//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Microsoft //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.Xml { using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; // Represents the xml declaration nodes: public class XmlDeclaration : XmlLinkedNode { const string YES = "yes"; const string NO = "no"; private string version; private string encoding; private string standalone; protected internal XmlDeclaration( string version, string encoding, string standalone, XmlDocument doc ) : base( doc ) { if ( !IsValidXmlVersion( version ) ) throw new ArgumentException( Res.GetString( Res.Xdom_Version ) ); if( ( standalone != null ) && ( standalone.Length > 0 ) ) if ( ( standalone != YES ) && ( standalone != NO ) ) throw new ArgumentException( Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_standalone, standalone) ); this.Encoding = encoding; this.Standalone = standalone; this.Version = version; } // The version attribute for public string Version { get { return this.version; } internal set { this.version = value; } } // Specifies the value of the encoding attribute, as for // public string Encoding { get { return this.encoding; } set { this.encoding = ( (value == null) ? String.Empty : value ); } } // Specifies the value of the standalone attribute. public string Standalone { get { return this.standalone; } set { if ( value == null ) this.standalone = String.Empty; else if ( value.Length == 0 || value == YES || value == NO ) this.standalone = value; else throw new ArgumentException( Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_standalone, value) ); } } public override String Value { get { return InnerText; } set { InnerText = value; } } // Gets or sets the concatenated values of the node and // all its children. public override string InnerText { get { StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder("version=\"" + Version + "\""); if ( Encoding.Length > 0 ) { strb.Append(" encoding=\""); strb.Append(Encoding); strb.Append("\""); } if ( Standalone.Length > 0 ) { strb.Append(" standalone=\""); strb.Append(Standalone); strb.Append("\""); } return strb.ToString(); } set { string tempVersion = null; string tempEncoding = null; string tempStandalone = null; string orgEncoding = this.Encoding; string orgStandalone = this.Standalone; string orgVersion = this.Version; XmlLoader.ParseXmlDeclarationValue( value, out tempVersion, out tempEncoding, out tempStandalone ); try { if ( tempVersion != null && !IsValidXmlVersion(tempVersion) ) throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_Version)); Version = tempVersion; if ( tempEncoding != null ) Encoding = tempEncoding; if ( tempStandalone != null ) Standalone = tempStandalone; } catch { Encoding = orgEncoding; Standalone = orgStandalone; Version = orgVersion; throw; } } } //override methods and properties from XmlNode // Gets the name of the node. public override String Name { get { return "xml"; } } // Gets the name of the current node without the namespace prefix. public override string LocalName { get { return Name;} } // Gets the type of the current node. public override XmlNodeType NodeType { get { return XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration;} } // Creates a duplicate of this node. public override XmlNode CloneNode(bool deep) { Debug.Assert( OwnerDocument != null ); return OwnerDocument.CreateXmlDeclaration( Version, Encoding, Standalone ); } // Saves the node to the specified XmlWriter. public override void WriteTo(XmlWriter w) { w.WriteProcessingInstruction(Name, InnerText); } // Saves all the children of the node to the specified XmlWriter. public override void WriteContentTo(XmlWriter w) { // Intentionally do nothing since the node doesn't have children. } private bool IsValidXmlVersion(string ver) { return ver.Length >= 3 && ver[0] == '1' && ver[1] == '.' && XmlCharType.IsOnlyDigits(ver, 2, ver.Length - 2); } } }