System.Windows.Forms 1.0.5000.0 System.Object The constructor for this object is not public, so you cannot explicitly create a object. The object is created when you call its public methods. Represents a display device or multiple display devices on a single system. Property System.Windows.Forms.Screen[] To be added. To be added. Gets an array of all displays on the system. 1.0.5000.0 Property System.Int32 To be added. Typically, the number of bits per pixel for a screen is useful when working with bitmaps. For more information about bitmaps, see [<topic://_gdiplus_Types_of_Bitmaps_about>]. Gets the number of bits of memory, associated with one pixel of data. Property System.Drawing.Rectangle To be added. To be added. Gets the bounds of the display. 1.0.5000.0 Property System.String To be added. This string may contain non-printable characters. Gets the device name associated with a display. 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Boolean To be added. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the specified object is equal to this Screen. true if the specified object is equal to this ; otherwise, false. The object to compare to this . 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Windows.Forms.Screen To be added. Retrieves a for the display that contains the largest portion of the specified control. A for the display that contains the largest region of the specified control. In multiple display environments where no display contains the control, the display closest to the specified control is returned. A for which to retrieve a . 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Windows.Forms.Screen To be added. Retrieves a for the display that contains the largest portion of the object referred to by the specified handle. A for the display that contains the largest region of the object. In multiple display environments where no display contains any portion of the specified window, the display closest to the object is returned. The window handle for which to retrieve the . 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Windows.Forms.Screen To be added. Retrieves a for the display that contains the specified point. A for the display that contains the point. In multiple display environments where no display contains the point, the display closest to the specified point is returned. A that specifies the location for which to retrieve a . 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Windows.Forms.Screen To be added. Retrieves a for the display that contains the largest portion of the rectangle. A for the display that contains the largest region of the specified rectangle. In multiple display environments where no display contains the rectangle, the display closest to the rectangle is returned. A that specifies the area for which to retrieve the display. 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Drawing.Rectangle To be added. Retrieves the bounds of the display that contains the specified point. A that specifies the bounds of the display that contains the specified point. In multiple display environments where no display contains the specified point, the display closest to the point is returned. A that specifies the coordinates for which to retrieve the display bounds. 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Drawing.Rectangle To be added. Retrieves the bounds of the display that contains the largest portion of the specified rectangle. A that specifies the bounds of the display that contains the specified rectangle. In multiple display environments where no monitor contains the specified rectangle, the monitor closest to the rectangle is returned. A that specifies the area for which to retrieve the display bounds. 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Drawing.Rectangle To be added. Retrieves the bounds of the display that contains the largest portion of the specified control. A that specifies the bounds of the display that contains the specified control. In multiple display environments where no display contains the specified control, the display closest to the control is returned. The for which to retrieve the display bounds. 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Int32 This method implements the method. Computes and retrieves a hash code for an object. A hash code for an object. 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Drawing.Rectangle To be added. Retrieves the working area closest to the specified point. The working area is the desktop area of the display, excluding taskbars, docked windows, and docked tool bars. A that specifies the working area. In multiple display environments where no display contains the specified point, the display closest to the point is returned. A that specifies the coordinates for which to retrieve the working area. 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Drawing.Rectangle To be added. Retrieves the working area for the display that contains the largest portion of the specified rectangle. The working area is the desktop area of the display, excluding taskbars, docked windows, and docked tool bars. A that specifies the working area. In multiple display environments where no display contains the specified rectangle, the display closest to the rectangle is returned. The that specifies the area for which to retrieve the working area. 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Drawing.Rectangle To be added. Retrieves the working area for the display that contains the largest region of the specified control. The working area is the desktop area of the display, excluding taskbars, docked windows, and docked tool bars. A that specifies the working area. In multiple display environments where no display contains the specified control, the display closest to the control is returned. The for which to retrieve the working area. 1.0.5000.0 Property System.Boolean To be added. To be added. Gets a value indicating whether a particular display is the primary device. 1.0.5000.0 Property System.Windows.Forms.Screen To be added. For a single display system, the primary display is the only display. Gets the primary display. 1.0.5000.0 Method System.String To be added. Retrieves a string representing this object. A string representation of the object. 1.0.5000.0 Property System.Drawing.Rectangle To be added. The working area is the desktop area of the display, excluding taskbars, docked windows, and docked tool bars. will return the entire area of the screen if the Windows Taskbar is set to Auto-Hide, no matter whether the Taskbar is currently displayed or not. Gets the working area of the display. The working area is the desktop area of the display, excluding taskbars, docked windows, and docked tool bars. 1.0.5000.0