#!/usr/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME dh_clideps - calculates CLI (.NET) dependencies =cut use strict; use Cwd; use File::Find; use File::Temp; use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib; #eval 'use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib'; #print "You need to install the debhelper package in order to use this program!" if $@; =head1 SYNOPSIS B<dh_clideps> [S<I<debhelper options>>] =head1 DESCRIPTION dh_clideps is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating the ${cli:Depends} substitutions and adding them to substvars files. The program will look at .dll/.exe and .config files in your package, and will use the embedded dependency information to generate a dependency string on assembly and shared libs packages, including the setting of version ranges (as declared by the shlibs/clilibs files of the used packages). The dependency on a certain CLR (Common Language Runtime) version will be also added to the final variable. Note: the dependencies on shared libraries may be not resolved correctly if there are no .config files associated with the the .exe/.dll file which refers to the particular shared library (by its SONAME). If you use this program, your package should build-depend on cli-common-dev (>= 0.4.0). =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-d> Attempt to predict and avoid duplicates that may appear if you package both, native shared libraries and DLL assemblies in one package. The list of possibly duplicating candidates is expected to be in the variable shlib:Depends from debian/package.substvars. =item B<-r> Don't set a strong versioned dependency on mono-runtime or other CLR packages. This option can be used to specify a relaxed dependency on the VM/CLR by-hand in the control file, eg. "mono-runtime | cli-runtime". =item B<-l>directory[:directory:directory:..] Before mondis is run, MONO_GAC_PREFIX and MONO_PATH are set to the specified directory (or directories -- separate with colons). This is useful for multi-binary packages where a library is built in one package and another package contains binaries linked against said library. Relative paths will be made absolute for the benefit of monodis. Note that the directory given should be the complete or relative path to a directory that contains the library. See example below. =item B<internal-mono> Uses the mono runtime in . (used for bootstrapping mono packages) =head1 EXAMPLES Suppose that your source package produces libfoo1.0-cil and libbar1.0-cil binary packages. In your rules file, first run dh_makeclilibs, then dh_clideps: (MONO_GAC_PREFIX example) dh_makeclilibs -V dh_clideps -l debian/libfoo1.0-cil/usr:debian/libbar1.0-cil/usr or (MONO_PATH example) dh_clideps -l debian/foo-application/usr/lib/foo-application or (MONO_GAC_PREFIX example) dh_clideps -l debian/tmp/usr =cut # gar, debhelper 7.1 defines -d for all scripts already :( init(options => { # "d" => \$dh{D_FLAG}, "r" => \$dh{R_FLAG}, "l=s", => \$dh{L_PARAMS}, "internal-mono" => \$dh{INTERNAL_MONO_FLAG}, }); my $clr; my $cli = '/usr/bin/cli'; my $cli_version = `$cli --version 2>&1`; my $cli_parser; my $cli_parser_paths; my $pwd = `pwd`; chomp $pwd; my $mono_gac_prefix = ""; my $mono_path = ""; if ($dh{L_PARAMS}) { my @mono_paths = (); my @mono_gac_prefixes = (); # Add to existing paths, if set. push(@mono_gac_prefixes, $ENV{'MONO_GAC_PREFIX'}) if exists $ENV{'MONO_GAC_PREFIX'}; push(@mono_paths, $ENV{'MONO_PATH'}) if exists $ENV{'MONO_PATH'}; foreach (split(/:/, $dh{L_PARAMS})) { # Force the path absolute. my $full_path; if (m:^/:) { $full_path = $_; } else { $full_path = getcwd()."