The namespace provides advanced two-dimensional and vector graphics functionality. The following table lists some of the important classes and enumerations in the namespace, grouped into categories. Class category Details Graphics and Graphics paths The and classes report information about the current Graphics object. classes represent a series of lines and curves. The and classes provide detailed information about the contents of a object. Matrix and transformation related types The class represents a matrix for geometric transforms. The enumeration specifies the order for matrix transformations. Brush classes The and classes enable you to fill shapes with either a gradient, or hatch pattern, respectively. Enumeration related to lines The and enumerations enable you to specify cap styles for a line. The, enumeration enables you to specify how two lines are joined in a path. The enumeration enables you specify the alignment of the drawing tip, when you draw a line. The enumeration specifies the pattern a line should be filled with. Enumerations related to filling shapes and paths The enumeration specifies fill styles for a . The class specifies a blend pattern for a . The enumeration specifies the fill style for a . Classes in the namespace are not supported for use in a Windows or vstecasp service. Attempting to use these classes in one of these application types may produce unexpected problems, such as diminished service performance and run-time exceptions.