""" The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. Provides the LLDBTestResult class, which holds information about progress and results of a single test run. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function # System modules import inspect import os # Third-party modules import unittest2 # LLDB Modules from . import configuration from lldbsuite.test_event.event_builder import EventBuilder from lldbsuite.test_event import build_exception class LLDBTestResult(unittest2.TextTestResult): """ Enforce a singleton pattern to allow introspection of test progress. Overwrite addError(), addFailure(), and addExpectedFailure() methods to enable each test instance to track its failure/error status. It is used in the LLDB test framework to emit detailed trace messages to a log file for easier human inspection of test failures/errors. """ __singleton__ = None __ignore_singleton__ = False @staticmethod def getTerminalSize(): import os env = os.environ def ioctl_GWINSZ(fd): try: import fcntl import termios import struct import os cr = struct.unpack('hh', fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '1234')) except: return return cr cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(0) or ioctl_GWINSZ(1) or ioctl_GWINSZ(2) if not cr: try: fd = os.open(os.ctermid(), os.O_RDONLY) cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(fd) os.close(fd) except: pass if not cr: cr = (env.get('LINES', 25), env.get('COLUMNS', 80)) return int(cr[1]), int(cr[0]) def __init__(self, *args): if not LLDBTestResult.__ignore_singleton__ and LLDBTestResult.__singleton__: raise Exception("LLDBTestResult instantiated more than once") super(LLDBTestResult, self).__init__(*args) LLDBTestResult.__singleton__ = self # Now put this singleton into the lldb module namespace. configuration.test_result = self # Computes the format string for displaying the counter. counterWidth = len(str(configuration.suite.countTestCases())) self.fmt = "%" + str(counterWidth) + "d: " self.indentation = ' ' * (counterWidth + 2) # This counts from 1 .. suite.countTestCases(). self.counter = 0 (width, height) = LLDBTestResult.getTerminalSize() self.results_formatter = configuration.results_formatter_object def _config_string(self, test): compiler = getattr(test, "getCompiler", None) arch = getattr(test, "getArchitecture", None) return "%s-%s" % (compiler() if compiler else "", arch() if arch else "") def _exc_info_to_string(self, err, test): """Overrides superclass TestResult's method in order to append our test config info string to the exception info string.""" if hasattr(test, "getArchitecture") and hasattr(test, "getCompiler"): return '%sConfig=%s-%s' % (super(LLDBTestResult, self)._exc_info_to_string(err, test), test.getArchitecture(), test.getCompiler()) else: return super(LLDBTestResult, self)._exc_info_to_string(err, test) def getDescription(self, test): doc_first_line = test.shortDescription() if self.descriptions and doc_first_line: return '\n'.join((str(test), self.indentation + doc_first_line)) else: return str(test) @staticmethod def _getFileBasedCategories(test): """ Returns the list of categories to which this test case belongs by looking for a ".categories" file. We start at the folder the test is in an traverse the hierarchy upwards - we guarantee a .categories to exist at the top level directory so we do not end up looping endlessly. """ import inspect import os.path folder = inspect.getfile(test.__class__) folder = os.path.dirname(folder) while folder != '/': categories_file_name = os.path.join(folder, ".categories") if os.path.exists(categories_file_name): categories_file = open(categories_file_name, 'r') categories = categories_file.readline() categories_file.close() categories = str.replace(categories, '\n', '') categories = str.replace(categories, '\r', '') return categories.split(',') else: folder = os.path.dirname(folder) continue def getCategoriesForTest(self, test): """ Gets all the categories for the currently running test method in test case """ test_categories = [] test_method = getattr(test, test._testMethodName) if test_method is not None and hasattr(test_method, "categories"): test_categories.extend(test_method.categories) test_categories.extend(self._getFileBasedCategories(test)) return test_categories def hardMarkAsSkipped(self, test): getattr(test, test._testMethodName).__func__.__unittest_skip__ = True getattr( test, test._testMethodName).__func__.__unittest_skip_why__ = "test case does not fall in any category of interest for this run" def checkExclusion(self, exclusion_list, name): if exclusion_list: import re for item in exclusion_list: if re.search(item, name): return True return False def startTest(self, test): if configuration.shouldSkipBecauseOfCategories( self.getCategoriesForTest(test)): self.hardMarkAsSkipped(test) if self.checkExclusion( configuration.skip_tests, test.id()): self.hardMarkAsSkipped(test) configuration.setCrashInfoHook( "%s at %s" % (str(test), inspect.getfile( test.