//===-- AppleObjCRuntimeV1.cpp --------------------------------------*- C++ //-*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "AppleObjCRuntimeV1.h" #include "AppleObjCDeclVendor.h" #include "AppleObjCTrampolineHandler.h" #include "clang/AST/Type.h" #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointLocation.h" #include "lldb/Core/Module.h" #include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h" #include "lldb/Core/Scalar.h" #include "lldb/Expression/FunctionCaller.h" #include "lldb/Expression/UtilityFunction.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/ClangASTContext.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/Symbol.h" #include "lldb/Target/ExecutionContext.h" #include "lldb/Target/Process.h" #include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h" #include "lldb/Target/Target.h" #include "lldb/Target/Thread.h" #include "lldb/Utility/ConstString.h" #include "lldb/Utility/Log.h" #include "lldb/Utility/Status.h" #include "lldb/Utility/StreamString.h" #include using namespace lldb; using namespace lldb_private; AppleObjCRuntimeV1::AppleObjCRuntimeV1(Process *process) : AppleObjCRuntime(process), m_hash_signature(), m_isa_hash_table_ptr(LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) {} // for V1 runtime we just try to return a class name as that is the minimum // level of support // required for the data formatters to work bool AppleObjCRuntimeV1::GetDynamicTypeAndAddress( ValueObject &in_value, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic, TypeAndOrName &class_type_or_name, Address &address, Value::ValueType &value_type) { class_type_or_name.Clear(); value_type = Value::ValueType::eValueTypeScalar; if (CouldHaveDynamicValue(in_value)) { auto class_descriptor(GetClassDescriptor(in_value)); if (class_descriptor && class_descriptor->IsValid() && class_descriptor->GetClassName()) { const addr_t object_ptr = in_value.GetPointerValue(); address.SetRawAddress(object_ptr); class_type_or_name.SetName(class_descriptor->GetClassName()); } } return class_type_or_name.IsEmpty() == false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Static Functions //------------------------------------------------------------------ lldb_private::LanguageRuntime * AppleObjCRuntimeV1::CreateInstance(Process *process, lldb::LanguageType language) { // FIXME: This should be a MacOS or iOS process, and we need to look for the // OBJC section to make // sure we aren't using the V1 runtime. if (language == eLanguageTypeObjC) { ModuleSP objc_module_sp; if (AppleObjCRuntime::GetObjCVersion(process, objc_module_sp) == ObjCRuntimeVersions::eAppleObjC_V1) return new AppleObjCRuntimeV1(process); else return NULL; } else return NULL; } void AppleObjCRuntimeV1::Initialize() { PluginManager::RegisterPlugin( GetPluginNameStatic(), "Apple Objective C Language Runtime - Version 1", CreateInstance); } void AppleObjCRuntimeV1::Terminate() { PluginManager::UnregisterPlugin(CreateInstance); } lldb_private::ConstString AppleObjCRuntimeV1::GetPluginNameStatic() { static ConstString g_name("apple-objc-v1"); return g_name; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // PluginInterface protocol //------------------------------------------------------------------ ConstString AppleObjCRuntimeV1::GetPluginName() { return GetPluginNameStatic(); } uint32_t AppleObjCRuntimeV1::GetPluginVersion() { return 1; } BreakpointResolverSP AppleObjCRuntimeV1::CreateExceptionResolver(Breakpoint *bkpt, bool catch_bp, bool throw_bp) { BreakpointResolverSP resolver_sp; if (throw_bp) resolver_sp.reset(new BreakpointResolverName( bkpt, "objc_exception_throw", eFunctionNameTypeBase, eLanguageTypeUnknown, Breakpoint::Exact, 0, eLazyBoolNo)); // FIXME: don't do catch yet. return resolver_sp; } struct BufStruct { char contents[2048]; }; UtilityFunction *AppleObjCRuntimeV1::CreateObjectChecker(const char *name) { std::unique_ptr buf(new BufStruct); int strformatsize = snprintf(&buf->contents[0], sizeof(buf->contents), "struct __objc_class " " \n" "{ " " \n" " struct __objc_class *isa; " " \n" " struct __objc_class *super_class; " " \n" " const char *name; " " \n" " // rest of struct elided because unused " " \n" "}; " " \n" " " " \n" "struct __objc_object " " \n" "{ " " \n" " struct __objc_class *isa; " " \n" "}; " " \n" " " " \n" "extern \"C\" void " " \n" "%s(void *$__lldb_arg_obj, void *$__lldb_arg_selector) " " \n" "{ " " \n" " struct __objc_object *obj = (struct " "__objc_object*)$__lldb_arg_obj; \n" " if ($__lldb_arg_obj == (void *)0) " " \n" " return; // nil is ok " " (int)strlen(obj->isa->name); " " \n" "} " " \n", name); assert(strformatsize < (int)sizeof(buf->contents)); (void)strformatsize; Status error; return GetTargetRef().GetUtilityFunctionForLanguage( buf->contents, eLanguageTypeObjC, name, error); } AppleObjCRuntimeV1::ClassDescriptorV1::ClassDescriptorV1( ValueObject &isa_pointer) { Initialize(isa_pointer.GetValueAsUnsigned(0), isa_pointer.GetProcessSP()); } AppleObjCRuntimeV1::ClassDescriptorV1::ClassDescriptorV1( ObjCISA isa, lldb::ProcessSP process_sp) { Initialize(isa, process_sp); } void AppleObjCRuntimeV1::ClassDescriptorV1::Initialize( ObjCISA isa, lldb::ProcessSP process_sp) { if (!isa || !process_sp) { m_valid = false; return; } m_valid = true; Status error; m_isa = process_sp->ReadPointerFromMemory(isa, error); if (error.Fail()) { m_valid = false; return; } uint32_t ptr_size = process_sp->GetAddressByteSize(); if (!IsPointerValid(m_isa, ptr_size)) { m_valid = false; return; } m_parent_isa = process_sp->ReadPointerFromMemory(m_isa + ptr_size, error); if (error.Fail()) { m_valid = false; return; } if (!IsPointerValid(m_parent_isa, ptr_size, true)) { m_valid = false; return; } lldb::addr_t name_ptr = process_sp->ReadPointerFromMemory(m_isa + 2 * ptr_size, error); if (error.Fail()) { m_valid = false; return; } lldb::DataBufferSP buffer_sp(new DataBufferHeap(1024, 0)); size_t count = process_sp->ReadCStringFromMemory( name_ptr, (char *)buffer_sp->GetBytes(), 1024, error); if (error.Fail()) { m_valid = false; return; } if (count) m_name = ConstString((char *)buffer_sp->GetBytes()); else m_name = ConstString(); m_instance_size = process_sp->ReadUnsignedIntegerFromMemory( m_isa + 5 * ptr_size, ptr_size, 0, error); if (error.Fail()) { m_valid = false; return; } m_process_wp = lldb::ProcessWP(process_sp); } AppleObjCRuntime::ClassDescriptorSP AppleObjCRuntimeV1::ClassDescriptorV1::GetSuperclass() { if (!m_valid) return AppleObjCRuntime::ClassDescriptorSP(); ProcessSP process_sp = m_process_wp.lock(); if (!process_sp) return AppleObjCRuntime::ClassDescriptorSP(); return ObjCLanguageRuntime::ClassDescriptorSP( new AppleObjCRuntimeV1::ClassDescriptorV1(m_parent_isa, process_sp)); } AppleObjCRuntime::ClassDescriptorSP AppleObjCRuntimeV1::ClassDescriptorV1::GetMetaclass() const { return ClassDescriptorSP(); } bool AppleObjCRuntimeV1::ClassDescriptorV1::Describe( std::function const &superclass_func, std::function const &instance_method_func, std::function const &class_method_func, std::function const &ivar_func) const { return false; } lldb::addr_t AppleObjCRuntimeV1::GetISAHashTablePointer() { if (m_isa_hash_table_ptr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) { ModuleSP objc_module_sp(GetObjCModule()); if (!objc_module_sp) return LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS; static ConstString g_objc_debug_class_hash("_objc_debug_class_hash"); const Symbol *symbol = objc_module_sp->FindFirstSymbolWithNameAndType( g_objc_debug_class_hash, lldb::eSymbolTypeData); if (symbol && symbol->ValueIsAddress()) { Process *process = GetProcess(); if (process) { lldb::addr_t objc_debug_class_hash_addr = symbol->GetAddressRef().GetLoadAddress(&process->GetTarget()); if (objc_debug_class_hash_addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) { Status error; lldb::addr_t objc_debug_class_hash_ptr = process->ReadPointerFromMemory(objc_debug_class_hash_addr, error); if (objc_debug_class_hash_ptr != 0 && objc_debug_class_hash_ptr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) { m_isa_hash_table_ptr = objc_debug_class_hash_ptr; } } } } } return m_isa_hash_table_ptr; } void AppleObjCRuntimeV1::UpdateISAToDescriptorMapIfNeeded() { // TODO: implement HashTableSignature... Process *process = GetProcess(); if (process) { // Update the process stop ID that indicates the last time we updated the // map, whether it was successful or not. m_isa_to_descriptor_stop_id = process->GetStopID(); Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PROCESS)); ProcessSP process_sp = process->shared_from_this(); ModuleSP objc_module_sp(GetObjCModule()); if (!objc_module_sp) return; uint32_t isa_count = 0; lldb::addr_t hash_table_ptr = GetISAHashTablePointer(); if (hash_table_ptr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) { // Read the NXHashTable struct: // // typedef struct { // const NXHashTablePrototype *prototype; // unsigned count; // unsigned nbBuckets; // void *buckets; // const void *info; // } NXHashTable; Status error; DataBufferHeap buffer(1024, 0); if (process->ReadMemory(hash_table_ptr, buffer.GetBytes(), 20, error) == 20) { const uint32_t addr_size = m_process->GetAddressByteSize(); const ByteOrder byte_order = m_process->GetByteOrder(); DataExtractor data(buffer.GetBytes(), buffer.GetByteSize(), byte_order, addr_size); lldb::offset_t offset = addr_size; // Skip prototype const uint32_t count = data.GetU32(&offset); const uint32_t num_buckets = data.GetU32(&offset); const addr_t buckets_ptr = data.GetPointer(&offset); if (m_hash_signature.NeedsUpdate(count, num_buckets, buckets_ptr)) { m_hash_signature.UpdateSignature(count, num_buckets, buckets_ptr); const uint32_t data_size = num_buckets * 2 * sizeof(uint32_t); buffer.SetByteSize(data_size); if (process->ReadMemory(buckets_ptr, buffer.GetBytes(), data_size, error) == data_size) { data.SetData(buffer.GetBytes(), buffer.GetByteSize(), byte_order); offset = 0; for (uint32_t bucket_idx = 0; bucket_idx < num_buckets; ++bucket_idx) { const uint32_t bucket_isa_count = data.GetU32(&offset); const lldb::addr_t bucket_data = data.GetU32(&offset); if (bucket_isa_count == 0) continue; isa_count += bucket_isa_count; ObjCISA isa; if (bucket_isa_count == 1) { // When we only have one entry in the bucket, the bucket data is // the "isa" isa = bucket_data; if (isa) { if (!ISAIsCached(isa)) { ClassDescriptorSP descriptor_sp( new ClassDescriptorV1(isa, process_sp)); if (log && log->GetVerbose()) log->Printf("AppleObjCRuntimeV1 added (ObjCISA)0x%" PRIx64 " from _objc_debug_class_hash to " "isa->descriptor cache", isa); AddClass(isa, descriptor_sp); } } } else { // When we have more than one entry in the bucket, the bucket // data is a pointer // to an array of "isa" values addr_t isa_addr = bucket_data; for (uint32_t isa_idx = 0; isa_idx < bucket_isa_count; ++isa_idx, isa_addr += addr_size) { isa = m_process->ReadPointerFromMemory(isa_addr, error); if (isa && isa != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) { if (!ISAIsCached(isa)) { ClassDescriptorSP descriptor_sp( new ClassDescriptorV1(isa, process_sp)); if (log && log->GetVerbose()) log->Printf( "AppleObjCRuntimeV1 added (ObjCISA)0x%" PRIx64 " from _objc_debug_class_hash to isa->descriptor " "cache", isa); AddClass(isa, descriptor_sp); } } } } } } } } } } else { m_isa_to_descriptor_stop_id = UINT32_MAX; } } DeclVendor *AppleObjCRuntimeV1::GetDeclVendor() { return nullptr; }