// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.Metadata.Edm; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace SampleEntityFrameworkProvider { sealed class DdlBuilder { private readonly StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); private readonly HashSet ignoredEntitySets = new HashSet(); internal static string CreateObjectsScript(StoreItemCollection itemCollection) { DdlBuilder builder = new DdlBuilder(); foreach (EntityContainer container in itemCollection.GetItems()) { var entitySets = container.BaseEntitySets.OfType().OrderBy(s => s.Name); var schemas = new HashSet(entitySets.Select(s => GetSchemaName(s))); foreach (string schema in schemas.OrderBy(s => s)) { // don't bother creating default schema if (schema != "dbo") { builder.AppendCreateSchema(schema); } } foreach (EntitySet entitySet in container.BaseEntitySets.OfType().OrderBy(s => s.Name)) { builder.AppendCreateTable(entitySet); } foreach (AssociationSet associationSet in container.BaseEntitySets.OfType().OrderBy(s => s.Name)) { builder.AppendCreateForeignKeys(associationSet); } } return builder.GetCommandText(); } internal static string CreateDatabaseScript(string databaseName, string dataFileName, string logFileName) { var builder = new DdlBuilder(); builder.AppendSql("create database "); builder.AppendIdentifier(databaseName); if (null != dataFileName) { builder.AppendSql(" on primary "); builder.AppendFileName(dataFileName); builder.AppendSql(" log on "); builder.AppendFileName(logFileName); } return builder.stringBuilder.ToString(); } internal static string CreateDatabaseExistsScript(string databaseName) { var builder = new DdlBuilder(); builder.AppendSql("SELECT Count(*) FROM "); builder.AppendSql("sys.databases"); builder.AppendSql(" WHERE [name]="); builder.AppendStringLiteral(databaseName); return builder.stringBuilder.ToString(); } internal static string DropDatabaseScript(string databaseName) { var builder = new DdlBuilder(); builder.AppendSql("drop database "); builder.AppendIdentifier(databaseName); return builder.stringBuilder.ToString(); } internal string GetCommandText() { return this.stringBuilder.ToString(); } private static string GetSchemaName(EntitySet entitySet) { var schemaName = entitySet.MetadataProperties["Schema"].Value as string; return schemaName ?? entitySet.EntityContainer.Name; } private static string GetTableName(EntitySet entitySet) { string tableName = entitySet.MetadataProperties["Table"].Value as string; return tableName ?? entitySet.Name; } private void AppendCreateForeignKeys(AssociationSet associationSet) { var constraint = associationSet.ElementType.ReferentialConstraints.Single(); var principalEnd = associationSet.AssociationSetEnds[constraint.FromRole.Name]; var dependentEnd = associationSet.AssociationSetEnds[constraint.ToRole.Name]; // If any of the participating entity sets was skipped, skip the association too if (ignoredEntitySets.Contains(principalEnd.EntitySet) || ignoredEntitySets.Contains(dependentEnd.EntitySet)) { AppendSql("-- Ignoring association set with participating entity set with defining query: "); AppendIdentifierEscapeNewLine(associationSet.Name); } else { AppendSql("alter table "); AppendIdentifier(dependentEnd.EntitySet); AppendSql(" add constraint "); AppendIdentifier(associationSet.Name); AppendSql(" foreign key ("); AppendIdentifiers(constraint.ToProperties); AppendSql(") references "); AppendIdentifier(principalEnd.EntitySet); AppendSql("("); AppendIdentifiers(constraint.FromProperties); AppendSql(")"); if (principalEnd.CorrespondingAssociationEndMember.DeleteBehavior == OperationAction.Cascade) { AppendSql(" on delete cascade"); } AppendSql(";"); } AppendNewLine(); } private void AppendCreateTable(EntitySet entitySet) { //If the entity set has defining query, skip it if (entitySet.MetadataProperties["DefiningQuery"].Value != null) { AppendSql("-- Ignoring entity set with defining query: "); AppendIdentifier(entitySet, AppendIdentifierEscapeNewLine); ignoredEntitySets.Add(entitySet); } else { AppendSql("create table "); AppendIdentifier(entitySet); AppendSql(" ("); AppendNewLine(); foreach (EdmProperty column in entitySet.ElementType.Properties) { AppendSql(" "); AppendIdentifier(column.Name); AppendSql(" "); AppendType(column); AppendSql(","); AppendNewLine(); } AppendSql(" primary key ("); AppendJoin(entitySet.ElementType.KeyMembers, k => AppendIdentifier(k.Name), ", "); AppendSql(")"); AppendNewLine(); AppendSql(");"); } AppendNewLine(); } private void AppendCreateSchema(string schema) { AppendSql("if (schema_id("); AppendStringLiteral(schema); AppendSql(") is null) exec("); // need to create a sub-command and escape it as a string literal as well... DdlBuilder schemaBuilder = new DdlBuilder(); schemaBuilder.AppendSql("create schema "); schemaBuilder.AppendIdentifier(schema); AppendStringLiteral(schemaBuilder.stringBuilder.ToString()); AppendSql(");"); AppendNewLine(); } private void AppendIdentifier(EntitySet table) { AppendIdentifier(table, AppendIdentifier); } private void AppendIdentifier(EntitySet table, Action AppendIdentifierEscape) { string schemaName = GetSchemaName(table); string tableName = GetTableName(table); if (schemaName != null) { AppendIdentifierEscape(schemaName); AppendSql("."); } AppendIdentifierEscape(tableName); } private void AppendStringLiteral(string literalValue) { AppendSql("N'" + literalValue.Replace("'", "''") + "'"); } private void AppendIdentifiers(IEnumerable properties) { AppendJoin(properties, p => AppendIdentifier(p.Name), ", "); } private void AppendIdentifier(string identifier) { AppendSql("[" + identifier.Replace("]", "]]") + "]"); } private void AppendIdentifierEscapeNewLine(string identifier) { AppendIdentifier(identifier.Replace("\r", "\r--").Replace("\n", "\n--")); } private void AppendFileName(string path) { AppendSql("(name="); AppendStringLiteral(Path.GetFileName(path)); AppendSql(", filename="); AppendStringLiteral(path); AppendSql(")"); } private void AppendJoin(IEnumerable elements, Action appendElement, string unencodedSeparator) { bool first = true; foreach (T element in elements) { if (first) { first = false; } else { AppendSql(unencodedSeparator); } appendElement(element); } } private void AppendType(EdmProperty column) { TypeUsage type = column.TypeUsage; // check for rowversion-like configurations Facet storeGenFacet; bool isTimestamp = false; if (type.EdmType.Name == "binary" && 8 == type.GetMaxLength() && column.TypeUsage.Facets.TryGetValue("StoreGeneratedPattern", false, out storeGenFacet) && storeGenFacet.Value != null && StoreGeneratedPattern.Computed == (StoreGeneratedPattern)storeGenFacet.Value) { isTimestamp = true; AppendIdentifier("rowversion"); } else { string typeName = type.EdmType.Name; // Special case: the EDM treats 'nvarchar(max)' as a type name, but SQL Server treats // it as a type 'nvarchar' and a type qualifier. As such, we can't escape the entire // type name as the EDM sees it. const string maxSuffix = "(max)"; if (type.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.PrimitiveType && typeName.EndsWith(maxSuffix, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { //Debug.Assert(new[] { "nvarchar(max)", "varchar(max)", "varbinary(max)" }.Contains(typeName), // "no other known SQL Server primitive types types accept (max)"); AppendIdentifier(typeName.Substring(0, typeName.Length - maxSuffix.Length)); AppendSql("(max)"); } else { AppendIdentifier(typeName); } switch (type.EdmType.Name) { case "decimal": case "numeric": AppendSqlInvariantFormat("({0}, {1})", type.GetPrecision(), type.GetScale()); break; case "datetime2": case "datetimeoffset": case "time": AppendSqlInvariantFormat("({0})", type.GetPrecision()); break; case "binary": case "varbinary": case "nvarchar": case "varchar": case "char": case "nchar": AppendSqlInvariantFormat("({0})", type.GetMaxLength()); break; default: break; } } AppendSql(column.Nullable ? " null" : " not null"); if (!isTimestamp && column.TypeUsage.Facets.TryGetValue("StoreGeneratedPattern", false, out storeGenFacet) && storeGenFacet.Value != null) { StoreGeneratedPattern storeGenPattern = (StoreGeneratedPattern)storeGenFacet.Value; if (storeGenPattern == StoreGeneratedPattern.Identity) { if (type.EdmType.Name == "uniqueidentifier") { AppendSql(" default newid()"); } else { AppendSql(" identity"); } } } } /// /// Appends raw SQL into the string builder. /// /// Raw SQL string to append into the string builder. private void AppendSql(string text) { stringBuilder.Append(text); } /// /// Appends new line for visual formatting or for ending a comment. /// private void AppendNewLine() { stringBuilder.Append("\r\n"); } /// /// Append raw SQL into the string builder with formatting options and invariant culture formatting. /// /// A composite format string. /// An array of objects to format. private void AppendSqlInvariantFormat(string format, params object[] args) { stringBuilder.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, format, args); } } internal static class MetadataHelper { internal static byte GetPrecision(this TypeUsage type) { return type.GetFacetValue("Precision"); } internal static byte GetScale(this TypeUsage type) { return type.GetFacetValue("Scale"); } internal static int GetMaxLength(this TypeUsage type) { return type.GetFacetValue("MaxLength"); } internal static T GetFacetValue(this TypeUsage type, string facetName) { return (T)type.Facets[facetName].Value; } } }