//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.ServiceModel.Channels { using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime; using System.ServiceModel; using System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; using System.Xml; struct MessageAttemptInfo { readonly Message message; readonly int retryCount; readonly Int64 sequenceNumber; readonly object state; public MessageAttemptInfo(Message message, Int64 sequenceNumber, int retryCount, object state) { this.message = message; this.sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber; this.retryCount = retryCount; this.state = state; } public Message Message { get { return this.message; } } public int RetryCount { get { return this.retryCount; } } public object State { get { return this.state; } } public Int64 GetSequenceNumber() { if (this.sequenceNumber <= 0) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("The caller is not allowed to get an invalid SequenceNumber."); } return this.sequenceNumber; } } sealed class TransmissionStrategy { bool aborted; bool closed; int congestionControlModeAcks; UniqueId id; Int64 last = 0; int lossWindowSize; int maxWindowSize; Int64 meanRtt; ComponentExceptionHandler onException; Int32 quotaRemaining; ReliableMessagingVersion reliableMessagingVersion; List<Int64> retransmissionWindow = new List<Int64>(); IOThreadTimer retryTimer; RetryHandler retryTimeoutElapsedHandler; bool requestAcks; Int64 serrRtt; int slowStartThreshold; bool startup = true; object thisLock = new object(); Int64 timeout; Queue<IQueueAdder> waitQueue = new Queue<IQueueAdder>(); SlidingWindow window; int windowSize = 1; Int64 windowStart = 1; public TransmissionStrategy(ReliableMessagingVersion reliableMessagingVersion, TimeSpan initRtt, int maxWindowSize, bool requestAcks, UniqueId id) { if (initRtt < TimeSpan.Zero) { if (DiagnosticUtility.ShouldTrace(TraceEventType.Warning)) { TraceUtility.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, TraceCode.WsrmNegativeElapsedTimeDetected, SR.GetString(SR.TraceCodeWsrmNegativeElapsedTimeDetected), this); } initRtt = ReliableMessagingConstants.UnknownInitiationTime; } if (maxWindowSize <= 0) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("Argument maxWindow size must be positive."); } this.id = id; this.maxWindowSize = this.lossWindowSize = maxWindowSize; this.meanRtt = Math.Min((long)initRtt.TotalMilliseconds, Constants.MaxMeanRtt >> Constants.TimeMultiplier) << Constants.TimeMultiplier; this.serrRtt = this.meanRtt >> 1; this.window = new SlidingWindow(maxWindowSize); this.slowStartThreshold = maxWindowSize; this.timeout = Math.Max(((200 << Constants.TimeMultiplier) * 2) + this.meanRtt, this.meanRtt + (this.serrRtt << Constants.ChebychevFactor)); this.quotaRemaining = Int32.MaxValue; this.retryTimer = new IOThreadTimer(new Action<object>(OnRetryElapsed), null, true); this.requestAcks = requestAcks; this.reliableMessagingVersion = reliableMessagingVersion; } public bool DoneTransmitting { get { return (this.last != 0 && this.windowStart == this.last + 1); } } public bool HasPending { get { return (this.window.Count > 0 || this.waitQueue.Count > 0); } } public Int64 Last { get { return this.last; } } // now in 128ths of a millisecond. static Int64 Now { get { return (Ticks.Now / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) << Constants.TimeMultiplier; } } public ComponentExceptionHandler OnException { set { this.onException = value; } } public RetryHandler RetryTimeoutElapsed { set { this.retryTimeoutElapsedHandler = value; } } public int QuotaRemaining { get { return this.quotaRemaining; } } object ThisLock { get { return this.thisLock; } } public int Timeout { get { return (int)(this.timeout >> Constants.TimeMultiplier); } } public void Abort(ChannelBase channel) { lock (this.ThisLock) { this.aborted = true; if (this.closed) return; this.closed = true; this.retryTimer.Cancel(); while (waitQueue.Count > 0) waitQueue.Dequeue().Abort(channel); window.Close(); } } public bool Add(Message message, TimeSpan timeout, object state, out MessageAttemptInfo attemptInfo) { return InternalAdd(message, false, timeout, state, out attemptInfo); } public MessageAttemptInfo AddLast(Message message, TimeSpan timeout, object state) { if (this.reliableMessagingVersion != ReliableMessagingVersion.WSReliableMessagingFebruary2005) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("Last