// // Mono.ILASM.MethodDef // // Author(s): // Jackson Harper (Jackson@LatitudeGeo.com) // // (C) 2003 Jackson Harper, All rights reserved // using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Security; using Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter; namespace Mono.ILASM { public class MethodDef : ICustomAttrTarget, IDeclSecurityTarget { private PEAPI.MethAttr meth_attr; private PEAPI.CallConv call_conv; private PEAPI.ImplAttr impl_attr; private string name; private string signature; private Hashtable vararg_sig_table; private ParamDef ret_param; private ArrayList param_list; private ArrayList inst_list; private ArrayList customattr_list; private DeclSecurity decl_sec; private Hashtable label_table; private Hashtable labelref_table; private ArrayList label_list; private PEAPI.MethodDef methoddef; private bool entry_point; private bool zero_init; private bool is_resolved; private bool is_defined; private ArrayList local_list; private ArrayList named_local_tables; private int current_scope_depth; private bool init_locals; private int max_stack; private bool pinvoke_info; private ExternModule pinvoke_mod; private string pinvoke_name; private PEAPI.PInvokeAttr pinvoke_attr; private SourceMethod source; private TypeDef type_def; private GenericParameters gen_params; private Location start; private CodeGen codegen; public MethodDef (CodeGen codegen, PEAPI.MethAttr meth_attr, PEAPI.CallConv call_conv, PEAPI.ImplAttr impl_attr, string name, BaseTypeRef ret_type, ArrayList param_list, Location start, GenericParameters gen_params, TypeDef type_def) { this.codegen = codegen; this.meth_attr = meth_attr; this.call_conv = call_conv; this.impl_attr = impl_attr; this.name = name; this.param_list = param_list; this.type_def = type_def; this.gen_params = gen_params; this.ret_param = new ParamDef (PEAPI.ParamAttr.Default, "", ret_type); this.start = (Location) start.Clone (); inst_list = new ArrayList (); label_table = new Hashtable (); labelref_table = new Hashtable (); label_list = new ArrayList (); local_list = new ArrayList (); named_local_tables = new ArrayList (); named_local_tables.Add (new Hashtable ()); current_scope_depth = 0; entry_point = false; zero_init = false; init_locals = false; max_stack = -1; pinvoke_info = false; is_defined = false; is_resolved = false; ResolveGenParams (); CreateSignature (); codegen.BeginMethodDef (this); if (codegen.SymbolWriter != null) source = codegen.SymbolWriter.BeginMethod (this, start); } public string Name { get { return name; } } public string Signature { get { return signature; } } public BaseTypeRef RetType { get { return ret_param.Type; } } public PEAPI.CallConv CallConv { get { return call_conv; } } public PEAPI.MethodDef PeapiMethodDef { get { return methoddef; } } public PEAPI.MethAttr Attributes { get { return meth_attr; } set { meth_attr = value; } } public bool IsVararg { get { return (call_conv & PEAPI.CallConv.Vararg) != 0; } } public bool IsStatic { get { return (meth_attr & PEAPI.MethAttr.Static) != 0; } } public bool IsVirtual { get { return (meth_attr & PEAPI.MethAttr.Virtual) != 0; } } public bool IsAbstract { get { return (meth_attr & PEAPI.MethAttr.Abstract) != 0; } } public Location StartLocation { get { return start; } } public DeclSecurity DeclSecurity { get { if (decl_sec == null) decl_sec = new DeclSecurity (); return decl_sec; } } public string FullName { get { if (type_def == null) return Name; return type_def.FullName + "." + Name; } } public BaseTypeRef[] ParamTypeList () { if (param_list == null) return new BaseTypeRef[0]; int count = 0; BaseTypeRef[] type_list = new BaseTypeRef[param_list.Count]; foreach (ParamDef param in param_list) { type_list[count++] = param.Type; } return type_list; } public void AddPInvokeInfo (PEAPI.PInvokeAttr pinvoke_attr, ExternModule pinvoke_mod, string pinvoke_name) { this.pinvoke_attr = pinvoke_attr; this.pinvoke_mod = pinvoke_mod; this.pinvoke_name = pinvoke_name; pinvoke_info = true; } public int GenParamCount { get { return (gen_params != null ? gen_params.Count : 0); } } public GenericParameter GetGenericParam (string id) { if (gen_params == null) return null; return gen_params.GetGenericParam (id); } public GenericParameter GetGenericParam (int index) { if (gen_params == null || index < 0 || index >= gen_params.Count) return null; return gen_params [index]; } public int GetGenericParamNum (string id) { if (gen_params == null) return -1; return gen_params.GetGenericParamNum (id); } public void AddCustomAttribute (CustomAttr customattr) { if (customattr_list == null) customattr_list = new ArrayList (); customattr_list.Add (customattr); } public void AddRetTypeMarshalInfo (PEAPI.NativeType native_type) { this.ret_param.AddMarshalInfo (native_type); } //try/catch scope, used to scope local vars public void BeginLocalsScope () { current_scope_depth ++; named_local_tables.Add (new Hashtable ()); } public void EndLocalsScope () { named_local_tables.RemoveAt (current_scope_depth); current_scope_depth --; } public void AddLocals (ArrayList local_list) { int slot_pos = this.local_list.Count; Hashtable current_named_table = null; current_named_table = (Hashtable) named_local_tables [current_scope_depth]; foreach (Local local in local_list) { if (local.Slot == -1) { local.Slot = slot_pos; } slot_pos++; if (local.Name == null) continue; if (!current_named_table.Contains (local.Name)) current_named_table.Add (local.Name, local); } this.local_list.AddRange (local_list); } public Local GetNamedLocal (string name) { Local ret = null; int i = current_scope_depth; while (ret == null && i >= 0) { Hashtable current_named_table = (Hashtable) named_local_tables [i]; ret = (Local) current_named_table [name]; i --; } return ret; } public int GetNamedLocalSlot (string name) { Local local = GetNamedLocal (name); if (local == null) return -1; return local.Slot; } public int GetNamedParamPos (string name) { int pos = -1; if (param_list == null) return -1; if (!IsStatic) pos ++; foreach (ParamDef param in param_list) { pos ++; if (param.Name.CompareTo (name) == 0) return pos; } return pos; } public LocalVariableEntry[] GetLocalVars() { ArrayList named_locals = new ArrayList (); foreach (Local local in local_list) { if (local.Name != null) { // only named variables named_locals.Add (new LocalVariableEntry(local.Slot, local.Name, 0)); } } return (LocalVariableEntry []) named_locals.ToArray (typeof (LocalVariableEntry)); } /* index - 0: return type * 1: params start from this */ public ParamDef GetParam (int index) { if (index == 0) return ret_param; if ((param_list == null) || (index < 0) || (index > param_list.Count)) return null; index --; /* param_list has params zero-based */ if (param_list [index] != null) return (ParamDef)param_list [index]; else return null; } public void InitLocals () { init_locals = true; } public void EntryPoint () { if (!IsStatic) Report.Error ("Non-static method as entrypoint."); entry_point = true; } public void ZeroInit () { zero_init = true; } public void SetMaxStack (int max_stack) { this.max_stack = max_stack; } public void ResolveGenParam (PEAPI.GenParam gpar) { if (gpar.Index != -1) return; if (gpar.Type == PEAPI.GenParamType.MVar) gpar.Index = GetGenericParamNum (gpar.Name); else gpar.Index = type_def.GetGenericParamNum (gpar.Name); if (gpar.Index < 0) Report.Error (String.Format ("Invalid {0}type parameter '{1}'", (gpar.Type == PEAPI.GenParamType.MVar ? "method " : ""), gpar.Name)); } public void ResolveGenParams () { GenericParameters type_params = (type_def != null) ? type_def.TypeParameters : null; if (gen_params == null && type_params == null) return; if (gen_params != null) gen_params.ResolveConstraints (type_params, gen_params); BaseGenericTypeRef gtr = RetType as BaseGenericTypeRef; if (gtr != null) gtr.Resolve (type_params, gen_params); if (param_list == null) return; foreach (ParamDef param in param_list) { gtr = param.Type as BaseGenericTypeRef; if (gtr != null) gtr.Resolve (type_params, gen_params); } } public PEAPI.MethodDef Resolve (CodeGen code_gen) { return Resolve (code_gen, null); } public PEAPI.MethodDef Resolve (CodeGen code_gen, PEAPI.ClassDef classdef) { if (is_resolved) return methoddef; PEAPI.Param [] param_array = GenerateParams (code_gen); FixAttributes (); ret_param.Define (code_gen); if (classdef == null) methoddef = code_gen.PEFile.AddMethod (meth_attr, impl_attr, name, ret_param.PeapiParam, param_array); else methoddef = classdef.AddMethod (meth_attr, impl_attr, name, ret_param.PeapiParam, param_array); methoddef.AddCallConv (call_conv); is_resolved = true; return methoddef; } private PEAPI.Param [] GenerateParams (CodeGen code_gen) { PEAPI.Param[] param_array; if (param_list != null && param_list.Count > 0) { int param_count = param_list.Count; // Remove the last param if its the sentinel, not sure what // should happen with more then one sentinel ParamDef last = (ParamDef) param_list [param_count-1]; if (last.IsSentinel ()) param_count--; param_array = new PEAPI.Param [param_count]; for (int i = 0; i < param_count; i++) { ParamDef paramdef = (ParamDef) param_list [i]; paramdef.Define (code_gen); param_array [i] = paramdef.PeapiParam; } } else { param_array = new PEAPI.Param [0]; } return param_array; } public PEAPI.MethodRef GetVarargSig (PEAPI.Type[] opt, string full_signature) { if (!is_resolved) throw new InternalErrorException ("Methods must be resolved before a vararg sig can be created."); PEAPI.MethodRef methref = null; if (vararg_sig_table == null) { vararg_sig_table = new Hashtable (); } else { methref = vararg_sig_table [full_signature] as PEAPI.MethodRef; } if (methref == null) { methref = methoddef.MakeVarArgSignature (opt); vararg_sig_table [full_signature] = methref; } return methref; } /// /// Define a member method /// public void Define (CodeGen code_gen) { if (is_defined) return; if (type_def == null) /* Global method */ Resolve (code_gen, null); else Resolve (code_gen, (PEAPI.ClassDef) type_def.ClassDef); WriteCode (code_gen, methoddef); //code_gen.Report.Message (String.Format ("Assembled method {0}::{1}", typedef.FullName, name)); is_defined = true; } public void AddInstr (IInstr instr) { inst_list.Add (instr); } protected void WriteCode (CodeGen code_gen, PEAPI.MethodDef methoddef) { /// Add the custrom attributes to this method if (customattr_list != null) foreach (CustomAttr customattr in customattr_list) { customattr.AddTo (code_gen, methoddef); if (customattr.IsSuppressUnmanaged (code_gen)) methoddef.AddMethAttribute (PEAPI.MethAttr.HasSecurity); } /// Add declarative security to this method if (decl_sec != null) { decl_sec.AddTo (code_gen, methoddef); methoddef.AddMethAttribute (PEAPI.MethAttr.HasSecurity); } // Generic type parameters if (gen_params != null) gen_params.Resolve (code_gen, methoddef); if (type_def == null) { //Global method meth_attr &= ~PEAPI.MethAttr.Abstract; meth_attr |= PEAPI.MethAttr.Static; } else { if ((inst_list.Count > 0) && type_def.IsInterface && !IsStatic) Report.Error (start, "Method cannot have body if it is non-static declared in an interface"); if (IsAbstract) { if (!type_def.IsAbstract) Report.Error (start, String.Format ("Abstract method '{0}' in non-abstract class '{1}'", Name, type_def.FullName)); if (inst_list.Count > 0) Report.Error (start, "Method cannot have body if it is abstract."); return; } } if (entry_point) methoddef.DeclareEntryPoint (); if (local_list.Count > 0) { int ec = Report.ErrorCount; PEAPI.Local[] local_array = new PEAPI.Local[local_list.Count]; foreach (Local local in local_list) local_array[local.Slot] = local.GetPeapiLocal (code_gen); if (Report.ErrorCount > ec) return; if (zero_init) init_locals = true; methoddef.AddLocals (local_array, init_locals); } /// Nothing seems to work if maxstack is not set, /// i need to find out if this NEEDs to be set /// and what its default value should be if (max_stack < 0) max_stack = 8; methoddef.SetMaxStack (max_stack); if (pinvoke_info) { methoddef.AddPInvokeInfo (pinvoke_mod.ModuleRef, (pinvoke_name != null ? pinvoke_name : name), pinvoke_attr); } if ((impl_attr & PEAPI.ImplAttr.Runtime) == PEAPI.ImplAttr.Runtime) { if (inst_list.Count > 0) Report.Error (start, String.Format ("Method cannot have body if it is non-IL runtime-supplied, '{0}'", FullName)); } else { if (((impl_attr & PEAPI.ImplAttr.Native) != 0) || ((impl_attr & PEAPI.ImplAttr.Unmanaged) != 0)) Report.Error (start, String.Format ("Cannot compile native/unmanaged method, '{0}'", FullName)); } if (inst_list.Count > 0) { /* Has body */ if ((impl_attr & PEAPI.ImplAttr.InternalCall) != 0) Report.Error (start, String.Format ("Method cannot have body if it is an internal call, '{0}'", FullName)); if (pinvoke_info) Report.Error (start, String.Format ("Method cannot have body if it is pinvoke, '{0}'", FullName)); } else { if (pinvoke_info || ((impl_attr & PEAPI.ImplAttr.Runtime) != 0) || ((impl_attr & PEAPI.ImplAttr.InternalCall) != 0)) /* No body required */ return; Report.Warning (start, "Method has no body, 'ret' emitted."); AddInstr (new SimpInstr (PEAPI.Op.ret, start)); } PEAPI.CILInstructions cil = methoddef.CreateCodeBuffer (); /// Create all the labels /// TODO: Most labels don't actually need to be created so we could /// probably only create the ones that need to be LabelInfo[] label_info = new LabelInfo[label_table.Count + label_list.Count]; label_table.Values.CopyTo (label_info, 0); label_list.CopyTo (label_info, label_table.Count); int previous_pos = -1; LabelInfo previous_label = null; Array.Sort (label_info); foreach (LabelInfo label in label_info) { if (label.UseOffset) { label.Define (new PEAPI.CILLabel (label.Offset, true)); continue; } if (label.Pos == previous_pos) label.Label = previous_label.Label; else label.Define (cil.NewLabel ()); previous_label = label; previous_pos = label.Pos; } // Set all the label refs foreach (LabelInfo label in labelref_table.Values) { LabelInfo def = (LabelInfo) label_table[label.Name]; if (def == null) { Report.Error ("Undefined Label: " + label); return; } label.Label = def.Label; } int label_pos = 0; int next_label_pos = (label_info.Length > 0 ? label_info[0].Pos : -1); for (int i=0; i= label_info.Length) next_label_pos = -1; } if (source != null) source.MarkLocation (instr.Location.line, cil.Offset); instr.Emit (code_gen, this, cil); } if (source != null) source.MarkLocation (source.EndLine, cil.Offset); } public LabelInfo AddLabel (string name) { LabelInfo label_info = (LabelInfo) label_table[name]; if (label_info != null) Report.Error ("Duplicate label '" + name + "'"); label_info = new LabelInfo (name, inst_list.Count); label_table [name] = label_info; return label_info; } public LabelInfo AddLabelRef (string name) { LabelInfo label_info = (LabelInfo) label_table[name]; if (label_info != null) return label_info; label_info = (LabelInfo) labelref_table[name]; if (label_info != null) return label_info; label_info = new LabelInfo (name, -1); labelref_table.Add (name, label_info); return label_info; } public LabelInfo AddLabel (int offset) { // We go pos + 1 so this line is not counted LabelInfo label_info = new LabelInfo (null, inst_list.Count+1, (uint) offset); label_list.Add (label_info); return label_info; } public LabelInfo AddLabel () { LabelInfo label_info = new LabelInfo (null, inst_list.Count); label_list.Add (label_info); return label_info; } public PEAPI.CILLabel GetLabelDef (string name) { LabelInfo label_info = (LabelInfo) label_table[name]; return