// Permission is hereby , free of , to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without , including // without limitation the rights to , , , , , // , , and/or sell copies of the , and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do , subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY , // EXPRESS OR , INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // , FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY , DAMAGES OR OTHER , WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF , TORT OR , ARISING , OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Copyright (c) 2005 , Inc. (http://www.novell.com) // // Authors: // Peter Bartok (pbartok@novell.com) // // // COMPLETE namespace System.Windows.Forms.RTF { internal enum Minor { Undefined, Skip, // Major.CharSet AnsiCharSet, MacCharSet, PcCharSet, PcaCharSet, // Major.Destinan FontTbl, FontName, FontAltName, EmbeddedFont, FontFile, FileTbl, FileInfo, ColorTbl, StyleSheet, KeyCode, RevisionTbl, Info, ITitle, ISubject, IAuthor, IOperator, IKeywords, IComment, IVersion, IDoccomm, IVerscomm, NextFile, Template, FNSep, FNContSep, FNContNotice, ENSep, ENContSep, ENContNotice, PageNumLevel, ParNumLevelStyle, Header, Footer, HeaderLeft, HeaderRight, HeaderFirst, FooterLeft, FooterRight, FooterFirst, ParNumText, ParNumbering, ParNumTextAfter, ParNumTextBefore, BookmarkStart, BookmarkEnd, Pict, Object, ObjClass, ObjName, ObjTime, ObjData, ObjAlias, ObjSection, ObjResult, ObjItem, ObjTopic, DrawObject, Footnote, AnnotRefStart, AnnotRefEnd, AnnotID, AnnotAuthor, Annotation, AnnotRef, AnnotTime, AnnotIcon, Field, FieldInst, FieldResult, DataField, Index, IndexText, IndexRange, TOC, NeXTGraphic, MaxDestination, // Major.FontFamily FFNil, FFRoman, FFSwiss, FFModern, FFScript, FFDecor, FFTech, FFBidirectional, // Major.ColorName Red, Green, Blue, // Major.SpecialChar IIntVersion, ICreateTime, IRevisionTime, IPrintTime, IBackupTime, IEditTime, IYear, IMonth, IDay, IHour, IMinute, ISecond, INPages, INWords, INChars, IIntID, CurHeadDate, CurHeadDateLong, CurHeadDateAbbrev, CurHeadTime, CurHeadPage, SectNum, CurFNote, CurAnnotRef, FNoteSep, FNoteCont, Cell, Row, Par, Sect, Page, Column, Line, SoftPage, SoftColumn, SoftLine, SoftLineHt, Tab, EmDash, EnDash, EmSpace, EnSpace, Bullet, LQuote, RQuote, LDblQuote, RDblQuote, Formula, NoBrkSpace, NoReqHyphen, NoBrkHyphen, OptDest, LTRMark, RTLMark, NoWidthJoiner, NoWidthNonJoiner, CurHeadPict, // Major.StyleAttr Additive, BasedOn, Next, // Major.DocAttr DefTab, HyphHotZone, HyphConsecLines, HyphCaps, HyphAuto, LineStart, FracWidth, MakeBackup, RTFDefault, PSOverlay, DocTemplate, DefLanguage, FENoteType, FNoteEndSect, FNoteEndDoc, FNoteText, FNoteBottom, ENoteEndSect, ENoteEndDoc, ENoteText, ENoteBottom, FNoteStart, ENoteStart, FNoteRestartPage, FNoteRestart, FNoteRestartCont, ENoteRestart, ENoteRestartCont, FNoteNumArabic, FNoteNumLLetter, FNoteNumULetter, FNoteNumLRoman, FNoteNumURoman, FNoteNumChicago, ENoteNumArabic, ENoteNumLLetter, ENoteNumULetter, ENoteNumLRoman, ENoteNumURoman, ENoteNumChicago, PaperWidth, PaperHeight, PaperSize, LeftMargin, RightMargin, TopMargin, BottomMargin, FacingPage, GutterWid, MirrorMargin, Landscape, PageStart, WidowCtrl, LinkStyles, NoAutoTabIndent, WrapSpaces, PrintColorsBlack, NoExtraSpaceRL, NoColumnBalance, CvtMailMergeQuote, SuppressTopSpace, SuppressPreParSpace, CombineTblBorders, TranspMetafiles, SwapBorders, ShowHardBreaks, FormProtected, AllProtected, FormShading, FormDisplay, PrintData, RevProtected, Revisions, RevDisplay, RevBar, AnnotProtected, RTLDoc, LTRDoc, // Major.SectAttr