System.Data System.EventArgs To be added. Represents the set of arguments passed to the notification event handler. Constructor To be added. Creates a new instance of the object. value that indicates whether this notification is generated because of an actual change, or by the subscription. value that indicates the reason for the notification event. This may occur because the data in the store actually changed, or the notification became invalid (for example, it timed out). value that indicates the source that generated the notification. Property System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo To be added. This event may occur because the data in the store actually changed, or the notification is no longer valid (for example, it timed out). Gets a value that indicates the reason for the notification event, such as a row in the database being modified or a table being truncated. Property System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource To be added. To be added. Gets a value that indicates the source that generated the notification, such as a change to the query data or the database’s state. Property System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationType To be added. To be added. Gets a value that indicates whether this notification is generated because of an actual change, or by the subscription.