// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute("")] [assembly:System.CLSCompliantAttribute(true)] [assembly:System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute(System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute("Mono development team")] [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyrightAttribute("(c) Various Mono authors")] [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute("")] [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute("Mono Common Language Infrastructure")] [assembly:System.Resources.NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute("en")] [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxationsAttribute(8)] [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute(WrapNonExceptionThrows=true)] [assembly:System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)] [assembly:System.Security.AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute] [assembly:System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] [assembly:System.Windows.Markup.XmlnsDefinitionAttribute("http://schemas.microsoft.com/netfx/2007/xaml/presentation", "System.Diagnostics")] [assembly:System.Windows.Markup.XmlnsDefinitionAttribute("http://schemas.microsoft.com/netfx/2007/xaml/presentation", "System.Windows")] [assembly:System.Windows.Markup.XmlnsDefinitionAttribute("http://schemas.microsoft.com/netfx/2007/xaml/presentation", "System.Windows.Input")] [assembly:System.Windows.Markup.XmlnsDefinitionAttribute("http://schemas.microsoft.com/netfx/2007/xaml/presentation", "System.Windows.Media")] [assembly:System.Windows.Markup.XmlnsDefinitionAttribute("http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml", "System.Windows.Markup")] [assembly:System.Windows.Markup.XmlnsDefinitionAttribute("http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/composite-font", "System.Windows.Media")] [assembly:System.Windows.Markup.XmlnsDefinitionAttribute("http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation", "System.Diagnostics")] [assembly:System.Windows.Markup.XmlnsDefinitionAttribute("http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation", "System.Windows")] [assembly:System.Windows.Markup.XmlnsDefinitionAttribute("http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation", "System.Windows.Input")] [assembly:System.Windows.Markup.XmlnsDefinitionAttribute("http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation", "System.Windows.Media")] [assembly:System.Windows.Markup.XmlnsDefinitionAttribute("http://schemas.microsoft.com/xps/2005/06", "System.Windows")] [assembly:System.Windows.Markup.XmlnsDefinitionAttribute("http://schemas.microsoft.com/xps/2005/06", "System.Windows.Input")] [assembly:System.Windows.Markup.XmlnsDefinitionAttribute("http://schemas.microsoft.com/xps/2005/06", "System.Windows.Media")] [assembly:System.Windows.Markup.XmlnsPrefixAttribute("http://schemas.microsoft.com/netfx/2007/xaml/presentation", "wpf")] [assembly:System.Windows.Markup.XmlnsPrefixAttribute("http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation", "av")] [assembly:System.Windows.Markup.XmlnsPrefixAttribute("http://schemas.microsoft.com/xps/2005/06", "metro")] [assembly:System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification=true)] [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedToAttribute(typeof(System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<>))] [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedToAttribute(typeof(System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyObservableCollection<>))] [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedToAttribute(typeof(System.Collections.Specialized.INotifyCollectionChanged))] [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedToAttribute(typeof(System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction))] [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedToAttribute(typeof(System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs))] [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedToAttribute(typeof(System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler))] [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedToAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializerAttribute))] namespace System { [System.AttributeUsageAttribute(System.AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple=true)] internal partial class MonoDocumentationNoteAttribute : System.MonoTODOAttribute { public MonoDocumentationNoteAttribute(string comment) { } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute(System.AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple=true)] internal partial class MonoExtensionAttribute : System.MonoTODOAttribute { public MonoExtensionAttribute(string comment) { } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute(System.AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple=true)] internal partial class MonoInternalNoteAttribute : System.MonoTODOAttribute { public MonoInternalNoteAttribute(string comment) { } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute(System.AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple=true)] internal partial class MonoLimitationAttribute : System.MonoTODOAttribute { public MonoLimitationAttribute(string comment) { } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute(System.AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple=true)] internal partial class MonoNotSupportedAttribute : System.MonoTODOAttribute { public MonoNotSupportedAttribute(string comment) { } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute(System.AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple=true)] internal partial class MonoTODOAttribute : System.Attribute { public MonoTODOAttribute() { } public MonoTODOAttribute(string comment) { } public string Comment { get { throw null; } } } } namespace System.Collections.Specialized { public partial class CollectionChangedEventManager : System.Windows.WeakEventManager { internal CollectionChangedEventManager() { } public static void AddListener(System.Collections.Specialized.INotifyCollectionChanged source, System.Windows.IWeakEventListener listener) { } public static void RemoveListener(System.Collections.Specialized.INotifyCollectionChanged source, System.Windows.IWeakEventListener listener) { } protected override void StartListening(object source) { } protected override void StopListening(object source) { } } } namespace System.ComponentModel { public partial class CurrentChangedEventManager : System.Windows.WeakEventManager { internal CurrentChangedEventManager() { } public static void AddListener(System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView source, System.Windows.IWeakEventListener listener) { } public static void RemoveListener(System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView source, System.Windows.IWeakEventListener listener) { } protected override void StartListening(object source) { } protected override void StopListening(object source) { } } public partial class CurrentChangingEventArgs : System.EventArgs { public CurrentChangingEventArgs() { } public CurrentChangingEventArgs(bool isCancelable) { } public bool Cancel { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool IsCancelable { get { throw null; } } } public delegate void CurrentChangingEventHandler(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CurrentChangingEventArgs e); public partial class CurrentChangingEventManager : System.Windows.WeakEventManager { internal CurrentChangingEventManager() { } public static void AddListener(System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView source, System.Windows.IWeakEventListener listener) { } public static void RemoveListener(System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView source, System.Windows.IWeakEventListener listener) { } protected override void StartListening(object source) { } protected override void StopListening(object source) { } } public sealed partial class DependencyPropertyDescriptor : System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor { internal DependencyPropertyDescriptor() : base (default(string), default(System.Attribute[])) { } public override System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection Attributes { get { throw null; } } public override string Category { get { throw null; } } public override System.Type ComponentType { get { throw null; } } public override System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter Converter { get { throw null; } } public System.Windows.DependencyProperty DependencyProperty { get { throw null; } } public override string Description { get { throw null; } } public System.Windows.CoerceValueCallback DesignerCoerceValueCallback { get { throw null; } set { } } public override bool DesignTimeOnly { get { throw null; } } public override string DisplayName { get { throw null; } } public bool IsAttached { get { throw null; } } public override bool IsBrowsable { get { throw null; } } public override bool IsLocalizable { get { throw null; } } public override bool IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } } public System.Windows.PropertyMetadata Metadata { get { throw null; } } public override System.Type PropertyType { get { throw null; } } public override bool SupportsChangeEvents { get { throw null; } } public override void AddValueChanged(object component, System.EventHandler handler) { } public override bool CanResetValue(object component) { throw null; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } public static System.ComponentModel.DependencyPropertyDescriptor FromName(string name, System.Type ownerType, System.Type targetType) { throw null; } public static System.ComponentModel.DependencyPropertyDescriptor FromProperty(System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor property) { throw null; } public static System.ComponentModel.DependencyPropertyDescriptor FromProperty(System.Windows.DependencyProperty dependencyProperty, System.Type targetType) { throw null; } public override System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection GetChildProperties(object instance, System.Attribute[] filter) { throw null; } public override object GetEditor(System.Type editorBaseType) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public override object GetValue(object component) { throw null; } public override void RemoveValueChanged(object component, System.EventHandler handler) { } public override void ResetValue(object component) { } public override void SetValue(object component, object value) { } public override bool ShouldSerializeValue(object component) { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } public abstract partial class GroupDescription : System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged { protected GroupDescription() { } public System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection GroupNames { get { throw null; } } protected virtual event System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged { add { } remove { } } event System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged { add { } remove { } } public abstract object GroupNameFromItem(object item, int level, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture); public virtual bool NamesMatch(object groupName, object itemName) { throw null; } protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public bool ShouldSerializeGroupNames() { throw null; } } public partial interface