SectDef, ENoteHere, PrtBinFirst, PrtBin, SectStyleNum, NoBreak, ColBreak, PageBreak, EvenBreak, OddBreak, Columns, ColumnSpace, ColumnNumber, ColumnSpRight, ColumnWidth, ColumnLine, LineModulus, LineDist, LineStarts, LineRestart, LineRestartPg, LineCont, SectPageWid, SectPageHt, SectMarginLeft, SectMarginRight, SectMarginTop, SectMarginBottom, SectMarginGutter, SectLandscape, TitleSpecial, HeaderY, FooterY, PageStarts, PageCont, PageRestart, PageNumRight, PageNumTop, PageDecimal, PageURoman, PageLRoman, PageULetter, PageLLetter, PageNumHyphSep, PageNumSpaceSep, PageNumColonSep, PageNumEmdashSep, PageNumEndashSep, TopVAlign, BottomVAlign, CenterVAlign, JustVAlign, RTLSect, LTRSect, // Major.TblAttr RowDef, RowGapH, CellPos, MergeRngFirst, MergePrevious, RowLeft, RowRight, RowCenter, RowLeftEdge, RowHt, RowHeader, RowKeep, RTLRow, LTRRow, RowBordTop, RowBordLeft, RowBordBottom, RowBordRight, RowBordHoriz, RowBordVert, CellBordBottom, CellBordTop, CellBordLeft, CellBordRight, CellShading, CellBgPatH, CellBgPatV, CellFwdDiagBgPat, CellBwdDiagBgPat, CellHatchBgPat, CellDiagHatchBgPat, CellDarkBgPatH, CellDarkBgPatV, CellFwdDarkBgPat, CellBwdDarkBgPat, CellDarkHatchBgPat, CellDarkDiagHatchBgPat, CellBgPatLineColor, CellBgPatColor, // Major.ParAttr ParDef, StyleNum, Hyphenate, InTable, Keep, NoWidowControl, KeepNext, OutlineLevel, NoLineNum, PBBefore, SideBySide, QuadLeft, QuadRight, QuadJust, QuadCenter, FirstIndent, LeftIndent, RightIndent, SpaceBefore, SpaceAfter, SpaceBetween, SpaceMultiply, SubDocument, RTLPar, LTRPar, TabPos, TabLeft, TabRight, TabCenter, TabDecimal, TabBar, LeaderDot, LeaderHyphen, LeaderUnder, LeaderThick, LeaderEqual, ParLevel, ParBullet, ParSimple, ParNumCont, ParNumOnce, ParNumAcross, ParHangIndent, ParNumRestart, ParNumCardinal, ParNumDecimal, ParNumULetter, ParNumURoman, ParNumLLetter, ParNumLRoman, ParNumOrdinal, ParNumOrdinalText, ParNumBold, ParNumItalic, ParNumAllCaps, ParNumSmallCaps, ParNumUnder, ParNumDotUnder, ParNumDbUnder, ParNumNoUnder, ParNumWordUnder, ParNumStrikethru, ParNumForeColor, ParNumFont, ParNumFontSize, ParNumIndent, ParNumSpacing, ParNumInclPrev, ParNumCenter, ParNumLeft, ParNumRight, ParNumStartAt, BorderTop, BorderBottom, BorderLeft, BorderRight, BorderBetween, BorderBar, BorderBox, BorderSingle, BorderThick, BorderShadow, BorderDouble, BorderDot, BorderDash, BorderHair, BorderWidth, BorderColor, BorderSpace, Shading, BgPatH, BgPatV, FwdDiagBgPat, BwdDiagBgPat, HatchBgPat, DiagHatchBgPat, DarkBgPatH, DarkBgPatV, FwdDarkBgPat, BwdDarkBgPat, DarkHatchBgPat, DarkDiagHatchBgPat, BgPatLineColor, BgPatColor, // Major.CharAttr Plain, Bold, AllCaps, Deleted, SubScript, SubScrShrink, NoSuperSub, Expand, ExpandTwips, Kerning, FontNum, FontSize, Italic, Outline, Revised, RevAuthor, RevDTTM, SmallCaps, Shadow, StrikeThru, Underline, DotUnderline, DbUnderline, NoUnderline, WordUnderline, SuperScript, SuperScrShrink, Invisible, ForeColor, BackColor, RTLChar, LTRChar, CharStyleNum, CharCharSet, Language, Gray, // Major.PictAttr