, SoapBindingUse use, CodeParameterDeclarationExpression param) { if (use == SoapBindingUse.Literal) xmlExporter.AddMappingMetadata (param.CustomAttributes, member, members.Namespace); else soapExporter.AddMappingMetadata (param.CustomAttributes, member); } void GenerateReturnAttributes (XmlMembersMapping members, XmlMemberMapping member, SoapBindingUse use, CodeMemberMethod method) { if (use == SoapBindingUse.Literal) xmlExporter.AddMappingMetadata (method.ReturnTypeCustomAttributes, member, members.Namespace, (member.ElementName != method.Name + "Result")); else soapExporter.AddMappingMetadata (method.ReturnTypeCustomAttributes, member, (member.ElementName != method.Name + "Result")); } void ImportHeaders (CodeMemberMethod method) { foreach (object ob in OperationBinding.Input.Extensions) { SoapHeaderBinding hb = ob as SoapHeaderBinding; if (hb == null) continue; if (HasHeader (OperationBinding.Output, hb)) ImportHeader (method, hb, SoapHeaderDirection.In | SoapHeaderDirection.Out); else ImportHeader (method, hb, SoapHeaderDirection.In); } if (OperationBinding.Output == null) return; foreach (object ob in OperationBinding.Output.Extensions) { SoapHeaderBinding hb = ob as SoapHeaderBinding; if (hb == null) continue; if (!HasHeader (OperationBinding.Input, hb)) ImportHeader (method, hb, SoapHeaderDirection.Out); } } bool HasHeader (MessageBinding msg, SoapHeaderBinding hb) { if (msg == null) return false; foreach (object ob in msg.Extensions) { SoapHeaderBinding mhb = ob as SoapHeaderBinding; if ((mhb != null) && (mhb.Message == hb.Message) && (mhb.Part == hb.Part)) return true; } return false; } void ImportHeader (CodeMemberMethod method, SoapHeaderBinding hb, SoapHeaderDirection direction) { Message msg = ServiceDescriptions.GetMessage (hb.Message); if (msg == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Message " + hb.Message + " not found"); MessagePart part = msg.Parts [hb.Part]; if (part == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Message part " + hb.Part + " not found in message " + hb.Message); XmlTypeMapping map; string hname; if (hb.Use == SoapBindingUse.Literal) { map = xmlImporter.ImportDerivedTypeMapping (part.Element, typeof (SoapHeader)); hname = part.Element.Name; xmlExporter.ExportTypeMapping (map); } else { map = soapImporter.ImportDerivedTypeMapping (part.Type, typeof (SoapHeader), true); hname = part.Type.Name; soapExporter.ExportTypeMapping (map); } string varName = headerVariables [map] as string; if (varName == null) { if (hname == map.TypeName) varName = memberIds.AddUnique(CodeIdentifier.MakeValid (hname + "Value"),hb); else varName = memberIds.AddUnique(CodeIdentifier.MakeValid (hname),hb); #if NET_2_0 string propName = varName; varName = varName + "Field"; #endif headerVariables.Add (map, varName); CodeMemberField codeField = new CodeMemberField (map.TypeFullName, varName); CodeTypeDeclaration.Members.Add (codeField); #if NET_2_0 codeField.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Private; CodeMemberProperty codeProperty = new CodeMemberProperty (); codeProperty.Name = propName; codeProperty.Type = new CodeTypeReference (map.TypeFullName); codeProperty.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public | MemberAttributes.Final; codeProperty.HasGet = codeProperty.HasSet = true; CodeExpression ce = new CodeFieldReferenceExpression (new CodeThisReferenceExpression(), varName); codeProperty.SetStatements.Add (new CodeAssignStatement (ce, new CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression())); codeProperty.GetStatements.Add (new CodeMethodReturnStatement (ce)); CodeTypeDeclaration.Members.Add (codeProperty); varName = propName; #else codeField.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public; #endif } CodeAttributeDeclaration att = new CodeAttributeDeclaration ("System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHeaderAttribute"); att.Arguments.Add (GetArg (varName)); #if ONLY_1_0 att.Arguments.Add (GetArg ("Required", false)); #endif if (direction != SoapHeaderDirection.In) att.Arguments.Add (GetEnumArg ("Direction", "System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHeaderDirection", direction.ToString ())); AddCustomAttribute (method, att, true); } #endregion } #if NET_2_0 internal class Soap12ProtocolImporter : SoapProtocolImporter { public override string ProtocolName { get { return "Soap12"; } } protected override bool IsBindingSupported () { return Binding.Extensions.Find (typeof(Soap12Binding)) != null; } } #endif }