// // Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol.Tds50.cs // // Author: // Tim Coleman (tim@timcoleman.com) // // Copyright (C) 2002 Tim Coleman // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using Mono.Data.Tds; using System; using System.Text; using System.Security; namespace Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol { [MonoTODO ("FIXME: Can packetsize be anything other than 512?")] public sealed class Tds50 : Tds { #region Fields public static readonly TdsVersion Version = TdsVersion.tds50; int packetSize; bool isSelectQuery; #endregion // Fields #region Constructors public Tds50 (string server, int port) : this (server, port, 512, 15) { } public Tds50 (string server, int port, int packetSize, int timeout) : base (server, port, packetSize, timeout, Version) { this.packetSize = packetSize; } #endregion // Constructors #region Methods public string BuildExec (string sql) { if (Parameters == null || Parameters.Count == 0) return sql; StringBuilder select = new StringBuilder (); StringBuilder set = new StringBuilder (); StringBuilder declare = new StringBuilder (); int count = 0; foreach (TdsMetaParameter p in Parameters) { declare.Append (String.Format ("declare {0}\n", p.Prepare ())); set.Append (String.Format ("select {0}=", p.ParameterName)); if (p.Direction == TdsParameterDirection.Input) set.Append (FormatParameter (p)); else { set.Append ("NULL"); select.Append (p.ParameterName); if (count == 0) select.Append ("select "); else select.Append (", "); count += 1; } set.Append ("\n"); } return String.Format ("{0}{1}{2}\n{3}", declare.ToString (), set.ToString (), sql, select.ToString ()); } public override bool Connect (TdsConnectionParameters connectionParameters) { if (IsConnected) throw new InvalidOperationException ("The connection is already open."); byte[] capabilityRequest = {0x03, 0xef, 0x65, 0x41, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xd6}; byte[] capabilityResponse = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x48, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08}; SetCharset (connectionParameters.Charset); SetLanguage (connectionParameters.Language); byte pad = (byte) 0; byte[] empty = new byte[0]; Comm.StartPacket (TdsPacketType.Logon); // hostname (offset 0) // 0-30 byte[] tmp = Comm.Append (connectionParameters.Hostname, 30, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 30 ? tmp.Length : 30)); // username (offset 31 0x1f) // 31-61 tmp = Comm.Append (connectionParameters.User, 30, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 30 ? tmp.Length : 30)); // password (offset 62 0x3e) // 62-92 tmp = Comm.Append (GetPlainPassword(connectionParameters.Password), 30, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 30 ? tmp.Length : 30)); // hostproc (offset 93 0x5d) // 93-123 tmp = Comm.Append ("37876", 30, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 30 ? tmp.Length : 30)); // Byte order of 2 byte ints // 2 = , 3 = // 124 Comm.Append ((byte) 3); // Byte order of 4 byte ints // 0 = , 1 = // 125 Comm.Append ((byte) 1); // Character representation // (6 = ASCII, 7 = EBCDIC) // 126 Comm.Append ((byte) 6); // Eight byte floating point representation // 4 = IEEE // 5 = VAX 'D' // 10 = IEEE // 11 = ND5000 // 127 Comm.Append ((byte) 10); // Eight byte date format // 8 = // 128 Comm.Append ((byte) 9); // notify of use db // 129 Comm.Append ((byte) 1); // disallow dump/load and bulk insert // 130 Comm.Append ((byte) 1); // sql interface type // 131 Comm.Append ((byte) 0); // type of network connection // 132 Comm.Append ((byte) 0); // spare [7] // 133-139 Comm.Append (empty, 