/$_"; } if (-d "$full_path/lib/mono/gac") { # it's a GAC prefix push(@mono_gac_prefixes, $full_path); } else { # it's a Mono PATH push(@mono_paths, $full_path); } } $mono_gac_prefix .= ":" . join(':', @mono_gac_prefixes); $mono_path .= ":" . join(':', @mono_paths); } else { $mono_gac_prefix = $ENV{'MONO_GAC_PREFIX'} if exists $ENV{'MONO_GAC_PREFIX'}; $mono_path = $ENV{'MONO_PATH'} if exists $ENV{'MONO_PATH'}; } if (defined($dh{INTERNAL_MONO_FLAG}) || (defined($ARGV[0]) && $ARGV[0] eq "internal-mono")) { $clr = "mono"; $cli_parser = "$pwd/debian/tmp/usr/bin/monodis"; $cli_parser_paths = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$pwd/debian/tmp/usr/lib MONO_PATH=$mono_path:$pwd/debian/tmp/usr/lib/mono/4.5 MONO_GAC_PREFIX=$mono_gac_prefix "; $cli_version = `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$pwd/debian/tmp/usr/lib $pwd/debian/tmp/usr/bin/mono --version 2>&1`; verbose_print("Will use built Mono (debian/tmp/usr/bin/monodis) for CIL parsing."); } elsif (-x "/usr/bin/monodis") { $clr = "mono"; $cli_parser = "/usr/bin/monodis"; $cli_parser_paths = "MONO_PATH=$mono_path MONO_GAC_PREFIX=$mono_gac_prefix "; verbose_print("Will use Mono (/usr/bin/monodis) for CIL parsing."); } elsif (-x "/usr/bin/ildasm") { $clr = "pnet"; $cli_parser = "/usr/share/cli-common/ildasm-monodis"; verbose_print("Will use Portable.NET (/usr/bin/ildasm) for CIL parsing."); } else { error("Could not find a CIL disassembler, aborting."); } { local $/=""; open(FILE, 'debian/control'); my $srcblock = <FILE>; close(FILE); if ($srcblock =~ m/Build-Depends(?:\-Indep)?\:(?:.*\n\s+)*.*cli\-common\-dev\s*\(>=\s*([^\)]+)\)/ && system("dpkg", "--compare-versions", $1, ">=", "0.4.4") != 0) { warning("Warning! No Build-Depends(-Indep) on cli-common-dev (>= 0.4.4)!"); } } if (!defined $cli_version || $cli_version eq "" ) { warning("Warning! No CLR is installed. (Probably forgot to Build-Depend on cli-virtual-machine.)"); } else { if ($clr eq "mono") { if ($cli_version =~ /(mint|version)\ ([\d\.]+)/) { $cli_version = "$2"; } else { error("Unable to parse Mono version out of \"$cli_version\"."); } } elsif ($clr eq "pnet") { if ($cli_version =~ /ILRUN\ ([\d\.]+)/) { $cli_version = "$1"; } else { error("Unable to parse Portable.NET version out of \"$cli_version\"."); } } else { error("Unable to detect CLR, aborting."); } } # Cleaning the paths given on the command line foreach (@ARGV) { s#/$##; s#^/##; } my $fh; verbose_print("Loading clilibs..."); my %clilibdata; open($fh, "cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.clilibs debian/*/DEBIAN/clilibs 2> /dev/null |"); while (<$fh>) { /(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\w.*)\n?/; $clilibdata{"$1/$2"} = $3; } close($fh); verbose_print("Loading shlibs..."); my %shlibdata; open($fh, "cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.shlibs $pwd/debian/shlibs.local $pwd/debian/*/DEBIAN/shlibs 2> /dev/null |"); while (<$fh>) { /(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\w.*)\n?/; my ($soname, $soversion, $dependency); #chomp; #my($soname, $soversion, $dependency) = split(/\s+/, $_, 3); $soname = $1; $soversion = $2; $dependency = $3; $shlibdata{"$soname.so.