using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Data.Linq; namespace System.Data.Linq.SqlClient { /// /// After retyping and conversions take place, some functions need to be changed into more suitable calls. /// Example: LEN -> DATALENGTH for long text types. /// internal class SqlMethodTransformer : SqlVisitor { protected SqlFactory sql; internal SqlMethodTransformer(SqlFactory sql) { this.sql = sql; } internal override SqlExpression VisitFunctionCall(SqlFunctionCall fc) { // process the arguments SqlExpression result = base.VisitFunctionCall(fc); if (result is SqlFunctionCall) { SqlFunctionCall resultFunctionCall = (SqlFunctionCall)result; if (resultFunctionCall.Name == "LEN") { SqlExpression expr = resultFunctionCall.Arguments[0]; if (expr.SqlType.IsLargeType && !expr.SqlType.SupportsLength) { result = sql.DATALENGTH(expr); if (expr.SqlType.IsUnicodeType) { result = sql.ConvertToInt(sql.Divide(result, sql.ValueFromObject(2, expr.SourceExpression))); } } } // If the return type of the sql function is not compatible with // the expected CLR type of the function, inject a conversion. This // step must be performed AFTER SqlRetyper has run. Type clrType = resultFunctionCall.SqlType.GetClosestRuntimeType(); bool skipConversion = SqlMethodTransformer.SkipConversionForDateAdd(resultFunctionCall.Name, resultFunctionCall.ClrType, clrType); if ((resultFunctionCall.ClrType != clrType) && !skipConversion) { result = sql.ConvertTo(resultFunctionCall.ClrType, resultFunctionCall); } } return result; } internal override SqlExpression VisitUnaryOperator(SqlUnary fc) { // process the arguments SqlExpression result = base.VisitUnaryOperator(fc); if (result is SqlUnary) { SqlUnary unary = (SqlUnary)result; switch (unary.NodeType) { case SqlNodeType.ClrLength: SqlExpression expr = unary.Operand; result = sql.DATALENGTH(expr); if (expr.SqlType.IsUnicodeType) { result = sql.Divide(result, sql.ValueFromObject(2, expr.SourceExpression)); } result = sql.ConvertToInt(result); break; default: break; } } return result; } // We don't inject a conversion for DATEADD if doing so will downgrade the result to // a less precise type. // private static bool SkipConversionForDateAdd(string functionName, Type expected, Type actual) { if (string.Compare(functionName, "DATEADD", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) return false; return (expected == typeof(DateTime) && actual == typeof(DateTimeOffset)); } } }