Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.
The class is used to create an object that represents the authentication ticket that is used by forms authentication to identify an authenticated user. The properties and values of a forms-authentication ticket are converted to and from an encrypted string that is stored in a cookie or in the URL.
The class provides an method to create a string value that can be stored in a cookie or in the URL from a . The class also provides a method to create a object from the encrypted authentication ticket retrieved from the forms-authentication cookie or the URL.
The for the current authenticated user can be accessed using the property of the class. You can access the current object by casting the property of the current as type .
Provides access to properties and values of the ticket used with forms authentication to identify users. This class cannot be inherited.
The object created by this constructor will have a value set to the value of the property, a value of 2, an value of the current local date and time, a value of an empty string (""), and an value that is set to the current local date and time plus the value of the parameter.
Initializes a new instance of the class using a cookie name and expiration information.
The user name associated with the ticket.
true if the ticket will be stored in a persistent cookie (saved across browser sessions); otherwise, false. If the ticket is stored in the URL, this value is ignored.
The time, in minutes, for which the authentication ticket is valid.
The object created by this constructor will have a value set to the value of the .
The parameter cannot be null.
Initializes a new instance of the class with cookie name, version, expiration date, issue date, persistence, and user-specific data. The cookie path is set to the default value established in the application's configuration file.
The version number of the ticket.
The user name associated with the ticket.
The local date and time at which the ticket was issued.
The local date and time at which the ticket expires.
true if the ticket will be stored in a persistent cookie (saved across browser sessions); otherwise, false. If the ticket is stored in the URL, this value is ignored.
The user-specific data to be stored with the ticket.
The parameter cannot be null.
Initializes a new instance of the class with cookie name, version, directory path, issue date, expiration date, persistence, and user-defined data.
The version number of the ticket.
The user name associated with the ticket.
The local date and time at which the ticket was issued.
The local date and time at which the ticket expires.
true if the ticket will be stored in a persistent cookie (saved across browser sessions); otherwise, false. If the ticket is stored in the URL, this value is ignored.
The user-specific data to be stored with the ticket.
The path for the ticket when stored in a cookie.
To be added: an object of type 'string'
If the is created using a constructor that does not supply a parameter, the property returns the value of the property; otherwise, the version property returns the value supplied to the constructor.
Gets the cookie path for the forms-authentication ticket.
To be added: an object of type 'DateTime'
If the is created using the constructor that does not supply a parameter for an expiration date and time, the property returns a value based on the current local date and time plus the value of the parameter supplied to the constructor.
If the was created using a constructor that takes an parameter, the property returns the value supplied to the parameter.
Gets the local date and time at which the forms-authentication ticket expires.
To be added: an object of type 'bool'
The property returns true if the date and time is less than the current local date and time; otherwise, the property returns false.
Gets a value indicating whether the forms-authentication ticket has expired.
To be added: an object of type 'bool'
To be added
Gets a value indicating whether the cookie that contains the forms-authentication ticket information is persistent.
To be added: an object of type 'DateTime'
The property represents the local date and time when the forms-authentication ticket was issued. The method uses the property value to determine whether the date and time of a forms-authentication ticket needs to be renewed and also uses the property value to determine the new date and time. When a ticket is renewed, the property is updated to the local date and time.
Gets the local date and time at which the forms-authentication ticket was originally issued.
To be added: an object of type 'string'
To be added
Gets the user name associated with the forms-authentication ticket.
To be added: an object of type 'string'
If the is created using a constructor that does not supply a parameter, the property returns an empty string (""); otherwise, the version property returns the value supplied to the constructor.
You can use the property to store additional user information with the that is not maintained by the property values.
You should limit the amount of data stored in the property. You must ensure that the size of the property does not result in an invalid cookie or an excessively long URL.
Gets a user-specific string stored with the ticket.
To be added: an object of type 'int'
If the is created using a constructor that does not supply a parameter, the property returns 2; otherwise, the version property returns the value supplied to the constructor.
Gets the version number of the ticket.