//------------------------------------------------------------- // <copyright company=’Microsoft Corporation’> // Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // </copyright> //------------------------------------------------------------- // @owner=alexgor, deliant //================================================================= // File: StatisticalAnalysis.cs // // Namespace: System.Web.UI.WebControls[Windows.Forms].Charting.Formulas // // Classes: StatisticalAnalysis // // Purpose: This class is used for Statistical Analysis // // Reviewed: AG - Apr 1, 2003 // //=================================================================== using System; using System.Collections; #if Microsoft_CONTROL namespace System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Formulas #else namespace System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.Formulas #endif { /// <summary> /// /// </summary> internal class StatisticalAnalysis : IFormula { #region Error strings // Error strings //internal string inputArrayStart = "Formula requires"; //internal string inputArrayEnd = "arrays"; #endregion #region Parameters /// <summary> /// Formula Module name /// </summary> virtual public string Name { get { return SR.FormulaNameStatisticalAnalysis; } } #endregion // Parameters #region Methods /// <summary> /// Default constructor /// </summary> public StatisticalAnalysis() { } /// <summary> /// The first method in the module, which converts a formula /// name to the corresponding private method. /// </summary> /// <param name="formulaName">String which represent a formula name</param> /// <param name="inputValues">Arrays of doubles - Input values</param> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="parameterList">Array of strings - Formula parameters</param> /// <param name="extraParameterList">Array of strings - Extra Formula parameters from DataManipulator object</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> virtual public void Formula( string formulaName, double [][] inputValues, out double [][] outputValues, string [] parameterList, string [] extraParameterList, out string [][] outLabels ) { string name; outLabels = null; name = formulaName.ToUpper(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); try { switch( name ) { case "TTESTEQUALVARIANCES": TTest( inputValues, out outputValues, parameterList, out outLabels, true ); break; case "TTESTUNEQUALVARIANCES": TTest( inputValues, out outputValues, parameterList, out outLabels, false ); break; case "TTESTPAIRED": TTestPaired( inputValues, out outputValues, parameterList, out outLabels ); break; case "ZTEST": ZTest( inputValues, out outputValues, parameterList, out outLabels ); break; case "FTEST": FTest( inputValues, out outputValues, parameterList, out outLabels ); break; case "COVARIANCE": Covariance( inputValues, out outputValues, out outLabels ); break; case "CORRELATION": Correlation( inputValues, out outputValues, out outLabels ); break; case "ANOVA": Anova( inputValues, out outputValues, parameterList, out outLabels ); break; case "TDISTRIBUTION": TDistribution( out outputValues, parameterList, out outLabels ); break; case "FDISTRIBUTION": FDistribution( out outputValues, parameterList, out outLabels ); break; case "NORMALDISTRIBUTION": NormalDistribution( out outputValues, parameterList, out outLabels ); break; case "INVERSETDISTRIBUTION": TDistributionInverse( out outputValues, parameterList, out outLabels ); break; case "INVERSEFDISTRIBUTION": FDistributionInverse( out outputValues, parameterList, out outLabels ); break; case "INVERSENORMALDISTRIBUTION": NormalDistributionInverse( out outputValues, parameterList, out outLabels ); break; case "MEAN": Average( inputValues, out outputValues, out outLabels ); break; case "VARIANCE": Variance( inputValues, out outputValues, parameterList, out outLabels ); break; case "MEDIAN": Median( inputValues, out outputValues, out outLabels ); break; case "BETAFUNCTION": BetaFunction( out outputValues, parameterList, out outLabels ); break; case "GAMMAFUNCTION": GammaFunction( out outputValues, parameterList, out outLabels ); break; default: outputValues = null; break; } } catch( IndexOutOfRangeException ) { throw new InvalidOperationException( SR.ExceptionFormulaInvalidPeriod(name) ); } catch( OverflowException ) { throw new InvalidOperationException( SR.ExceptionFormulaNotEnoughDataPoints(name) ); } } #endregion // Methods #region Statistical Tests /// <summary> /// Anova test /// </summary> /// <param name="inputValues">Arrays of doubles - Input values</param> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="parameterList">Array of strings - Parameters</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> private void Anova(double [][] inputValues, out double [][] outputValues, string [] parameterList, out string [][] outLabels ) { // There is no enough input series if( inputValues.Length < 3 ) throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesNotEnoughInputSeries); outLabels = null; for( int index = 0; index < inputValues.Length - 1; index++ ) { if( inputValues[index].Length != inputValues[index+1].Length ) throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidAnovaTest); } // Alpha value double alpha; try { alpha = double.Parse( parameterList[0], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidAlphaValue); } if( alpha < 0 || alpha > 1 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidAlphaValue); } // Output arrays outputValues = new double [2][]; // Output Labels outLabels = new string [1][]; // Parameters description outLabels[0] = new string [10]; // X outputValues[0] = new double [10]; // Y outputValues[1] = new double [10]; int m = inputValues.Length - 1; int n = inputValues[0].Length; double [] average = new double[ m ]; double [] variance = new double[ m ]; // Find averages for( int group = 0; group < m; group++ ) { average[group] = Mean( inputValues[group+1] ); } // Find variances for( int group = 0; group < m; group++ ) { variance[group] = Variance( inputValues[group+1], true ); } // Total Average ( for all groups ) double averageTotal = Mean( average ); // Total Sample Variance double totalS = 0; foreach( double avr in average ) { totalS += ( avr - averageTotal ) * ( avr - averageTotal ); } totalS /= ( m - 1 ); // Group Sample Variance double groupS = Mean( variance ); // F Statistica double f = totalS * ( n ) / groupS; // **************************************** // Sum of Squares // **************************************** // Grend Total Average double grandTotalAverage = 0; for( int group = 0; group < m; group++ ) { foreach( double point in inputValues[group+1] ) { grandTotalAverage += point; } } grandTotalAverage /= ( m * n ); // Treatment Sum of Squares double trss = 0; for( int group = 0; group < m; group++ ) { trss += ( average[group] - grandTotalAverage ) * ( average[group] - grandTotalAverage ); } trss *= n; // Error Sum of