7, pad); // appname // 140-170 tmp = Comm.Append (connectionParameters.ApplicationName, 30, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 30 ? tmp.Length : 30)); // server name // 171-201 tmp = Comm.Append (DataSource, 30, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 30 ? tmp.Length : 30)); // remote passwords // 202-457 Comm.Append (empty, 2, pad); tmp = Comm.Append (GetPlainPassword(connectionParameters.Password), 253, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 253 ? tmp.Length + 2 : 253 + 2)); // tds version // 458-461 Comm.Append ((byte) 5); Comm.Append ((byte) 0); Comm.Append ((byte) 0); Comm.Append ((byte) 0); // prog name // 462-472 tmp = Comm.Append (connectionParameters.ProgName, 10, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 10 ? tmp.Length : 10)); // prog version // 473-476 Comm.Append ((byte) 6); Comm.Append ((byte) 0); Comm.Append ((byte) 0); Comm.Append ((byte) 0); // auto convert short // 477 Comm.Append ((byte) 0); // type of flt4 // 478 Comm.Append ((byte) 0x0d); // type of date4 // 479 Comm.Append ((byte) 0x11); // language // 480-510 tmp = Comm.Append (Language, 30, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 30 ? tmp.Length : 30)); // notify on lang change // 511 Comm.Append ((byte) 1); // security label hierarchy // 512-513 Comm.Append ((short) 0); // security components // 514-521 Comm.Append (empty, 8, pad); // security spare // 522-523 Comm.Append ((short) 0); // security login role // 524 Comm.Append ((byte) 0); // charset // 525-555 tmp = Comm.Append (Charset, 30, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 30 ? tmp.Length : 30)); // notify on charset change // 556 Comm.Append ((byte) 1); // length of tds packets // 557-563 tmp = Comm.Append (this.packetSize.ToString (), 6, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 6 ? tmp.Length : 6)); Comm.Append (empty, 8, pad); // Padding... // 564-567 //Comm.Append (empty, 4, pad); // Capabilities Comm.Append ((byte) TdsPacketSubType.Capability); Comm.Append ((short) 20); Comm.Append ((byte) 0x01); // TDS_CAP_REQUEST Comm.Append (capabilityRequest); Comm.Append ((byte) 0x02); Comm.Append (capabilityResponse); Comm.SendPacket (); MoreResults = true; SkipToEnd (); return IsConnected; } public override void ExecPrepared (string id, TdsMetaParameterCollection parameters, int timeout, bool wantResults) { Parameters = parameters; bool hasParameters = (Parameters != null && Parameters.Count > 0); Comm.StartPacket (TdsPacketType.Normal); Comm.Append ((byte) TdsPacketSubType.Dynamic); Comm.Append ((short) (id.Length + 5)); Comm.Append ((byte) 0x02); // TDS_DYN_EXEC Comm.Append ((byte) (hasParameters ? 0x01 : 0x00)); Comm.Append ((byte) id.Length); Comm.Append (id); Comm.Append ((short) 0); if (hasParameters) { SendParamFormat (); SendParams (); } MoreResults = true; Comm.SendPacket (); CheckForData (timeout); if (!wantResults) SkipToEnd (); } public override void Execute (string sql, TdsMetaParameterCollection parameters, int timeout, bool wantResults) { Parameters = parameters; string ex = BuildExec (sql); ExecuteQuery (ex, timeout, wantResults); } public override void ExecProc (string commandText, TdsMetaParameterCollection parameters, int timeout, bool wantResults) { Parameters = parameters; ExecuteQuery (BuildProcedureCall (commandText), timeout, wantResults); } private string BuildProcedureCall (string procedure) { string exec = String.Empty; StringBuilder declare = new StringBuilder (); StringBuilder select = new StringBuilder (); StringBuilder set = new StringBuilder (); int count = 0; if (Parameters != null) { foreach (TdsMetaParameter p in Parameters) { if (p.Direction != TdsParameterDirection.Input) { if (count == 0) select.Append ("select "); else select.Append (", "); select.Append (p.ParameterName); declare.Append (String.Format ("declare {0}\n", p.Prepare ())); if (p.Direction != TdsParameterDirection.ReturnValue) { if( p.Direction == TdsParameterDirection.InputOutput ) set.Append (String.Format ("set {0}\n", FormatParameter(p))); else set.Append (String.Format ("set {0}=NULL\n", p.ParameterName)); } count += 1; } if (p.Direction == TdsParameterDirection.ReturnValue) exec = p.ParameterName + "="; } } exec = "exec " + exec; string sql = String.Format ("{0}{1}{2}{3} {4}\n{5}", declare.ToString (), set.ToString (), exec, procedure, BuildParameters (), select.ToString ()); return sql; } private string BuildParameters () { if (Parameters == null || Parameters.Count == 0) return String.Empty; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder (); foreach (TdsMetaParameter p in Parameters) { if (p.Direction != TdsParameterDirection.ReturnValue) { if (result.Length > 0) result.Append (", "); if (p.Direction == TdsParameterDirection.InputOutput) result.Append (String.Format("{0}={0} output", p.ParameterName)); else result.Append (FormatParameter (p)); } } return result.ToString (); } private string FormatParameter (TdsMetaParameter parameter) { if (parameter.Direction == TdsParameterDirection.Output) return String.Format ("{0} output", parameter.ParameterName); if (parameter.Value == null || parameter.Value == DBNull.Value) return "NULL"; switch (parameter.TypeName) { case "smalldatetime": case "datetime": DateTime d = (DateTime)parameter.Value; return String.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "'{0:MMM dd yyyy hh:mm:ss tt}'", d ); case "bigint": case "decimal": case "float": case "int": case "money": case "real": case "smallint": case "smallmoney": case "tinyint": return parameter.Value.ToString (); case "nvarchar": case "nchar": return String.Format ("N'{0}'", parameter.Value.ToString ().Replace ("'", "''")); case "uniqueidentifier": return String.Format ("0x{0}", ((Guid) parameter.Value).ToString ("N")); case "bit": if (parameter.Value.GetType () == typeof (bool)) return (((bool) parameter.Value) ? "0x1" : "0x0"); return parameter.Value.ToString (); case "image": case "binary": case "varbinary": return String.Format ("0x{0}", BitConverter.ToString ((byte[]) parameter.Value).Replace ("-", string.Empty).ToLower ()); default: return String.Format ("'{0}'", parameter.Value.ToString ().Replace ("'", "''")); } } public override string Prepare (string sql, TdsMetaParameterCollection parameters) { Parameters = parameters; Random rand = new Random (); StringBuilder idBuilder = new StringBuilder (); for (int i = 0; i < 25; i += 1) idBuilder.Append ((char) (rand.Next (26) + 65)); string id = idBuilder.ToString (); //StringBuilder declare = new StringBuilder (); sql = String.Format ("create proc {0} as\n{1}", id, sql); short len = (short) ((id.Length) + sql.Length + 5); Comm.StartPacket (TdsPacketType.Normal); Comm.Append ((byte) TdsPacketSubType.Dynamic); Comm.Append (len); Comm.Append ((byte) 0x1); // PREPARE Comm.Append ((byte) 0x0); // UNUSED Comm.Append ((byte) id.Length); Comm.Append (id); Comm.Append ((short) sql.Length); Comm.Append (sql); Comm.SendPacket (); MoreResults = true; SkipToEnd (); return id; } protected override void ProcessColumnInfo () { isSelectQuery = true; /*int totalLength = */Comm.GetTdsShort (); int count = Comm.GetTdsShort (); for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { string columnName = Comm.GetString (Comm.GetByte ()); int status = Comm.GetByte (); bool hidden = (status & 0x01) > 0; bool isKey = (status & 0x02) > 0; bool isRowVersion = (status & 0x04) > 0; bool isUpdatable = (status & 0x10) > 0; bool allowDBNull = (status & 0x20) > 0; bool isIdentity = (status & 0x40) > 0; Comm.Skip (4); // User type byte type = Comm.GetByte (); bool isBlob = (type == 0x24); TdsColumnType columnType = (TdsColumnType) type; int bufLength = 0; byte precision = 0; byte scale = 0; if (columnType == TdsColumnType.Text || columnType == TdsColumnType.Image) { bufLength = Comm.GetTdsInt (); Comm.Skip (Comm.GetTdsShort ()); } else if (IsFixedSizeColumn (columnType)) bufLength = LookupBufferSize (columnType); else //bufLength = Comm.GetTdsShort (); bufLength = Comm.GetByte (); if (columnType == TdsColumnType.Decimal || columnType == TdsColumnType.Numeric) { precision = Comm.GetByte (); scale = Comm.GetByte (); } Comm.Skip (Comm.GetByte ()); // Locale if (isBlob) Comm.Skip (Comm.GetTdsShort ()); // Class ID TdsDataColumn col = new TdsDataColumn (); Columns.Add (col); col.ColumnType = columnType; col.ColumnName = columnName; col.IsIdentity = isIdentity; col.IsRowVersion = isRowVersion; col.ColumnType = columnType; col.ColumnSize = bufLength; col.NumericPrecision = precision; col.NumericScale = scale; col.IsReadOnly = !isUpdatable; col.IsKey = isKey; col.AllowDBNull = allowDBNull; col.IsHidden = hidden; } } private void SendParamFormat () { Comm.Append ((byte) TdsPacketSubType.ParamFormat); int len = 2 + (8 * Parameters.Count); TdsColumnType metaType; foreach (TdsMetaParameter p in Parameters) { metaType = p.GetMetaType (); if (!IsFixedSizeColumn (metaType)) len += 1; if (metaType == TdsColumnType.Numeric || metaType == TdsColumnType.Decimal) len += 2; } Comm.Append ((short) len); Comm.Append ((short) Parameters.Count); foreach (TdsMetaParameter p in Parameters) { string locale = String.Empty; string parameterName = String.Empty; int userType = 0; byte status = 0x00; if (p.IsNullable) status |= 0x20; if (p.Direction == TdsParameterDirection.Output) status |= 0x01; metaType = p.GetMetaType (); Comm.Append ((byte) parameterName.Length); Comm.Append (parameterName); Comm.Append (status); Comm.Append (userType); Comm.Append ((byte) metaType); if (!IsFixedSizeColumn (metaType)) Comm.Append ((byte) p.Size); // MAXIMUM SIZE if (metaType == TdsColumnType.Numeric || metaType == TdsColumnType.Decimal) { Comm.Append (p.Precision); Comm.Append (p.Scale); } Comm.Append ((byte) locale.Length); Comm.Append (locale); } } private void SendParams () { Comm.Append ((byte) TdsPacketSubType.Parameters); TdsColumnType metaType; foreach (TdsMetaParameter p in Parameters) { metaType = p.GetMetaType (); bool isNull = (p.Value == DBNull.Value || p.Value == null); if (!IsFixedSizeColumn (metaType)) Comm.Append ((byte) p.GetActualSize ()); if (!isNull) Comm.Append (p.Value); } } public override void Unprepare (string statementId) { Comm.StartPacket (TdsPacketType.Normal); Comm.Append ((byte) TdsPacketSubType.Dynamic); Comm.Append ((short) (3 + statementId.Length)); Comm.Append ((byte) 0x04); Comm.Append ((byte) 0x00); Comm.Append ((byte) statementId.Length); Comm.Append (statementId); //Comm.Append ((short) 0); MoreResults = true; Comm.SendPacket (); SkipToEnd (); } protected override bool IsValidRowCount (byte status, byte op) { if (isSelectQuery) return (isSelectQuery = false); // TODO : Need to figure out how to calculate rowcount inside stored // procedures. For now, Ignoring RowCount if they are returned by // statements executing inside a StoredProcedure if (((status & (byte)0x40) != 0) || ((status & (byte)0x10) == 0)) return false; return true; } #endregion // Methods } }