# #//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #// #// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure #// #// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open #// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details. #// #//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// # package Build; use strict; use warnings; use Cwd qw{}; use LibOMP; use tools; use Uname; use Platform ":vars"; my $host = Uname::host_name(); my $root = $ENV{ LIBOMP_WORK }; my $tmp = $ENV{ LIBOMP_TMP }; my $out = $ENV{ LIBOMP_EXPORTS }; my @jobs; our $start = time(); # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper functions. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # tstr -- Time string. Returns string "yyyy-dd-mm hh:mm:ss UTC". sub tstr(;$) { my ( $time ) = @_; if ( not defined( $time ) ) { $time = time(); }; # if my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year ) = gmtime( $time ); $month += 1; $year += 1900; my $str = sprintf( "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d UTC", $year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec ); return $str; }; # sub tstr # dstr -- Duration string. Returns string "hh:mm:ss". sub dstr($) { # Get time in seconds and format it as time in hours, minutes, seconds. my ( $sec ) = @_; my ( $h, $m, $s ); $h = int( $sec / 3600 ); $sec = $sec - $h * 3600; $m = int( $sec / 60 ); $sec = $sec - $m * 60; $s = int( $sec ); $sec = $sec - $s; return sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d", $h, $m, $s ); }; # sub dstr # rstr -- Result string. sub rstr($) { my ( $rc ) = @_; return ( $rc == 0 ? "+++ Success +++" : "--- Failure ---" ); }; # sub rstr sub shorter($;$) { # Return shorter variant of path -- either absolute or relative. my ( $path, $base ) = @_; my $abs = abs_path( $path ); my $rel = rel_path( $path, $base ); if ( $rel eq "" ) { $rel = "."; }; # if $path = ( length( $rel ) < length( $abs ) ? $rel : $abs ); if ( $target_os eq "win" ) { $path =~ s{\\}{/}g; }; # if return $path; }; # sub shorter sub tee($$) { my ( $action, $file ) = @_; my $pid = 0; my $save_stdout = Symbol::gensym(); my $save_stderr = Symbol::gensym(); # --- redirect stdout --- STDOUT->flush(); # Save stdout in $save_stdout. open( $save_stdout, ">&" . STDOUT->fileno() ) or die( "Cannot dup filehandle: $!; stopped" ); # Redirect stdout to tee or to file. if ( $tools::verbose ) { $pid = open( STDOUT, "| tee -a \"$file\"" ) or die "Cannot open pipe to \"tee\": $!; stopped"; } else { open( STDOUT, ">>$file" ) or die "Cannot open file \"$file\" for writing: $!; stopped"; }; # if # --- redirect stderr --- STDERR->flush(); # Save stderr in $save_stderr. open( $save_stderr, ">&" . STDERR->fileno() ) or die( "Cannot dup filehandle: $!; stopped" ); # Redirect stderr to stdout. open( STDERR, ">&" . STDOUT->fileno() ) or die( "Cannot dup filehandle: $!; stopped" ); # Perform actions. $action->(); # --- restore stderr --- STDERR->flush(); # Restore stderr from $save_stderr. open( STDERR, ">&" . $save_stderr->fileno() ) or die( "Cannot dup filehandle: $!; stopped" ); # Close $save_stderr. $save_stderr->close() or die ( "Cannot close filehandle: $!; stopped" ); # --- restore stdout --- STDOUT->flush(); # Restore stdout from $save_stdout. open( STDOUT, ">&" . $save_stdout->fileno() ) or die( "Cannot dup filehandle: $!; stopped" ); # Close $save_stdout. $save_stdout->close() or die ( "Cannot close filehandle: $!; stopped" ); # Wait for the child tee process, otherwise output of make and build.pl interleaves. if ( $pid != 0 ) { waitpid( $pid, 0 ); }; # if }; # sub tee sub log_it($$@) { my ( $title, $format, @args ) = @_; my $message = sprintf( $format, @args ); my $progress = cat_file( $tmp, sprintf( "%s-%s.log", $target_platform, Uname::host_name() ) ); if ( $title ne "" and $message ne "" ) { my $line = sprintf( "%-15s : %s\n", $title, $message ); info( $line ); write_file( $progress, tstr() . ": " . $line, -append => 1 ); } else { write_file( $progress, "\n", -append => 1 ); }; # if }; # sub log_it sub progress($$@) { my ( $title, $format, @args ) = @_; log_it( $title, $format, @args ); }; # sub progress sub summary() { my $total = @jobs; my $success = 0; my $finish = time(); foreach my $job ( @jobs ) { my ( $build_dir, $rc ) = ( $job->{ build_dir }, $job->{ rc } ); progress( rstr( $rc ), "%s", $build_dir ); if ( $rc == 0 ) { ++ $success; }; # if }; # foreach $job my $failure = $total - $success; progress( "Successes", "%3d of %3d", $success, $total ); progress( "Failures", "%3d of %3d", $failure, $total ); progress( "Time elapsed", " %s", dstr( $finish - $start ) ); progress( "Overall result", "%s", rstr( $failure ) ); return $failure; }; # sub summary # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Worker functions. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub init() { make_dir( $tmp ); }; # sub init sub clean(@) { # Clean directories. my ( @dirs ) = @_; my $exit = 0; # Mimisc makefile -- print a command. print( "rm -f -r " . join( " ", map( shorter( $_ ) . "/*", @dirs ) ) . "\n" ); $exit = execute( [ $^X, cat_file( $ENV{ LIBOMP_WORK }, "tools", "clean-dir.pl" ), @dirs ], -ignore_status => 1, ( $tools::verbose ? () : ( -stdout => undef, -stderr => "" ) ), ); return $exit; }; # sub clean sub make($$$) { # Change dir to build one and run make. my ( $job, $clean, $marker ) = @_; my $dir = $job->{ build_dir }; my $makefile = $job->{ makefile }; my $args = $job->{ make_args }; my $cwd = Cwd::cwd(); my $width = -10; my $exit; $dir = cat_dir( $tmp, $dir ); make_dir( $dir ); change_dir( $dir ); my $actions = sub { my $start = time(); $makefile = shorter( $makefile ); print( "-" x 79, "\n" ); printf( "%${width}s: %s\n", "Started", tstr( $start ) ); printf( "%${width}s: %s\n", "Root dir", $root ); printf( "%${width}s: %s\n", "Build dir", shorter( $dir, $root ) ); printf( "%${width}s: %s\n", "Makefile", $makefile ); print( "-" x 79, "\n" ); { # Use shorter LIBOMP_WORK to have shorter command lines. # Note: Some tools may not work if current dir is changed. local $ENV{ LIBOMP_WORK } = shorter( $ENV{ LIBOMP_WORK } ); $exit = execute( [ "make", "-r", "-f", $makefile, "arch=" . $target_arch, "marker=$marker", @$args ], -ignore_status => 1 ); if ( $clean and $exit == 0 ) { $exit = clean( $dir ); }; # if } my $finish = time(); print( "-" x 79, "\n" ); printf( "%${width}s: %s\n", "Finished", tstr( $finish ) ); printf( "%${width}s: %s\n", "Elapsed", dstr( $finish - $start ) ); printf( "%${width}s: %s\n", "Result", rstr( $exit ) ); print( "-" x 79, "\n" ); print( "\n" ); }; # sub tee( $actions, "build.log" ); change_dir( $cwd ); # Save completed job to be able print summary later. $job->{ rc } = $exit; push( @jobs, $job ); return $exit; }; # sub make 1;