$soversion"} = $dependency; } close($fh); our $needs_net_1_0; our $needs_net_2_0; our $needs_net_2_1; our $needs_net_4_0; foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) { my $tmp = tmpdir($package); my %refs = ( depends => [], recommends => [], suggests => [] ); my $found_exe = 0; $needs_net_1_0 = 0; $needs_net_2_0 = 0; $needs_net_2_1 = 0; $needs_net_4_0 = 0; # for idempotency delsubstvar($package, "cli:Depends"); delsubstvar($package, "cli:Suggests"); delsubstvar($package, "cli:Recommends"); # find binaries find (sub { return unless -f && !-l && /\.(exe|dll)$/; my $file = $_; if (/\.exe$/) { $found_exe = 1; } verbose_print("Package: $package Assembly: $file"); my %shlibRefs = resolveShlibRefs($package, $file); push(@{$refs{depends}}, @{$shlibRefs{depends}}); push(@{$refs{recommends}}, @{$shlibRefs{recommends}}); push(@{$refs{suggests}}, @{$shlibRefs{suggests}}); my %clilibRefs = resolveClilibRefs($package, $tmp, $file); push(@{$refs{depends}}, @{$clilibRefs{depends}}); push(@{$refs{recommends}}, @{$clilibRefs{recommends}}); push(@{$refs{suggests}}, @{$clilibRefs{suggests}}); }, $tmp); $refs{depends} = filterDuplicates($package, $refs{depends}); $refs{recommends} = filterDuplicates($package, $refs{recommends}); $refs{suggests} = filterDuplicates($package, $refs{suggests}); my $vm_ref = ""; if (!defined($dh{R_FLAG}) && $found_exe) { if ($clr eq "mono") { if ($needs_net_4_0) { $vm_ref = "mono-runtime (>= 2.10.1), "; } elsif ($needs_net_2_1) { $vm_ref = "mono-runtime (>= 1.2.6), "; } elsif ($needs_net_2_0) { $vm_ref = "mono-runtime (>=, "; } elsif ($needs_net_1_0) { $vm_ref = "mono-runtime (>= 1.0), "; } else { $vm_ref = "mono-runtime (>= $cli_version), "; } } elsif ($clr eq "pnet") { $vm_ref = "pnet-interpreter (>= $cli_version), "; } } my $dh_ref = ""; if (-f "$tmp/usr/share/cli-common/packages.d/$package.installcligac") { # this package uses late GAC install, thus we need cli-common at package install time if (-f "debian/cligacpolicy" || -f "debian/$package.cligacpolicy") { # if this package uses dh_cligacpolicy then we need 0.5.4 for the policy-remove script in .postrm # and 0.5.6 to get a working .postrm script (tried also to remove on purge) $dh_ref = "cli-common (>= 0.5.6), "; } else { # we still need at least 0.5.1, as older versions silently missed installing policy files $dh_ref = "cli-common (>= 0.5.1), "; } } $vm_ref .= $dh_ref; #$deps .= join(", ", "", # sort { # # beautify the sort order, requested by meebey # my $apkg; # $a =~ /^\S+/; # $apkg=$&; # $b =~ /^\S+/; # if($apkg eq $&) { # return -1 if( ($a=~/>=/) && ($b=~/<</)); # return 1 if( ($b=~/>=/) && ($a=~/<</)); # } # $a cmp $b; # } (keys %depkgsFiltered) #); @{$refs{depends}} = sort(@{$refs{depends}}); @{$refs{recommends}} = sort(@{$refs{recommends}}); @{$refs{suggests}} = sort(@{$refs{suggests}}); addsubstvar($package, "cli:Depends", $vm_ref . join(", ", @{$refs{depends}})); addsubstvar($package, "cli:Recommends", join(", ", @{$refs{recommends}})); addsubstvar($package, "cli:Suggests", join(", ", @{$refs{suggests}})); } sub filterDuplicates { my $package = shift; my $packages = shift; my %packagesFiltered; for (@{$packages}) { # filter undef, empties, dups and don't depend on ourself package if (!$_) { next; } /^(\S+)/; if ($1 && $1 ne $package) { $packagesFiltered{$_} = 1; } } # now filter the dupes coming from shlibs if (defined($dh{D_FLAG})) { my $fh; if (open($fh, "< $pwd/debian/$package.substvars" )) { while (<$fh>) { if (/^shlibs:Depends=(.