Squares double erss = 0; for( int group = 0; group < m; group++ ) { foreach( double point in inputValues[group+1] ) { erss += ( point - average[group] ) * ( point - average[group] ); } } outLabels[0][0] = SR.LabelStatisticalSumOfSquaresBetweenGroups; outputValues[0][0] = 1; outputValues[1][0] = trss; outLabels[0][1] = SR.LabelStatisticalSumOfSquaresWithinGroups; outputValues[0][1] = 2; outputValues[1][1] = erss; outLabels[0][2] = SR.LabelStatisticalSumOfSquaresTotal; outputValues[0][2] = 3; outputValues[1][2] = trss + erss; outLabels[0][3] = SR.LabelStatisticalDegreesOfFreedomBetweenGroups; outputValues[0][3] = 4; outputValues[1][3] = m - 1; outLabels[0][4] = SR.LabelStatisticalDegreesOfFreedomWithinGroups; outputValues[0][4] = 5; outputValues[1][4] = m * ( n - 1 ); outLabels[0][5] = SR.LabelStatisticalDegreesOfFreedomTotal; outputValues[0][5] = 6; outputValues[1][5] = m * n - 1; outLabels[0][6] = SR.LabelStatisticalMeanSquareVarianceBetweenGroups; outputValues[0][6] = 7; outputValues[1][6] = trss / ( m - 1 ); outLabels[0][7] = SR.LabelStatisticalMeanSquareVarianceWithinGroups; outputValues[0][7] = 8; outputValues[1][7] = erss / ( m * ( n - 1 ) ); outLabels[0][8] = SR.LabelStatisticalFRatio; outputValues[0][8] = 9; outputValues[1][8] = f; outLabels[0][9] = SR.LabelStatisticalFCriteria; outputValues[0][9] = 10; outputValues[1][9] = FDistributionInverse( alpha, m - 1, m * ( n - 1 ) ); } /// <summary> /// Correlation measure the relationship between two data sets that /// are scaled to be independent of the unit of measurement. The /// population correlation calculation returns the covariance /// of two data sets divided by the product of their standard /// deviations: You can use the Correlation to determine whether two /// ranges of data move together — that is, whether large values of /// one set are associated with large values of the other /// (positive correlation), whether small values of one set are /// associated with large values of the other (negative correlation), /// or whether values in both sets are unrelated (correlation /// near zero). /// </summary> /// <param name="inputValues">Arrays of doubles - Input values</param> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> private void Correlation(double [][] inputValues, out double [][] outputValues, out string [][] outLabels ) { // There is no enough input series if( inputValues.Length != 3 ) throw new ArgumentException( SR.ExceptionPriceIndicatorsFormulaRequiresTwoArrays); outLabels = null; // Output arrays outputValues = new double [2][]; // Output Labels outLabels = new string [1][]; // Parameters description outLabels[0] = new string [1]; // X outputValues[0] = new double [1]; // Y outputValues[1] = new double [1]; // Find Covariance. double covar = Covar( inputValues[1], inputValues[2] ); double varianceX = Variance( inputValues[1], false ); double varianceY = Variance( inputValues[2], false ); // Correlation double correl = covar / Math.Sqrt( varianceX * varianceY ); outLabels[0][0] = SR.LabelStatisticalCorrelation; outputValues[0][0] = 1; outputValues[1][0] = correl; } /// <summary> /// Returns covariance, the average of the products of deviations /// for each data point pair. Use covariance to determine the /// relationship between two data sets. For example, you can /// examine whether greater income accompanies greater /// levels of education. /// </summary> /// <param name="inputValues">Arrays of doubles - Input values</param> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> private void Covariance(double [][] inputValues, out double [][] outputValues, out string [][] outLabels ) { // There is no enough input series if( inputValues.Length != 3 ) throw new ArgumentException( SR.ExceptionPriceIndicatorsFormulaRequiresTwoArrays); outLabels = null; // Output arrays outputValues = new double [2][]; // Output Labels outLabels = new string [1][]; // Parameters description outLabels[0] = new string [1]; // X outputValues[0] = new double [1]; // Y outputValues[1] = new double [1]; // Find Covariance. double covar = Covar( inputValues[1], inputValues[2] ); outLabels[0][0] = SR.LabelStatisticalCovariance; outputValues[0][0] = 1; outputValues[1][0] = covar; } /// <summary> /// Returns the result of an F-test. An F-test returns the one-tailed /// probability that the variances in array1 and array2 are not /// significantly different. Use this function to determine /// whether two samples have different variances. For example, /// given test scores from public and private schools, you can /// test whether these schools have different levels of diversity. /// </summary> /// <param name="inputValues">Arrays of doubles - Input values</param> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="parameterList">Array of strings - Parameters</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> private void FTest(double [][] inputValues, out double [][] outputValues, string [] parameterList, out string [][] outLabels ) { // There is no enough input series if( inputValues.Length != 3 ) throw new ArgumentException( SR.ExceptionPriceIndicatorsFormulaRequiresTwoArrays); outLabels = null; double alpha; // The number of data points has to be > 1. CheckNumOfPoints( inputValues ); // Alpha value try { alpha = double.Parse( parameterList[0], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidAlphaValue); } if( alpha < 0 || alpha > 1 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidAlphaValue); } // Output arrays outputValues = new double [2][]; // Output Labels outLabels = new string [1][]; // Parameters description outLabels[0] = new string [7]; // X outputValues[0] = new double [7]; // Y outputValues[1] = new double [7]; // Find Variance of the first group double variance1 = Variance( inputValues[1], true ); // Find Variance of the second group double variance2 = Variance( inputValues[2], true ); // Find Mean of the first group double mean1 = Mean( inputValues[1] ); // Find Mean of the second group double mean2 = Mean( inputValues[2] ); // F Value double valueF = variance1 / variance2; if( variance2 == 0 ) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesZeroVariance); } // The way to find a left critical value is to reversed the degrees of freedom, // look up the right critical value, and then take the reciprocal of this value. // For example, the critical value with 0.05 on the left with 12 numerator and 15 // denominator degrees of freedom is found of taking the reciprocal of the critical // value with 0.05 on the right with 15 numerator and 12 denominator degrees of freedom. // Avoiding Left Critical Values. Since the left critical values are a pain to calculate, // they are often avoided altogether. This is the procedure followed in the textbook. // You can force the F test into a right tail test by placing the sample with the large // variance in the numerator and the smaller variance in the denominator. It does not // matter which sample has the larger sample size, only which sample has the larger // variance. The numerator degrees of freedom will be the degrees of freedom for // whichever sample has the larger variance (since it is in the numerator) and the // denominator degrees of freedom will be the degrees of freedom for whichever sample // has the smaller variance (since it is in the denominator). bool lessOneF = valueF <= 1; double fDistInv; double fDist; if( lessOneF ) { fDistInv = FDistributionInverse( 1 - alpha, inputValues[1].Length - 1, inputValues[2].Length - 1 ); fDist = 1 - FDistribution( valueF, inputValues[1].Length - 1, inputValues[2].Length - 1 ); } else { fDistInv = FDistributionInverse( alpha, inputValues[1].Length - 1, inputValues[2].Length - 1 ); fDist = FDistribution( valueF, inputValues[1].Length - 1, inputValues[2].Length - 1 ); } outLabels[0][0] = SR.LabelStatisticalTheFirstGroupMean; outputValues[0][0] = 1; outputValues[1][0] = mean1; outLabels[0][1] = SR.LabelStatisticalTheSecondGroupMean; outputValues[0][1] = 2; outputValues[1][1] = mean2; outLabels[0][2] = SR.LabelStatisticalTheFirstGroupVariance; outputValues[0][2] = 3; outputValues[1][2] = variance1; outLabels[0][3] = SR.LabelStatisticalTheSecondGroupVariance; outputValues[0][3] = 4; outputValues[1][3] = variance2; outLabels[0][4] = SR.LabelStatisticalFValue; outputValues[0][4] = 5; outputValues[1][4] = valueF; outLabels[0][5] = SR.LabelStatisticalPFLessEqualSmallFOneTail; outputValues[0][5] = 6; outputValues[1][5] = fDist; outLabels[0][6] = SR.LabelStatisticalFCriticalValueOneTail; outputValues[0][6] = 7; outputValues[1][6] = fDistInv; } /// <summary> /// Returns the two-tailed P-value of a z-test. The z-test /// generates a standard score for x with respect to the data set, /// array, and returns the two-tailed probability for the /// normal distribution. You can use this function to assess /// the likelihood that a particular observation is drawn /// from a particular population. /// </summary> /// <param name="inputValues">Arrays of doubles - Input values</param> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="parameterList">Array of strings - Parameters</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> private void ZTest(double [][] inputValues, out double [][] outputValues, string [] parameterList, out string [][] outLabels ) { // There is no enough input series if( inputValues.Length != 3 ) throw new ArgumentException( SR.ExceptionPriceIndicatorsFormulaRequiresTwoArrays); // The number of data points has to be > 1. CheckNumOfPoints( inputValues ); outLabels = null; double variance1; double variance2; double alpha; double HypothesizedMeanDifference; // Find Hypothesized Mean Difference parameter try { HypothesizedMeanDifference = double.Parse( parameterList[0], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidMeanDifference); } if( HypothesizedMeanDifference < 0.0 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesNegativeMeanDifference); } // Find variance of the first group try { variance1 = double.Parse( parameterList[1], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidVariance); } // Find variance of the second group try { variance2 = double.Parse( parameterList[2], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidVariance); } // Alpha value try { alpha = double.Parse( parameterList[3], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidAlphaValue); } if( alpha < 0 || alpha > 1 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidAlphaValue); } // Output arrays outputValues = new double [2][]; // Output Labels outLabels = new string [1][]; // Parameters description outLabels[0] = new string [9]; // X outputValues[0] = new double [9]; // Y outputValues[1] = new double [9]; // Find Mean of the first group double mean1 = Mean( inputValues[1] ); // Find Mean of the second group double mean2 = Mean( inputValues[2] ); double dev = Math.Sqrt( variance1 / inputValues[1].Length + variance2 / inputValues[2].Length ); // Z Value double valueZ = ( mean1 - mean2 - HypothesizedMeanDifference ) / dev; double normalDistTwoInv = NormalDistributionInverse( 1 - alpha / 2 ); double normalDistOneInv = NormalDistributionInverse( 1 - alpha); double normalDistOne; double normalDistTwo; if( valueZ < 0.0 ) { normalDistOne = NormalDistribution( valueZ ); } else { normalDistOne = 1.0 - NormalDistribution( valueZ ); } normalDistTwo = 2.0 * normalDistOne; outLabels[0][0] = SR.LabelStatisticalTheFirstGroupMean; outputValues[0][0] = 1; outputValues[1][0] = mean1; outLabels[0][1] = SR.LabelStatisticalTheSecondGroupMean; outputValues[0][1] = 2; outputValues[1][1] = mean2; outLabels[0][2] = SR.LabelStatisticalTheFirstGroupVariance; outputValues[0][2] = 3; outputValues[1][2] = variance1; outLabels[0][3] = SR.LabelStatisticalTheSecondGroupVariance; outputValues[0][3] = 4; outputValues[1][3] = variance2; outLabels[0][4] = SR.LabelStatisticalZValue; outputValues[0][4] = 5; outputValues[1][4] = valueZ; outLabels[0][5] = SR.LabelStatisticalPZLessEqualSmallZOneTail; outputValues[0][5] = 6; outputValues[1][5] = normalDistOne; outLabels[0][6] = SR.LabelStatisticalZCriticalValueOneTail; outputValues[0][6] = 7; outputValues[1][6] = normalDistOneInv; outLabels[0][7] = SR.LabelStatisticalPZLessEqualSmallZTwoTail; outputValues[0][7] = 8; outputValues[1][7] = normalDistTwo; outLabels[0][8] = SR.LabelStatisticalZCriticalValueTwoTail; outputValues[0][8] = 9; outputValues[1][8] = normalDistTwoInv; } /// <summary> /// Returns the two-tailed P-value of a z-test. The z-test /// generates a standard score for x with respect to the data set, /// array, and returns the two-tailed probability for the /// normal distribution. You can use this function to assess /// the likelihood that a particular observation is drawn /// from a particular population. /// </summary> /// <param name="inputValues">Arrays of doubles - Input values</param> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="parameterList">Array of strings - Parameters</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> /// <param name="equalVariances">True if Variances are equal.