// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Novell, Inc. // // Authors: // Duncan Mak duncan@ximian.com // Nick Drochak ndrochak@gol.com // Paolo Molaro lupus@ximian.com // Peter Bartok pbartok@novell.com // Gert Driesen drieseng@users.sourceforge.net // Olivier Dufour olivier.duff@gmail.com // Gary Barnett gary.barnett.mono@gmail.com using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Resources; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Xml; using System.Reflection; using System.Drawing; using System.Runtime.Serialization; namespace System.Resources { #if INSIDE_SYSTEM_WEB internal #else public #endif class ResXResourceReader : IResourceReader, IDisposable { #region Local Variables private string fileName; private Stream stream; private TextReader reader; private Hashtable hasht; private ITypeResolutionService typeresolver; private XmlTextReader xmlReader; private string basepath; private bool useResXDataNodes; private AssemblyName [] assemblyNames; private Hashtable hashtm; #endregion // Local Variables #region Constructors & Destructor public ResXResourceReader (Stream stream) { if (stream == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("stream"); if (!stream.CanRead) throw new ArgumentException ("Stream was not readable."); this.stream = stream; } public ResXResourceReader (Stream stream, ITypeResolutionService typeResolver) : this (stream) { this.typeresolver = typeResolver; } public ResXResourceReader (string fileName) { this.fileName = fileName; } public ResXResourceReader (string fileName, ITypeResolutionService typeResolver) : this (fileName) { this.typeresolver = typeResolver; } public ResXResourceReader (TextReader reader) { this.reader = reader; } public ResXResourceReader (TextReader reader, ITypeResolutionService typeResolver) : this (reader) { this.typeresolver = typeResolver; } public ResXResourceReader (Stream stream, AssemblyName [] assemblyNames) : this (stream) { this.assemblyNames = assemblyNames; } public ResXResourceReader (string fileName, AssemblyName [] assemblyNames) : this (fileName) { this.assemblyNames = assemblyNames; } public ResXResourceReader (TextReader reader, AssemblyName [] assemblyNames) : this (reader) { this.assemblyNames = assemblyNames; } ~ResXResourceReader () { Dispose (false); } #endregion // Constructors & Destructor public string BasePath { get { return basepath; } set { basepath = value; } } public bool UseResXDataNodes { get { return useResXDataNodes; } set { if (xmlReader != null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); useResXDataNodes = value; } } #region Private Methods private void LoadData () { hasht = new Hashtable (); hashtm = new Hashtable (); if (fileName != null) { stream = File.OpenRead (fileName); } try { xmlReader = null; if (stream != null) { xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (stream); } else if (reader != null) { xmlReader = new XmlTextReader (reader); } if (xmlReader == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException ("ResourceReader is closed."); } xmlReader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None; ResXHeader header = new ResXHeader (); try { while (xmlReader.Read ()) { if (xmlReader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) continue; switch (xmlReader.LocalName) { case "resheader": ParseHeaderNode (header); break; case "data": ParseDataNode (false); break; case "metadata": ParseDataNode (true); break; } } } catch (XmlException ex) { throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid ResX input.", ex); } catch (SerializationException ex) { throw ex; } catch (TargetInvocationException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { XmlException xex = new XmlException (ex.Message, ex, xmlReader.LineNumber, xmlReader.LinePosition); throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid ResX input.", xex); } header.Verify (); } finally { if (fileName != null) { stream.Close (); stream = null; } xmlReader = null; } } private void ParseHeaderNode (ResXHeader header) { string v = GetAttribute ("name"); if (v == null) return; if (String.Compare (v, "resmimetype", true) == 0) { header.ResMimeType = GetHeaderValue (); } else if (String.Compare (v, "reader", true) == 0) { header.Reader = GetHeaderValue (); } else if (String.Compare (v, "version", true) == 0) { header.Version = GetHeaderValue (); } else if (String.Compare (v, "writer", true) == 0) { header.Writer = GetHeaderValue (); } } private string GetHeaderValue () { string value = null; xmlReader.ReadStartElement (); if (xmlReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { value = xmlReader.ReadElementString (); } else { value = xmlReader.Value.Trim (); } return value; } private string GetAttribute (string name) { if (!xmlReader.HasAttributes) return null; for (int i = 0; i < xmlReader.AttributeCount; i++) { xmlReader.MoveToAttribute (i); if (String.Compare (xmlReader.Name, name, true) == 0) { string v = xmlReader.Value; xmlReader.MoveToElement (); return v; } } xmlReader.MoveToElement (); return null; } private string GetDataValue (bool meta, out string comment) { string value = null; comment = null; while (xmlReader.Read ()) { if (xmlReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && xmlReader.LocalName == (meta ? "metadata" : "data")) break; if (xmlReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { if (xmlReader.Name.Equals ("value")) { xmlReader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.Significant; value = xmlReader.ReadString (); xmlReader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None; } else if (xmlReader.Name.Equals ("comment")) { xmlReader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.Significant; comment = xmlReader.ReadString (); xmlReader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None; if (xmlReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && xmlReader.LocalName == (meta ? "metadata" : "data")) break; } } else value = xmlReader.Value.Trim (); } return value; } private void ParseDataNode (bool meta) { Hashtable hashtable = ((meta && ! useResXDataNodes) ? hashtm : hasht); Point pos = new Point (xmlReader.LineNumber, xmlReader.LinePosition); string name = GetAttribute ("name"); string type_name = GetAttribute ("type"); string mime_type = GetAttribute ("mimetype"); string comment = null; string value = GetDataValue (meta, out comment); ResXDataNode node = new ResXDataNode (name, mime_type, type_name, value, comment, pos, BasePath); if (useResXDataNodes) { hashtable [name] = node; return; } if (name == null) throw new ArgumentException (string.Format (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Could not find a name for a resource. The resource value was '{0}'.", node.GetValue ((AssemblyName []) null).ToString())); // useResXDataNodes is false, add to dictionary of values if (assemblyNames != null) { try { hashtable [name] = node.GetValue (assemblyNames); } catch (TypeLoadException ex) { // different error messages depending on type of resource, hacky solution if (node.handler is TypeConverterFromResXHandler) hashtable [name] = null; else throw ex; } } else { // there is a typeresolver or its null try { hashtable [name] = node.GetValue (typeresolver); } catch (TypeLoadException ex) { if (node.handler is TypeConverterFromResXHandler) hashtable [name] = null; else throw ex; } } } #endregion // Private Methods #region Public Methods public void Close () { if (reader != null) { reader.Close (); reader = null; } } public IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator () { if (hasht == null) { LoadData (); } return hasht.GetEnumerator (); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () { return ((IResourceReader) this).GetEnumerator (); } void IDisposable.Dispose () { Dispose (true); GC.SuppressFinalize (this); } protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing) { if (disposing) { Close (); } } public static ResXResourceReader FromFileContents (string fileContents) { return new ResXResourceReader (new StringReader (fileContents)); } public static ResXResourceReader FromFileContents (string fileContents, ITypeResolutionService typeResolver) { return new ResXResourceReader (new StringReader (fileContents), typeResolver); } public static ResXResourceReader FromFileContents (string fileContents, AssemblyName [] assemblyNames) { return new ResXResourceReader (new StringReader (fileContents), assemblyNames); } public IDictionaryEnumerator GetMetadataEnumerator () { if (hashtm == null) LoadData (); return hashtm.GetEnumerator (); } #endregion // Public Methods #region Internal Classes private class ResXHeader { private string resMimeType; private string reader; private string version; private string writer; public string ResMimeType { get { return resMimeType; } set { resMimeType = value; } } public string Reader { get { return reader; } set { reader = value; } } public string Version { get { return version; } set { version = value; } } public string Writer { get { return writer; } set { writer = value; } } public void Verify () { if (!IsValid) throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid ResX input. Could " + "not find valid \"resheader\" tags for the ResX " + "reader & writer type names."); } public bool IsValid { get { if (string.Compare (ResMimeType, ResXResourceWriter.ResMimeType) != 0) return false; if (Reader == null || Writer == null) return false; string readerType = Reader.Split (',') [0].Trim (); if (readerType != typeof (ResXResourceReader).FullName) return false; string writerType = Writer.Split (',') [0].Trim (); if (writerType != typeof (ResXResourceWriter).FullName) return false; return true; } } } #endregion } }