// // Microsoft.Win32/UnixRegistryApi.cs // // Authors: // Miguel de Icaza (miguel@gnome.org) // Gert Driesen (drieseng@users.sourceforge.net) // // (C) 2005, 2006 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // MISSING: // It would be useful if we do case-insensitive expansion of variables, // the registry is very windows specific, so we probably should default to // those semantics in expanding environment variables, for example %path% // // We should use an ordered collection for storing the values (instead of // a Hashtable). // // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #if !NET_2_1 using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Reflection; using System.Security; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; namespace Microsoft.Win32 { class ExpandString { string value; public ExpandString (string s) { value = s; } public override string ToString () { return value; } public string Expand () { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++){ if (value [i] == '%'){ int j = i + 1; for (; j < value.Length; j++){ if (value [j] == '%'){ string key = value.Substring (i + 1, j - i - 1); sb.Append (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable (key)); i += j; break; } } if (j == value.Length){ sb.Append ('%'); } } else { sb.Append (value [i]); } } return sb.ToString (); } } class KeyHandler { static Hashtable key_to_handler = new Hashtable (); static Hashtable dir_to_handler = new Hashtable ( new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider (), new CaseInsensitiveComparer ()); const string VolatileDirectoryName = "volatile-keys"; public string Dir; string ActualDir; // Lets keep this one private. public bool IsVolatile; Hashtable values; string file; bool dirty; static KeyHandler () { CleanVolatileKeys (); } KeyHandler (RegistryKey rkey, string basedir) : this (rkey, basedir, false) { } KeyHandler (RegistryKey rkey, string basedir, bool is_volatile) { // Force ourselved to reuse the key, if any. string volatile_basedir = GetVolatileDir (basedir); string actual_basedir = basedir; if (Directory.Exists (basedir)) is_volatile = false; else if (Directory.Exists (volatile_basedir)) { actual_basedir = volatile_basedir; is_volatile = true; } else if (is_volatile) actual_basedir = volatile_basedir; if (!Directory.Exists (actual_basedir)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory (actual_basedir); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex){ throw new SecurityException ("No access to the given key", ex); } } Dir = basedir; // This is our identifier. ActualDir = actual_basedir; // This our actual location. IsVolatile = is_volatile; file = Path.Combine (ActualDir, "values.xml"); Load (); } public void Load () { values = new Hashtable (); if (!File.Exists (file)) return; try { using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead (file)){ StreamReader r = new StreamReader (fs); string xml = r.ReadToEnd (); if (xml.Length == 0) return; SecurityElement tree = SecurityElement.FromString (xml); if (tree.Tag == "values" && tree.Children != null){ foreach (SecurityElement value in tree.Children){ if (value.Tag == "value"){ LoadKey (value); } } } } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException){ values.Clear (); throw new SecurityException ("No access to the given key"); } catch (Exception e){ Console.Error.WriteLine ("While loading registry key at {0}: {1}", file, e); values.Clear (); } } void LoadKey (SecurityElement se) { Hashtable h = se.Attributes; try { string name = (string) h ["name"]; if (name == null) return; string type = (string) h ["type"]; if (type == null) return; switch (type){ case "int": values [name] = Int32.Parse (se.Text); break; case "bytearray": values [name] = Convert.FromBase64String (se.Text); break; case "string": values [name] = se.Text == null ? String.Empty : se.Text; break; case "expand": values [name] = new ExpandString (se.Text); break; case "qword": values [name] = Int64.Parse (se.Text); break; case "string-array": var sa = new List (); if (se.Children != null){ foreach (SecurityElement stre in se.Children){ sa.Add (stre.Text); } } values [name] = sa.ToArray (); break; } } catch { // We ignore individual errors in the file. } } public RegistryKey Ensure (RegistryKey rkey, string extra, bool writable) { return Ensure (rkey, extra, writable, false); } // 'is_volatile' is used only if the key hasn't been created already. public RegistryKey Ensure (RegistryKey rkey, string extra, bool