message supported only in February 2005."); } MessageAttemptInfo attemptInfo = default(MessageAttemptInfo); InternalAdd(message, true, timeout, state, out attemptInfo); return attemptInfo; } // Must call in a lock(this.ThisLock). MessageAttemptInfo AddToWindow(Message message, bool isLast, object state) { MessageAttemptInfo attemptInfo = default(MessageAttemptInfo); Int64 sequenceNumber; sequenceNumber = this.windowStart + this.window.Count; WsrmUtilities.AddSequenceHeader(this.reliableMessagingVersion, message, this.id, sequenceNumber, isLast); if (this.requestAcks && (this.window.Count == this.windowSize - 1 || this.quotaRemaining == 1)) // can't add any more { message.Properties.AllowOutputBatching = false; WsrmUtilities.AddAckRequestedHeader(this.reliableMessagingVersion, message, this.id); } if (this.window.Count == 0) { this.retryTimer.Set(this.Timeout); } this.window.Add(message, Now, state); this.quotaRemaining--; if (isLast) this.last = sequenceNumber; int index = (int)(sequenceNumber - this.windowStart); attemptInfo = new MessageAttemptInfo(this.window.GetMessage(index), sequenceNumber, 0, state); return attemptInfo; } public IAsyncResult BeginAdd(Message message, TimeSpan timeout, object state, AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) { return InternalBeginAdd(message, false, timeout, state, callback, asyncState); } public IAsyncResult BeginAddLast(Message message, TimeSpan timeout, object state, AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) { if (this.reliableMessagingVersion != ReliableMessagingVersion.WSReliableMessagingFebruary2005) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("Last message supported only in February 2005."); } return InternalBeginAdd(message, true, timeout, state, callback, asyncState); } bool CanAdd() { return (this.window.Count < this.windowSize && // Does the message fit in the transmission window? this.quotaRemaining > 0 && // Can the receiver handle another message? this.waitQueue.Count == 0); // Don't get ahead of anyone in the wait queue. } public void Close() { lock (this.ThisLock) { if (this.closed) return; this.closed = true; this.retryTimer.Cancel(); if (waitQueue.Count != 0) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("The reliable channel must throw prior to the call to Close() if there are outstanding send or request operations."); } window.Close(); } } public void DequeuePending() { Queue<IQueueAdder> adders = null; lock (this.ThisLock) { if (this.closed || this.waitQueue.Count == 0) return; int count = Math.Min(this.windowSize, this.quotaRemaining) - this.window.Count; if (count <= 0) return; count = Math.Min(count, this.waitQueue.Count); adders = new Queue<IQueueAdder>(count); while (count-- > 0) { IQueueAdder adder = waitQueue.Dequeue(); adder.Complete0(); adders.Enqueue(adder); } } while (adders.Count > 0) adders.Dequeue().Complete1(); } public bool EndAdd(IAsyncResult result, out MessageAttemptInfo attemptInfo) { return InternalEndAdd(result, out attemptInfo); } public MessageAttemptInfo EndAddLast(IAsyncResult result) { MessageAttemptInfo attemptInfo = default(MessageAttemptInfo); InternalEndAdd(result, out attemptInfo); return attemptInfo; } bool IsAddValid() { return (!this.aborted && !this.closed); } public void OnRetryElapsed(object state) { try { MessageAttemptInfo attemptInfo = default(MessageAttemptInfo); lock (this.ThisLock) { if (this.closed) return; if (this.window.Count == 0) return; this.window.RecordRetry(0, Now); this.congestionControlModeAcks = 0; this.slowStartThreshold = Math.Max(1, this.windowSize >> 1); this.lossWindowSize = this.windowSize; this.windowSize = 1; this.timeout <<= 1; this.startup = false; attemptInfo = new MessageAttemptInfo(this.window.GetMessage(0), this.windowStart, this.window.GetRetryCount(0), this.window.GetState(0)); } retryTimeoutElapsedHandler(attemptInfo); lock (this.ThisLock) { if (!this.closed && (this.window.Count > 0)) { this.retryTimer.Set(this.Timeout); } } } #pragma warning suppress 56500 // covered by FxCOP catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) throw; this.onException(e); } } public void Fault(ChannelBase channel) { lock (this.ThisLock) { if (this.closed) return; this.closed = true; this.retryTimer.Cancel(); while (waitQueue.Count > 0) waitQueue.Dequeue().Fault(channel); window.Close(); } } public MessageAttemptInfo