*)\n?/) { for (split(/\s*,\s*/, $1)) { delete $packagesFiltered{$_}; } } } close($fh); } else { verbose_print("Could not read $pwd/debian/$package.substvars"); } } return [ keys %packagesFiltered ]; } sub loadDllMap { my $filename = shift; our $dllmapdata = shift; if (!-f $filename) { verbose_print("loadDllMap(): DLL map $filename not found, ignoring..."); return; } use XML::DOM; my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser; my $doc = $parser->parsefile($filename, whitespace => 'strip'); my $root = $doc->getDocumentElement(); my @mapentries = $root->getElementsByTagName("dllmap"); foreach my $mapentry (@mapentries) { my $dll = $mapentry->getAttribute("dll"); my $target = $mapentry->getAttribute("target"); my $os = $mapentry->getAttribute("os"); my $valid = 1; if ($os) { $valid = ($os =~ m/^!/); $os =~ s/^!//; foreach (split(/,/, $os)) { if ($_ eq "linux") { $valid = !$valid; last; } } } if ($valid) { verbose_print("DLL map: '$dll' target: '$target'"); $dllmapdata->{$dll} = $target; } } } sub loadOverrides { my $package = shift; my $overridedata = shift; # load clideps overrides verbose_print("Loading clideps-override for $package..."); my $fh; open($fh, "cat $pwd/debian/$package.clideps-override 2> /dev/null |"); while (<$fh>) { /(\S+)\s+(\S+)(?:\s+(\(\S+\s+\S+\)))?\n?/; my ($type, $package, $version); $type = $1; $package = $2; $version = $3 if defined($3); if ($version) { $overridedata->{$package} = $type." ".$version; } else { $overridedata->{$package} = $type; } } close($fh); } sub resolveOverride { my $package = shift; my $pkgref = shift; my %ret = ( depends => undef, recommends => undef, suggests => undef ); my $type = "depends"; my $newpkgref = $pkgref; $newpkgref =~ m/(\S+)(?:\s+(\(\S+\s+\S+\)))?/; my $pkgname = $1; my $ver = $2; # hack for libc6, # for ia64 and alpha the package name is libc6.1, # for kfreebsd-i386 and kfreebsd-amd64 it is libc0.1 if ($pkgname =~ m/^libc[06]/) { $newpkgref = "libc6 $ver | libc6.1 $ver | libc0.1 $ver"; } my %overridedata; loadOverrides($package, \%overridedata); if (defined($overridedata{$pkgname})) { verbose_print("Found clideps-override: $pkgname for: $package"); my $override = $overridedata{$pkgname}; $override =~ m/(\S+)(?:\s+(\(\S+\s+\S+\)))?/; if ($1 eq "suggests" || $1 eq "recommends") { $type = $1; } elsif ($1 eq "ignores") { } else { warning("Warning: unknown override type: $1 in: '$override' for: $package!"); } if (defined($2)) { $newpkgref = "$pkgname $2"; } else { $newpkgref = $pkgref; } } verbose_print("resolved pkgref: $pkgref to $type: $newpkgref"); $ret{$type} = $newpkgref; return %ret; } sub resolveClilibRefs { my $package = shift; my $tmp = shift; my $assembly_filename = shift; my %ret = ( depends => [], recommends => [], suggests => [] ); my (undef, $tmpfile) = File::Temp::tempfile("/tmp/".basename($0).".XXXX", UNLINK => 1); my $command = "LANG=C $cli_parser_paths MONO_GAC_PREFIX=\$MONO_GAC_PREFIX:$tmp/usr $cli_parser --assemblyref $assembly_filename 2>&1 > $tmpfile"; verbose_print("running CLI parser command: $command"); system($command); if ($?) { my $output; { local *F; open(F, $tmpfile); local $/; $output = <F>; close(F); } error("cli_parser call failed: '".$command."' rc: $? output: $output"); return; } my ($ver, $name, $key); local *F; open(F, $tmpfile); while (<F>) { $ver = $1 if /Version=(.