System.ServiceModel System.ServiceModel.Configuration.NamedServiceModelExtensionCollectionElement<System.ServiceModel.Configuration.BindingElementExtensionElement> System.ServiceModel.Configuration.BindingElementExtensionElement System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.ServiceModel.Configuration.BindingElementExtensionElement> System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.ServiceModel.Configuration.BindingElementExtensionElement> System.ServiceModel.Configuration.IBindingConfigurationElement Custom bindings provide full control over the indigo1 messaging stack. An individual binding defines the message stack by specifying the configuration elements for the stack elements in the order they appear on the stack. Each element defines and configures the one element of the stack. There must be one and only one transport element in each custom binding. Without this element, the messaging stack is incomplete. The order in which elements appear in the stack matters, because it is the order in which operations are applied to the message. The recommended order of stack elements is the following: Transactions (optional) Reliable Messaging (optional) Security (optional) Transport Encoder (optional) Represents the configuration section that provides full control over the messaging stack for the user. Constructor To be added. Initializes a new instance of the class. Constructor To be added. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name. A unique name for the binding element. Method System.Void To be added. Adds the specified element to this configuration section. A to be added. Method System.Void To be added. Applies the content of the specified binding to this binding configuration element. This method cannot be inherited. A binding. Method System.Boolean To be added. Adds a new behavior element to this section and returns a value indicating if the operation is successful. true if the operation is successful; otherwise, false. A to be added. Property System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter(typeof(System.ComponentModel.TimeSpanConverter)) System.Configuration.ConfigurationProperty("closeTimeout", DefaultValue=Mono.Cecil.CustomAttributeArgument, Options=System.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None) System.TimeSpan To be added. To be added. Gets or sets the interval of time provided for a close operation to complete. Method System.Void To be added. Called when the content of a specified binding element is applied to this binding configuration element. A binding. Property System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter(typeof(System.ComponentModel.TimeSpanConverter)) System.Configuration.ConfigurationProperty("openTimeout", DefaultValue=Mono.Cecil.CustomAttributeArgument, Options=System.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None) System.TimeSpan To be added. To be added. Gets or sets the interval of time provided for an open operation to complete. Property System.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyCollection To be added. To be added. Gets a instance that contains a collection of objects that can be attributes or objects of this configuration element. Property System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter(typeof(System.ComponentModel.TimeSpanConverter)) System.Configuration.ConfigurationProperty("receiveTimeout", DefaultValue=Mono.Cecil.CustomAttributeArgument, Options=System.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None) System.TimeSpan To be added. To be added. Gets or sets the interval of time provided for a receive operation to complete. Property System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter(typeof(System.ComponentModel.TimeSpanConverter)) System.Configuration.ConfigurationProperty("sendTimeout", DefaultValue=Mono.Cecil.CustomAttributeArgument, Options=System.Configuration.ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None) System.TimeSpan To be added. To be added. Gets or sets the interval of time provided for a send operation to complete.