writable, bool is_volatile) { lock (typeof (KeyHandler)){ string f = Path.Combine (Dir, extra); KeyHandler kh = (KeyHandler) dir_to_handler [f]; if (kh == null) kh = new KeyHandler (rkey, f, is_volatile); RegistryKey rk = new RegistryKey (kh, CombineName (rkey, extra), writable); key_to_handler [rk] = kh; dir_to_handler [f] = kh; return rk; } } public RegistryKey Probe (RegistryKey rkey, string extra, bool writable) { RegistryKey rk = null; lock (typeof (KeyHandler)){ string f = Path.Combine (Dir, extra); KeyHandler kh = (KeyHandler) dir_to_handler [f]; if (kh != null) { rk = new RegistryKey (kh, CombineName (rkey, extra), writable); key_to_handler [rk] = kh; } else if (Directory.Exists (f) || VolatileKeyExists (f)) { kh = new KeyHandler (rkey, f); rk = new RegistryKey (kh, CombineName (rkey, extra), writable); dir_to_handler [f] = kh; key_to_handler [rk] = kh; } return rk; } } static string CombineName (RegistryKey rkey, string extra) { if (extra.IndexOf ('/') != -1) extra = extra.Replace ('/', '\\'); return String.Concat (rkey.Name, "\\", extra); } static long GetSystemBootTime () { if (!File.Exists ("/proc/stat")) return -1; string btime = null; string line; try { using (StreamReader stat_file = new StreamReader ("/proc/stat", Encoding.ASCII)) { while ((line = stat_file.ReadLine ()) != null) if (line.StartsWith ("btime")) { btime = line; break; } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("While reading system info {0}", e); } if (btime == null) return -1; int space = btime.IndexOf (' '); long res; if (!Int64.TryParse (btime.Substring (space, btime.Length - space), out res)) return -1; return res; } // The registered boot time it's a simple line containing the last system btime. static long GetRegisteredBootTime (string path) { if (!File.Exists (path)) return -1; string line = null; try { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (path, Encoding.ASCII)) line = reader.ReadLine (); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("While reading registry data at {0}: {1}", path, e); } if (line == null) return -1; long res; if (!Int64.TryParse (line, out res)) return -1; return res; } static void SaveRegisteredBootTime (string path, long btime) { try { using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter (path, false, Encoding.ASCII)) writer.WriteLine (btime.ToString ()); } catch (Exception) { /* This can happen when a user process tries to write to MachineStore */ //Console.Error.WriteLine ("While saving registry data at {0}: {1}", path, e); } } // We save the last boot time in a last-btime file in every root, and we use it // to clean the volatile keys directory in case the system btime changed. static void CleanVolatileKeys () { long system_btime = GetSystemBootTime (); string [] roots = new string [] { UserStore, MachineStore }; foreach (string root in roots) { if (!Directory.Exists (root)) continue; string btime_file = Path.Combine (root, "last-btime"); string volatile_dir = Path.Combine (root, VolatileDirectoryName); if (Directory.Exists (volatile_dir)) { long registered_btime = GetRegisteredBootTime (btime_file); if (system_btime < 0 || registered_btime < 0 || registered_btime != system_btime) Directory.Delete (volatile_dir, true); } SaveRegisteredBootTime (btime_file, system_btime); } } public static bool VolatileKeyExists (string dir) { lock (typeof (KeyHandler)) { KeyHandler kh = (KeyHandler) dir_to_handler [dir]; if (kh != null) return kh.IsVolatile; } if (Directory.Exists (dir)) // Non-volatile key exists. return false; return Directory.Exists (GetVolatileDir (dir)); } public static string GetVolatileDir (string dir) { string root = GetRootFromDir (dir); string volatile_dir = dir.Replace (root, Path.Combine (root, VolatileDirectoryName)); return volatile_dir; } public static KeyHandler Lookup (RegistryKey rkey, bool createNonExisting) { lock (typeof (KeyHandler)){ KeyHandler k = (KeyHandler) key_to_handler [rkey]; if (k != null) return k; // when a non-root key is requested for no keyhandler exist // then that key must have been marked for deletion if (!rkey.IsRoot || !createNonExisting) return null; RegistryHive x = (RegistryHive) rkey.Hive; switch (x){ case RegistryHive.CurrentUser: string userDir = Path.Combine (UserStore, x.ToString ()); k = new KeyHandler (rkey, userDir); dir_to_handler [userDir] = k; break; case RegistryHive.CurrentConfig: case RegistryHive.ClassesRoot: case RegistryHive.DynData: case RegistryHive.LocalMachine: case RegistryHive.PerformanceData: case