GetMessageInfoForRetry(bool remove) { lock (this.ThisLock) { // Closed, no need to retry. if (this.closed) { return default(MessageAttemptInfo); } if (remove) { if (this.retransmissionWindow.Count == 0) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("The caller is not allowed to remove a message attempt when there are no message attempts."); } this.retransmissionWindow.RemoveAt(0); } while (this.retransmissionWindow.Count > 0) { Int64 next = this.retransmissionWindow[0]; if (next < this.windowStart) { // Already removed from the window, no need to retry. this.retransmissionWindow.RemoveAt(0); } else { int index = (int)(next - this.windowStart); if (this.window.GetTransferred(index)) this.retransmissionWindow.RemoveAt(0); else return new MessageAttemptInfo(this.window.GetMessage(index), next, this.window.GetRetryCount(index), this.window.GetState(index)); } } // Nothing left to retry. return default(MessageAttemptInfo); } } public bool SetLast() { if (this.reliableMessagingVersion != ReliableMessagingVersion.WSReliableMessaging11) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("SetLast supported only in 1.1."); } lock (this.ThisLock) { if (this.last != 0) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("Cannot set last more than once."); } this.last = this.windowStart + this.window.Count - 1; return (this.last == 0) || this.DoneTransmitting; } } bool InternalAdd(Message message, bool isLast, TimeSpan timeout, object state, out MessageAttemptInfo attemptInfo) { attemptInfo = default(MessageAttemptInfo); WaitQueueAdder adder; lock (this.ThisLock) { if (isLast && this.last != 0) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("Can't add more than one last message."); } if (!this.IsAddValid()) return false; ThrowIfRollover(); if (CanAdd()) { attemptInfo = AddToWindow(message, isLast, state); return true; } adder = new WaitQueueAdder(this, message, isLast, state); this.waitQueue.Enqueue(adder); } attemptInfo = adder.Wait(timeout); return true; } IAsyncResult InternalBeginAdd(Message message, bool isLast, TimeSpan timeout, object state, AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) { MessageAttemptInfo attemptInfo = default(MessageAttemptInfo); bool isAddValid; lock (this.ThisLock) { if (isLast && this.last != 0) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("Can't add more than one last message."); } isAddValid = this.IsAddValid(); if (isAddValid) { ThrowIfRollover(); if (CanAdd()) { attemptInfo = AddToWindow(message, isLast, state); } else { AsyncQueueAdder adder = new AsyncQueueAdder(message, isLast, timeout, state, this, callback, asyncState); this.waitQueue.Enqueue(adder); return adder; } } } return new CompletedAsyncResult<bool, MessageAttemptInfo>(isAddValid, attemptInfo, callback, asyncState); } bool InternalEndAdd(IAsyncResult result, out MessageAttemptInfo attemptInfo) { if (result is CompletedAsyncResult<bool, MessageAttemptInfo>) { return CompletedAsyncResult<bool, MessageAttemptInfo>.End(result, out attemptInfo); } else { attemptInfo = AsyncQueueAdder.End((AsyncQueueAdder)result); return true; } } public bool IsFinalAckConsistent(SequenceRangeCollection ranges) { lock (this.ThisLock) { if (this.closed) { return true; } // Nothing sent, ensure ack is empty. if ((this.windowStart == 1) && (this.window.Count == 0)) { return ranges.Count == 0; } // Ack is empty or first range is invalid. if (ranges.Count == 0 || ranges[0].Lower != 1) { return false; } return ranges[0].Upper >= (this.windowStart - 1); } } public void ProcessAcknowledgement(SequenceRangeCollection ranges, out bool invalidAck, out bool inconsistentAck) { invalidAck = false; inconsistentAck = false; bool newAck = false; bool oldAck = false; lock (this.ThisLock) { if (this.closed) { return; } Int64 lastMessageSent = this.windowStart + this.window.Count - 1; Int64 lastMessageAcked = this.windowStart - 1; int transferredInWindow = this.window.TransferredCount; for (int i = 0; i < ranges.Count; i++) { SequenceRange range = ranges[i]; // Ack for a message not yet sent. if (range.Upper > lastMessageSent) { invalidAck = true; return; } if (((range.Lower > 1) && (range.Lower <= lastMessageAcked)) || (range.Upper < lastMessageAcked)) { oldAck = true; } if (range.Upper >= this.windowStart) { if (range.Lower <= this.windowStart) { newAck = true; } if (!newAck) { int beginIndex = (int)(range.Lower - this.windowStart); int endIndex = (int)((range.Upper > lastMessageSent) ? (this.window.Count - 1) : (range.Upper - this.windowStart)); newAck = this.window.GetTransferredInRangeCount(beginIndex, endIndex) < (endIndex - beginIndex + 1); } if (transferredInWindow > 0 && !oldAck) { int beginIndex = (int)((range.Lower < this.windowStart) ? 