//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // <copyright file="RangeValidator.cs" company="Microsoft"> // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // </copyright> //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { using System.ComponentModel; using System.Web; using System.Globalization; using System.Web.Util; /// <devdoc> /// <para> Checks if the value of the associated input control /// is within some minimum and maximum values, which /// can be constant values or values of other controls.</para> /// </devdoc> [ ToolboxData("<{0}:RangeValidator runat=\"server\" ErrorMessage=\"RangeValidator\"></{0}:RangeValidator>") ] public class RangeValidator : BaseCompareValidator { /// <devdoc> /// <para> Gets or sets the maximum value of the validation range.</para> /// </devdoc> [ WebCategory("Behavior"), Themeable(false), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.RangeValidator_MaximumValue) ] public string MaximumValue { get { object o = ViewState["MaximumValue"]; return((o == null) ? String.Empty : (string)o); } set { ViewState["MaximumValue"] = value; } } /// <devdoc> /// <para> Gets or sets the minimum value of the validation range.</para> /// </devdoc> [ WebCategory("Behavior"), Themeable(false), DefaultValue(""), WebSysDescription(SR.RangeValidator_MinmumValue) ] public string MinimumValue { get { object o = ViewState["MinimumValue"]; return((o == null) ? String.Empty : (string)o); } set { ViewState["MinimumValue"] = value; } } /// <internalonly/> /// <devdoc> /// AddAttributesToRender method /// </devdoc> protected override void AddAttributesToRender(HtmlTextWriter writer) { base.AddAttributesToRender(writer); if (RenderUplevel) { string id = ClientID; HtmlTextWriter expandoAttributeWriter = (EnableLegacyRendering || IsUnobtrusive) ? writer : null; AddExpandoAttribute(expandoAttributeWriter, id, "evaluationfunction", "RangeValidatorEvaluateIsValid", false); string maxValueString = MaximumValue; string minValueString = MinimumValue; if (CultureInvariantValues) { maxValueString = ConvertCultureInvariantToCurrentCultureFormat(maxValueString, Type); minValueString = ConvertCultureInvariantToCurrentCultureFormat(minValueString, Type); } AddExpandoAttribute(expandoAttributeWriter, id, "maximumvalue", maxValueString); AddExpandoAttribute(expandoAttributeWriter, id, "minimumvalue", minValueString); } } /// <internalonly/> /// <devdoc> /// This is a check of properties to determine any errors made by the developer /// </devdoc> protected override bool ControlPropertiesValid() { ValidateValues(); return base.ControlPropertiesValid(); } /// <internalonly/> /// <devdoc> /// EvaluateIsValid method /// </devdoc> protected override bool EvaluateIsValid() { Debug.Assert(PropertiesValid, "Should have already been checked"); // Get the peices of text from the control(s). string text = GetControlValidationValue(ControlToValidate); Debug.Assert(text != null, "Should have already caught this!"); // Special case: if the string is blank, we don't try to validate it. The input should be // trimmed for coordination with the RequiredFieldValidator. if (text.Trim().Length == 0) { return true; } // VSWhidbey 83168 if (Type == ValidationDataType.Date && !DetermineRenderUplevel() && !IsInStandardDateFormat(text)) { text = ConvertToShortDateString(text); } return(Compare(text, false, MinimumValue, CultureInvariantValues, ValidationCompareOperator.GreaterThanEqual, Type) && Compare(text, false, MaximumValue, CultureInvariantValues, ValidationCompareOperator.LessThanEqual, Type)); } /// <devdoc> /// /// </devdoc> private void ValidateValues() { // Check the control values can be converted to data type string maximumValue = MaximumValue; if (!CanConvert(maximumValue, Type, CultureInvariantValues)) { throw new HttpException( SR.GetString(SR.Validator_value_bad_type, new string [] { maximumValue, "MaximumValue", ID, PropertyConverter.EnumToString(typeof(ValidationDataType), Type) })); } string minumumValue = MinimumValue; if (!CanConvert(minumumValue, Type, CultureInvariantValues)) { throw new HttpException( SR.GetString(SR.Validator_value_bad_type, new string [] { minumumValue, "MinimumValue", ID, PropertyConverter.EnumToString(typeof(ValidationDataType), Type) })); } // Check for overlap. if (Compare(minumumValue, CultureInvariantValues, maximumValue, CultureInvariantValues, ValidationCompareOperator.GreaterThan, Type)) { throw new HttpException( SR.GetString(SR.Validator_range_overalap, new string [] { maximumValue, minumumValue, ID, })); } } } }