// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Copyright (c) 2006 Alexander Olk // // Authors: // // Alexander Olk alex.olk@googlemail.com // // use // public static int GetIconIndexForFile( string full_filename ) // public static int GetIconIndexForMimeType( string mime_type ) // to get the image index in MimeIconEngine.SmallIcons and MimeIconEngine.LargeIcons using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Xml; namespace System.Windows.Forms { internal enum MimeExtensionHandlerStatus { OK, ERROR } internal enum EPlatformHandler { Default, GNOME } internal class ResourceImageLoader { static Assembly assembly = typeof (ResourceImageLoader).Assembly; static internal Bitmap Get (string name) { Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream (name); if (stream == null) { Console.WriteLine ("Failed to read {0}", name); return null; } return new Bitmap (stream); } static internal Icon GetIcon (string name) { Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream (name); if (stream == null) { Console.WriteLine ("Failed to read {0}", name); return null; } return new Icon (stream); } } internal class MimeIconEngine { public static ImageList SmallIcons = new ImageList(); public static ImageList LargeIcons = new ImageList(); private static EPlatformHandler platform = EPlatformHandler.Default; internal static Hashtable MimeIconIndex = new Hashtable (); private static PlatformMimeIconHandler platformMimeHandler = null; private static object lock_object = new Object(); static MimeIconEngine () { SmallIcons.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit; SmallIcons.TransparentColor = Color.Transparent; LargeIcons.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit; LargeIcons.TransparentColor = Color.Transparent; string session = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("DESKTOP_SESSION"); if (session != null) { session = session.ToUpper (); if (session == "DEFAULT") { string helper = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID"); if (helper != null) session = "GNOME"; } } else session = String.Empty; if (Mime.MimeAvailable && session == "GNOME") { SmallIcons.ImageSize = new Size (24, 24); LargeIcons.ImageSize = new Size (48, 48); platformMimeHandler = new GnomeHandler (); if (platformMimeHandler.Start () == MimeExtensionHandlerStatus.OK) { platform = EPlatformHandler.GNOME; } else { MimeIconEngine.LargeIcons.Images.Clear (); MimeIconEngine.SmallIcons.Images.Clear (); platformMimeHandler = new PlatformDefaultHandler (); platformMimeHandler.Start (); } } else { SmallIcons.ImageSize = new Size (16, 16); LargeIcons.ImageSize = new Size (48, 48); platformMimeHandler = new PlatformDefaultHandler (); platformMimeHandler.Start (); } } public static int GetIconIndexForFile (string full_filename) { lock (lock_object) { if (platform == EPlatformHandler.Default) { return (int)MimeIconIndex ["unknown/unknown"]; } string mime_type = Mime.GetMimeTypeForFile (full_filename); object oindex = GetIconIndex (mime_type); // not found, add it if (oindex == null) { int index = full_filename.IndexOf (':'); if (index > 1) { oindex = MimeIconIndex ["unknown/unknown"]; } else { oindex = platformMimeHandler.AddAndGetIconIndex (full_filename, mime_type); // sanity check if (oindex == null) oindex = MimeIconIndex ["unknown/unknown"]; } } return (int)oindex; } } public static int GetIconIndexForMimeType (string mime_type) { lock (lock_object) { if (platform == EPlatformHandler.Default) { if (mime_type == "inode/directory") { return (int)MimeIconIndex ["inode/directory"]; } else { return (int)MimeIconIndex ["unknown/unknown"]; } } object oindex = GetIconIndex (mime_type); // not found, add it if (oindex == null) { oindex = platformMimeHandler.AddAndGetIconIndex (mime_type); // sanity check if (oindex == null) oindex = MimeIconIndex ["unknown/unknown"]; } return (int)oindex; } } public static Image GetIconForMimeTypeAndSize (string mime_type, Size size) { lock (lock_object) { object oindex = GetIconIndex (mime_type); Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap (LargeIcons.Images [(int)oindex], size); return bmp; } } internal static void AddIconByImage (string mime_type, Image image) { int index = SmallIcons.Images.Add (image, Color.Transparent); LargeIcons.Images.Add (image, Color.Transparent); MimeIconIndex.Add (mime_type, index); } private static object GetIconIndex (string mime_type) { object oindex = null; if (mime_type != null) { // first check if mime_type is available in the mimetype/icon hashtable oindex = MimeIconIndex [mime_type]; if (oindex == null) { // it is not available, check if an alias exist for mime_type string alias = Mime.GetMimeAlias (mime_type); if (alias != null) { string[] split = alias.Split (new char [] { ',' }); for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++) { oindex = MimeIconIndex [split [i]]; if (oindex != null) return oindex; } } // if oindex is still null check if mime_type is a sub class of an other mime type string sub_class = Mime.SubClasses [mime_type]; if (sub_class != null) { oindex = MimeIconIndex [sub_class]; if (oindex != null) return oindex; } // last check, see if we find an entry for the main mime type class string mime_class_main = mime_type.Substring (0, mime_type.IndexOf ('/')); return MimeIconIndex [mime_class_main]; } } return oindex; } } internal abstract class PlatformMimeIconHandler { protected MimeExtensionHandlerStatus mimeExtensionHandlerStatus = MimeExtensionHandlerStatus.OK; public MimeExtensionHandlerStatus MimeExtensionHandlerStatus { get { return mimeExtensionHandlerStatus; } } public abstract MimeExtensionHandlerStatus Start (); public virtual object AddAndGetIconIndex (string filename, string mime_type) { return null; } public virtual object AddAndGetIconIndex (string mime_type) { return null; } } internal class PlatformDefaultHandler : PlatformMimeIconHandler { public override MimeExtensionHandlerStatus Start () { MimeIconEngine.AddIconByImage ("inode/directory", ResourceImageLoader.Get ("folder.png")); MimeIconEngine.AddIconByImage ("unknown/unknown", ResourceImageLoader.Get ("text-x-generic.png")); MimeIconEngine.AddIconByImage ("desktop/desktop", ResourceImageLoader.Get ("user-desktop.png")); MimeIconEngine.AddIconByImage ("directory/home", ResourceImageLoader.Get ("user-home.png")); MimeIconEngine.AddIconByImage ("network/network", ResourceImageLoader.Get ("folder-remote.png")); MimeIconEngine.AddIconByImage ("recently/recently", ResourceImageLoader.Get ("document-open.png")); MimeIconEngine.AddIconByImage ("workplace/workplace", ResourceImageLoader.Get ("computer.png")); return MimeExtensionHandlerStatus.OK; // return always ok } } internal class GnomeHandler : PlatformMimeIconHandler { public override MimeExtensionHandlerStatus Start () { CreateUIIcons (); return MimeExtensionHandlerStatus.OK; } private void CreateUIIcons () { AddGnomeIcon ("unknown/unknown", "gnome-fs-regular"); AddGnomeIcon ("inode/directory", "gnome-fs-directory"); AddGnomeIcon ("directory/home", "gnome-fs-home"); AddGnomeIcon ("desktop/desktop", "gnome-fs-desktop"); AddGnomeIcon ("recently/recently", "gnome-fs-directory-accept"); AddGnomeIcon ("workplace/workplace", "gnome-fs-client"); AddGnomeIcon ("network/network", "gnome-fs-network"); AddGnomeIcon ("nfs/nfs", "gnome-fs-nfs"); AddGnomeIcon ("smb/smb", "gnome-fs-smb"); AddGnomeIcon ("harddisk/harddisk", "gnome-dev-harddisk"); AddGnomeIcon ("cdrom/cdrom", "gnome-dev-cdrom"); AddGnomeIcon ("removable/removable", "gnome-dev-removable"); } private void AddGnomeIcon (string internal_mime_type, string name) { int index = -1; if (MimeIconEngine.MimeIconIndex.ContainsKey (internal_mime_type)) { return; } Image image = GnomeUtil.GetIcon (name, 48); if (image == null) { if (internal_mime_type == "unknown/unknown") image = ResourceImageLoader.Get ("text-x-generic.png"); else if (internal_mime_type == "inode/directory") image = ResourceImageLoader.Get ("folder.png"); else if (internal_mime_type == "directory/home") image = ResourceImageLoader.Get ("user-home.png"); else if (internal_mime_type == "desktop/desktop") image = ResourceImageLoader.Get ("user-desktop.png"); else if (internal_mime_type == "recently/recently") image = ResourceImageLoader.Get ("document-open.png"); else if (internal_mime_type == "workplace/workplace") image = ResourceImageLoader.Get ("computer.png"); else if (internal_mime_type == "network/network" || internal_mime_type == "nfs/nfs" || internal_mime_type == "smb/smb") image = ResourceImageLoader.Get ("folder-remote.png"); else if (internal_mime_type == "harddisk/harddisk" || internal_mime_type == "cdrom/cdrom" || internal_mime_type == "removable/removable") image = ResourceImageLoader.Get ("text-x-generic.png"); } if (image != null) { index = MimeIconEngine.SmallIcons.Images.Add (image, Color.Transparent); MimeIconEngine.LargeIcons.Images.Add (image, Color.Transparent); MimeIconEngine.MimeIconIndex.Add (internal_mime_type, index); } } public override object AddAndGetIconIndex (string filename, string mime_type) { int index = -1; Image image = GnomeUtil.GetIcon (filename, mime_type, 48); if (image != null) { index = MimeIconEngine.SmallIcons.Images.Add (image, Color.Transparent); MimeIconEngine.LargeIcons.Images.Add (image, Color.Transparent); MimeIconEngine.MimeIconIndex.Add (mime_type, index); } return index; } public override object AddAndGetIconIndex (string mime_type) { int index = -1; Image image = GnomeUtil.GetIcon (mime_type, 48); if (image != null) { index = MimeIconEngine.SmallIcons.Images.Add (image, Color.Transparent); MimeIconEngine.LargeIcons.Images.Add (image, Color.Transparent); MimeIconEngine.MimeIconIndex.Add (mime_type, index); } return index; } } internal class GnomeUtil { const string libgdk = "libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0"; const string libgdk_pixbuf = "libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0"; const string libgtk = "libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0"; const string libglib = "libglib-2.0.so.0"; const string libgobject = "libgobject-2.0.so.0"; const string libgnomeui = "libgnomeui-2.so.0"; const string librsvg = "librsvg-2.so.2"; [DllImport(librsvg)] static extern IntPtr rsvg_pixbuf_from_file_at_size (string file_name, int width, int height, out IntPtr error); [DllImport(libgdk_pixbuf)] static extern bool gdk_pixbuf_save_to_buffer (IntPtr pixbuf, out IntPtr buffer, out UIntPtr buffer_size, string type, out IntPtr error, IntPtr option_dummy); [DllImport(libglib)] static extern void g_free (IntPtr mem); [DllImport(libgdk)] static extern bool gdk_init_check (IntPtr argc, IntPtr argv); [DllImport(libgobject)] static extern void g_object_unref (IntPtr nativeObject); [DllImport(libgnomeui)] static extern string gnome_icon_lookup (IntPtr icon_theme, IntPtr thumbnail_factory, string file_uri, string custom_icon, IntPtr file_info, string mime_type, GnomeIconLookupFlags flags, IntPtr result); [DllImport(libgtk)] static extern IntPtr gtk_icon_theme_get_default (); [DllImport(libgtk)] static extern IntPtr gtk_icon_theme_load_icon (IntPtr icon_theme, string icon_name, int size, GtkIconLookupFlags flags, out IntPtr error); [DllImport(libgtk)] static extern bool gtk_icon_theme_has_icon (IntPtr icon_theme, string icon_name); enum GnomeIconLookupFlags { GNOME_ICON_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE = 0, GNOME_ICON_LOOKUP_FLAGS_EMBEDDING_TEXT = 1<<0, GNOME_ICON_LOOKUP_FLAGS_SHOW_SMALL_IMAGES_AS_THEMSELVES = 1<<1, GNOME_ICON_LOOKUP_FLAGS_ALLOW_SVG_AS_THEMSELVES = 1<<2 }; enum GtkIconLookupFlags { GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_NO_SVG = 1 << 0, GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_FORCE_SVG = 1 << 1, GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN = 1 << 2 }; static bool inited = false; static IntPtr default_icon_theme = IntPtr.Zero; static void Init () { gdk_init_check (IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); inited = true; default_icon_theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_default (); } public static Image GetIcon (string file_name, string mime_type, int size) { if (!inited) Init (); Uri uri = new Uri (file_name); string icon; try { icon = gnome_icon_lookup (default_icon_theme, IntPtr.Zero, uri.AbsoluteUri, null, IntPtr.Zero, mime_type, GnomeIconLookupFlags.GNOME_ICON_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE, IntPtr.Zero); } catch { // If libgnomeui is not installed, in preparation for Gnome 3 return null; } IntPtr error = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr pixbuf = gtk_icon_theme_load_icon (default_icon_theme, icon, size, GtkIconLookupFlags.GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN, out error); if (error != IntPtr.Zero) return null; return GdkPixbufToImage (pixbuf); } public static Image GetIcon (string icon, int size) { if (!inited) Init (); IntPtr error = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr pixbuf = gtk_icon_theme_load_icon (default_icon_theme, icon, size, GtkIconLookupFlags.GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN, out error); if (error != IntPtr.Zero) return null; return GdkPixbufToImage (pixbuf); } public static Image GdkPixbufToImage (IntPtr pixbuf) { IntPtr error = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr buffer; UIntPtr buffer_size_as_ptr; string type = "png"; bool saved = gdk_pixbuf_save_to_buffer (pixbuf, out buffer, out buffer_size_as_ptr, type, out error, IntPtr.Zero); if (!saved) return null; int buffer_size = (int) (uint) buffer_size_as_ptr; byte[] result = new byte [buffer_size]; Marshal.Copy (buffer, result, 0, (int) buffer_size); g_free (buffer); g_object_unref (pixbuf); Image image = null; MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream (result); image = Image.FromStream (s); return image; } public static Image GetSVGasImage (string filename, int width, int height) { if (!inited) Init (); if (!File.Exists (filename)) return null; IntPtr error = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr pixbuf = rsvg_pixbuf_from_file_at_size (filename, width, height, out error); if (error != IntPtr.Zero) return null; return GdkPixbufToImage (pixbuf); } public static bool HasImage (string name) { if (!inited) Init (); return gtk_icon_theme_has_icon (default_icon_theme, name); } } }