ICollectionView : System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Specialized.INotifyCollectionChanged { bool CanFilter { get; } bool CanGroup { get; } bool CanSort { get; } System.Globalization.CultureInfo Culture { get; set; } object CurrentItem { get; } int CurrentPosition { get; } System.Predicate Filter { get; set; } System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection GroupDescriptions { get; } System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyObservableCollection Groups { get; } bool IsCurrentAfterLast { get; } bool IsCurrentBeforeFirst { get; } bool IsEmpty { get; } System.ComponentModel.SortDescriptionCollection SortDescriptions { get; } System.Collections.IEnumerable SourceCollection { get; } event System.EventHandler CurrentChanged; event System.ComponentModel.CurrentChangingEventHandler CurrentChanging; bool Contains(object item); System.IDisposable DeferRefresh(); bool MoveCurrentTo(object item); bool MoveCurrentToFirst(); bool MoveCurrentToLast(); bool MoveCurrentToNext(); bool MoveCurrentToPosition(int position); bool MoveCurrentToPrevious(); void Refresh(); } public partial interface ICollectionViewFactory { System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView CreateView(); } public partial interface IEditableCollectionView { bool CanAddNew { get; } bool CanCancelEdit { get; } bool CanRemove { get; } object CurrentAddItem { get; } object CurrentEditItem { get; } bool IsAddingNew { get; } bool IsEditingItem { get; } System.ComponentModel.NewItemPlaceholderPosition NewItemPlaceholderPosition { get; set; } object AddNew(); void CancelEdit(); void CancelNew(); void CommitEdit(); void CommitNew(); void EditItem(object item); void Remove(object item); void RemoveAt(int index); } public partial interface IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem : System.ComponentModel.IEditableCollectionView { bool CanAddNewItem { get; } object AddNewItem(object newItem); } public partial interface IItemProperties { System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection ItemProperties { get; } } public partial class ItemPropertyInfo { public ItemPropertyInfo(string name, System.Type type, object descriptor) { } public object Descriptor { get { throw null; } } public string Name { get { throw null; } } public System.Type PropertyType { get { throw null; } } } public enum NewItemPlaceholderPosition { AtBeginning = 1, AtEnd = 2, None = 0, } public partial class PropertyChangedEventManager : System.Windows.WeakEventManager { internal PropertyChangedEventManager() { } public static void AddListener(System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged source, System.Windows.IWeakEventListener listener, string propertyName) { } protected override bool Purge(object source, object data, bool purgeAll) { throw null; } public static void RemoveListener(System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged source, System.Windows.IWeakEventListener listener, string propertyName) { } protected override void StartListening(object source) { } protected override void StopListening(object source) { } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute(System.AttributeTargets.Method | System.AttributeTargets.Property)] public sealed partial class PropertyFilterAttribute : System.Attribute { public static readonly System.ComponentModel.PropertyFilterAttribute Default; public PropertyFilterAttribute(System.ComponentModel.PropertyFilterOptions filter) { } public System.ComponentModel.PropertyFilterOptions Filter { get { throw null; } } public override bool Equals(object value) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public override bool Match(object value) { throw null; } } [System.FlagsAttribute] public enum PropertyFilterOptions { All = 15, Invalid = 1, None = 0, SetValues = 2, UnsetValues = 4, Valid = 8, } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct SortDescription { private object _dummy; private int _dummyPrimitive; public SortDescription(string propertyName, System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection direction) { throw null; } public System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection Direction { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool IsSealed { get { throw null; } } public string PropertyName { get { throw null; } set { } } public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static bool operator ==(System.ComponentModel.SortDescription sd1, System.ComponentModel.SortDescription sd2) { throw null; } public static bool operator !=(System.ComponentModel.SortDescription sd1, System.ComponentModel.SortDescription sd2) { throw null; } } public partial class SortDescriptionCollection : System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection, System.Collections.Specialized.INotifyCollectionChanged { public static readonly System.ComponentModel.SortDescriptionCollection Empty; public SortDescriptionCollection() { } protected event System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged { add { } remove { } } event System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler System.Collections.Specialized.INotifyCollectionChanged.CollectionChanged { add { } remove { } } protected override void ClearItems() { } protected override void InsertItem(int index, System.ComponentModel.SortDescription item) { } protected override void RemoveItem(int index) { } protected override void SetItem(int index, System.ComponentModel.SortDescription item) { } } } namespace System.Diagnostics { public enum PresentationTraceLevel { High = 3, Low = 1, Medium = 2, None = 0, } public static partial class PresentationTraceSources { public static readonly System.Windows.DependencyProperty TraceLevelProperty; public static System.Diagnostics.TraceSource AnimationSource { get { throw null; } } public static System.Diagnostics.TraceSource DataBindingSource { get { throw null; } } public static System.Diagnostics.TraceSource DependencyPropertySource { get { throw null; } } public static System.Diagnostics.TraceSource DocumentsSource { get { throw null; } } public static System.Diagnostics.TraceSource FreezableSource { get { throw null; } } public static System.Diagnostics.TraceSource HwndHostSource { get { throw null; } } public static System.Diagnostics.TraceSource MarkupSource { get { throw null; } } public static System.Diagnostics.TraceSource NameScopeSource { get { throw null; } } public static System.Diagnostics.TraceSource ResourceDictionarySource { get { throw null; } } public static System.Diagnostics.TraceSource RoutedEventSource { get { throw null; } } public static System.Diagnostics.PresentationTraceLevel GetTraceLevel(object element) { throw null; } public static void Refresh() { } public static void SetTraceLevel(object element, System.Diagnostics.PresentationTraceLevel traceLevel) { } } } namespace System.IO { [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class FileFormatException : System.FormatException, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable { public FileFormatException() { } protected FileFormatException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public FileFormatException(string message) { } public FileFormatException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } public FileFormatException(System.Uri sourceUri) { } public FileFormatException(System.Uri sourceUri, System.Exception innerException) { } public FileFormatException(System.Uri sourceUri, string message) { } public FileFormatException(System.Uri sourceUri, string message, System.Exception innerException) { } public System.Uri SourceUri { get { throw null; } } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] public override void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } } } namespace System.IO.Packaging { public enum CertificateEmbeddingOption { InCertificatePart = 0, InSignaturePart = 1, NotEmbedded = 2, } public enum CompressionOption { Fast = 2, Maximum = 1, Normal = 0, NotCompressed = -1, SuperFast = 3, } public partial class EncryptedPackageEnvelope : System.IDisposable { internal EncryptedPackageEnvelope() { } public System.IO.FileAccess FileOpenAccess { get { throw null; } } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageProperties PackageProperties { get { throw null; } } public System.IO.Packaging.RightsManagementInformation RightsManagementInformation { get { throw null; } } public System.IO.Packaging.StorageInfo StorageInfo { get { throw null; } } public void Close() { } public static System.IO.Packaging.EncryptedPackageEnvelope Create(System.IO.Stream envelopeStream, System.Security.RightsManagement.PublishLicense publishLicense, System.Security.RightsManagement.CryptoProvider cryptoProvider) { throw null; } public static System.IO.Packaging.EncryptedPackageEnvelope Create(string envelopeFileName, System.Security.RightsManagement.PublishLicense publishLicense, System.Security.RightsManagement.CryptoProvider cryptoProvider) { throw null; } public static System.IO.Packaging.EncryptedPackageEnvelope CreateFromPackage(System.IO.Stream envelopeStream, System.IO.Stream packageStream, System.Security.RightsManagement.PublishLicense publishLicense, System.Security.RightsManagement.CryptoProvider cryptoProvider) { throw null; } public static System.IO.Packaging.EncryptedPackageEnvelope CreateFromPackage(string envelopeFileName, System.IO.Stream packageStream, System.Security.RightsManagement.PublishLicense publishLicense, System.Security.RightsManagement.CryptoProvider cryptoProvider) { throw null; } public void Dispose() { } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public void Flush() { } public System.IO.Packaging.Package GetPackage() { throw null; } public static bool IsEncryptedPackageEnvelope(System.IO.Stream stream) { throw null; } public static bool IsEncryptedPackageEnvelope(string fileName) { throw null; } public static System.IO.Packaging.EncryptedPackageEnvelope Open(System.IO.Stream envelopeStream) { throw null; } public static System.IO.Packaging.EncryptedPackageEnvelope Open(string envelopeFileName) { throw null; } public static System.IO.Packaging.EncryptedPackageEnvelope Open(string envelopeFileName, System.IO.FileAccess access) { throw null; } public static System.IO.Packaging.EncryptedPackageEnvelope Open(string envelopeFileName, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare sharing) { throw null; } } public enum EncryptionOption { None = 0, RightsManagement = 1, } public delegate void InvalidSignatureEventHandler(object sender, System.IO.Packaging.SignatureVerificationEventArgs e); public abstract partial class Package : System.IDisposable { protected Package(System.IO.FileAccess openFileAccess) { } protected Package(System.IO.FileAccess openFileAccess, bool streaming) { } public System.IO.FileAccess FileOpenAccess { get { throw null; } } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageProperties PackageProperties { get { throw null; } } public void Close() { } public System.IO.Packaging.PackagePart CreatePart(System.Uri partUri, string contentType) { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.PackagePart CreatePart(System.Uri partUri, string contentType, System.IO.Packaging.CompressionOption compressionOption) { throw null; } protected abstract System.IO.Packaging.PackagePart CreatePartCore(System.Uri partUri, string contentType, System.IO.Packaging.CompressionOption compressionOption); public System.IO.Packaging.PackageRelationship CreateRelationship(System.Uri targetUri, System.IO.Packaging.TargetMode