</param> private void TTest(double [][] inputValues, out double [][] outputValues, string [] parameterList, out string [][] outLabels, bool equalVariances ) { // There is no enough input series if( inputValues.Length != 3 ) throw new ArgumentException( SR.ExceptionPriceIndicatorsFormulaRequiresTwoArrays); outLabels = null; double variance1; double variance2; double alpha; double HypothesizedMeanDifference; // Find Hypothesized Mean Difference parameter try { HypothesizedMeanDifference = double.Parse( parameterList[0], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidMeanDifference); } if( HypothesizedMeanDifference < 0.0 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesNegativeMeanDifference); } // Alpha value try { alpha = double.Parse( parameterList[1], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidAlphaValue); } if( alpha < 0 || alpha > 1 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidAlphaValue); } // The number of data points has to be > 1. CheckNumOfPoints( inputValues ); // Output arrays outputValues = new double [2][]; // Output Labels outLabels = new string [1][]; // Parameters description outLabels[0] = new string [10]; // X outputValues[0] = new double [10]; // Y outputValues[1] = new double [10]; // Find Mean of the first group double mean1 = Mean( inputValues[1] ); // Find Mean of the second group double mean2 = Mean( inputValues[2] ); variance1 = Variance( inputValues[1], true ); variance2 = Variance( inputValues[2], true ); double s; double T; int freedom; if( equalVariances ) { freedom = inputValues[1].Length + inputValues[2].Length - 2; // S value s = ( ( inputValues[1].Length - 1 ) * variance1 + ( inputValues[2].Length - 1 ) * variance2 ) / ( inputValues[1].Length + inputValues[2].Length - 2 ); // T value T = ( mean1 - mean2 - HypothesizedMeanDifference ) / ( Math.Sqrt( s * ( 1.0 / inputValues[1].Length + 1.0 / inputValues[2].Length ) ) ); } else { double m = inputValues[1].Length; double n = inputValues[2].Length; double s1 = variance1; double s2 = variance2; double f = ( s1 / m + s2 / n ) * ( s1 / m + s2 / n ) / ( ( s1 / m ) * ( s1 / m ) / ( m - 1 ) + ( s2 / n ) * ( s2 / n ) / ( n - 1 ) ); freedom = (int)Math.Round(f); s = Math.Sqrt( variance1 / inputValues[1].Length + variance2 / inputValues[2].Length ); // Z Value T = ( mean1 - mean2 - HypothesizedMeanDifference ) / s; } double TDistTwoInv = StudentsDistributionInverse( alpha , freedom ); bool more50 = alpha > 0.5; if( more50 ) { alpha = 1 - alpha; } double TDistOneInv = StudentsDistributionInverse( alpha * 2.0, freedom ); if( more50 ) { TDistOneInv *= -1.0; } double TDistTwo = StudentsDistribution( T, freedom, false ); double TDistOne = StudentsDistribution( T, freedom, true ); outLabels[0][0] = SR.LabelStatisticalTheFirstGroupMean; outputValues[0][0] = 1; outputValues[1][0] = mean1; outLabels[0][1] = SR.LabelStatisticalTheSecondGroupMean; outputValues[0][1] = 2; outputValues[1][1] = mean2; outLabels[0][2] = SR.LabelStatisticalTheFirstGroupVariance; outputValues[0][2] = 3; outputValues[1][2] = variance1; outLabels[0][3] = SR.LabelStatisticalTheSecondGroupVariance; outputValues[0][3] = 4; outputValues[1][3] = variance2; outLabels[0][4] = SR.LabelStatisticalTValue; outputValues[0][4] = 5; outputValues[1][4] = T; outLabels[0][5] = SR.LabelStatisticalDegreeOfFreedom; outputValues[0][5] = 6; outputValues[1][5] = freedom; outLabels[0][6] = SR.LabelStatisticalPTLessEqualSmallTOneTail; outputValues[0][6] = 7; outputValues[1][6] = TDistOne; outLabels[0][7] = SR.LabelStatisticalSmallTCrititcalOneTail; outputValues[0][7] = 8; outputValues[1][7] = TDistOneInv; outLabels[0][8] = SR.LabelStatisticalPTLessEqualSmallTTwoTail; outputValues[0][8] = 9; outputValues[1][8] = TDistTwo; outLabels[0][9] = SR.LabelStatisticalSmallTCrititcalTwoTail; outputValues[0][9] = 10; outputValues[1][9] = TDistTwoInv; } /// <summary> /// Returns the two-tailed P-value of a z-test. The z-test /// generates a standard score for x with respect to the data set, /// array, and returns the two-tailed probability for the /// normal distribution. You can use this function to assess /// the likelihood that a particular observation is drawn /// from a particular population. /// </summary> /// <param name="inputValues">Arrays of doubles - Input values</param> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="parameterList">Array of strings - Parameters</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> private void TTestPaired(double [][] inputValues, out double [][] outputValues, string [] parameterList, out string [][] outLabels ) { // There is no enough input series if( inputValues.Length != 3 ) throw new ArgumentException( SR.ExceptionPriceIndicatorsFormulaRequiresTwoArrays); if( inputValues[1].Length != inputValues[2].Length ) throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidVariableRanges); outLabels = null; double variance; double alpha; double HypothesizedMeanDifference; int freedom; // Find Hypothesized Mean Difference parameter try { HypothesizedMeanDifference = double.Parse( parameterList[0], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidMeanDifference); } if( HypothesizedMeanDifference < 0.0 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesNegativeMeanDifference); } // Alpha value try { alpha = double.Parse( parameterList[1], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidAlphaValue); } if( alpha < 0 || alpha > 1 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidAlphaValue); } // The number of data points has to be > 1. CheckNumOfPoints( inputValues ); // Output arrays outputValues = new double [2][]; // Output Labels outLabels = new string [1][]; // Parameters description outLabels[0] = new string [10]; // X outputValues[0] = new double [10]; // Y outputValues[1] = new double [10]; double [] difference = new double[inputValues[1].Length]; for( int item = 0; item < inputValues[1].Length; item++ ) { difference[item] = inputValues[1][item] - inputValues[2][item]; } // Find Mean of the second group double mean = Mean( difference ); variance = Math.Sqrt( Variance( difference, true ) ); double T = ( Math.Sqrt( inputValues[1].Length ) * ( mean - HypothesizedMeanDifference ) ) / variance; freedom = inputValues[1].Length - 1; double TDistTwoInv = StudentsDistributionInverse( alpha , freedom ); double TDistOneInv = alpha <= 0.5 ? StudentsDistributionInverse(2 * alpha, freedom) : double.NaN; double TDistTwo = StudentsDistribution( T, freedom, false ); double TDistOne = StudentsDistribution( T, freedom, true ); outLabels[0][0] = SR.LabelStatisticalTheFirstGroupMean; outputValues[0][0] = 1; outputValues[1][0] = Mean(inputValues[1]); outLabels[0][1] = SR.LabelStatisticalTheSecondGroupMean; outputValues[0][1] = 2; outputValues[1][1] = Mean(inputValues[2]); outLabels[0][2] = SR.LabelStatisticalTheFirstGroupVariance; outputValues[0][2] = 3; outputValues[1][2] = Variance(inputValues[1],true); outLabels[0][3] = SR.LabelStatisticalTheSecondGroupVariance; outputValues[0][3] = 4; outputValues[1][3] = Variance(inputValues[2],true); outLabels[0][4] = SR.LabelStatisticalTValue; outputValues[0][4] = 5; outputValues[1][4] = T; outLabels[0][5] = SR.LabelStatisticalDegreeOfFreedom; outputValues[0][5] = 6; outputValues[1][5] = freedom; outLabels[0][6] = SR.LabelStatisticalPTLessEqualSmallTOneTail; outputValues[0][6] = 7; outputValues[1][6] = TDistOne; outLabels[0][7] = SR.LabelStatisticalSmallTCrititcalOneTail; outputValues[0][7] = 8; outputValues[1][7] = TDistOneInv; outLabels[0][8] = SR.LabelStatisticalPTLessEqualSmallTTwoTail; outputValues[0][8] = 9; outputValues[1][8] = TDistTwo; outLabels[0][9] = SR.LabelStatisticalSmallTCrititcalTwoTail; outputValues[0][9] = 10; outputValues[1][9] = TDistTwoInv; } #endregion // Statistical Tests #region Public distributions /// <summary> /// Returns the Percentage Points (probability) for the Student /// t-distribution. The t-distribution is used in the hypothesis /// testing of small sample data sets. Use this function in place /// of a table of critical values for the t-distribution. /// </summary> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="parameterList">Array of strings - Parameters</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> private void TDistribution(out double [][] outputValues, string [] parameterList, out string [][] outLabels ) { // T value value double tValue; try { tValue = double.Parse( parameterList[0], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidTValue); } // DegreeOfFreedom int freedom; try { freedom = int.Parse( parameterList[1], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidDegreeOfFreedom); } // One Tailed distribution int oneTailed; try { oneTailed = int.Parse( parameterList[2], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidTailedParameter); } outLabels = null; // Output arrays outputValues = new double [2][]; // Output Labels outLabels = new string [1][]; // Parameters description outLabels[0] = new string [1]; // X outputValues[0] = new double [1]; // Y outputValues[1] = new double [1]; outLabels[0][0] = SR.LabelStatisticalProbability; outputValues[0][0] = 1; outputValues[1][0] = StudentsDistribution( tValue, freedom, oneTailed == 1 ); } /// <summary> /// Returns the F probability distribution. You can use /// this function to determine whether two data sets have /// different degrees of diversity. For example, you can /// examine test scores given to men and women entering /// high school and determine if the variability in the /// females is different from that found in the males. /// </summary> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="parameterList">Array of strings - Parameters</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> private void FDistribution(out double [][] outputValues, string [] parameterList, out string [][] outLabels ) { // F value value double fValue; try { fValue = double.Parse( parameterList[0], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidTValue); } // Degree Of Freedom 1 int freedom1; try { freedom1 = int.Parse( parameterList[1], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidDegreeOfFreedom); } // Degree Of Freedom 2 int freedom2; try { freedom2 = int.Parse( parameterList[2], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidDegreeOfFreedom); } outLabels = null; // Output arrays outputValues = new double [2][]; // Output Labels outLabels = new string [1][]; // Parameters description outLabels[0] = new string [1]; // X outputValues[0] = new double [1]; // Y outputValues[1] = new double [1]; outLabels[0][0] = SR.LabelStatisticalProbability; outputValues[0][0] = 1; outputValues[1][0] = FDistribution( fValue, freedom1, freedom2 ); } /// <summary></summary> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="parameterList">Array of strings - Parameters</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> private void NormalDistribution(out double [][] outputValues, string [] parameterList, out string [][] outLabels ) { // F value value double zValue; try { zValue = double.Parse( parameterList[0], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidZValue); } outLabels = null; // Output arrays outputValues = new double [2][]; // Output Labels outLabels = new string [1][]; // Parameters description outLabels[0] = new string [1]; // X outputValues[0] = new double [1]; // Y outputValues[1] = new double [1]; outLabels[0][0] = SR.LabelStatisticalProbability; outputValues[0][0] = 1; outputValues[1][0] = this.NormalDistribution( zValue ); } /// <summary> /// Returns the t-value of the Student's t-distribution /// as a function of the probability and the degrees /// of freedom. /// </summary> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="parameterList">Array of strings - Parameters</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> private void TDistributionInverse(out double [][] outputValues, string [] parameterList, out string [][] outLabels ) { // T value value double probability; try { probability = double.Parse( parameterList[0], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidProbabilityValue); } // DegreeOfFreedom int freedom; try { freedom = int.Parse( parameterList[1], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidDegreeOfFreedom); } outLabels = null; // Output arrays outputValues = new double [2][]; // Output Labels outLabels = new string [1][]; // Parameters description outLabels[0] = new string [1]; // X outputValues[0] = new double [1]; // Y outputValues[1] = new double [1]; outLabels[0][0] = SR.LabelStatisticalProbability; outputValues[0][0] = 1; outputValues[1][0] = StudentsDistributionInverse( probability, freedom ); } /// <summary> /// Returns the inverse of the F probability distribution. /// If p = FDIST(x,...), then FINV(p,...) = x. The F distribution /// can be used in an F-test that compares the degree of /// variability in two data sets. For example, you can analyze /// income distributions in the United States and Canada to /// determine whether the two ---- have a similar degree /// of diversity. /// </summary> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="parameterList">Array of strings - Parameters</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> private void FDistributionInverse(out double [][] outputValues, string [] parameterList, out string [][] outLabels ) { // Probability value value double probability; try { probability = double.Parse( parameterList[0], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidProbabilityValue); } // Degree Of Freedom 1 int freedom1; try { freedom1 = int.Parse( parameterList[1], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidDegreeOfFreedom); } // Degree Of Freedom 2 int freedom2; try { freedom2 = int.Parse( parameterList[2], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidDegreeOfFreedom); } outLabels = null; // Output arrays outputValues = new double [2][]; // Output Labels outLabels = new string [1][]; // Parameters description outLabels[0] = new string [1]; // X outputValues[0] = new double [1]; // Y outputValues[1] = new double [1]; outLabels[0][0] = SR.LabelStatisticalProbability; outputValues[0][0] = 1; outputValues[1][0] = FDistributionInverse( probability, freedom1, freedom2 ); } /// <summary> /// Returns the inverse of the standard normal /// cumulative distribution. The distribution /// has a mean of zero and a standard deviation /// of one. /// </summary> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="parameterList">Array of strings - Parameters</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> private void NormalDistributionInverse(out double [][] outputValues, string [] parameterList, out