System.Web System.Web.UI.WebControls.WizardStepBase System.Web.UI.ParseChildren(true) System.Web.UI.PersistChildren(false) System.ComponentModel.Bindable(false) System.Web.UI.Themeable(true) The class is provided to enable developers to apply a template to the steps in a control that acts as a wizard. The class is intended to be used primarily by control developers. You can apply a theme to . Represents a step in a wizard control that can be customized through the use of templates. Constructor To be added. Initializes a new instance of the class. Property System.Web.UI.TemplateContainer(typeof(System.Web.UI.WebControls.Wizard)) System.Web.UI.ITemplate To be added. To be added. Gets or sets the template for displaying the content of a step in a control. Property System.Web.UI.Control To be added. Although the syntax includes setting the property, it is for internal use only, so the property is effectively read-only. Gets the container that a control uses to create a template for a step. Property System.Web.UI.TemplateContainer(typeof(System.Web.UI.WebControls.Wizard)) System.Web.UI.ITemplate To be added. To be added. Gets or sets the template for displaying the navigation user interface (UI) of a step in a control. Property System.ComponentModel.Bindable(false) System.Web.UI.Control To be added. Although the syntax includes setting the property, it is for internal use only, so the property is effectively read-only. Your code should verify that the property is not null before referencing it. This property is not bindable in visual designers, but is bindable at runtime. For more information, see . Gets the container that a control uses to create a template for a step. Property System.String To be added. To be added. Gets the skin to apply to the .