// // CertMgr.cs: Certificate Manager clone tool (CLI version) // // Author: // Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@ximian.com> // // Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Reflection; using System.Security.Cryptography; using SSCX = System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using System.Text; using Mono.Security.Authenticode; using Mono.Security.Cryptography; using Mono.Security.X509; using Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls; [assembly: AssemblyTitle ("Mono Certificate Manager")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription ("Manage X.509 certificates and CRL from stores.")] namespace Mono.Tools { class CertificateManager { static private void Header () { Console.WriteLine (new AssemblyInfo ().ToString ()); } static private void Help () { Console.WriteLine ("Usage: certmgr [action] [object-type] [options] store [filename]"); Console.WriteLine (" or: certmgr -list object-type [options] store"); Console.WriteLine (" or: certmgr -del object-type [options] store certhash"); Console.WriteLine (" or: certmgr -ssl [options] url"); Console.WriteLine (" or: certmgr -put object-type [options] store certfile"); Console.WriteLine (" or: certmgr -importKey [options] store pkcs12file"); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("actions"); Console.WriteLine ("\t-add\t\tAdd a certificate, CRL or CTL to specified store"); Console.WriteLine ("\t-del\t\tRemove a certificate, CRL or CTL to specified store"); Console.WriteLine ("\t-put\t\tCopy a certificate, CRL or CTL from a store to a file"); Console.WriteLine ("\t-list\t\tList certificates, CRL or CTL in the specified store."); Console.WriteLine ("\t-ssl\t\tDownload and add certificates from an SSL session"); Console.WriteLine ("\t-importKey\tImport PKCS12 privateKey to keypair store."); Console.WriteLine ("object types"); Console.WriteLine ("\t-c\t\tadd/del/put certificates"); Console.WriteLine ("\t-crl\t\tadd/del/put certificate revocation lists"); Console.WriteLine ("\t-ctl\t\tadd/del/put certificate trust lists [unsupported]"); Console.WriteLine ("other options"); Console.WriteLine ("\t-m\t\tuse the machine certificate store (default to user)"); Console.WriteLine ("\t-v\t\tverbose mode (display status for every steps)"); Console.WriteLine ("\t-p [password]\tPassword used to decrypt PKCS12"); Console.WriteLine ("\t-pem\t\tPut certificate in Base-64 encoded format (default DER encoded)"); Console.WriteLine ("\t-?\t\th[elp]\tDisplay this help message"); Console.WriteLine (); } static string GetCommand (string arg) { if ((arg == null) || (arg.Length < 1)) return null; switch (arg [0]) { case '/': return arg.Substring (1).ToUpper (); case '-': if (arg.Length < 2) return null; int n = ((arg [1] == '-') ? 2 : 1); return arg.Substring (n).ToUpper (); default: return arg; } } enum Action { None, Add, Delete, Put, List, Ssl, ImportKey } static Action GetAction (string arg) { Action action = Action.None; switch (GetCommand (arg)) { case "ADD": action = Action.Add; break; case "DEL": case "DELETE": action = Action.Delete; break; case "PUT": action = Action.Put; break; case "LST": case "LIST": action = Action.List; break; case "SSL": case "TLS": action = Action.Ssl; break; case "IMPORTKEY": action = Action.ImportKey; break; } return action; } enum ObjectType { None, Certificate, CRL, CTL } static ObjectType GetObjectType (string arg) { ObjectType type = ObjectType.None; switch (GetCommand (arg)) { case "C": case "CERT": case "CERTIFICATE": type = ObjectType.Certificate; break; case "CRL": type = ObjectType.CRL; break; case "CTL": type = ObjectType.CTL; break; } return type; } static X509Store GetStoreFromName (string storeName, bool machine) { X509Stores stores = ((machine) ? X509StoreManager.LocalMachine : X509StoreManager.CurrentUser); X509Store store = null; switch (storeName) { case X509Stores.Names.Personal: return stores.Personal; case X509Stores.Names.OtherPeople: return stores.OtherPeople; case X509Stores.Names.IntermediateCA: return stores.IntermediateCA; case "Root": // special case (same as trusted root) case X509Stores.Names.TrustedRoot: return stores.TrustedRoot; case X509Stores.Names.Untrusted: return stores.Untrusted; } return store; } static byte[] PEM (string type, byte[] data) { string pem = Encoding.ASCII.GetString (data); string header = String.Format ("-----BEGIN {0}-----", type); string footer = String.Format ("-----END {0}-----", type); int start = pem.IndexOf (header) + header.Length; int end = pem.IndexOf (footer, start); string base64 = pem.Substring (start, (end - start)); return Convert.FromBase64String (base64); } static byte[] ToPEM (string type, byte[] data) { string header = String.Format ("-----BEGIN {0}-----", type); string footer = String.Format ("-----END {0}-----", type); string encodedString = Convert.ToBase64String (data); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); int remaining = encodedString.Length; sb.AppendLine (header); for (int i = 0; i <= encodedString.Length; i += 64) { if (remaining >= 64) { sb.AppendLine (encodedString.Substring (i, 64)); } else { sb.AppendLine (encodedString.Substring (i, remaining)); } remaining -= 64; } sb.AppendLine (footer); return Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (sb.ToString ()); } static X509CertificateCollection LoadCertificates (string filename, string password, bool verbose) { X509Certificate x509 = null; X509CertificateCollection coll = new X509CertificateCollection (); switch (Path.GetExtension (filename).ToUpper ()) { case ".P7B": case ".SPC": SoftwarePublisherCertificate spc = SoftwarePublisherCertificate.CreateFromFile (filename); coll.AddRange (spc.Certificates); spc = null; break; case ".CER": case ".CRT": using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead (filename)) { byte[] data = new byte [fs.Length]; fs.Read (data, 0, data.Length); if (data [0] != 0x30) { // maybe it's ASCII PEM base64 encoded ? data = PEM ("CERTIFICATE", data); } if (data != null) x509 = new X509Certificate (data); } if (x509 != null) coll.Add (x509); break; case ".P12": case ".PFX": PKCS12 p12 = password == null ? PKCS12.LoadFromFile (filename) : PKCS12.LoadFromFile (filename, password); X509CertificateCollection tmp = new X509CertificateCollection (p12.Certificates); for (int i = 0; i != p12.Keys.Count; i++) { X509Certificate cert = p12.Certificates[i]; RSACryptoServiceProvider pk = p12.Keys[i] as RSACryptoServiceProvider; if (pk == null || pk.PublicOnly) continue; if (verbose) Console.WriteLine ("Found key for certificate: {0}", cert.SubjectName); tmp[0].RSA = pk; } coll.AddRange(tmp); p12 = null; break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Unknown file extension: {0}", Path.GetExtension (filename)); break; } return coll; } static ArrayList LoadCRLs (string filename) { X509Crl crl = null; ArrayList list = new ArrayList (); switch (Path.GetExtension (filename).ToUpper ()) { case ".P7B": case ".SPC": SoftwarePublisherCertificate spc = SoftwarePublisherCertificate.CreateFromFile (filename); list.AddRange (spc.Crls); spc = null; break; case ".CRL": using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead (filename)) { byte[] data = new byte [fs.Length]; fs.Read (data, 0, data.Length); crl = new X509Crl (data); } list.Add (crl); break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Unknown file extension: {0}", Path.GetExtension (filename)); break; } return list; } static void Add (ObjectType type, X509Store store, string file, string password, bool verbose) { switch (type) { case ObjectType.Certificate: X509CertificateCollection coll = LoadCertificates (file, password, verbose); foreach (X509Certificate x509 in coll) { store.Import (x509); } Console.WriteLine ("{0} certificate(s) added to store {1}.", coll.Count, store.Name); break; case ObjectType.CRL: ArrayList list = LoadCRLs (file); foreach (X509Crl crl in list) { store.Import (crl); } Console.WriteLine ("{0} CRL(s) added to store {1}.", list.Count, store.Name); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException (type.ToString ()); } } static void Delete (ObjectType type, X509Store store, string hash, bool verbose) { switch (type) { case ObjectType.Certificate: foreach (X509Certificate x509 in store.Certificates) { if (hash == CryptoConvert.ToHex (x509.Hash)) { store.Remove (x509); Console.WriteLine ("Certificate removed from store."); return; } } break; case ObjectType.CRL: foreach (X509Crl crl in store.Crls) { if (hash == CryptoConvert.ToHex (crl.Hash)) { store.Remove (crl); Console.WriteLine ("CRL removed from store."); return; } } break; default: throw new NotSupportedException (type.ToString ()); } } static void Put (ObjectType type, X509Store store, string file, bool machine, bool pem, bool verbose) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (file)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("error: no filename provided to put the certificate."); Help(); return; } switch (type) { case ObjectType.Certificate: for(int i = 0; i < store.Certificates.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine ("==============Certificate # {0} ==========", i + 1); DisplayCertificate (store.Certificates[i], machine, verbose); } int selection; Console.Write("Enter cert # from the above list to put-->"); if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out selection) || selection > store.Certificates.Count) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("error: invalid selection."); return; } SSCX.X509Certificate2 cert = new SSCX.X509Certificate2 (store.Certificates[selection-1].RawData); byte[] data = null; if(pem) { data = ToPEM ("CERTIFICATE", cert.Export (SSCX.X509ContentType.Cert)); } else { data = cert.Export (SSCX.X509ContentType.Cert); } using (FileStream fs = File.Create (file)) { fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } Console.WriteLine ("Certificate put to {0}.", file); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException ("Put " + type + " not supported yet"); } } static void DisplayCertificate (X509Certificate x509, bool machine, bool verbose) { Console.WriteLine ("{0}X.509 v{1} Certificate", (x509.IsSelfSigned ? "Self-signed " : String.Empty), x509.Version); Console.WriteLine (" Serial Number: {0}", CryptoConvert.ToHex (x509.SerialNumber)); Console.WriteLine (" Issuer Name: {0}", x509.IssuerName); Console.WriteLine (" Subject Name: {0}", x509.SubjectName); Console.WriteLine (" Valid From: {0}", x509.ValidFrom); Console.WriteLine (" Valid Until: {0}", x509.ValidUntil); Console.WriteLine (" Unique Hash: {0}", CryptoConvert.ToHex (x509.Hash)); if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine (" Key Algorithm: {0}", x509.KeyAlgorithm); Console.WriteLine (" Algorithm Parameters: {0}", (x509.KeyAlgorithmParameters == null) ? "None" : CryptoConvert.ToHex (x509.KeyAlgorithmParameters)); Console.WriteLine (" Public Key: {0}", CryptoConvert.ToHex (x509.PublicKey)); Console.WriteLine (" Signature Algorithm: {0}", x509.SignatureAlgorithm); Console.WriteLine (" Algorithm Parameters: {0}", (x509.SignatureAlgorithmParameters == null) ? "None" : CryptoConvert.ToHex (x509.SignatureAlgorithmParameters)); Console.WriteLine (" Signature: {0}", CryptoConvert.ToHex (x509.Signature)); RSACryptoServiceProvider rsaCsp = x509.RSA as RSACryptoServiceProvider; RSAManaged rsaManaged = x509.RSA as RSAManaged; Console.WriteLine (" Private Key: {0}", ((rsaCsp != null && !rsaCsp.PublicOnly) || (rsaManaged != null && !rsaManaged.PublicOnly))); CspParameters cspParams = new CspParameters (); cspParams.KeyContainerName = CryptoConvert.ToHex (x509.Hash); cspParams.Flags = machine ? CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore : 0; KeyPairPersistence kpp = new KeyPairPersistence (cspParams); Console.WriteLine (" KeyPair Key: {0}", kpp.Load ()); } Console.WriteLine (); } static void DisplayCrl (X509Crl crl, bool machine, bool verbose) { Console.WriteLine ("X.509 v{0} CRL", crl.Version); Console.WriteLine (" Issuer Name: {0}", crl.IssuerName); Console.WriteLine (" This Update: {0}", crl.ThisUpdate); Console.WriteLine (" Next Update: {0} {1}", crl.NextUpdate, crl.IsCurrent ? String.Empty : "update overdue!"); Console.WriteLine (" Unique Hash: {0}", CryptoConvert.ToHex (crl.Hash)); if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine (" Signature Algorithm: {0}", crl.SignatureAlgorithm); Console.WriteLine (" Signature: {0}", CryptoConvert.ToHex (crl.Signature)); int n = 0; foreach (X509Crl.X509CrlEntry entry in crl.Entries) { Console.WriteLine (" #{0}: Serial: {1} revoked on {2}", ++n, CryptoConvert.ToHex (entry.SerialNumber), entry.RevocationDate); } } } static void List (ObjectType type, X509Store store, bool machine, string file, bool verbose) { switch (type) { case ObjectType.Certificate: foreach (X509Certificate x509 in store.Certificates) { DisplayCertificate (x509, machine, verbose); } break; case ObjectType.CRL: foreach (X509Crl crl in store.Crls) { DisplayCrl (crl, machine, verbose); } break; default: throw new NotSupportedException (type.ToString ()); } } static X509CertificateCollection GetCertificatesFromSslSession (string url) { Uri uri = new Uri (url); IPHostEntry host = Dns.Resolve (uri.Host); IPAddress ip = host.AddressList [0]; Socket socket = new Socket (ip.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); socket.Connect (new IPEndPoint (ip, uri.Port)); NetworkStream ns = new NetworkStream (socket, false); SslClientStream ssl = new SslClientStream (ns, uri.Host, false, Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.SecurityProtocolType.Default, null); ssl.ServerCertValidationDelegate += new CertificateValidationCallback (CertificateValidation); try { // we don't really want to write to the server (as we don't know // the protocol it using) but we must send something to be sure the // SSL handshake is done (so we receive the X.509 certificates). StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter (ssl); sw.WriteLine (Environment.NewLine); sw.Flush (); socket.Poll (30000, SelectMode.SelectRead); } finally { socket.Close (); } // we need a little reflection magic to get this information PropertyInfo pi = typeof (SslStreamBase).GetProperty ("ServerCertificates", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (pi == null) { Console.WriteLine ("Sorry but you need a newer version of Mono.Security.dll to use this feature."); return null; } return (X509CertificateCollection) pi.GetValue (ssl, null); } static bool CertificateValidation (SSCX.X509Certificate certificate, int[] certificateErrors) { // the main reason to download it is that it's not trusted return true; // OTOH we ask user confirmation before adding certificates into the stores } static void Ssl (string host, bool machine, bool verbose) { if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine ("Importing certificates from '{0}' into the {1} stores.", host, machine ? "machine" : "user"); } int n=0; X509CertificateCollection coll = GetCertificatesFromSslSession (host); if (coll != null) { X509Store store = null; // start by the end (root) so we can stop adding them anytime afterward for (int i = coll.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { X509Certificate x509 = coll [i]; bool selfsign = false; bool failed = false; try { selfsign = x509.IsSelfSigned; } catch { // sadly it's hard to interpret old certificates with MD2 // without manually changing the machine.config file failed = true; } if (selfsign) { // this is a root store = GetStoreFromName (X509Stores.Names.TrustedRoot, machine); } else if (i == 0) { // server certificate isn't (generally) an intermediate CA store = GetStoreFromName (X509Stores.Names.OtherPeople, machine); } else { // all other certificates should be intermediate CA store = GetStoreFromName (X509Stores.Names.IntermediateCA, machine); } Console.WriteLine ("{0}{1}X.509 Certificate v{2}", Environment.NewLine, selfsign ? "Self-signed " : String.Empty, x509.Version); Console.WriteLine (" Issued from: {0}", x509.IssuerName); Console.WriteLine (" Issued to: {0}", x509.SubjectName); Console.WriteLine (" Valid from: {0}", x509.ValidFrom); Console.WriteLine (" Valid until: {0}", x509.ValidUntil); if (!x509.IsCurrent) Console.WriteLine (" *** WARNING: Certificate isn't current ***"); if ((i > 0) && !selfsign) { X509Certificate signer = coll [i-1]; bool signed = false; try { if (signer.RSA != null) { signed = x509.VerifySignature (signer.RSA); } else if (signer.DSA != null) { signed = x509.VerifySignature (signer.DSA); } else { Console.WriteLine (" *** WARNING: Couldn't not find who signed this certificate ***"); signed = true; // skip next warning } if (!signed) Console.WriteLine (" *** WARNING: Certificate signature is INVALID ***"); } catch { failed = true; } } if (failed) { Console.WriteLine (" *** ERROR: Couldn't decode certificate properly ***"); Console.WriteLine (" *** try 'man certmgr' for additional help or report to bugzilla.novell.com ***"); break; } if (store.Certificates.Contains (x509)) { Console.WriteLine ("This certificate is already in the {0} store.", store.Name); } else { Console.Write ("Import this certificate into the {0} store ?", store.Name); string answer = Console.ReadLine ().ToUpper (); if ((answer == "YES") || (answer == "Y")) { store.Import (x509); n++; } else { if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine ("Certificate not imported into store {0}.", store.Name); } break; } } } } Console.WriteLine (); if (n == 0) { Console.WriteLine ("No certificate were added to the stores."); } else { Console.WriteLine ("{0} certificate{1} added to the stores.", n, (n == 1) ? String.Empty : "s"); } } static void ImportKey (ObjectType type, bool machine, string file, string password, bool verbose) { switch (type) { case ObjectType.Certificate: X509CertificateCollection coll = LoadCertificates (file, password, verbose); int count = 0; foreach (X509Certificate x509 in coll) { RSACryptoServiceProvider pk = x509.RSA as RSACryptoServiceProvider; if (pk == null || pk.PublicOnly) continue; CspParameters csp = new CspParameters (); csp.KeyContainerName = CryptoConvert.ToHex (x509.Hash); csp.Flags = machine ? CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore : 0; RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider (csp); rsa.ImportParameters (pk.ExportParameters (true)); rsa.PersistKeyInCsp = true; count++; } Console.WriteLine ("{0} keys(s) imported to KeyPair {1} persister.", count, machine ? "LocalMachine" : "CurrentUser"); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException (type.ToString ()); } } [STAThread] static void Main (string[] args) { string password = null; bool verbose = false; bool pem = false; bool machine = false; Header (); if (args.Length < 2) { Help (); return; } Action action = GetAction (args [0]); ObjectType type = ObjectType.None; int n = 1; if (action != Action.Ssl) { type = GetObjectType (args [n]); if (type != ObjectType.None) n++; } for (int i = n; i < args.Length; i++) { switch (GetCommand (args[i])) { case "V": verbose = true; n++; break; case "M": machine = true; n++; break; case "P": password = args[++n]; n++; break; case "PEM": pem = true; n++; break; } } X509Store store = null; string storeName = null; if (action != Action.Ssl) { if ((action == Action.None) || (type == ObjectType.None)) { Help (); return; } if (type == ObjectType.CTL) { Console.WriteLine ("CTL are not supported"); return; } storeName = args [n++]; store = GetStoreFromName (storeName, machine); if (store == null) { Console.WriteLine ("Invalid Store: {0}", storeName); Console.WriteLine ("Valid stores are: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3} and {4}", X509Stores.Names.Personal, X509Stores.Names.OtherPeople, X509Stores.Names.IntermediateCA, X509Stores.Names.TrustedRoot, X509Stores.Names.Untrusted); return; } } string file = (n < args.Length) ? args [n] : null; // now action! try { switch (action) { case Action.Add: Add (type, store, file, password, verbose); break; case Action.Delete: Delete (type, store, file, verbose); break; case Action.Put: Put (type, store, file, machine, pem, verbose); break; case Action.List: List (type, store, machine, file, verbose); break; case Action.Ssl: Ssl (file, machine, verbose); break; case Action.ImportKey: ImportKey (type, machine, file, password, verbose); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException (action.ToString ()); } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException uae) { Console.WriteLine ("Access to the {0} '{1}' certificate store has been denied.", (machine ? "machine" : "user"), storeName); if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine (uae); } } } } }