string [][] outLabels ) { // Alpha value value double alpha; try { alpha = double.Parse( parameterList[0], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidAlphaValue); } outLabels = null; // Output arrays outputValues = new double [2][]; // Output Labels outLabels = new string [1][]; // Parameters description outLabels[0] = new string [1]; // X outputValues[0] = new double [1]; // Y outputValues[1] = new double [1]; outLabels[0][0] = SR.LabelStatisticalProbability; outputValues[0][0] = 1; outputValues[1][0] = this.NormalDistributionInverse( alpha ); } #endregion #region Utility Statistical Functions /// <summary> /// Check number of data points. The number should be greater then 1. /// </summary> /// <param name="inputValues">Input series</param> private void CheckNumOfPoints( double [][] inputValues ) { if( inputValues[1].Length < 2 ) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesNotEnoughDataPoints); } if( inputValues.Length > 2 ) { if( inputValues[2].Length < 2 ) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesNotEnoughDataPoints); } } } /// <summary> /// Returns covariance, the average of the products of deviations /// for each data point pair. Use covariance to determine the /// relationship between two data sets. For example, you can /// examine whether greater income accompanies greater /// levels of education. /// </summary> /// <param name="arrayX">First data set from X random variable.</param> /// <param name="arrayY">Second data set from Y random variable.</param> /// <returns>Returns covariance</returns> private double Covar( double [] arrayX, double [] arrayY ) { // Check the number of data points if( arrayX.Length != arrayY.Length ) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesCovariance); } double [] arrayXY = new double[arrayX.Length]; // Find XY for( int index = 0; index < arrayX.Length; index++ ) { arrayXY[index] = arrayX[index] * arrayY[index]; } // Find means double meanXY = Mean( arrayXY ); double meanX = Mean( arrayX ); double meanY = Mean( arrayY ); // return covariance return meanXY - meanX * meanY; } /// <summary> /// Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function, G(x). /// </summary> /// <param name="n">The value for which you want to calculate gamma function.</param> /// <returns>Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function.</returns> private double GammLn( double n ) { double x; double y; double tmp; double sum; double [] cof = {76.18009172947146, -86.50532032941677, 24.01409824083091, -1.231739572450155, 0.1208650973866179e-2, -0.5395239384953e-5}; if( n < 0 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesGammaBetaNegativeParameters); } // Iterative method for Gamma function y = x = n; tmp = x + 5.5; tmp -= ( x + 0.5 ) * Math.Log( tmp ); sum = 1.000000000190015; for( int item = 0; item <=5; item++ ) { sum += cof[item] / ++y; } return -tmp + Math.Log( 2.5066282746310005 * sum / x ); } /// <summary> /// Calculates Beta function /// </summary> /// <param name="m">First parameter for beta function</param> /// <param name="n">Second parameter for beta function</param> /// <returns>returns beta function</returns> private double BetaFunction( double m, double n ) { return Math.Exp( GammLn( m ) + GammLn( n ) - GammLn( m + n ) ); } /// <summary> /// Used by betai: Evaluates continued fraction for /// incomplete beta function by modified Lentz’s /// </summary> /// <param name="a">Beta incomplete parameter</param> /// <param name="b">Beta incomplete parameter</param> /// <param name="x">Beta incomplete parameter</param> /// <returns>Value used for Beta incomplete function</returns> private double BetaCF( double a, double b, double x ) { int MAXIT = 100; double EPS = 3.0e-7; double FPMIN = 1.0e-30; int m,m2; double aa,c,d,del,h,qab,qam,qap; qab = a + b; qap= a + 1.0; qam = a - 1.0; c = 1.0; d = 1.0 - qab * x / qap; if ( Math.Abs(d) < FPMIN ) d=FPMIN; d = 1.0 / d; h = d; // Numerical approximation for Beta incomplete function for( m=1; m<=MAXIT; m++ ) { m2 = 2*m; aa = m*(b-m)*x/((qam+m2)*(a+m2)); // Find d coeficient d = 1.0 + aa*d; if( Math.Abs(d) < FPMIN ) d=FPMIN; // Find c coeficient c = 1.0 + aa / c; if( Math.Abs(c) < FPMIN ) c = FPMIN; // Find d coeficient d = 1.0 / d; // Find h coeficient h *= d*c; aa = -(a+m)*(qab+m)*x/((a+m2)*(qap+m2)); // Recalc d coeficient d=1.0+aa*d; if (Math.Abs(d) < FPMIN) d=FPMIN; // Recalc c coeficient c=1.0+aa/c; if (Math.Abs(c) < FPMIN) c=FPMIN; // Recalc d coeficient d=1.0/d; del=d*c; // Recalc h coeficient h *= del; if (Math.Abs(del-1.0) < EPS) { break; } } if (m > MAXIT) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesIncompleteBetaFunction); } return h; } /// <summary> /// Standard normal density function /// </summary> /// <param name="t">T Value</param> /// <returns>Standard normal density</returns> private double NormalDistributionFunction(double t) { return 0.398942280401433 * Math.Exp( -t * t / 2 ); } /// <summary> /// Returns the incomplete beta function Ix(a, b). /// </summary> /// <param name="a">Beta incomplete parameter</param> /// <param name="b">Beta incomplete parameter</param> /// <param name="x">Beta incomplete parameter</param> /// <returns>Beta Incomplete value</returns> private double BetaIncomplete( double a, double b, double x ) { double bt; if (x < 0.0 || x > 1.0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidInputParameter); if (x == 0.0 || x == 1.0) { bt = 0.0; } else { // Factors in front of the continued fraction. bt = Math.Exp(GammLn(a + b) - GammLn(a) - GammLn(b) + a * Math.Log(x) + b * Math.Log(1.0 - x)); } if (x < (a + 1.0) / (a + b + 2.0)) { //Use continued fraction directly. return bt * BetaCF(a, b, x) / a; } else { // Use continued fraction after making the symmetry transformation. return 1.0 - bt * BetaCF(b, a, 1.0 - x) / b; } } #endregion // Utility Statistical Functions #region Statistical Parameters /// <summary> /// Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the arguments. /// </summary> /// <param name="inputValues">Arrays of doubles - Input values</param> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> private void Average(double [][] inputValues, out double [][] outputValues, out string [][] outLabels ) { outLabels = null; // Invalid number of data series if( inputValues.Length != 2 ) throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidSeriesNumber); // Output arrays outputValues = new double [2][]; // Output Labels outLabels = new string [1][]; // Parameters description outLabels[0] = new string [1]; // X outputValues[0] = new double [1]; // Y outputValues[1] = new double [1]; outLabels[0][0] = SR.LabelStatisticalAverage; outputValues[0][0] = 1; outputValues[1][0] = Mean( inputValues[1] ); } /// <summary> /// Calculates variance /// </summary> /// <param name="inputValues">Arrays of doubles - Input values</param> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="parameterList">Array