targetMode, string relationshipType) { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageRelationship CreateRelationship(System.Uri targetUri, System.IO.Packaging.TargetMode targetMode, string relationshipType, string id) { throw null; } public void DeletePart(System.Uri partUri) { } protected abstract void DeletePartCore(System.Uri partUri); public void DeleteRelationship(string id) { } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public void Flush() { } protected abstract void FlushCore(); public System.IO.Packaging.PackagePart GetPart(System.Uri partUri) { throw null; } protected abstract System.IO.Packaging.PackagePart GetPartCore(System.Uri partUri); public System.IO.Packaging.PackagePartCollection GetParts() { throw null; } protected abstract System.IO.Packaging.PackagePart[] GetPartsCore(); public System.IO.Packaging.PackageRelationship GetRelationship(string id) { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageRelationshipCollection GetRelationships() { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageRelationshipCollection GetRelationshipsByType(string relationshipType) { throw null; } public static System.IO.Packaging.Package Open(System.IO.Stream stream) { throw null; } public static System.IO.Packaging.Package Open(System.IO.Stream stream, System.IO.FileMode packageMode) { throw null; } public static System.IO.Packaging.Package Open(System.IO.Stream stream, System.IO.FileMode packageMode, System.IO.FileAccess packageAccess) { throw null; } public static System.IO.Packaging.Package Open(string path) { throw null; } public static System.IO.Packaging.Package Open(string path, System.IO.FileMode packageMode) { throw null; } public static System.IO.Packaging.Package Open(string path, System.IO.FileMode packageMode, System.IO.FileAccess packageAccess) { throw null; } public static System.IO.Packaging.Package Open(string path, System.IO.FileMode packageMode, System.IO.FileAccess packageAccess, System.IO.FileShare packageShare) { throw null; } public virtual bool PartExists(System.Uri partUri) { throw null; } public bool RelationshipExists(string id) { throw null; } void System.IDisposable.Dispose() { } } public partial class PackageDigitalSignature { internal PackageDigitalSignature() { } public System.IO.Packaging.CertificateEmbeddingOption CertificateEmbeddingOption { get { throw null; } } public System.IO.Packaging.PackagePart SignaturePart { get { throw null; } } public string SignatureType { get { throw null; } } public byte[] SignatureValue { get { throw null; } } public System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection SignedParts { get { throw null; } } public System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection SignedRelationshipSelectors { get { throw null; } } public System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate Signer { get { throw null; } } public System.DateTime SigningTime { get { throw null; } } public string TimeFormat { get { throw null; } } public System.Collections.Generic.List GetPartTransformList(System.Uri partName) { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.VerifyResult Verify() { throw null; } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] [System.Security.SecurityTreatAsSafeAttribute] public System.IO.Packaging.VerifyResult Verify(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate signingCertificate) { throw null; } } public sealed partial class PackageDigitalSignatureManager { public PackageDigitalSignatureManager(System.IO.Packaging.Package package) { } public System.IO.Packaging.CertificateEmbeddingOption CertificateOption { get { throw null; } set { } } public static string DefaultHashAlgorithm { get { throw null; } } public string HashAlgorithm { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool IsSigned { get { throw null; } } public System.IntPtr ParentWindow { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Uri SignatureOrigin { get { throw null; } } public static string SignatureOriginRelationshipType { get { throw null; } } public System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection Signatures { get { throw null; } } public string TimeFormat { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary TransformMapping { get { throw null; } } public event System.IO.Packaging.InvalidSignatureEventHandler InvalidSignatureEvent { add { } remove { } } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageDigitalSignature Countersign() { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageDigitalSignature Countersign(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate certificate) { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageDigitalSignature Countersign(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate certificate, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable signatures) { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageDigitalSignature GetSignature(System.Uri signatureUri) { throw null; } public void RemoveAllSignatures() { } public void RemoveSignature(System.Uri signatureUri) { } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageDigitalSignature Sign(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable parts) { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageDigitalSignature Sign(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable parts, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate certificate) { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageDigitalSignature Sign(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable parts, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate certificate, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable relationshipSelectors) { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageDigitalSignature Sign(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable parts, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate certificate, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable relationshipSelectors, string signatureId) { throw null; } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] public static System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags VerifyCertificate(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate certificate) { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.VerifyResult VerifySignatures(bool exitOnFailure) { throw null; } } public abstract partial class PackagePart { protected PackagePart(System.IO.Packaging.Package package, System.Uri partUri) { } protected internal PackagePart(System.IO.Packaging.Package package, System.Uri partUri, string contentType) { } protected internal PackagePart(System.IO.Packaging.Package package, System.Uri partUri, string contentType, System.IO.Packaging.CompressionOption compressionOption) { } public System.IO.Packaging.CompressionOption CompressionOption { get { throw null; } } public string ContentType { get { throw null; } } public System.IO.Packaging.Package Package { get { throw null; } } public System.Uri Uri { get { throw null; } } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageRelationship CreateRelationship(System.Uri targetUri, System.IO.Packaging.TargetMode targetMode, string relationshipType) { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageRelationship CreateRelationship(System.Uri targetUri, System.IO.Packaging.TargetMode targetMode, string relationshipType, string id) { throw null; } public void DeleteRelationship(string id) { } protected virtual string GetContentTypeCore() { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageRelationship GetRelationship(string id) { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageRelationshipCollection GetRelationships() { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageRelationshipCollection GetRelationshipsByType(string relationshipType) { throw null; } public System.IO.Stream GetStream() { throw null; } public System.IO.Stream GetStream(System.IO.FileMode mode) { throw null; } public System.IO.Stream GetStream(System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access) { throw null; } protected abstract System.IO.Stream GetStreamCore(System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access); public bool RelationshipExists(string id) { throw null; } } public partial class PackagePartCollection : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.IEnumerable { internal PackagePartCollection() { } public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; } } public abstract partial class PackageProperties : System.IDisposable { protected PackageProperties() { } public abstract string Category { get; set; } public abstract string ContentStatus { get; set; } public abstract string ContentType { get; set; } public abstract System.Nullable Created { get; set; } public abstract string Creator { get; set; } public abstract string Description { get; set; } public abstract string Identifier { get; set; } public abstract string Keywords { get; set; } public abstract string Language { get; set; } public abstract string LastModifiedBy { get; set; } public abstract System.Nullable LastPrinted { get; set; } public abstract System.Nullable Modified { get; set; } public abstract string Revision { get; set; } public abstract string Subject { get; set; } public abstract string Title { get; set; } public abstract string Version { get; set; } public void Dispose() { } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { } } public partial class PackageRelationship { internal PackageRelationship() { } public string Id { get { throw null; } } public System.IO.Packaging.Package Package { get { throw null; } } public string RelationshipType { get { throw null; } } public System.Uri SourceUri { get { throw null; } } public System.IO.Packaging.TargetMode TargetMode { get { throw null; } } public System.Uri TargetUri { get { throw null; } } } public partial class PackageRelationshipCollection : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.IEnumerable { internal PackageRelationshipCollection() { } public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; } } public sealed partial class PackageRelationshipSelector { public PackageRelationshipSelector(System.Uri sourceUri, System.IO.Packaging.PackageRelationshipSelectorType selectorType, string selectionCriteria) { } public string SelectionCriteria { get { throw null; } } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageRelationshipSelectorType SelectorType { get { throw null; } } public System.Uri SourceUri { get { throw null; } } public System.Collections.Generic.List Select(System.IO.Packaging.Package package) { throw null; } } public enum PackageRelationshipSelectorType { Id = 0, Type = 1, } public static partial class PackUriHelper { public static readonly string UriSchemePack; public static int ComparePackUri(System.Uri firstPackUri, System.Uri secondPackUri) { throw null; } public static int ComparePartUri(System.Uri firstPartUri, System.Uri secondPartUri) { throw null; } public static System.Uri Create(System.Uri packageUri) { throw null; } public static System.Uri Create(System.Uri packageUri, System.Uri partUri) { throw null; } public static System.Uri Create(System.Uri packageUri, System.Uri partUri, string fragment) { throw null; } public static System.Uri CreatePartUri(System.Uri partUri) { throw null; } public static System.Uri GetNormalizedPartUri(System.Uri partUri) { throw null; } public static System.Uri GetPackageUri(System.Uri packUri) { throw null; } public static System.Uri GetPartUri(System.Uri