// // Mono.ILASM.CodeGen.cs // // Author(s): // Sergey Chaban (serge@wildwestsoftware.com) // Jackson Harper (Jackson@LatitudeGeo.com) // // (C) Sergey Chaban // (C) 2003 Jackson Harper, All rights reserved // using PEAPI; using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Text; using System.Security; using SSPermissionSet = System.Security.PermissionSet; using MIPermissionSet = Mono.ILASM.PermissionSet; using MIAssembly = Mono.ILASM.Assembly; namespace Mono.ILASM { public class CodeGen { private PEFile pefile; private ExternAssembly current_assemblyref; // private ExternModule current_moduleref; private string current_namespace; private TypeDef current_typedef; private MethodDef current_methoddef; private ArrayList typedef_stack; private int typedef_stack_top; private SymbolWriter symwriter; private ICustomAttrTarget current_customattrtarget; private IDeclSecurityTarget current_declsectarget; private PEAPI.NativeType current_field_native_type; private MIAssembly this_assembly; private TypeManager type_manager; private ExternTable extern_table; private Hashtable global_field_table; private Hashtable global_method_table; private Hashtable global_methodref_table; private Hashtable global_fieldref_table; private Hashtable data_table; private FileRef file_ref; private ArrayList manifestResources; private Hashtable typeref_table; private ArrayList defcont_list; private int sub_system; private int cor_flags; private long image_base; private long stack_reserve; private string output_file; private bool is_dll; private bool entry_point; private Module this_module; public CodeGen (string output_file, bool is_dll, bool debugging_info) { this.output_file = output_file; this.is_dll = is_dll; if (debugging_info) symwriter = new SymbolWriter (output_file); type_manager = new TypeManager (this); extern_table = new ExternTable (); typedef_stack = new ArrayList (); typedef_stack_top = 0; global_field_table = new Hashtable (); global_method_table = new Hashtable (); data_table = new Hashtable (); defcont_list = new ArrayList (); sub_system = -1; cor_flags = -1; image_base = -1; stack_reserve = -1; entry_point = false; this_module = null; } public PEFile PEFile { get { return pefile; } } public SymbolWriter SymbolWriter { get { return symwriter; } } public string CurrentNameSpace { get { return current_namespace; } set { current_namespace = value; } } public TypeDef CurrentTypeDef { get { return current_typedef; } } public MethodDef CurrentMethodDef { get { return current_methoddef; } } public ExternAssembly CurrentAssemblyRef { get { return current_assemblyref; } } // public ExternModule CurrentModuleRef { // get { return current_moduleref; } // } public ICustomAttrTarget CurrentCustomAttrTarget { get { return current_customattrtarget; } set { current_customattrtarget = value; } } public IDeclSecurityTarget CurrentDeclSecurityTarget { get { return current_declsectarget; } set { current_declsectarget = value; } } public ExternTable ExternTable { get { return extern_table; } } public TypeManager TypeManager { get { return type_manager; } } public bool HasEntryPoint { get { return entry_point; } set { /* if (!value) error: unsetting entrypoint ? */ if (entry_point) Report.Error ("Multiple .entrypoint declarations."); entry_point = value; } } public TypeRef GetTypeRef (string name) { TypeRef tr = null; if (typeref_table == null) typeref_table = new Hashtable (); else tr = typeref_table [name] as TypeRef; if (tr == null) { tr = new TypeRef (name, false, null); typeref_table [name] = tr; } return tr; } public GlobalMethodRef GetGlobalMethodRef (BaseTypeRef ret_type, PEAPI.CallConv call_conv, string name, BaseTypeRef[] param, int gen_param_count) { string key = MethodDef.CreateSignature (ret_type, call_conv, name, param, gen_param_count, true); GlobalMethodRef methref = null; if (global_methodref_table == null) global_methodref_table = new Hashtable (); else methref = (GlobalMethodRef) global_methodref_table [key]; if (methref == null) { methref = new GlobalMethodRef (ret_type, call_conv, name, param, gen_param_count); global_methodref_table [key] = methref; } return methref; } public GlobalFieldRef GetGlobalFieldRef (BaseTypeRef ret_type, string name) { string key = ret_type.FullName + name; GlobalFieldRef fieldref = null; if (global_fieldref_table == null) global_fieldref_table = new Hashtable (); else fieldref = (GlobalFieldRef) global_fieldref_table [key]; if (fieldref == null) { fieldref = new GlobalFieldRef (ret_type, name); global_fieldref_table [key] = fieldref; } return fieldref; } public void SetSubSystem (int sub_system) { this.sub_system = sub_system; } public void SetCorFlags (int cor_flags) { this.cor_flags = cor_flags; } public void SetImageBase (long image_base) { this.image_base = image_base; } public void SetStackReserve (long stack_reserve) { this.stack_reserve = stack_reserve; } public void SetThisAssembly (string name, PEAPI.AssemAttr attr) { if (this_assembly != null && this_assembly.Name != name) Report.Error ("Multiple assembly declarations"); this_assembly = new Assembly (name); this_assembly.SetAssemblyAttr (attr); if (name != "mscorlib") ExternTable.AddCorlib (); } public void SetModuleName (string module_name) { this_module = new Module (module_name); CurrentCustomAttrTarget = this_module; } public void SetFileRef (FileRef file_ref) { this.file_ref = file_ref; } public MIAssembly ThisAssembly { get { return this_assembly; } } public bool IsThisAssembly (string name) { return (this_assembly != null && name == this_assembly.Name); } public Module ThisModule { get { return this_module; } } public bool IsThisModule (string name) { return (this_module != null && name == this_module.Name); } public void BeginSourceFile (string name) { if (symwriter != null) symwriter.BeginSourceFile (name); } public void EndSourceFile () { if (symwriter != null) symwriter.EndSourceFile (); } public void BeginTypeDef (TypeAttr attr, string name, BaseClassRef parent, ArrayList impl_list, Location location, GenericParameters gen_params) { TypeDef outer = null; string cache_name = CacheName (name); if (typedef_stack_top > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); for (int i = 0; i < typedef_stack_top; i++){ outer = (TypeDef) typedef_stack [i]; if (i == 0) /* Use FullName for outermost class to get the namespace also */ sb.Append (outer.FullName); else sb.Append (outer.Name); sb.Append ("/"); } sb.Append (name); cache_name = sb.ToString (); } TypeDef typedef = type_manager[cache_name]; if (typedef != null) { // Class head is allready defined, we are just reopening the class current_customattrtarget = current_typedef = typedef; current_declsectarget = typedef; typedef_stack.Add (current_typedef); typedef_stack_top++; return; } typedef = new TypeDef (attr, current_namespace, name, parent, impl_list, location, gen_params, outer); type_manager[cache_name] = typedef; current_customattrtarget = current_typedef = typedef; current_declsectarget = typedef; typedef_stack.Add (typedef); typedef_stack_top++; } public void AddFieldMarshalInfo (PEAPI.NativeType native_type) { current_field_native_type = native_type; } public void AddFieldDef (FieldDef fielddef) { if (current_field_native_type != null) { fielddef.AddMarshalInfo (current_field_native_type); current_field_native_type = null; } if (current_typedef != null) { current_typedef.AddFieldDef (fielddef); } else { global_field_table.Add ( new DictionaryEntry (fielddef.Name, fielddef.Type.FullName), fielddef); } } public void AddDataDef (DataDef datadef) { if (data_table [datadef.Name] != null) Report.Error ("Duplicate global label '" + datadef.Name + "'"); data_table [datadef.Name] = datadef; } public void AddManifestResource (ManifestResource mr) { if (manifestResources == null) manifestResources = new ArrayList (); manifestResources.Add (mr); } public PEAPI.DataConstant GetDataConst (string name) { DataDef def = (DataDef) data_table [name]; if (def == null) return null; return (DataConstant) def.PeapiConstant; } public void BeginMethodDef (MethodDef methoddef) { if (current_typedef != null) { current_typedef.AddMethodDef (methoddef); } else { global_method_table.Add (methoddef.Signature, methoddef); } current_customattrtarget = current_methoddef = methoddef; current_declsectarget = methoddef; } public void EndMethodDef (Location location) { if (symwriter != null) symwriter.EndMethod (location); current_methoddef = null; } public void EndTypeDef () { typedef_stack_top--; typedef_stack.RemoveAt (typedef_stack_top); if (typedef_stack_top > 0) current_typedef = (TypeDef) typedef_stack [typedef_stack_top-1]; else current_typedef = null; } public void BeginAssemblyRef (string name, AssemblyName asmb_name, PEAPI.AssemAttr attr) { current_customattrtarget = current_assemblyref = ExternTable.AddAssembly (name, asmb_name, attr); current_declsectarget = current_assemblyref; } public void EndAssemblyRef () { current_assemblyref = null; current_customattrtarget = null; current_declsectarget = null; } public void AddToDefineContentsList (TypeDef typedef) { defcont_list.Add (typedef); } public void AddPermission (PEAPI.SecurityAction sec_action, object perm) { if (CurrentDeclSecurityTarget == null) return; AddPermission (sec_action, perm, CurrentDeclSecurityTarget.DeclSecurity); } private void AddPermission (PEAPI.SecurityAction sec_action, object perm, DeclSecurity decl_sec) { SSPermissionSet ps = perm as SSPermissionSet; if (ps != null) { decl_sec.AddPermissionSet (sec_action, ps); return; } IPermission iper = perm as IPermission; if (iper != null) { decl_sec.AddPermission (sec_action, iper); return; } MIPermissionSet ps20 = perm as MIPermissionSet; if (ps20 != null) { decl_sec.AddPermissionSet (sec_action, ps20); return; } } public void Write () { FileStream out_stream = null; try { if (ThisModule == null) this_module = new Module (Path.GetFileName (output_file)); out_stream = new FileStream (output_file, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); pefile = new PEFile (ThisAssembly != null ? ThisAssembly.Name : null, ThisModule.Name, is_dll, ThisAssembly != null, null, out_stream); PEAPI.Assembly asmb = pefile.GetThisAssembly (); ThisModule.PeapiModule = pefile.GetThisModule (); if (file_ref != null) file_ref.Resolve (this); extern_table.Resolve (this); type_manager.DefineAll (); if (manifestResources != null) { foreach (ManifestResource mr in manifestResources) pefile.AddManifestResource (mr); } foreach (FieldDef fielddef in global_field_table.Values) { fielddef.Define (this); } foreach (MethodDef methoddef in global_method_table.Values) { methoddef.Define (this); } foreach (TypeDef typedef in defcont_list) { typedef.DefineContents (this); } if (ThisAssembly != null) ThisAssembly.Resolve (this, pefile.GetThisAssembly ()); ThisModule.Resolve (this, pefile.GetThisModule ()); if (sub_system != -1) pefile.SetSubSystem ((PEAPI.SubSystem) sub_system); if (cor_flags != -1) pefile.SetCorFlags (cor_flags); if (stack_reserve != -1) pefile.SetStackReserve (stack_reserve); pefile.WritePEFile (); if (symwriter != null) { Guid guid = pefile.GetThisModule ().Guid; symwriter.Write (guid); } } finally { if (out_stream != null) out_stream.Close (); } } public PEAPI.Method ResolveMethod (string signature) { MethodDef methoddef = (MethodDef) global_method_table[signature]; if (methoddef == null) Report.Error ("Unable to resolve global method : " + signature); return methoddef.Resolve (this); } public PEAPI.Method ResolveVarargMethod (string sig_only_required_params, string sig_with_optional_params, CodeGen code_gen, PEAPI.Type[] opt) { MethodDef methoddef = (MethodDef) global_method_table [sig_only_required_params]; if (methoddef == null) Report.Error ("Unable to resolve global method : " + sig_only_required_params); methoddef.Resolve (code_gen); return methoddef.GetVarargSig (opt, sig_with_optional_params); } public PEAPI.Field ResolveField (string name, string type_name) { FieldDef fielddef = (FieldDef) global_field_table[new DictionaryEntry (name, type_name)]; if (fielddef == null) Report.Error (String.Format ("Unable to resolve global field : {0} {1}", type_name, name)); return fielddef.Resolve (this); } private string CacheName (string name) { if (current_namespace == null || current_namespace == String.Empty) return name; return current_namespace + "." + name; } } }