0 : (range.Lower - this.windowStart)); int endIndex = (int)((range.Upper > lastMessageSent) ? (this.window.Count - 1) : (range.Upper - this.windowStart)); transferredInWindow -= this.window.GetTransferredInRangeCount(beginIndex, endIndex); } } } if (transferredInWindow > 0) oldAck = true; } inconsistentAck = oldAck && newAck; } // Called for RequestReply. // Argument transferred is the request sequence number and it is assumed to be positive. public bool ProcessTransferred(Int64 transferred, int quotaRemaining) { if (transferred <= 0) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("Argument transferred must be a valid sequence number."); } lock (this.ThisLock) { if (this.closed) { return false; } return ProcessTransferred(new SequenceRange(transferred), quotaRemaining); } } // Called for Duplex and Output public bool ProcessTransferred(SequenceRangeCollection ranges, int quotaRemaining) { if (ranges.Count == 0) { return false; } lock (this.ThisLock) { if (this.closed) { return false; } bool send = false; for (int rangeIndex = 0; rangeIndex < ranges.Count; rangeIndex++) { if (this.ProcessTransferred(ranges[rangeIndex], quotaRemaining)) { send = true; } } return send; } } // It is necessary that ProcessAcknowledgement be called prior, as // this method does not check for valid ack ranges. // This method returns true if the calling method should start sending retries // obtained from GetMessageInfoForRetry. bool ProcessTransferred(SequenceRange range, int quotaRemaining) { if (range.Upper < this.windowStart) { if (range.Upper == this.windowStart - 1 && (quotaRemaining != -1) && quotaRemaining > this.quotaRemaining) this.quotaRemaining = quotaRemaining - Math.Min(this.windowSize, this.window.Count); return false; } else if (range.Lower <= this.windowStart) { bool send = false; this.retryTimer.Cancel(); Int64 slide = range.Upper - this.windowStart + 1; // For Request Reply: Requests are transferred 1 at a time, (i.e. when the reply comes back). // The TransmissionStrategy only removes messages if the window start is removed. // Because of this, RequestReply messages transferred out of order will cause many, many retries. // To avoid extraneous retries we mark each message transferred, and we remove our virtual slide. if (slide == 1) { for (int i = 1; i < this.window.Count; i++) { if (this.window.GetTransferred(i)) { slide++; } else { break; } } } Int64 now = Now; Int64 oldWindowEnd = this.windowStart + this.windowSize; for (int i = 0; i < (int)slide; i++) UpdateStats(now, this.window.GetLastAttemptTime(i)); if (quotaRemaining != -1) { int inFlightAfterAck = Math.Min(this.windowSize, this.window.Count) - (int)slide; this.quotaRemaining = quotaRemaining - Math.Max(0, inFlightAfterAck); } this.window.Remove((int)slide); this.windowStart += slide; int sendBeginIndex = 0; if (this.windowSize <= this.slowStartThreshold) { this.windowSize = Math.Min(this.maxWindowSize, Math.Min(this.slowStartThreshold + 1, this.windowSize + (int)slide)); if (!startup) sendBeginIndex = 0; else sendBeginIndex = Math.Max(0, (int)oldWindowEnd - (int)this.windowStart); } else { this.congestionControlModeAcks += (int)slide; // EXPERIMENTAL, needs optimizing /// int segmentSize = Math.Max(1, (this.lossWindowSize - this.slowStartThreshold) / 8); int windowGrowthAckThreshold = ((this.windowSize - this.slowStartThreshold) * this.windowSize) / segmentSize; if (this.congestionControlModeAcks > windowGrowthAckThreshold) { this.congestionControlModeAcks = 0; this.windowSize = Math.Min(this.maxWindowSize, this.windowSize + 1); } sendBeginIndex = Math.Max(0, (int)oldWindowEnd - (int)this.windowStart); } int sendEndIndex = Math.Min(this.windowSize, this.window.Count); if (sendBeginIndex < sendEndIndex) { send = (this.retransmissionWindow.Count == 0); for (int i = sendBeginIndex; i < this.windowSize && i < this.window.Count; i++) { Int64 sequenceNumber = this.windowStart + i; if (!this.window.GetTransferred(i) && !this.retransmissionWindow.Contains(sequenceNumber)) { this.window.RecordRetry(i, Now); retransmissionWindow.Add(sequenceNumber); } } } if (window.Count > 0) { this.retryTimer.Set(this.Timeout); } return send; } else { for (Int64 i = range.Lower; i <= range.Upper; i++) { this.window.SetTransferred((int)(i - this.windowStart)); } } return false; } bool RemoveAdder(IQueueAdder adder) { lock (this.ThisLock) { if (this.closed) return false; bool removed = false; for (int i = 0; i < this.waitQueue.Count; i++) { IQueueAdder current = this.waitQueue.Dequeue(); if (Object.ReferenceEquals(adder, current)) removed = true; else this.waitQueue.Enqueue(current); } return removed; } } void ThrowIfRollover() { if (this.windowStart + this.window.Count + this.waitQueue.Count == Int64.MaxValue) throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new MessageNumberRolloverFault(this.id).CreateException()); } void UpdateStats(Int64 now, Int64 lastAttemptTime) { now = Math.Max(now, lastAttemptTime); Int64 measuredRtt = now - lastAttemptTime; Int64 error = measuredRtt - this.meanRtt; this.serrRtt = Math.Min(this.serrRtt + ((Math.Abs(error) - this.serrRtt) >> Constants.Gain), Constants.MaxSerrRtt); this.meanRtt = Math.Min(this.meanRtt + (error >> Constants.Gain), Constants.MaxMeanRtt); this.timeout = Math.Max(((200 << Constants.TimeMultiplier) * 2) + this.meanRtt, this.meanRtt + (this.serrRtt << Constants.ChebychevFactor)); } class AsyncQueueAdder : WaitAsyncResult, IQueueAdder { bool isLast; MessageAttemptInfo attemptInfo = default(MessageAttemptInfo); TransmissionStrategy strategy; public AsyncQueueAdder(Message message, bool isLast, TimeSpan timeout, object state, TransmissionStrategy strategy, AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) : base(timeout, true, callback, asyncState) { // MessageAttemptInfo(Message message, Int64 sequenceNumber, int retryCount, object state) // this.attemptInfo is just a state bag, thus sequenceNumber can be 0 and should never be read. this.attemptInfo = new MessageAttemptInfo(message, 0, 0, state); this.isLast = isLast; this.strategy = strategy; base.Begin(); } public void Abort(CommunicationObject communicationObject) { this.attemptInfo.Message.Close(); OnAborted(communicationObject); } public void Complete0() { this.attemptInfo = strategy.AddToWindow(this.attemptInfo.Message, this.isLast, this.attemptInfo.State); } public void Complete1() { OnSignaled(); } public static MessageAttemptInfo End(AsyncQueueAdder result) { AsyncResult.End<AsyncQueueAdder>(result); return result.attemptInfo; } public void Fault(CommunicationObject communicationObject) { this.attemptInfo.Message.Close(); OnFaulted(communicationObject); } protected override string GetTimeoutString(TimeSpan timeout) { return SR.GetString(SR.TimeoutOnAddToWindow, timeout); } protected override void OnTimerElapsed(object state) { if (this.strategy.RemoveAdder(this)) base.OnTimerElapsed(state); } } static class Constants { // Used to adjust the timeout calculation, according to Chebychev's theorem, // to fit ~98% of actual rtt's within our timeout. public const int ChebychevFactor = 2; // Gain of 0.125 (1/8). Shift right by 3 to apply the gain to a term. public const int Gain = 3; // 1ms == 128 of our time units. Shift left by 7 to perform the multiplication. public const int TimeMultiplier = 7; // These guarantee no overflows when calculating timeout. public const long MaxMeanRtt = long.MaxValue / 3; public const long MaxSerrRtt = MaxMeanRtt / 2; } interface IQueueAdder { void Abort(CommunicationObject communicationObject); void Fault(CommunicationObject communicationObject); void Complete0(); void Complete1(); } class SlidingWindow { TransmissionInfo[] buffer; int head = 0; int tail = 0; int maxSize; public SlidingWindow(int maxSize) { this.maxSize = maxSize + 1; this.buffer = new TransmissionInfo[this.maxSize]; } public int Count { get { if (this.tail >= this.head) return (this.tail - this.head); else return (this.tail - this.head + this.maxSize); } } public int TransferredCount { get { if (this.Count == 0) return 0; else return this.GetTransferredInRangeCount(0, this.Count - 1); } } public void Add(Message message, Int64 addTime, object state) { if (this.Count >= (this.maxSize - 1)) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("The caller is not allowed to add messages beyond the sliding window's maximum size."); } this.buffer[this.tail] = new TransmissionInfo(message, addTime, state); this.tail = (this.tail + 1) % this.maxSize; } void AssertIndex(int index) { if (index >= Count) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("Argument index must be less than Count."); } if (index < 0) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("Argument index must be positive."); } } public void Close() { this.Remove(Count); } public Int64 GetLastAttemptTime(int index) { this.AssertIndex(index); return this.buffer[(head + index) % this.maxSize].LastAttemptTime; } public Message GetMessage(int index) { this.AssertIndex(index); if (!this.buffer[(head + index) % this.maxSize].Transferred) return this.buffer[(head + index) % this.maxSize].Buffer.CreateMessage(); else return null; } public int GetRetryCount(int index) { this.AssertIndex(index); return this.buffer[(this.head + index) % this.maxSize].RetryCount; } public object GetState(int index) { this.AssertIndex(index); return this.buffer[(this.head + index) % this.maxSize].State; } public bool GetTransferred(int index) { this.AssertIndex(index); return this.buffer[(this.head + index) % this.maxSize].Transferred; } public int GetTransferredInRangeCount(int beginIndex, int endIndex) { if (beginIndex < 0) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("Argument beginIndex cannot be negative."); } if (endIndex >= this.Count) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("Argument endIndex cannot be greater than Count."); } if (endIndex < beginIndex) { throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("Argument endIndex cannot be less than argument beginIndex."); } int result = 0; for (int index = beginIndex; index <= endIndex; index++) { if (this.buffer[(head + index) % this.maxSize].Transferred) result++; } return result; } public int RecordRetry(int index, Int64 retryTime) { this.AssertIndex(index); this.buffer[(head + index) % this.maxSize].LastAttemptTime = retryTime; return ++this.buffer[(head + index) % this.maxSize].RetryCount; } public void Remove(int count) { if (count > this.Count) { Fx.Assert("Cannot remove more messages than the window's Count."); } while (count-- > 0) { this.buffer[head].Buffer.Close(); this.buffer[head].Buffer = null; this.head = (this.head + 1) % this.maxSize; } } public void SetTransferred(int index) { this.AssertIndex(index); this.buffer[(head + index) % this.maxSize].Transferred = true; } struct TransmissionInfo { internal MessageBuffer Buffer; internal Int64 LastAttemptTime; internal int RetryCount; internal object State; internal bool Transferred; public TransmissionInfo(Message message, Int64 lastAttemptTime, object state) { this.Buffer = message.CreateBufferedCopy(int.MaxValue); this.LastAttemptTime = lastAttemptTime; this.RetryCount = 0; this.State = state; this.Transferred = false; } } } class WaitQueueAdder : IQueueAdder { ManualResetEvent completeEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); Exception exception; bool isLast; MessageAttemptInfo attemptInfo = default(MessageAttemptInfo); TransmissionStrategy strategy; public WaitQueueAdder(TransmissionStrategy strategy, Message message, bool isLast, object state) { this.strategy = strategy; this.isLast = isLast; this.attemptInfo = new MessageAttemptInfo(message, 0, 0, state); } public void Abort(CommunicationObject communicationObject) { this.exception = communicationObject.CreateClosedException(); completeEvent.Set(); } public void Complete0() { attemptInfo = this.strategy.AddToWindow(this.attemptInfo.Message, this.isLast, this.attemptInfo.State); this.completeEvent.Set(); } public void Complete1() { } public void Fault(CommunicationObject communicationObject) { this.exception = communicationObject.GetTerminalException(); completeEvent.Set(); } public MessageAttemptInfo Wait(TimeSpan timeout) { if (!TimeoutHelper.WaitOne(this.completeEvent, timeout)) { if (this.strategy.RemoveAdder(this) && this.exception == null) this.exception = new TimeoutException(SR.GetString(SR.TimeoutOnAddToWindow, timeout)); } if (this.exception != null) { this.attemptInfo.Message.Close(); this.completeEvent.Close(); throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(this.exception); } // This is safe because, Abort, Complete0, Fault, and RemoveAdder all occur under // the TransmissionStrategy's lock and RemoveAdder ensures that the // TransmissionStrategy will never call into this object again. this.completeEvent.Close(); return this.attemptInfo; } } } }