packUri) { throw null; } public static System.Uri GetRelationshipPartUri(System.Uri partUri) { throw null; } public static System.Uri GetRelativeUri(System.Uri sourcePartUri, System.Uri targetPartUri) { throw null; } public static System.Uri GetSourcePartUriFromRelationshipPartUri(System.Uri relationshipPartUri) { throw null; } public static bool IsRelationshipPartUri(System.Uri partUri) { throw null; } public static System.Uri ResolvePartUri(System.Uri sourcePartUri, System.Uri targetUri) { throw null; } } public partial class RightsManagementInformation { internal RightsManagementInformation() { } public System.Security.RightsManagement.CryptoProvider CryptoProvider { get { throw null; } set { } } public void DeleteUseLicense(System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentUser userKey) { } public System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary GetEmbeddedUseLicenses() { throw null; } public System.Security.RightsManagement.PublishLicense LoadPublishLicense() { throw null; } public System.Security.RightsManagement.UseLicense LoadUseLicense(System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentUser userKey) { throw null; } public void SavePublishLicense(System.Security.RightsManagement.PublishLicense publishLicense) { } public void SaveUseLicense(System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentUser userKey, System.Security.RightsManagement.UseLicense useLicense) { } } public partial class SignatureVerificationEventArgs : System.EventArgs { internal SignatureVerificationEventArgs() { } public System.IO.Packaging.PackageDigitalSignature Signature { get { throw null; } } public System.IO.Packaging.VerifyResult VerifyResult { get { throw null; } } } public partial class StorageInfo { internal StorageInfo() { } public string Name { get { throw null; } } public System.IO.Packaging.StreamInfo CreateStream(string name) { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.StreamInfo CreateStream(string name, System.IO.Packaging.CompressionOption compressionOption, System.IO.Packaging.EncryptionOption encryptionOption) { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.StorageInfo CreateSubStorage(string name) { throw null; } public void DeleteStream(string name) { } public void DeleteSubStorage(string name) { } public System.IO.Packaging.StreamInfo GetStreamInfo(string name) { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.StreamInfo[] GetStreams() { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.StorageInfo GetSubStorageInfo(string name) { throw null; } public System.IO.Packaging.StorageInfo[] GetSubStorages() { throw null; } public bool StreamExists(string name) { throw null; } public bool SubStorageExists(string name) { throw null; } } public partial class StreamInfo { internal StreamInfo() { } public System.IO.Packaging.CompressionOption CompressionOption { get { throw null; } } public System.IO.Packaging.EncryptionOption EncryptionOption { get { throw null; } } public string Name { get { throw null; } } public System.IO.Stream GetStream() { throw null; } public System.IO.Stream GetStream(System.IO.FileMode mode) { throw null; } public System.IO.Stream GetStream(System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access) { throw null; } } public enum TargetMode { External = 1, Internal = 0, } public enum VerifyResult { CertificateRequired = 2, InvalidCertificate = 3, InvalidSignature = 1, NotSigned = 5, ReferenceNotFound = 4, Success = 0, } public sealed partial class ZipPackage : System.IO.Packaging.Package { internal ZipPackage() : base (default(System.IO.FileAccess)) { } protected override System.IO.Packaging.PackagePart CreatePartCore(System.Uri partUri, string contentType, System.IO.Packaging.CompressionOption compressionOption) { throw null; } protected override void DeletePartCore(System.Uri partUri) { } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { } protected override void FlushCore() { } protected override System.IO.Packaging.PackagePart GetPartCore(System.Uri partUri) { throw null; } protected override System.IO.Packaging.PackagePart[] GetPartsCore() { throw null; } } public sealed partial class ZipPackagePart : System.IO.Packaging.PackagePart { internal ZipPackagePart() : base (default(System.IO.Packaging.Package), default(System.Uri)) { } protected override System.IO.Stream GetStreamCore(System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access) { throw null; } } } namespace System.Security.Permissions { public sealed partial class MediaPermission : System.Security.CodeAccessPermission, System.Security.Permissions.IUnrestrictedPermission { public MediaPermission() { } public MediaPermission(System.Security.Permissions.MediaPermissionAudio permissionAudio) { } public MediaPermission(System.Security.Permissions.MediaPermissionAudio permissionAudio, System.Security.Permissions.MediaPermissionVideo permissionVideo, System.Security.Permissions.MediaPermissionImage permissionImage) { } public MediaPermission(System.Security.Permissions.MediaPermissionImage permissionImage) { } public MediaPermission(System.Security.Permissions.MediaPermissionVideo permissionVideo) { } public MediaPermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState state) { } public System.Security.Permissions.MediaPermissionAudio Audio { get { throw null; } } public System.Security.Permissions.MediaPermissionImage Image { get { throw null; } } public System.Security.Permissions.MediaPermissionVideo Video { get { throw null; } } public override System.Security.IPermission Copy() { throw null; } public override void FromXml(System.Security.SecurityElement securityElement) { } public override System.Security.IPermission Intersect(System.Security.IPermission target) { throw null; } public override bool IsSubsetOf(System.Security.IPermission target) { throw null; } public bool IsUnrestricted() { throw null; } public override System.Security.SecurityElement ToXml() { throw null; } public override System.Security.IPermission Union(System.Security.IPermission target) { throw null; } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute(System.AttributeTargets.Assembly | System.AttributeTargets.Class | System.AttributeTargets.Constructor | System.AttributeTargets.Method | System.AttributeTargets.Struct)] public sealed partial class MediaPermissionAttribute : System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute { public MediaPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction action) : base (default(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction)) { } public System.Security.Permissions.MediaPermissionAudio Audio { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Security.Permissions.MediaPermissionImage Image { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Security.Permissions.MediaPermissionVideo Video { get { throw null; } set { } } public override System.Security.IPermission CreatePermission() { throw null; } } public enum MediaPermissionAudio { AllAudio = 3, NoAudio = 0, SafeAudio = 2, SiteOfOriginAudio = 1, } public enum MediaPermissionImage { AllImage = 3, NoImage = 0, SafeImage = 2, SiteOfOriginImage = 1, } public enum MediaPermissionVideo { AllVideo = 3, NoVideo = 0, SafeVideo = 2, SiteOfOriginVideo = 1, } public sealed partial class WebBrowserPermission : System.Security.CodeAccessPermission, System.Security.Permissions.IUnrestrictedPermission { public WebBrowserPermission() { } public WebBrowserPermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState state) { } public WebBrowserPermission(System.Security.Permissions.WebBrowserPermissionLevel webBrowserPermissionLevel) { } public System.Security.Permissions.WebBrowserPermissionLevel Level { get { throw null; } set { } } public override System.Security.IPermission Copy() { throw null; } public override void FromXml(System.Security.SecurityElement securityElement) { } public override System.Security.IPermission Intersect(System.Security.IPermission target) { throw null; } public override bool IsSubsetOf(System.Security.IPermission target) { throw null; } public bool IsUnrestricted() { throw null; } public override System.Security.SecurityElement ToXml() { throw null; } public override System.Security.IPermission Union(System.Security.IPermission target) { throw null; } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute(System.AttributeTargets.Assembly | System.AttributeTargets.Class | System.AttributeTargets.Constructor | System.AttributeTargets.Method | System.AttributeTargets.Struct)] public sealed partial class WebBrowserPermissionAttribute : System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute { public WebBrowserPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction action) : base (default(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction)) { } public System.Security.Permissions.WebBrowserPermissionLevel Level { get { throw null; } set { } } public override System.Security.IPermission CreatePermission() { throw null; } } public enum WebBrowserPermissionLevel { None = 0, Safe = 1, Unrestricted = 2, } } namespace System.Security.RightsManagement { public enum AuthenticationType { Internal = 3, Passport = 1, Windows = 0, WindowsPassport = 2, } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute(System.Security.SecurityCriticalScope.Everything)] public partial class ContentGrant { public ContentGrant(System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentUser user, System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentRight right) { } public ContentGrant(System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentUser user, System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentRight right, System.DateTime validFrom, System.DateTime validUntil) { } public System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentRight Right { get { throw null; } } public System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentUser User { get { throw null; } } public System.DateTime ValidFrom { get { throw null; } } public System.DateTime ValidUntil { get { throw null; } } } public enum ContentRight { DocumentEdit = 11, Edit = 1, Export = 12, Extract = 3, Forward = 7, ObjectModel = 4, Owner = 5, Print = 2, Reply = 8, ReplyAll = 9, Sign = 10, View = 0, ViewRightsData = 6, } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute(System.Security.SecurityCriticalScope.Everything)] public partial class ContentUser { public ContentUser(string name, System.Security.RightsManagement.AuthenticationType authenticationType) { } public static System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentUser AnyoneUser { get { throw null; } } public System.Security.RightsManagement.AuthenticationType AuthenticationType { get { throw null; } } public string Name { get { throw null; } } public static System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentUser OwnerUser { get { throw null; } } public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public bool IsAuthenticated() { throw null; } } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute(System.Security.SecurityCriticalScope.Everything)] public partial class CryptoProvider : System.IDisposable { internal CryptoProvider() { } public int BlockSize { get { throw null; } } public System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection BoundGrants { get { throw null; } } public bool CanDecrypt { get { throw null; } } public bool CanEncrypt { get { throw null; } } public bool CanMergeBlocks { get { throw null; } } public byte[] Decrypt(byte[] cryptoText) { throw