System.ServiceModel System.Object If the is set to , then you must create a custom certificate validator that inherits from the class. crdefault How To: Create a Service Employing a Custom Certificate Validator. Specifies authentication properties for validating the client certificate. Property System.ServiceModel.Security.X509CertificateValidationMode To be added. Allowed values of are: Gets or sets the certificate validation mode. Property System.IdentityModel.Selectors.X509CertificateValidator To be added. If the property is set to , you must set the property to a custom validator that inherits from the class. crdefault How To: Create a Service Employing a Custom Certificate Validator. Gets or sets a custom client certificate validator. Property System.Boolean To be added. This property is valid only when the property is set to true. Set this property to false only if you do not need to establish the list of groups a user belongs to - this may result in a performance benefit if your application and authorization decisions do not require Windows groups. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether Windows groups are included in the authorization context. Property System.Boolean To be added. When using the certificate client credential type on bindings, the certificate is not mapped to Windows accounts. You can override this behavior using this property. When this property is set to true, it causes the identity from the client certificate to be mapped to a Windows account. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the certificate is mapped to Windows accounts. Property System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationMode To be added. When using certificates, the system validates that the client certificate is not revoked, by checking that the client certificate is not in the revoked certificate list. This check can be performed either by checking online or by checking against a cached revocation list. Revocation checking can be turned off by setting this property to . crdefault Working with Certificates. Gets or sets the certificate revocation mode for ChainTrust and PeerOrChainTrust X.509 certificate validation. Property System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation To be added. This property specifies whether machine or user context is used to verify the X.509 certificate chain. Gets or sets the trusted store location under which context the client certificate chain is validated.