of strings - Parameters</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> private void Variance(double [][] inputValues, out double [][] outputValues, string [] parameterList, out string [][] outLabels ) { // Sample Variance value bool sampleVariance; try { sampleVariance = bool.Parse( parameterList[0] ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidVariance); } CheckNumOfPoints(inputValues); // Invalid number of data series if( inputValues.Length != 2 ) throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidSeriesNumber); outLabels = null; // Output arrays outputValues = new double [2][]; // Output Labels outLabels = new string [1][]; // Parameters description outLabels[0] = new string [1]; // X outputValues[0] = new double [1]; // Y outputValues[1] = new double [1]; outLabels[0][0] = SR.LabelStatisticalVariance; outputValues[0][0] = 1; outputValues[1][0] = Variance( inputValues[1], sampleVariance ); } /// <summary> /// Calculates Median /// </summary> /// <param name="inputValues">Arrays of doubles - Input values</param> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> private void Median(double [][] inputValues, out double [][] outputValues, out string [][] outLabels ) { outLabels = null; // Invalid number of data series if( inputValues.Length != 2 ) throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidSeriesNumber); // Output arrays outputValues = new double [2][]; // Output Labels outLabels = new string [1][]; // Parameters description outLabels[0] = new string [1]; // X outputValues[0] = new double [1]; // Y outputValues[1] = new double [1]; outLabels[0][0] = SR.LabelStatisticalMedian; outputValues[0][0] = 1; outputValues[1][0] = Median( inputValues[1] ); } /// <summary> /// Calculates Beta Function /// </summary> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="parameterList">Array of strings - Parameters</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> private void BetaFunction(out double [][] outputValues, string [] parameterList, out string [][] outLabels ) { // Degree of freedom double m; try { m = double.Parse( parameterList[0], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidDegreeOfFreedom); } // Degree of freedom double n; try { n = double.Parse( parameterList[1], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidDegreeOfFreedom); } outLabels = null; // Output arrays outputValues = new double [2][]; // Output Labels outLabels = new string [1][]; // Parameters description outLabels[0] = new string [1]; // X outputValues[0] = new double [1]; // Y outputValues[1] = new double [1]; outLabels[0][0] = SR.LabelStatisticalBetaFunction; outputValues[0][0] = 1; outputValues[1][0] = BetaFunction( m, n ); } /// <summary> /// Calculates Gamma Function /// </summary> /// <param name="outputValues">Arrays of doubles - Output values</param> /// <param name="parameterList">Array of strings - Parameters</param> /// <param name="outLabels">Array of strings - Used for Labels. Description for output results.</param> private void GammaFunction(out double [][] outputValues, string [] parameterList, out string [][] outLabels ) { // Degree of freedom double m; try { m = double.Parse( parameterList[0], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); } catch(System.Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidInputParameter); } if( m < 0 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesGammaBetaNegativeParameters); } outLabels = null; // Output arrays outputValues = new double [2][]; // Output Labels outLabels = new string [1][]; // Parameters description outLabels[0] = new string [1]; // X outputValues[0] = new double [1]; // Y outputValues[1] = new double [1]; outLabels[0][0] = SR.LabelStatisticalGammaFunction; outputValues[0][0] = 1; outputValues[1][0] = Math.Exp( GammLn( m ) ); } /// <summary> /// Sort array of double values. /// </summary> /// <param name="values">Array of doubles which should be sorted.</param> private void Sort( ref double [] values ) { double tempValue; for( int outLoop = 0; outLoop < values.Length; outLoop++ ) { for( int inLoop = outLoop + 1; inLoop < values.Length; inLoop++ ) { if( values[ outLoop ] > values[ inLoop ] ) { tempValue = values[ outLoop ]; values[ outLoop ] = values[ inLoop ]; values[ inLoop ] = tempValue; } } } } /// <summary> /// Returns the median of the given numbers /// </summary> /// <param name="values">Array of double numbers</param> /// <returns>Median</returns> private double Median( double [] values ) { // Exception for zero lenght of series. if( values.Length == 0 ) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidMedianConditions); } // Sort array Sort( ref values ); int position = values.Length / 2; // if number of points is even if( values.Length % 2 == 0 ) { return ( values[position-1] + values[position] ) / 2.0; } else { return values[position]; } } /// <summary> /// Calculates a Mean for a series of numbers. /// </summary> /// <param name="values">series with double numbers</param> /// <returns>Returns Mean</returns> private double Mean( double [] values ) { // Exception for zero lenght of series. if( values.Length == 0 ) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidMeanConditions); } // Find sum of values double sum = 0; foreach( double item in values ) { sum += item; } // Calculate Mean return sum / values.Length; } /// <summary> /// Calculates a Variance for a series of numbers. /// </summary> /// <param name="values">double values</param> /// <param name="sampleVariance">If variance is calculated from sample sum has to be divided by n-1.</param> /// <returns>Variance</returns> private double Variance( double [] values, bool sampleVariance ) { // Exception for zero lenght of series. if( values.Length < 1 ) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidVarianceConditions); } // Find sum of values double sum = 0; double mean = Mean( values ); foreach( double item in values ) { sum += (item - mean) * (item - mean); } // Calculate Variance if( sampleVariance ) { return sum / ( values.Length - 1 ); } else { return sum / values.Length; } } #endregion // Statistical Parameters # region Distributions /// <summary> /// Calculates the Percentage Points (probability) for the Student /// t-distribution. The t-distribution is used in the hypothesis /// testing of small sample data sets. Use this function in place /// of a table of critical values for the t-distribution. /// </summary> /// <param name="tValue">The numeric value at which to evaluate the distribution.</param> /// <param name="n">An integer indicating the number of degrees of freedom.</param> /// <param name="oneTailed">Specifies the number of distribution tails to return.</param> /// <returns>Returns the Percentage Points (probability) for the Student t-distribution.