// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information. using System.Threading; using Moq; using Xunit; using Assert = Microsoft.TestCommon.AssertEx; namespace System.Web.Mvc.Async.Test { public class AsyncResultWrapperTest { [Fact] public void Begin_AsynchronousCompletion() { // Arrange AsyncCallback capturedCallback = null; IAsyncResult resultGivenToCallback = null; IAsyncResult innerResult = new MockAsyncResult(); // Act IAsyncResult outerResult = AsyncResultWrapper.Begin( ar => { resultGivenToCallback = ar; }, null, (callback, state) => { capturedCallback = callback; return innerResult; }, ar => { }); capturedCallback(innerResult); // Assert Assert.Equal(outerResult, resultGivenToCallback); } [Fact] public void Begin_ReturnsAsyncResultWhichWrapsInnerResult() { // Arrange IAsyncResult innerResult = new MockAsyncResult() { AsyncState = "inner state", CompletedSynchronously = true, IsCompleted = true }; // Act IAsyncResult outerResult = AsyncResultWrapper.Begin( null, "outer state", (callback, state) => innerResult, ar => { }); // Assert Assert.Equal(innerResult.AsyncState, outerResult.AsyncState); Assert.Equal(innerResult.AsyncWaitHandle, outerResult.AsyncWaitHandle); Assert.Equal(innerResult.CompletedSynchronously, outerResult.CompletedSynchronously); Assert.Equal(innerResult.IsCompleted, outerResult.IsCompleted); } [Fact] public void Begin_SynchronousCompletion() { // Arrange IAsyncResult resultGivenToCallback = null; IAsyncResult innerResult = new MockAsyncResult(); // Act IAsyncResult outerResult = AsyncResultWrapper.Begin( ar => { resultGivenToCallback = ar; }, null, (callback, state) => { callback(innerResult); return innerResult; }, ar => { }); // Assert Assert.Equal(outerResult, resultGivenToCallback); } [Fact] public void Begin_AsynchronousButAlreadyCompleted() { // Arrange Mock<IAsyncResult> innerResultMock = new Mock<IAsyncResult>(); innerResultMock.Setup(ir => ir.CompletedSynchronously).Returns(false); innerResultMock.Setup(ir => ir.IsCompleted).Returns(true); // Act IAsyncResult outerResult = AsyncResultWrapper.Begin( null, null, (callback, state) => { callback(innerResultMock.Object); return innerResultMock.Object; }, ar => { }); // Assert Assert.True(outerResult.CompletedSynchronously); } [Fact] public void BeginSynchronous_Action() { // Arrange bool actionCalled = false; // Act IAsyncResult asyncResult = AsyncResultWrapper.BeginSynchronous(null, null, delegate { actionCalled = true; }); AsyncResultWrapper.End(asyncResult); // Assert Assert.True(actionCalled); Assert.True(asyncResult.IsCompleted); Assert.True(asyncResult.CompletedSynchronously); } [Fact] public void BeginSynchronous_Func() { // Act IAsyncResult asyncResult = AsyncResultWrapper.BeginSynchronous(null, null, () => 42); int retVal = AsyncResultWrapper.End<int>(asyncResult); // Assert Assert.Equal(42, retVal); Assert.True(asyncResult.IsCompleted); Assert.True(asyncResult.CompletedSynchronously); } [Fact] public void End_ExecutesStoredDelegateAndReturnsValue() { // Arrange IAsyncResult asyncResult = AsyncResultWrapper.Begin( null, null, (callback, state) => new MockAsyncResult(), ar => 42); // Act int returned = AsyncResultWrapper.End<int>(asyncResult); // Assert Assert.Equal(42, returned); } [Fact] public void End_ThrowsIfAsyncResultIsIncorrectType() { // Arrange IAsyncResult asyncResult = AsyncResultWrapper.Begin( null, null, (callback, state) => new MockAsyncResult(), ar => { }); // Act & assert Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>( delegate { AsyncResultWrapper.End<int>(asyncResult); }, @"The provided IAsyncResult is not valid for this method. Parameter name: asyncResult"); } [Fact] public void End_ThrowsIfAsyncResultIsNull() { // Act & assert Assert.ThrowsArgumentNull( delegate { AsyncResultWrapper.End(null); }, "asyncResult"); } [Fact] public void End_ThrowsIfAsyncResultTagMismatch() { // Arrange IAsyncResult asyncResult = AsyncResultWrapper.Begin( null, null, (callback, state) => new MockAsyncResult(), ar => { }, "some tag"); // Act & assert Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>( delegate { AsyncResultWrapper.End(asyncResult, "some other tag"); }, @"The provided IAsyncResult is not valid for this method. Parameter name: asyncResult"); } [Fact] public void End_ThrowsIfCalledTwiceOnSameAsyncResult() { // Arrange IAsyncResult asyncResult = AsyncResultWrapper.Begin( null, null, (callback, state) => new MockAsyncResult(), ar => { }); // Act & assert AsyncResultWrapper.End(asyncResult); Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>( delegate { AsyncResultWrapper.End(asyncResult); }, @"The provided IAsyncResult has already been consumed."); } [Fact] public void TimedOut() { // Arrange ManualResetEvent waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false /* initialState */); AsyncCallback callback = ar => { waitHandle.Set(); }; // Act & assert IAsyncResult asyncResult = AsyncResultWrapper.Begin( callback, null, (innerCallback, innerState) => new MockAsyncResult(), ar => { Assert.True(false, "This callback should never execute since we timed out."); }, null, 0); // wait for the timeout waitHandle.WaitOne(); Assert.Throws<TimeoutException>( delegate { AsyncResultWrapper.End(asyncResult); }); } } }