mono (2.10.1-1) experimental; urgency=low * Mono 2.10 + SGen Precise Stack Scanning + Enhanced SIMD with new methods for Vector data type conversions and swapping elements in vectors + ASP.NET MVC 3.0 (not included, only supported) + The C# Interactive Shell can now be used as shebang: #!/usr/bin/csharp * Complete Announcement of Mono 2.10 (vs Mono 2.8): * Mono 2.8 + SGen Garbage Collector + .NET 4.0 runtime + C# 4.0 compiler + ASP.NET 4.0 + Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) + System.Data.Services.Client (OData) + glib was replaced with eglib + Removed .NET 1.1 runtime + Removed libraries: - ByteFX.Data - FirebirdSql.Data.Firebird - Microsoft.JScript - Microsoft.Vsa - Mono.Data - Mono.Data.SqliteClient - Mono.Data.SybaseClient - Mono.Data.TdsClient - Mono.GetOptions * Complete Announcement of Mono 2.8 (vs Mono 2.6): * Mono 2.6.7 + ASP.NET MVC 2.0 * Complete Announcement of Mono 2.6.7 (vs Mono 2.6): * Mono 2.6 + Soft debugger + Co-routine framework Mono.Tasklets + Auto-completion for the csharp shell + LINQ to SQL + Enhanced XBuild + Mono.Simd for AMD64 + Verifier and Sandbox (used by Moonlight) + Debugging support for GDB * Complete Announcement of Mono 2.6 (vs Mono 2.4): -- Mirco Bauer <> Tue, 15 Mar 2011 21:21:51 +0100 mono (2.4-1) unstable; urgency=low * Mono 2.4 ships a lot of goodies: + SIMD support in Mono. + No expensive polls in the threading implementation any longer. + Speed-up garbarge collection on multi-core systems. + Optimized XPath (using 15% less memory). + Faster DateTime.TryParse implementation (by not using try/catch). + Support for precompiled ASP.NET pages. * Complete Announcement of Mono 2.4 (vs Mono 2.2): * Mono 2.2 also ships with lovely things: + The tree-based code generation engine in the JIT was replaced with the Linear IL engine, which allows better optimizations. + Generic sharing is now used in all cases (reduces memory usage). + Generic sharing is now supported on ARM. + Support of full Ahead of Time Compilation. + New PerformanceCounters implementation that allows to monitor the runtime internals. Including the GUI tool "mperfmon" to view them. + Interactive shell called "csharp" that allows to execute C# expressions inside a shell. There is also a GUI version available called "gsharp". + Live Inspection. You can attach using the csharp shell to a running process and run code inside to debug things. + The C# compiler will now optimize empty strings ("") away with String.Empty (which reduces memory usage). + The Regular Expressions engine has been rewritten being more efficient. At the same time compiled regex are also supported now. + ASP.NET supports now new routing handlers needed by ASP.NET MVC. + In the WinForms implementation were almost 200 bugs fixed (since Mono 2.0) * Complete Announcement of Mono 2.2 (vs Mono 2.0): * Mono 2.0 shipped with: + A console debugger (mdb) part of the mono-debugger package. + WinForms 2.0 API is complete. + WinForms's WebBrowser was implemented using Mozilla's Gecko HTML rendering engine. + WinForms now supports international keyboard input through XIM. + Performance of locking (used by threading) was significally improved. + New debug parameter "--debug=cast" which print outs the types in for InvalidCastException. + The C# compiler supports now expression trees (for LINQ) which completes the C# 3.0 support. + The C# compiler is now dual-licensed under MIT/X11 and GPLv2 (only). + LINQ and LINQ to XML are now complete. + Big Arrays for 64bit architectures are now support (but have to be compiled using the --enable-big-arrays configure switch) * Complete Announcement of Mono 2.0: -- Mirco Bauer <> Fri, 10 Apr 2009 00:58:39 +0200 mono ( unstable; urgency=low * Here we go, Mono 1.2 is now official stable and released! * Mono 1.2 brings a lot of new features in: - The C# 2.0 compiler is now stable, and the ECMA standard was updated, so it's safe to use C# 2.0 (gmcs) now. _But_ the 2.0 API is not complete, thus there are classes/methods still missing. - Mono is now officially supported on the following architectures: + 32bit: i386, powerpc, arm, s390, sparc. + 64bit: amd64, s390x, ia64. The debian packages are available for: i386, powerpc arm, amd64 and ia64. Packages for s390, s390x, sparc and kfreebsd-i386 are under review, when the ports are prooved to be stable enough, we will include them. - Complete System.Windows.Forms 1.1 API This version is not using wine! SWF runs natively on Linux (X11 driver) using an own implementation (libgdiplus). - File System Watching API now supports inotify. * Complete Announcement of Mono 1.2 (vs Mono 1.0): * Announcement of Mono 1.2.1: * Announcement of Mono 1.2.2: -- Debian Mono Group <> Wed, 6 Nov 2006 23:00:28 +0200 mono (0.96-1) unstable; urgency=low * It has been quite a while since the last Mono release in Debian and we feel that it's time to announce few things changed in the meantime: - dependencies management and debhelper integration - the new mono-utils package contains scripts to create and manage dependencies between the .NET library packages. They work in a similar way to the .shlibs system in Debian. For more details, see dh_makenetlibs(1), dh_netdeps(1) and monodoc's rules file as example. Another script available now is dh_installxsp which will install snippets of configuration files for XSP packages (HTML/ASP.NET server and Apache module). - the GAC - except of mscorlib.dll, all DLLs are moved into /usr/share/dotnet hierarchy and are now loaded using the GAC (Global Assembly Cache) method. This also makes sane versioning possible, similar to SONAME handling on native shared libraries. - see README.Debian for further details about changes and the current .NET Debian policy -- Debian Mono Group <> Sat, 19 Jun 2004 14:39:08 +0200