label_info.Label; } public PEAPI.CILLabel GetLabelDef (int pos) { foreach (LabelInfo li in label_list) { if (li.Pos == pos) return li.Label; } return null; } private void CreateSignature () { if (IsVararg) signature = CreateVarargSignature (RetType, name, param_list); else signature = CreateSignature (RetType, name, param_list, GenParamCount); } static string CreateSignature (BaseTypeRef RetType, string name, IList param_list, int gen_param_count) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder (); builder.Append (RetType.FullName); builder.Append (" "); builder.Append (name); if (gen_param_count > 0) builder.AppendFormat ("`{0}", gen_param_count); builder.Append ('('); if (param_list != null) { bool first = true; foreach (ParamDef paramdef in param_list) { if (!first) builder.Append (','); builder.Append (paramdef.TypeName); first = false; } } builder.Append (')'); return builder.ToString (); } static string CreateVarargSignature (BaseTypeRef RetType, string name, IList param_list) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder (); ParamDef last = null; builder.Append (RetType.FullName); builder.Append (" "); builder.Append (name); builder.Append ('('); bool first = true; if (param_list != null) { foreach (ParamDef paramdef in param_list) { if (!first) builder.Append (','); builder.Append (paramdef.TypeName); first = false; } last = (ParamDef) param_list[param_list.Count - 1]; } if (last == null || !last.IsSentinel ()) { if (!first) builder.Append (','); builder.Append ("..."); } builder.Append (')'); return builder.ToString (); } // @include_optional: include optional parameters for vararg methods // This will be true mostly for *Ref use, eg. methodrefs at call sites // and false for *Def (include only the required params) public static string CreateSignature (BaseTypeRef RetType, PEAPI.CallConv call_conv, string name, BaseTypeRef[] param_list, int gen_param_count, bool include_optional) { if ((call_conv & PEAPI.CallConv.Vararg) != 0) return CreateVarargSignature (RetType, name, param_list, include_optional); else return CreateSignature (RetType, name, param_list, gen_param_count, include_optional); } static string CreateVarargSignature (BaseTypeRef RetType, string name, BaseTypeRef [] param_list, bool include_optional) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder (); BaseTypeRef last = null; builder.Append (RetType.FullName); builder.Append (" "); builder.Append (name); builder.Append ('('); bool first = true; if (param_list != null && param_list.Length > 0) { foreach (BaseTypeRef param in param_list) { if (!first) builder.Append (','); builder.Append (param.FullName); first = false; last = param; if (!include_optional && param is SentinelTypeRef) break; } } if (!include_optional && (last == null || !(last is SentinelTypeRef))) { if (!first) builder.Append (','); builder.Append ("..."); } builder.Append (')'); return builder.ToString (); } static string CreateSignature (BaseTypeRef RetType, string name, BaseTypeRef[] param_list, int gen_param_count, bool include_optional) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder (); builder.Append (RetType.FullName); builder.Append (" "); builder.Append (name); if (gen_param_count > 0) builder.AppendFormat ("`{0}", gen_param_count); builder.Append ('('); if (param_list != null) { bool first = true; foreach (BaseTypeRef param in param_list) { if (!first) builder.Append (','); builder.Append (param.FullName); first = false; if (!include_optional && param is SentinelTypeRef) break; } } builder.Append (')'); return builder.ToString (); } private void FixAttributes () { if (name == ".ctor" || name == ".cctor") meth_attr |= PEAPI.MethAttr.SpecialName | PEAPI.MethAttr.RTSpecialName; // If methods aren't flagged as static they are instance if ((PEAPI.MethAttr.Static & meth_attr) == 0) call_conv |= PEAPI.CallConv.Instance; } } }