*)\n/; $name = $1 if /Could not find assembly ([^,]+),/; $name = $1 if /Name=(.*)\n/; $ver = "$1.$2" if /Major\/Minor:\s*(\d+),(\d+)/; $ver .= ".$1.$2" if /Build:\s*(\d+),(\d+)/; if (/0x\S+:.([ABCDEF0123456789 ]+)\n/ || /Token:\s*(\w+)/) { $key = $1; $key =~ s/\ //g; $key = $ver . "__" . lc($key); my $compat = "$name/$key"; if (!defined($clilibdata{$compat})) { warning("Warning: No Debian dependency data for $name ($key)!"); } else { my $pkgref = $clilibdata{$compat}; my %overriddenRef = resolveOverride($package, $pkgref); push(@{$ret{depends}}, $overriddenRef{depends}); push(@{$ret{recommends}}, $overriddenRef{recommends}); push(@{$ret{suggests}}, $overriddenRef{suggests}); } if ($name eq "mscorlib") { if ($ver eq "1.0.5000.0") { $needs_net_1_0 = 1; } elsif ($ver eq "2.0.3600.0") { $needs_net_2_0 = 1; } elsif ($ver eq "") { $needs_net_2_0 = 1; } elsif ($ver eq "") { $needs_net_2_1 = 1; } elsif ($ver eq "") { $needs_net_4_0 = 1; } else { warning("Warning: Unknown mscorlib version: $ver!"); } } } } close(F); return %ret; } sub resolveShlibRefs { my $package = shift; my $assembly_filename = shift; my $config_filename = $assembly_filename.".config"; my %ret = ( depends => [], recommends => [], suggests => [] ); if (-r $config_filename) { verbose_print("Found DLL map: $config_filename"); } else { verbose_print("Found no specific DLL map, but resolving modulerefs anyway"); } # load dll maps verbose_print("Loading DLL maps for: $assembly_filename..."); my %dllmapdata; loadDllMap("/etc/mono/config", \%dllmapdata); loadDllMap("$pwd/debian/tmp/etc/mono/config", \%dllmapdata); loadDllMap($config_filename, \%dllmapdata); # parse modulerefs my (undef, $tmpfile) = File::Temp::tempfile("/tmp/".basename($0).".XXXX", UNLINK => 1); my $command = "LANG=C $cli_parser_paths $cli_parser --moduleref $assembly_filename 2>&1 > $tmpfile"; system($command); if ($?) { my $output; { local *F; open(F, $tmpfile); local $/; $output = <F>; close(F); } error("cli_parser call failed: '".$command."' rc: $? output: $output"); return; } local *F; open(F, $tmpfile); while (<F>) { my $name = $1 if /\d+:\s+(.*)\n/; if (!defined($name)) { next; } my $target = $dllmapdata{$name}; if (defined($target)) { $target = basename($target); verbose_print("Resolved moduleref via DLL map: $name to: $target"); } elsif (defined($shlibdata{$name})) { verbose_print("Resolved moduleref via direct match in shlibs"); } else { warning("Warning: Could not resolve moduleref: $name for: $assembly_filename!"); next; } my $pkgref; if (defined($target) && defined($shlibdata{$target})) { $pkgref = $shlibdata{$target}; } elsif (defined($shlibdata{$name})) { $pkgref = $shlibdata{$name}; } elsif (defined($target) && defined($shlibdata{$target.".0"})) { # for DLL maps that have an unversioned library as target $pkgref = $shlibdata{$target.".0"}; } else { warning("Warning: Missing shlibs entry: $target or $name for: $assembly_filename!"); next; } my %overriddenRef = resolveOverride($package, $pkgref); push(@{$ret{depends}}, $overriddenRef{depends}); push(@{$ret{recommends}}, $overriddenRef{recommends}); push(@{$ret{suggests}}, $overriddenRef{suggests}); } close(F); return %ret; } =head1 SEE ALSO L<debhelper(7)> This program is a part of cli-common-dev. =head1 AUTHOR Mirco Bauer <meebey@meebey.net>, Eduard Bloch <blade@debian.org>, partialy based on code from Brendan O'Dea <bod@debian.org> and Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>. =cut