__class__))) self.counter += 1 # if self.counter == 4: # import crashinfo # crashinfo.testCrashReporterDescription(None) test.test_number = self.counter if self.showAll: self.stream.write(self.fmt % self.counter) super(LLDBTestResult, self).startTest(test) if self.results_formatter: self.results_formatter.handle_event( EventBuilder.event_for_start(test)) def addSuccess(self, test): if self.checkExclusion( configuration.xfail_tests, test.id()): self.addUnexpectedSuccess(test, None) return super(LLDBTestResult, self).addSuccess(test) if configuration.parsable: self.stream.write( "PASS: LLDB (%s) :: %s\n" % (self._config_string(test), str(test))) if self.results_formatter: self.results_formatter.handle_event( EventBuilder.event_for_success(test)) def _isBuildError(self, err_tuple): exception = err_tuple[1] return isinstance(exception, build_exception.BuildError) def _getTestPath(self, test): if test is None: return "" elif hasattr(test, "test_filename"): return test.test_filename else: return inspect.getsourcefile(test.__class__) def _saveBuildErrorTuple(self, test, err): # Adjust the error description so it prints the build command and build error # rather than an uninformative Python backtrace. build_error = err[1] error_description = "{}\nTest Directory:\n{}".format( str(build_error), os.path.dirname(self._getTestPath(test))) self.errors.append((test, error_description)) self._mirrorOutput = True def addError(self, test, err): configuration.sdir_has_content = True if self._isBuildError(err): self._saveBuildErrorTuple(test, err) else: super(LLDBTestResult, self).addError(test, err) method = getattr(test, "markError", None) if method: method() if configuration.parsable: self.stream.write( "FAIL: LLDB (%s) :: %s\n" % (self._config_string(test), str(test))) if self.results_formatter: # Handle build errors as a separate event type if self._isBuildError(err): error_event = EventBuilder.event_for_build_error(test, err) else: error_event = EventBuilder.event_for_error(test, err) self.results_formatter.handle_event(error_event) def addCleanupError(self, test, err): configuration.sdir_has_content = True super(LLDBTestResult, self).addCleanupError(test, err) method = getattr(test, "markCleanupError", None) if method: method() if configuration.parsable: self.stream.write( "CLEANUP ERROR: LLDB (%s) :: %s\n" % (self._config_string(test), str(test))) if self.results_formatter: self.results_formatter.handle_event( EventBuilder.event_for_cleanup_error( test, err)) def addFailure(self, test, err): if self.checkExclusion( configuration.xfail_tests, test.id()): self.addExpectedFailure(test, err, None) return configuration.sdir_has_content = True super(LLDBTestResult, self).addFailure(test, err) method = getattr(test, "markFailure", None) if method: method() if configuration.parsable: self.stream.write( "FAIL: LLDB (%s) :: %s\n" % (self._config_string(test), str(test))) if configuration.useCategories: test_categories = self.getCategoriesForTest(test) for category in test_categories: if category in configuration.failuresPerCategory: configuration.failuresPerCategory[ category] = configuration.failuresPerCategory[category] + 1 else: configuration.failuresPerCategory[category] = 1 if self.results_formatter: self.results_formatter.handle_event( EventBuilder.event_for_failure(test, err)) def addExpectedFailure(self, test, err, bugnumber): configuration.sdir_has_content = True super(LLDBTestResult, self).addExpectedFailure(test, err, bugnumber) method = getattr(test, "markExpectedFailure", None) if method: method(err, bugnumber) if configuration.parsable: self.stream.write( "XFAIL: LLDB (%s) :: %s\n" % (self._config_string(test), str(test))) if self.results_formatter: self.results_formatter.handle_event( EventBuilder.event_for_expected_failure( test, err, bugnumber)) def addSkip(self, test, reason): configuration.sdir_has_content = True super(LLDBTestResult, self).addSkip(test, reason) method = getattr(test, "markSkippedTest", None) if method: method() if configuration.parsable: self.stream.write( "UNSUPPORTED: LLDB (%s) :: %s (%s) \n" % (self._config_string(test), str(test), reason)) if self.results_formatter: self.results_formatter.handle_event( EventBuilder.event_for_skip(test, reason)) def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test, bugnumber): configuration.sdir_has_content = True super(LLDBTestResult, self).addUnexpectedSuccess(test, bugnumber) method = getattr(test, "markUnexpectedSuccess", None) if method: method(bugnumber) if configuration.parsable: self.stream.write( "XPASS: LLDB (%s) :: %s\n" % (self._config_string(test), str(test))) if self.results_formatter: self.results_formatter.handle_event( EventBuilder.event_for_unexpected_success( test, bugnumber))