MacQD, PMMetafile, EnhancedMetafile, WinMetafile, DevIndBitmap, WinBitmap, PngBlip, JpegBlip, PixelBits, BitmapPlanes, BitmapWid, PicWid, PicHt, PicGoalWid, PicGoalHt, PicScaleX, PicScaleY, PicScaled, PicCropTop, PicCropBottom, PicCropLeft, PicCropRight, PicMFHasBitmap, PicMFBitsPerPixel, PicBinary, // Major.BookmarkAttr BookmarkFirstCol, BookmarkLastCol , // Major.NeXTGrAttr NeXTGWidth, NeXTGHeight, // Major.FieldAttr FieldDirty, FieldEdited, FieldLocked, FieldPrivate, FieldAlt, // Major.TOCAttr TOCType, TOCLevel, // Major.PosAttr AbsWid, AbsHt, RPosMargH, RPosPageH, RPosColH, PosX, PosNegX, PosXCenter, PosXInside, PosXOutSide, PosXRight, PosXLeft, RPosMargV, RPosPageV, RPosParaV, PosY, PosNegY, PosYInline, PosYTop, PosYCenter, PosYBottom, NoWrap, DistFromTextAll, DistFromTextX, DistFromTextY, TextDistY, DropCapLines, DropCapType, // Major.ObjAttr ObjEmb, ObjLink, ObjAutoLink, ObjSubscriber, ObjPublisher, ObjICEmb, ObjLinkSelf, ObjLock, ObjUpdate, ObjHt, ObjWid, ObjSetSize, ObjAlign, ObjTransposeY, ObjCropTop, ObjCropBottom, ObjCropLeft, ObjCropRight, ObjScaleX, ObjScaleY, ObjResRTF, ObjResPict, ObjResBitmap, ObjResText, ObjResMerge, ObjBookmarkPubObj, ObjPubAutoUpdate, // Major.FNoteAttr FNAlt, // Major.KeyCodeAttr AltKey, ShiftKey, ControlKey, FunctionKey, // Major.ACharAttr ACBold, ACAllCaps, ACForeColor, ACSubScript, ACExpand, ACFontNum, ACFontSize, ACItalic, ACLanguage, ACOutline, ACSmallCaps, ACShadow, ACStrikeThru, ACUnderline, ACDotUnderline, ACDbUnderline, ACNoUnderline, ACWordUnderline, ACSuperScript, // Major.FontAttr FontCharSet, FontPitch, FontCodePage, FTypeNil, FTypeTrueType, // Major.FileAttr FileNum, FileRelPath, FileOSNum, // Major.FileSource SrcMacintosh, SrcDOS, SrcNTFS, SrcHPFS, SrcNetwork, // Major.DrawAttr DrawLock, DrawPageRelX, DrawColumnRelX, DrawMarginRelX, DrawPageRelY, DrawColumnRelY, DrawMarginRelY, DrawHeight, DrawBeginGroup, DrawGroupCount, DrawEndGroup, DrawArc, DrawCallout, DrawEllipse, DrawLine, DrawPolygon, DrawPolyLine, DrawRect, DrawTextBox, DrawOffsetX, DrawSizeX, DrawOffsetY, DrawSizeY, COAngle, COAccentBar, COBestFit, COBorder, COAttachAbsDist, COAttachBottom, COAttachCenter, COAttachTop, COLength, CONegXQuadrant, CONegYQuadrant, COOffset, COAttachSmart, CODoubleLine, CORightAngle, COSingleLine, COTripleLine, DrawTextBoxMargin, DrawTextBoxText, DrawRoundRect, DrawPointX, DrawPointY, DrawPolyCount, DrawArcFlipX, DrawArcFlipY, DrawLineBlue, DrawLineGreen, DrawLineRed, DrawLinePalette, DrawLineDashDot, DrawLineDashDotDot, DrawLineDash, DrawLineDot, DrawLineGray, DrawLineHollow, DrawLineSolid, DrawLineWidth, DrawHollowEndArrow, DrawEndArrowLength, DrawSolidEndArrow, DrawEndArrowWidth, DrawHollowStartArrow, DrawStartArrowLength, DrawSolidStartArrow, DrawStartArrowWidth, DrawBgFillBlue, DrawBgFillGreen, DrawBgFillRed, DrawBgFillPalette, DrawBgFillGray, DrawFgFillBlue, DrawFgFillGreen, DrawFgFillRed, DrawFgFillPalette, DrawFgFillGray, DrawFillPatIndex, DrawShadow, DrawShadowXOffset, DrawShadowYOffset, // Major.IndexAttr IndexNumber, IndexBold, IndexItalic, // Major.Unicode UnicodeCharBytes, UnicodeChar, UnicodeDestination, UnicodeDualDestination, UnicodeAnsiCodepage } }