null; } public void Dispose() { } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public byte[] Encrypt(byte[] clearText) { throw null; } ~CryptoProvider() { } } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute(System.Security.SecurityCriticalScope.Everything)] public partial class LocalizedNameDescriptionPair { public LocalizedNameDescriptionPair(string name, string description) { } public string Description { get { throw null; } } public string Name { get { throw null; } } public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute(System.Security.SecurityCriticalScope.Everything)] public partial class PublishLicense { public PublishLicense(string signedPublishLicense) { } public System.Guid ContentId { get { throw null; } } public string ReferralInfoName { get { throw null; } } public System.Uri ReferralInfoUri { get { throw null; } } public System.Uri UseLicenseAcquisitionUrl { get { throw null; } } public System.Security.RightsManagement.UseLicense AcquireUseLicense(System.Security.RightsManagement.SecureEnvironment secureEnvironment) { throw null; } public System.Security.RightsManagement.UseLicense AcquireUseLicenseNoUI(System.Security.RightsManagement.SecureEnvironment secureEnvironment) { throw null; } public System.Security.RightsManagement.UnsignedPublishLicense DecryptUnsignedPublishLicense(System.Security.RightsManagement.CryptoProvider cryptoProvider) { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } [System.SerializableAttribute] public partial class RightsManagementException : System.Exception { public RightsManagementException() { } protected RightsManagementException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public RightsManagementException(System.Security.RightsManagement.RightsManagementFailureCode failureCode) { } public RightsManagementException(System.Security.RightsManagement.RightsManagementFailureCode failureCode, System.Exception innerException) { } public RightsManagementException(System.Security.RightsManagement.RightsManagementFailureCode failureCode, string message) { } public RightsManagementException(System.Security.RightsManagement.RightsManagementFailureCode failureCode, string message, System.Exception innerException) { } public RightsManagementException(string message) { } public RightsManagementException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } public System.Security.RightsManagement.RightsManagementFailureCode FailureCode { get { throw null; } } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] public override void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } } public enum RightsManagementFailureCode { Aborted = -2147168447, ActivationFailed = -2147168448, AdEntryNotFound = -2147168419, AlreadyInProgress = -2147168456, AuthenticationFailed = -2147168445, BadGetInfoQuery = -2147168494, BindAccessPrincipalNotEnabling = -2147168478, BindAccessUnsatisfied = -2147168477, BindContentNotInEndUseLicense = -2147168479, BindIndicatedPrincipalMissing = -2147168476, BindIntervalTimeViolated = -2147168465, BindMachineNotFoundInGroupIdentity = -2147168475, BindNoApplicableRevocationList = -2147168472, BindNoSatisfiedRightsGroup = -2147168464, BindPolicyViolation = -2147168485, BindRevocationListStale = -2147168473, BindRevokedIssuer = -2147168483, BindRevokedLicense = -2147168484, BindRevokedModule = -2147168480, BindRevokedPrincipal = -2147168482, BindRevokedResource = -2147168481, BindSpecifiedWorkMissing = -2147168463, BindValidityTimeViolated = -2147168488, BrokenCertChain = -2147168487, ClockRollbackDetected = -2147168491, CryptoOperationUnsupported = -2147168492, DebuggerDetected = -2147168416, EmailNotVerified = -2147168422, EnablingPrincipalFailure = -2147168496, EncryptionNotPermitted = -2147168508, EnvironmentCannotLoad = -2147168501, EnvironmentNotLoaded = -2147168502, ExpiredOfficialIssuanceLicenseTemplate = -2147168425, GlobalOptionAlreadySet = -2147168396, GroupIdentityNotSet = -2147168455, HidCorrupted = -2147168442, HidInvalid = -2147168423, IdMismatch = -2147168459, IncompatibleObjects = -2147168498, InfoNotInLicense = -2147168511, InfoNotPresent = -2147168495, InstallationFailed = -2147168443, InvalidAlgorithmType = -2147168503, InvalidClientLicensorCertificate = -2147168424, InvalidEmail = -2147168437, InvalidEncodingType = -2147168505, InvalidHandle = -2147168468, InvalidIssuanceLicenseTemplate = -2147168428, InvalidKeyLength = -2147168427, InvalidLicense = -2147168512, InvalidLicenseSignature = -2147168510, InvalidLockboxPath = -2147168399, InvalidLockboxType = -2147168400, InvalidNumericalValue = -2147168504, InvalidRegistryPath = -2147168398, InvalidServerResponse = -2147168441, InvalidTimeInfo = -2147168431, InvalidVersion = -2147168506, KeyTypeUnsupported = -2147168493, LibraryFail = -2147168497, LibraryUnsupportedPlugIn = -2147168474, LicenseAcquisitionFailed = -2147168460, LicenseBindingToWindowsIdentityFailed = -2147168429, ManifestPolicyViolation = -2147183860, MetadataNotSet = -2147168433, NeedsGroupIdentityActivation = -2147168450, NeedsMachineActivation = -2147168451, NoAesCryptoProvider = -2147168397, NoConnect = -2147168453, NoDistributionPointUrlFound = -2147168457, NoLicense = -2147168452, NoMoreData = -2147168461, NotAChain = -2147168418, NotSet = -2147168434, OutdatedModule = -2147168435, OutOfQuota = -2147168446, OwnerLicenseNotFound = -2147168395, QueryReportsNoResults = -2147168490, RecordNotFound = -2147168454, RequestDenied = -2147168417, RevocationInfoNotSet = -2147168432, RightNotGranted = -2147168507, RightNotSet = -2147168430, ServerError = -2147168444, ServerNotFound = -2147168438, ServiceGone = -2147168420, ServiceMoved = -2147168421, ServiceNotFound = -2147168440, Success = 0, TooManyCertificates = -2147168458, TooManyLoadedEnvironments = -2147168500, UnexpectedException = -2147168489, UseDefault = -2147168439, ValidityTimeViolation = -2147168436, } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute(System.Security.SecurityCriticalScope.Everything)] public partial class SecureEnvironment : System.IDisposable { internal SecureEnvironment() { } public string ApplicationManifest { get { throw null; } } public System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentUser User { get { throw null; } } public static System.Security.RightsManagement.SecureEnvironment Create(string applicationManifest, System.Security.RightsManagement.AuthenticationType authentication, System.Security.RightsManagement.UserActivationMode userActivationMode) { throw null; } public static System.Security.RightsManagement.SecureEnvironment Create(string applicationManifest, System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentUser user) { throw null; } public void Dispose() { } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public static System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection GetActivatedUsers() { throw null; } public static bool IsUserActivated(System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentUser user) { throw null; } public static void RemoveActivatedUser(System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentUser user) { } } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute(System.Security.SecurityCriticalScope.Everything)] public partial class UnsignedPublishLicense { public UnsignedPublishLicense() { } public UnsignedPublishLicense(string publishLicenseTemplate) { } public System.Guid ContentId { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Collections.Generic.ICollection Grants { get { throw null; } } public System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary LocalizedNameDescriptionDictionary { get { throw null; } } public System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentUser Owner { get { throw null; } set { } } public string ReferralInfoName { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Uri ReferralInfoUri { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Security.RightsManagement.PublishLicense Sign(System.Security.RightsManagement.SecureEnvironment secureEnvironment, out System.Security.RightsManagement.UseLicense authorUseLicense) { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute(System.Security.SecurityCriticalScope.Everything)] public partial class UseLicense { public UseLicense(string useLicense) { } public System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary ApplicationData { get { throw null; } } public System.Guid ContentId { get { throw null; } } public System.Security.RightsManagement.ContentUser Owner { get { throw null; } } public System.Security.RightsManagement.CryptoProvider Bind(System.Security.RightsManagement.SecureEnvironment secureEnvironment) { throw null; } public override bool Equals(object x) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } public enum UserActivationMode { Permanent = 0, Temporary = 1, } } namespace System.Windows { public abstract partial class AttachedPropertyBrowsableAttribute : System.Attribute { protected AttachedPropertyBrowsableAttribute() { } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute(System.AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple=true)] public sealed partial class AttachedPropertyBrowsableForTypeAttribute : System.Windows.AttachedPropertyBrowsableAttribute { public AttachedPropertyBrowsableForTypeAttribute(System.Type targetType) { } public System.Type TargetType { get { throw null; } } public override object TypeId { get { throw null; } } public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute(System.AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple=false)] public sealed partial class AttachedPropertyBrowsableWhenAttributePresentAttribute : System.Windows.AttachedPropertyBrowsableAttribute { public AttachedPropertyBrowsableWhenAttributePresentAttribute(System.Type attributeType) { } public System.Type AttributeType { get { throw null; } } public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } } public delegate object CoerceValueCallback(System.Windows.DependencyObject d, object baseValue); public partial class DependencyObject : System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject { public DependencyObject() { } public System.Windows.DependencyObjectType DependencyObjectType { get { throw null; } } [System.MonoTODOAttribute] public bool IsSealed { get { throw null; } } public void ClearValue(System.Windows.DependencyProperty dp) { } public void ClearValue(System.Windows.DependencyPropertyKey key) { } public void CoerceValue(System.Windows.DependencyProperty dp) { } public sealed override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } public sealed override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } [System.MonoTODOAttribute] public System.Windows.LocalValueEnumerator GetLocalValueEnumerator() { throw null; } public object GetValue(System.Windows.DependencyProperty dp) { throw null; } [System.MonoTODOAttribute] public void InvalidateProperty(System.Windows.DependencyProperty dp) { } protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { } public object ReadLocalValue(System.Windows.DependencyProperty dp) { throw null; } public void SetValue(System.Windows.DependencyProperty dp, object value) { } public void SetValue(System.Windows.DependencyPropertyKey key, object value) { } protected virtual bool ShouldSerializeProperty(System.Windows.DependencyProperty dp) { throw null; } } public partial class DependencyObjectType { internal DependencyObjectType() { } public System.Windows.DependencyObjectType BaseType { get { throw null; } } public int Id { get { throw null; } } public string Name { get { throw null; } } public System.Type SystemType { get { throw null; } } public static System.Windows.DependencyObjectType FromSystemType(System.Type systemType) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public bool IsInstanceOfType(System.Windows.DependencyObject dependencyObject) { throw null; } public bool IsSubclassOf(System.Windows.DependencyObjectType dependencyObjectType) { throw null; } } public sealed partial class DependencyProperty { internal DependencyProperty() { } public static readonly object UnsetValue; public System.Windows.PropertyMetadata DefaultMetadata { get { throw null; } } public int GlobalIndex { get { throw null; } } public string Name { get { throw null; } } public System.Type OwnerType { get { throw null; } } public System.Type PropertyType { get { throw null; } } public bool ReadOnly { get { throw null; } } public System.Windows.ValidateValueCallback ValidateValueCallback { get { throw null; } } public System.Windows.DependencyProperty AddOwner(System.Type ownerType) { throw null; } public System.Windows.DependencyProperty AddOwner(System.Type ownerType, System.Windows.PropertyMetadata typeMetadata) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public System.Windows.PropertyMetadata GetMetadata(System.Type forType) { throw null; } public System.Windows.PropertyMetadata GetMetadata(System.Windows.DependencyObject dependencyObject) { throw null; } public System.Windows.PropertyMetadata GetMetadata(System.Windows.DependencyObjectType dependencyObjectType) { throw null; } public bool IsValidType(object value) { throw null; } public bool IsValidValue(object value) { throw null; } public void OverrideMetadata(System.Type forType, System.Windows.PropertyMetadata typeMetadata) { } public void OverrideMetadata(System.Type forType, System.Windows.PropertyMetadata typeMetadata, System.Windows.DependencyPropertyKey key) { } public static System.Windows.DependencyProperty Register(string name, System.Type propertyType, System.Type ownerType) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.DependencyProperty Register(string name, System.Type propertyType, System.Type ownerType, System.Windows.PropertyMetadata typeMetadata) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.DependencyProperty Register(string name, System.Type propertyType, System.Type ownerType, System.Windows.PropertyMetadata typeMetadata, System.Windows.ValidateValueCallback validateValueCallback) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.DependencyProperty RegisterAttached(string name, System.Type propertyType, System.Type ownerType) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.DependencyProperty RegisterAttached(string name, System.Type propertyType, System.Type ownerType, System.Windows.PropertyMetadata defaultMetadata) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.DependencyProperty RegisterAttached(string name, System.Type propertyType, System.Type ownerType, System.Windows.PropertyMetadata defaultMetadata, System.Windows.ValidateValueCallback validateValueCallback) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.DependencyPropertyKey RegisterAttachedReadOnly(string name, System.Type propertyType, System.Type ownerType, System.Windows.PropertyMetadata defaultMetadata) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.DependencyPropertyKey RegisterAttachedReadOnly(string name, System.Type propertyType, System.Type ownerType, System.Windows.PropertyMetadata defaultMetadata, System.Windows.ValidateValueCallback validateValueCallback) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.DependencyPropertyKey RegisterReadOnly(string name, System.Type propertyType, System.Type ownerType, System.Windows.PropertyMetadata typeMetadata) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.DependencyPropertyKey RegisterReadOnly(string name, System.Type propertyType, System.Type ownerType, System.Windows.PropertyMetadata typeMetadata, System.Windows.ValidateValueCallback validateValueCallback) { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs { private object _dummy; public DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs(System.Windows.DependencyProperty property, object oldValue, object newValue) { throw null; } public object NewValue { get { throw null; } } public object OldValue { get { throw null; } } public System.Windows.DependencyProperty Property { get { throw null; } } public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } public bool Equals(System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static bool operator ==(System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs left, System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs right) { throw null; } public static bool operator !=(System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs left, System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs right) { throw null; } } public delegate void DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(object sender, System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e); public sealed partial class DependencyPropertyKey { internal DependencyPropertyKey() { } public System.Windows.DependencyProperty DependencyProperty { get { throw null; } } public void OverrideMetadata(System.Type forType, System.Windows.PropertyMetadata typeMetadata) { } } [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.ExpressionConverter))] public partial class Expression { internal Expression() { } } public partial class ExpressionConverter : System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter { public ExpressionConverter() { } public override bool CanConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type sourceType) { throw null; } public override bool CanConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type destinationType) { throw null; } public override object ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value) { throw null; } public override object ConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value, System.Type destinationType) { throw null; } } public abstract partial class Freezable : System.Windows.DependencyObject { protected Freezable() { } public bool CanFreeze { get { throw null; } } public bool IsFrozen { get { throw null; } } public event System.EventHandler Changed { add { } remove { } } public System.Windows.Freezable Clone() { throw null; } protected virtual void CloneCore(System.Windows.Freezable sourceFreezable) { } public System.Windows.Freezable CloneCurrentValue() { throw null; } protected virtual void CloneCurrentValueCore(System.Windows.Freezable sourceFreezable) { } protected System.Windows.Freezable CreateInstance() { throw null; } protected abstract System.Windows.Freezable CreateInstanceCore(); public void Freeze() { } protected static bool Freeze(System.Windows.Freezable freezable, bool isChecking) { throw null; } protected virtual bool FreezeCore(bool isChecking) { throw null; } public System.Windows.Freezable GetAsFrozen() { throw null; } protected virtual void GetAsFrozenCore(System.Windows.Freezable sourceFreezable) { } public System.Windows.Freezable GetCurrentValueAsFrozen() { throw null; } protected virtual void GetCurrentValueAsFrozenCore(System.Windows.Freezable sourceFreezable) { } protected virtual void OnChanged() { } protected void OnFreezablePropertyChanged(System.Windows.DependencyObject oldValue, System.Windows.DependencyObject newValue) { } protected void OnFreezablePropertyChanged(System.Windows.DependencyObject oldValue, System.Windows.DependencyObject newValue, System.Windows.DependencyProperty property) { } protected override void OnPropertyChanged(System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { } protected void ReadPreamble() { } protected void WritePostscript() { } protected void WritePreamble() { } } [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.Int32RectConverter))] [System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializerAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.Converters.Int32RectValueSerializer))] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct Int32Rect : System.IFormattable { private int _dummyPrimitive; public Int32Rect(int x, int y, int width, int height) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Int32Rect Empty { get { throw null; } } public int Height { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool IsEmpty { get { throw null; } } public int Width { get { throw null; } set { } } public int X { get { throw null; } set { } } public int Y { get { throw null; } set { } } public override bool Equals(object o) { throw null; } public bool Equals(System.Windows.Int32Rect value) { throw null; } public static bool Equals(System.Windows.Int32Rect int32Rect1, System.Windows.Int32Rect int32Rect2) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static bool operator ==(System.Windows.Int32Rect int32Rect1, System.Windows.Int32Rect int32Rect2) { throw null; } public static bool operator !=(System.Windows.Int32Rect int32Rect1, System.Windows.Int32Rect int32Rect2) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Int32Rect Parse(string source) { throw null; } string System.IFormattable.ToString(string format, System.IFormatProvider provider) { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } public string ToString(System.IFormatProvider provider) { throw null; } } public sealed partial class Int32RectConverter : System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter { public Int32RectConverter() { } public override bool CanConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type sourceType) { throw null; } public override bool CanConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type destinationType) { throw null; } public override object ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value) { throw null; } public override object ConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value, System.Type destinationType) { throw null; } } public partial interface IWeakEventListener { bool ReceiveWeakEvent(System.Type managerType, object sender, System.EventArgs e); } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct LocalValueEntry { private object _dummy; public System.Windows.DependencyProperty Property { get { throw null; } } public object Value { get { throw null; } } public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static bool operator ==(System.Windows.LocalValueEntry obj1, System.Windows.LocalValueEntry obj2) { throw null; } public static bool operator !=(System.Windows.LocalValueEntry obj1, System.Windows.LocalValueEntry obj2) { throw null; } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct LocalValueEnumerator : System.Collections.IEnumerator { private object _dummy; private int _dummyPrimitive; public int Count { get { throw null; } } public System.Windows.LocalValueEntry Current { get { throw null; } } object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get { throw null; } } public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public bool MoveNext() { throw null; } public static bool operator ==(System.Windows.LocalValueEnumerator obj1, System.Windows.LocalValueEnumerator obj2) { throw null; } public static bool operator !