</returns> private double StudentsDistribution( double tValue, int n, bool oneTailed ) { // Validation tValue = Math.Abs( tValue ); if( n > 300 ) { n = 300; } if( n < 1 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesStudentsNegativeFreedomDegree); } double result = 1 - BetaIncomplete( n / 2.0, 0.5, n / (n + tValue * tValue) ); if( oneTailed ) return ( 1.0 - result ) / 2.0; else return 1.0 - result; } /// <summary> /// Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution /// function. The distribution has a mean of 0 (zero) and /// a standard deviation of one. Use this function in place /// of a table of standard normal curve areas. /// </summary> /// <param name="zValue">The value for which you want the distribution.</param> /// <returns>Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution.</returns> private double NormalDistribution( double zValue ) { double [] a = {0.31938153,-0.356563782,1.781477937,-1.821255978,1.330274429}; double result; if (zValue<-7.0) { result = NormalDistributionFunction(zValue)/Math.Sqrt(1.0+zValue*zValue); } else if (zValue>7.0) { result = 1.0 - NormalDistribution(-zValue); } else { result = 0.2316419; result=1.0/(1+result*Math.Abs(zValue)); result=1-NormalDistributionFunction(zValue)*(result*(a[0]+result*(a[1]+result*(a[2]+result*(a[3]+result*a[4]))))); if (zValue<=0.0) result=1.0-result; } return result; } private double FDistribution( double x, int freedom1, int freedom2 ) { if (x < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidTValue); if (freedom1 <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidDegreeOfFreedom); if (freedom2 <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidDegreeOfFreedom); if (x == 0) return 1; if (x == double.PositiveInfinity) return 0; return BetaIncomplete( freedom2 / 2.0, freedom1 / 2.0, freedom2 / ( freedom2 + freedom1 * x ) ); } #endregion // Distributions # region Inverse Distributions /// <summary> /// Calculates the t-value of the Student's t-distribution /// as a function of the probability and the degrees of freedom. /// </summary> /// <param name="probability">The probability associated with the two-tailed Student's t-distribution.</param> /// <param name="n">The number of degrees of freedom to characterize the distribution.</param> /// <returns>Returns the t-value of the Student's t-distribution.</returns> private double StudentsDistributionInverse( double probability, int n ) { //Fix for boundary cases if (probability == 0) return double.PositiveInfinity; else if (probability == 1) return 0; else if (probability < 0 || probability > 1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidProbabilityValue); int step = 0; return StudentsDistributionSearch( probability, n, step, 0.0, 100000.0 ); } /// <summary> /// Method for calculation of Inverse T Distribution (Binary tree) /// solution for non linear equations /// </summary> /// <param name="probability">Probability value</param> /// <param name="n">Degree of freedom</param> /// <param name="step">Step for Numerical solution for non linear equations</param> /// <param name="start">Start for numerical process</param> /// <param name="end">End for numerical process</param> /// <returns>Returns F ditribution inverse</returns> private double StudentsDistributionSearch( double probability, int n, int step, double start, double end ) { step++; double mid = ( start + end ) / 2.0; double result = StudentsDistribution( mid, n, false ); double resultX; if( step > 100 ) { return mid; } if( result <= probability ) { resultX = StudentsDistributionSearch( probability, n, step, start, mid ); } else { resultX = StudentsDistributionSearch( probability, n, step, mid, end ); } return resultX; } /// <summary> /// Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution. /// The distribution has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. /// </summary> /// <param name="probability">A probability corresponding to the normal distribution.</param> /// <returns>Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution.</returns> private double NormalDistributionInverse( double probability ) { // Validation if( probability < 0.00001 || probability > 0.99999 ) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesNormalInvalidProbabilityValue); } double [] a = { 2.50662823884, -18.61500062529, 41.39119773534, -25.44106049637 }; double [] b = { -8.47351093090, 23.08336743743, -21.06224101826, 3.13082909833 }; double [] c = { 0.3374754822726147, 0.9761690190917186, 0.1607979714918209, 0.0276438810333863, 0.0038405729373609, 0.0003951896511919, 0.0000321767881768, 0.0000002888167364, 0.0000003960315187}; double x,r; // Numerical Integration x = probability - 0.5; if ( Math.Abs(x) < 0.42 ) { r = x * x; r = x * ( ( ( a[3] * r + a[2] ) * r + a[1] ) * r + a[0] ) / ( ( ( ( b[3] * r + b[2] ) * r + b[1] ) * r + b[0] ) * r + 1.0 ); return( r ); } r= probability; if( x > 0.0 ) { r = 1.0 - probability; } r = Math.Log( -Math.Log( r ) ); r = c[0] + r * ( c[1] + r * ( c[2] + r * ( c[3] + r * ( c[4] + r * ( c[5] + r * ( c[6] + r * ( c[7]+r * c[8] ) ) ) ) ) ) ); if( x < 0.0 ) { r = -r; } return r; } /// <summary> /// Calculates the inverse of the F probability distribution. /// The F distribution can be used in an F-test that compares /// the degree of variability in two data sets. /// </summary> /// <param name="probability">A probability associated with the F cumulative distribution.</param> /// <param name="m">The numerator degrees of freedom.</param> /// <param name="n">The denominator degrees of freedom.</param> /// <returns>Returns the inverse of the F probability distribution.</returns> private double FDistributionInverse( double probability, int m, int n ) { //Fix for boundary cases if (probability == 0) return double.PositiveInfinity; else if (probability == 1) return 0; else if (probability < 0 || probability > 1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(SR.ExceptionStatisticalAnalysesInvalidProbabilityValue); int step = 0; return FDistributionSearch( probability, m, n, step, 0.0, 10000.0 ); } /// <summary> /// Method for calculation of Inverse F Distribution (Binary tree) /// solution for non linear equations /// </summary> /// <param name="probability">Probability value</param> /// <param name="m">Degree of freedom</param> /// <param name="n">Degree of freedom</param> /// <param name="step">Step for solution for non linear equations.</param> /// <param name="start">Start for numerical process</param> /// <param name="end">End for numerical process</param> /// <returns>Returns F ditribution inverse</returns> private double FDistributionSearch( double probability, int m, int n, int step, double start, double end ) { step++; double mid = ( start + end ) / 2.0; double result = FDistribution( mid, m, n ); double resultX; if( step > 30 ) { return mid; } if( result <= probability ) { resultX = FDistributionSearch( probability, m, n, step, start, mid ); } else { resultX = FDistributionSearch( probability, m, n, step, mid, end ); } return resultX; } #endregion // Inverse Distributions } }