RegistryHive.Users: string machine_dir = Path.Combine (MachineStore, x.ToString ()); k = new KeyHandler (rkey, machine_dir); dir_to_handler [machine_dir] = k; break; default: throw new Exception ("Unknown RegistryHive"); } key_to_handler [rkey] = k; return k; } } static string GetRootFromDir (string dir) { if (dir.IndexOf (UserStore) > -1) return UserStore; else if (dir.IndexOf (MachineStore) > -1) return MachineStore; throw new Exception ("Could not get root for dir " + dir); } public static void Drop (RegistryKey rkey) { lock (typeof (KeyHandler)) { KeyHandler k = (KeyHandler) key_to_handler [rkey]; if (k == null) return; key_to_handler.Remove (rkey); // remove cached KeyHandler if no other keys reference it int refCount = 0; foreach (DictionaryEntry de in key_to_handler) if (de.Value == k) refCount++; if (refCount == 0) dir_to_handler.Remove (k.Dir); } } public static void Drop (string dir) { lock (typeof (KeyHandler)) { KeyHandler kh = (KeyHandler) dir_to_handler [dir]; if (kh == null) return; dir_to_handler.Remove (dir); // remove (other) references to keyhandler ArrayList keys = new ArrayList (); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in key_to_handler) if (de.Value == kh) keys.Add (de.Key); foreach (object key in keys) key_to_handler.Remove (key); } } public static bool Delete (string dir) { if (!Directory.Exists (dir)) { string volatile_dir = GetVolatileDir (dir); if (!Directory.Exists (volatile_dir)) return false; dir = volatile_dir; } Directory.Delete (dir, true); Drop (dir); return true; } public RegistryValueKind GetValueKind (string name) { if (name == null) return RegistryValueKind.Unknown; object value = values [name]; if (value == null) return RegistryValueKind.Unknown; if (value is int) return RegistryValueKind.DWord; if (value is string []) return RegistryValueKind.MultiString; if (value is long) return RegistryValueKind.QWord; if (value is byte []) return RegistryValueKind.Binary; if (value is string) return RegistryValueKind.String; if (value is ExpandString) return RegistryValueKind.ExpandString; return RegistryValueKind.Unknown; } public object GetValue (string name, RegistryValueOptions options) { if (IsMarkedForDeletion) return null; if (name == null) name = string.Empty; object value = values [name]; ExpandString exp = value as ExpandString; if (exp == null) return value; if ((options & RegistryValueOptions.DoNotExpandEnvironmentNames) == 0) return exp.Expand (); return exp.ToString (); } public void SetValue (string name, object value) { AssertNotMarkedForDeletion (); if (name == null) name = string.Empty; // immediately convert non-native registry values to string to avoid // returning it unmodified in calls to UnixRegistryApi.GetValue if (value is int || value is string || value is byte[] || value is string[]) values[name] = value; else values[name] = value.ToString (); SetDirty (); } public string [] GetValueNames () { AssertNotMarkedForDeletion (); ICollection keys = values.Keys; string [] vals = new string [keys.Count]; keys.CopyTo (vals, 0); return vals; } public int GetSubKeyCount () { return GetSubKeyNames ().Length; } public string [] GetSubKeyNames () { DirectoryInfo selfDir = new DirectoryInfo (ActualDir); DirectoryInfo[] subDirs = selfDir.GetDirectories (); string[] subKeyNames; // for volatile keys (cannot contain non-volatile subkeys) or keys // without *any* presence in the volatile key section, we can do it simple. if (IsVolatile || !Directory.Exists (GetVolatileDir (Dir))) { subKeyNames = new string[subDirs.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < subDirs.Length; i++) { DirectoryInfo subDir = subDirs[i]; subKeyNames[i] = subDir.Name; } return subKeyNames; } // We may have the entries repeated, so keep just one of each one. DirectoryInfo volatileDir = new DirectoryInfo (GetVolatileDir (Dir)); DirectoryInfo [] volatileSubDirs = volatileDir.GetDirectories (); Dictionary dirs = new Dictionary (); foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in subDirs) dirs [dir.Name] = dir.Name; foreach (DirectoryInfo volDir in volatileSubDirs) dirs [volDir.Name] = volDir.Name; subKeyNames = new string [dirs.Count]; int j = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair entry in dirs) subKeyNames[j++] = entry.Value; return subKeyNames; } // // This version has to do argument validation based on the valueKind // public void SetValue (string name, object value, RegistryValueKind valueKind) { SetDirty (); if (name == null) name = string.Empty; switch (valueKind){ case RegistryValueKind.String: if (value is string){ values [name] = value; return; } break; case RegistryValueKind.ExpandString: if (value is string){ values [name] = new ExpandString ((string)value); return; } break; case RegistryValueKind.Binary: if (value is byte []){ values [name] = value; return; } break; case RegistryValueKind.DWord: try { values [name] = Convert.ToInt32 (value); return; } catch (OverflowException) { break; } case RegistryValueKind.MultiString: if (value is string []){ values [name] = value; return; } break; case RegistryValueKind.QWord: try { values [name] = Convert.ToInt64 (value); return; } catch (OverflowException) { break; } default: throw new ArgumentException ("unknown value", "valueKind"); } throw new ArgumentException ("Value could not be converted to specified type", "valueKind"); } void SetDirty () { lock (typeof (KeyHandler)){ if (dirty) return; dirty = true; new Timer (DirtyTimeout, null, 3000, Timeout.Infinite); } } public void DirtyTimeout (object state) { Flush (); } public void Flush () { lock (typeof (KeyHandler)) { if (dirty) { Save (); dirty = false; } } } public bool ValueExists (string name) { if (name == null) name = string.Empty; return values.Contains (name); } public int ValueCount { get { return values.Keys.Count; } } public bool IsMarkedForDeletion { get { return !dir_to_handler.Contains (Dir); } } public void RemoveValue (string name) { AssertNotMarkedForDeletion (); values.Remove (name); SetDirty (); } ~KeyHandler () { Flush (); } void Save () { if (IsMarkedForDeletion) return; if (!File.Exists (file) && values.Count == 0) return; SecurityElement se = new SecurityElement ("values"); // With SecurityElement.Text = value, and SecurityElement.AddAttribute(key, value) // the values must be escaped prior to being assigned. foreach (DictionaryEntry de in values){ object val = de.Value; SecurityElement value = new SecurityElement ("value"); value.AddAttribute ("name", SecurityElement.Escape ((string) de.Key)); if (val is string){ value.AddAttribute ("type", "string"); value.Text = SecurityElement.Escape ((string) val); } else if (val is int){ value.AddAttribute ("type", "int"); value.Text = val.ToString (); } else if (val is long) { value.AddAttribute ("type", "qword"); value.Text = val.ToString (); } else if (val is byte []){ value.AddAttribute ("type", "bytearray"); value.Text = Convert.ToBase64String ((byte[]) val); } else if (val is ExpandString){ value.AddAttribute ("type", "expand"); value.Text = SecurityElement.Escape (val.ToString ()); } else if (val is string []){ value.AddAttribute ("type", "string-array"); foreach (string ss in (string[]) val){ SecurityElement str = new SecurityElement ("string"); str.Text = SecurityElement.Escape (ss); value.AddChild (str); } } se.AddChild (value); } using (FileStream fs = File.Create (file)){ StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter (fs); sw.Write (se.ToString ()); sw.Flush (); } } private void AssertNotMarkedForDeletion () { if (IsMarkedForDeletion) throw RegistryKey.CreateMarkedForDeletionException (); } static string user_store; static string machine_store; private static string UserStore { get { if (user_store == null) user_store = Path.Combine (Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), ".mono/registry"); return user_store; } } private static string MachineStore { get { if (machine_store == null) { machine_store = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("MONO_REGISTRY_PATH"); if (machine_store == null) { string s = Environment.GetMachineConfigPath (); int p = s.IndexOf ("machine.config"); machine_store = Path.Combine (Path.Combine (s.Substring (0, p-1), ".."), "registry"); } } return machine_store; } } } internal class UnixRegistryApi : IRegistryApi { static string ToUnix (string keyname) { if (keyname.IndexOf ('\\') != -1) keyname = keyname.Replace ('\\', '/'); return keyname.ToLower (); } static bool IsWellKnownKey (string parentKeyName, string keyname) { // FIXME: Add more keys if needed if (parentKeyName == Registry.CurrentUser.Name || parentKeyName == Registry.LocalMachine.Name) return (0 == String.Compare ("software", keyname, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); return false; } public RegistryKey CreateSubKey (RegistryKey rkey, string keyname) { return CreateSubKey (rkey, keyname, true); } #if NET_4_0 public RegistryKey CreateSubKey (RegistryKey rkey, string keyname, RegistryOptions options) { return CreateSubKey (rkey, keyname, true, options == RegistryOptions.Volatile); } #endif public RegistryKey OpenRemoteBaseKey (RegistryHive hKey, string machineName) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public RegistryKey OpenSubKey (RegistryKey rkey, string keyname, bool writable) { KeyHandler self = KeyHandler.Lookup (rkey, true); if (self == null) { // return null if parent is marked for deletion return null; } RegistryKey result = self.Probe (rkey, ToUnix (keyname), writable); if (result == null && IsWellKnownKey (rkey.Name, keyname)) { // create the subkey even if its parent was opened read-only result = CreateSubKey (rkey, keyname, writable); } return result; } #if NET_4_0 public RegistryKey FromHandle (SafeRegistryHandle handle) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } #endif public void Flush (RegistryKey rkey) { KeyHandler self = KeyHandler.Lookup (rkey, false); if (self == null) { // we do not need to flush changes as key is marked for deletion return; } self.Flush (); } public void Close (RegistryKey rkey) { KeyHandler.Drop (rkey); } public object GetValue (RegistryKey rkey, string name, object default_value, RegistryValueOptions options) { KeyHandler self = KeyHandler.Lookup (rkey, true); if (self == null) { // key was removed since it was opened return default_value; } if (self.ValueExists (name)) return self.GetValue (name, options); return default_value; } public void SetValue (RegistryKey rkey, string name, object value) { KeyHandler self = KeyHandler.Lookup (rkey, true); if (self == null) throw RegistryKey.CreateMarkedForDeletionException (); self.SetValue (name, value); } public void SetValue (RegistryKey rkey, string name, object value, RegistryValueKind valueKind) { KeyHandler self = KeyHandler.Lookup (rkey, true); if (self == null) throw RegistryKey.CreateMarkedForDeletionException (); self.SetValue (name, value, valueKind); } public int SubKeyCount (RegistryKey rkey) { KeyHandler self = KeyHandler.Lookup (rkey, true); if (self == null) throw RegistryKey.CreateMarkedForDeletionException (); return self.GetSubKeyCount (); } public int ValueCount (RegistryKey rkey) { KeyHandler self = KeyHandler.Lookup (rkey, true); if (self == null) throw RegistryKey.CreateMarkedForDeletionException (); return self.ValueCount; } public void DeleteValue (RegistryKey rkey, string name, bool throw_if_missing) { KeyHandler self = KeyHandler.Lookup (rkey, true); if (self == null) { // if key is marked for deletion, report success regardless of // throw_if_missing return; } if (throw_if_missing && !self.ValueExists (name)) throw new ArgumentException ("the given value does not exist"); self.RemoveValue (name); } public void DeleteKey (RegistryKey rkey, string keyname, bool throw_if_missing) { KeyHandler self = KeyHandler.Lookup (rkey, true); if (self == null) { // key is marked for deletion if (!throw_if_missing) return; throw new ArgumentException ("the given value does not exist"); } string dir = Path.Combine (self.Dir, ToUnix (keyname)); if (!KeyHandler.Delete (dir) && throw_if_missing) throw new ArgumentException ("the given value does not exist"); } public string [] GetSubKeyNames (RegistryKey rkey) { KeyHandler self = KeyHandler.Lookup (rkey, true); return self.GetSubKeyNames (); } public string [] GetValueNames (RegistryKey rkey) { KeyHandler self = KeyHandler.Lookup (rkey, true); if (self == null) throw RegistryKey.CreateMarkedForDeletionException (); return self.GetValueNames (); } public string ToString (RegistryKey rkey) { return rkey.Name; } private RegistryKey CreateSubKey (RegistryKey rkey, string keyname, bool writable) { return CreateSubKey (rkey, keyname, writable, false); } private RegistryKey CreateSubKey (RegistryKey rkey, string keyname, bool writable, bool is_volatile) { KeyHandler self = KeyHandler.Lookup (rkey, true); if (self == null) throw RegistryKey.CreateMarkedForDeletionException (); if (KeyHandler.VolatileKeyExists (self.Dir) && !is_volatile) throw new IOException ("Cannot create a non volatile subkey under a volatile key."); return self.Ensure (rkey, ToUnix (keyname), writable, is_volatile); } public RegistryValueKind GetValueKind (RegistryKey rkey, string name) { KeyHandler self = KeyHandler.Lookup (rkey, true); if (self != null) return self.GetValueKind (name); // key was removed since it was opened or it does not exist. return RegistryValueKind.Unknown; } #if NET_4_0 public IntPtr GetHandle (RegistryKey key) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } #endif } } #endif // NET_2_1