=(System.Windows.LocalValueEnumerator obj1, System.Windows.LocalValueEnumerator obj2) { throw null; } public void Reset() { } } [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.PointConverter))] [System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializerAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.Converters.PointValueSerializer))] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct Point : System.IFormattable { private int _dummyPrimitive; public Point(double x, double y) { throw null; } public double X { get { throw null; } set { } } public double Y { get { throw null; } set { } } public static System.Windows.Point Add(System.Windows.Point point, System.Windows.Vector vector) { throw null; } public override bool Equals(object o) { throw null; } public bool Equals(System.Windows.Point value) { throw null; } public static bool Equals(System.Windows.Point point1, System.Windows.Point point2) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Point Multiply(System.Windows.Point point, System.Windows.Media.Matrix matrix) { throw null; } public void Offset(double offsetX, double offsetY) { } public static System.Windows.Point operator +(System.Windows.Point point, System.Windows.Vector vector) { throw null; } public static bool operator ==(System.Windows.Point point1, System.Windows.Point point2) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Windows.Size (System.Windows.Point point) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Windows.Vector (System.Windows.Point point) { throw null; } public static bool operator !=(System.Windows.Point point1, System.Windows.Point point2) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Point operator *(System.Windows.Point point, System.Windows.Media.Matrix matrix) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Vector operator -(System.Windows.Point point1, System.Windows.Point point2) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Point operator -(System.Windows.Point point, System.Windows.Vector vector) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Point Parse(string source) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Vector Subtract(System.Windows.Point point1, System.Windows.Point point2) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Point Subtract(System.Windows.Point point, System.Windows.Vector vector) { throw null; } string System.IFormattable.ToString(string format, System.IFormatProvider formatProvider) { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } public string ToString(System.IFormatProvider provider) { throw null; } } public sealed partial class PointConverter : System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter { public PointConverter() { } public override bool CanConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type sourceType) { throw null; } public override bool CanConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type destinationType) { throw null; } public override object ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value) { throw null; } public override object ConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value, System.Type destinationType) { throw null; } } public delegate void PropertyChangedCallback(System.Windows.DependencyObject d, System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e); public partial class PropertyMetadata { public PropertyMetadata() { } public PropertyMetadata(object defaultValue) { } public PropertyMetadata(object defaultValue, System.Windows.PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback) { } public PropertyMetadata(object defaultValue, System.Windows.PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback, System.Windows.CoerceValueCallback coerceValueCallback) { } public PropertyMetadata(System.Windows.PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback) { } public System.Windows.CoerceValueCallback CoerceValueCallback { get { throw null; } set { } } public object DefaultValue { get { throw null; } set { } } protected bool IsSealed { get { throw null; } } public System.Windows.PropertyChangedCallback PropertyChangedCallback { get { throw null; } set { } } protected virtual void Merge(System.Windows.PropertyMetadata baseMetadata, System.Windows.DependencyProperty dp) { } protected virtual void OnApply(System.Windows.DependencyProperty dp, System.Type targetType) { } } [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.RectConverter))] [System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializerAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.Converters.RectValueSerializer))] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct Rect : System.IFormattable { private int _dummyPrimitive; public Rect(double x, double y, double width, double height) { throw null; } public Rect(System.Windows.Point point1, System.Windows.Point point2) { throw null; } public Rect(System.Windows.Point location, System.Windows.Size size) { throw null; } public Rect(System.Windows.Point point, System.Windows.Vector vector) { throw null; } public Rect(System.Windows.Size size) { throw null; } public double Bottom { get { throw null; } } public System.Windows.Point BottomLeft { get { throw null; } } public System.Windows.Point BottomRight { get { throw null; } } public static System.Windows.Rect Empty { get { throw null; } } public double Height { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool IsEmpty { get { throw null; } } public double Left { get { throw null; } } public System.Windows.Point Location { get { throw null; } set { } } public double Right { get { throw null; } } public System.Windows.Size Size { get { throw null; } set { } } public double Top { get { throw null; } } public System.Windows.Point TopLeft { get { throw null; } } public System.Windows.Point TopRight { get { throw null; } } public double Width { get { throw null; } set { } } public double X { get { throw null; } set { } } public double Y { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool Contains(double x, double y) { throw null; } public bool Contains(System.Windows.Point point) { throw null; } public bool Contains(System.Windows.Rect rect) { throw null; } public override bool Equals(object o) { throw null; } public bool Equals(System.Windows.Rect value) { throw null; } public static bool Equals(System.Windows.Rect rect1, System.Windows.Rect rect2) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public void Inflate(double width, double height) { } public static System.Windows.Rect Inflate(System.Windows.Rect rect, double width, double height) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Rect Inflate(System.Windows.Rect rect, System.Windows.Size size) { throw null; } public void Inflate(System.Windows.Size size) { } public void Intersect(System.Windows.Rect rect) { } public static System.Windows.Rect Intersect(System.Windows.Rect rect1, System.Windows.Rect rect2) { throw null; } public bool IntersectsWith(System.Windows.Rect rect) { throw null; } public void Offset(double offsetX, double offsetY) { } public static System.Windows.Rect Offset(System.Windows.Rect rect, double offsetX, double offsetY) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Rect Offset(System.Windows.Rect rect, System.Windows.Vector offsetVector) { throw null; } public void Offset(System.Windows.Vector offsetVector) { } public static bool operator ==(System.Windows.Rect rect1, System.Windows.Rect rect2) { throw null; } public static bool operator !=(System.Windows.Rect rect1, System.Windows.Rect rect2) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Rect Parse(string source) { throw null; } public void Scale(double scaleX, double scaleY) { } string System.IFormattable.ToString(string format, System.IFormatProvider provider) { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } public string ToString(System.IFormatProvider provider) { throw null; } public void Transform(System.Windows.Media.Matrix matrix) { } public static System.Windows.Rect Transform(System.Windows.Rect rect, System.Windows.Media.Matrix matrix) { throw null; } public void Union(System.Windows.Point point) { } public void Union(System.Windows.Rect rect) { } public static System.Windows.Rect Union(System.Windows.Rect rect, System.Windows.Point point) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Rect Union(System.Windows.Rect rect1, System.Windows.Rect rect2) { throw null; } } public sealed partial class RectConverter : System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter { public RectConverter() { } public override bool CanConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type sourceType) { throw null; } public override bool CanConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type destinationType) { throw null; } public override object ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value) { throw null; } public override object ConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value, System.Type destinationType) { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.SizeConverter))] [System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializerAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.Converters.SizeValueSerializer))] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct Size : System.IFormattable { private int _dummyPrimitive; public Size(double width, double height) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Size Empty { get { throw null; } } public double Height { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool IsEmpty { get { throw null; } } public double Width { get { throw null; } set { } } public override bool Equals(object o) { throw null; } public bool Equals(System.Windows.Size value) { throw null; } public static bool Equals(System.Windows.Size size1, System.Windows.Size size2) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static bool operator ==(System.Windows.Size size1, System.Windows.Size size2) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Windows.Point (System.Windows.Size size) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Windows.Vector (System.Windows.Size size) { throw null; } public static bool operator !