// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.

using Xunit;

namespace Microsoft.TestCommon
    // This extends xUnit.net's Assert class, and makes it partial so that we can
    // organize the extension points by logical functionality (rather than dumping them
    // all into this single file).
    // See files named XxxAssertions for root extensions to AssertEx.
    public partial class AssertEx : Assert
        public static readonly ReflectionAssert Reflection = new ReflectionAssert();

        public static readonly TypeAssert Type = new TypeAssert();

        public static readonly HttpAssert Http = new HttpAssert();

        public static readonly MediaTypeAssert MediaType = new MediaTypeAssert();

        public static readonly GenericTypeAssert GenericType = new GenericTypeAssert();

        public static readonly SerializerAssert Serializer = new SerializerAssert();

        public static readonly StreamAssert Stream = new StreamAssert();

        public static readonly TaskAssert Task = new TaskAssert();

        public static readonly XmlAssert Xml = new XmlAssert();