=(System.Windows.Size size1, System.Windows.Size size2) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Size Parse(string source) { throw null; } string System.IFormattable.ToString(string format, System.IFormatProvider provider) { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } public string ToString(System.IFormatProvider provider) { throw null; } } public sealed partial class SizeConverter : System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter { public SizeConverter() { } public override bool CanConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type sourceType) { throw null; } public override bool CanConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type destinationType) { throw null; } public override object ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value) { throw null; } public override object ConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value, System.Type destinationType) { throw null; } } public partial class SplashScreen { [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] public SplashScreen(System.Reflection.Assembly resourceAssembly, string resourceName) { } public SplashScreen(string resourceName) { } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] public void Close(System.TimeSpan fadeoutDuration) { } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] public void Show(bool autoClose) { } } public delegate bool ValidateValueCallback(object value); [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.VectorConverter))] [System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializerAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.Converters.VectorValueSerializer))] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct Vector : System.IFormattable { private int _dummyPrimitive; public Vector(double x, double y) { throw null; } public double Length { get { throw null; } } public double LengthSquared { get { throw null; } } public double X { get { throw null; } set { } } public double Y { get { throw null; } set { } } public static System.Windows.Point Add(System.Windows.Vector vector, System.Windows.Point point) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Vector Add(System.Windows.Vector vector1, System.Windows.Vector vector2) { throw null; } public static double AngleBetween(System.Windows.Vector vector1, System.Windows.Vector vector2) { throw null; } public static double CrossProduct(System.Windows.Vector vector1, System.Windows.Vector vector2) { throw null; } public static double Determinant(System.Windows.Vector vector1, System.Windows.Vector vector2) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Vector Divide(System.Windows.Vector vector, double scalar) { throw null; } public override bool Equals(object o) { throw null; } public bool Equals(System.Windows.Vector value) { throw null; } public static bool Equals(System.Windows.Vector vector1, System.Windows.Vector vector2) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Vector Multiply(double scalar, System.Windows.Vector vector) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Vector Multiply(System.Windows.Vector vector, double scalar) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Vector Multiply(System.Windows.Vector vector, System.Windows.Media.Matrix matrix) { throw null; } public static double Multiply(System.Windows.Vector vector1, System.Windows.Vector vector2) { throw null; } public void Negate() { } public void Normalize() { } public static System.Windows.Point operator +(System.Windows.Vector vector, System.Windows.Point point) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Vector operator +(System.Windows.Vector vector1, System.Windows.Vector vector2) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Vector operator /(System.Windows.Vector vector, double scalar) { throw null; } public static bool operator ==(System.Windows.Vector vector1, System.Windows.Vector vector2) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Windows.Point (System.Windows.Vector vector) { throw null; } public static explicit operator System.Windows.Size (System.Windows.Vector vector) { throw null; } public static bool operator !=(System.Windows.Vector vector1, System.Windows.Vector vector2) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Vector operator *(double scalar, System.Windows.Vector vector) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Vector operator *(System.Windows.Vector vector, double scalar) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Vector operator *(System.Windows.Vector vector, System.Windows.Media.Matrix matrix) { throw null; } public static double operator *(System.Windows.Vector vector1, System.Windows.Vector vector2) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Vector operator -(System.Windows.Vector vector1, System.Windows.Vector vector2) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Vector operator -(System.Windows.Vector vector) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Vector Parse(string source) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Vector Subtract(System.Windows.Vector vector1, System.Windows.Vector vector2) { throw null; } string System.IFormattable.ToString(string format, System.IFormatProvider provider) { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } public string ToString(System.IFormatProvider provider) { throw null; } } public sealed partial class VectorConverter : System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter { public VectorConverter() { } public override bool CanConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type sourceType) { throw null; } public override bool CanConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type destinationType) { throw null; } public override object ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value) { throw null; } public override object ConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value, System.Type destinationType) { throw null; } } public abstract partial class WeakEventManager : System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject { protected WeakEventManager() { } protected object this[object source] { get { throw null; } set { } } protected System.IDisposable ReadLock { get { throw null; } } protected System.IDisposable WriteLock { get { throw null; } } protected void DeliverEvent(object sender, System.EventArgs args) { } protected void DeliverEventToList(object sender, System.EventArgs args, System.Windows.WeakEventManager.ListenerList list) { } protected static System.Windows.WeakEventManager GetCurrentManager(System.Type managerType) { throw null; } protected void ProtectedAddListener(object source, System.Windows.IWeakEventListener listener) { } protected void ProtectedRemoveListener(object source, System.Windows.IWeakEventListener listener) { } protected virtual bool Purge(object source, object data, bool purgeAll) { throw null; } protected void Remove(object source) { } protected void ScheduleCleanup() { } protected static void SetCurrentManager(System.Type managerType, System.Windows.WeakEventManager manager) { } protected abstract void StartListening(object source); protected abstract void StopListening(object source); protected partial class ListenerList { public ListenerList() { } public ListenerList(int capacity) { } public int Count { get { throw null; } } public static System.Windows.WeakEventManager.ListenerList Empty { get { throw null; } } public bool IsEmpty { get { throw null; } } public System.Windows.IWeakEventListener this[int index] { get { throw null; } } public void Add(System.Windows.IWeakEventListener listener) { } public bool BeginUse() { throw null; } public System.Windows.WeakEventManager.ListenerList Clone() { throw null; } public void EndUse() { } public static bool PrepareForWriting(ref System.Windows.WeakEventManager.ListenerList list) { throw null; } public bool Purge() { throw null; } public void Remove(System.Windows.IWeakEventListener listener) { } } } } namespace System.Windows.Converters { public partial class Int32RectValueSerializer : System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializer { public Int32RectValueSerializer() { } public override bool CanConvertFromString(string value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override bool CanConvertToString(object value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override object ConvertFromString(string value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override string ConvertToString(object value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } } public partial class PointValueSerializer : System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializer { public PointValueSerializer() { } public override bool CanConvertFromString(string value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override bool CanConvertToString(object value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override object ConvertFromString(string value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override string ConvertToString(object value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } } public partial class RectValueSerializer : System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializer { public RectValueSerializer() { } public override bool CanConvertFromString(string value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override bool CanConvertToString(object value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override object ConvertFromString(string value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override string ConvertToString(object value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } } public partial class SizeValueSerializer : System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializer { public SizeValueSerializer() { } public override bool CanConvertFromString(string value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override bool CanConvertToString(object value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override object ConvertFromString(string value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override string ConvertToString(object value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } } public partial class VectorValueSerializer : System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializer { public VectorValueSerializer() { } public override bool CanConvertFromString(string value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override bool CanConvertToString(object value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override object ConvertFromString(string value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override string ConvertToString(object value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } } } namespace System.Windows.Data { public abstract partial class DataSourceProvider : System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize { protected DataSourceProvider() { } [System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute(System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public object Data { get { throw null; } } protected System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher Dispatcher { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Exception Error { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute(true)] public bool IsInitialLoadEnabled { get { throw null; } set { } } protected bool IsRefreshDeferred { get { throw null; } } public event System.EventHandler DataChanged { add { } remove { } } protected virtual event System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged { add { } remove { } } event System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged { add { } remove { } } protected virtual void BeginInit() { } protected virtual void BeginQuery() { } public virtual System.IDisposable DeferRefresh() { throw null; } protected virtual void EndInit() { } public void InitialLoad() { } protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { } protected void OnQueryFinished(object newData) { } protected virtual void OnQueryFinished(object newData, System.Exception error, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperationCallback completionWork, object callbackArguments) { } public void Refresh() { } void System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize.BeginInit() { } void System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize.EndInit() { } } } namespace System.Windows.Input { public enum FocusNavigationDirection { Down = 7, First = 2, Last = 3, Left = 4, Next = 0, Previous = 1, Right = 5, Up = 6, } [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.Input.KeyConverter))] [System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializerAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.Input.KeyValueSerializer))] public enum Key { A = 44, AbntC1 = 147, AbntC2 = 148, Add = 85, Apps = 72, Attn = 163, B = 45, Back = 2, BrowserBack = 122, BrowserFavorites = 127, BrowserForward = 123, BrowserHome = 128, BrowserRefresh = 124, BrowserSearch = 126, BrowserStop = 125, C = 46, Cancel = 1, Capital = 8, CapsLock = 8, Clear = 5, CrSel = 164, D = 47, D0 = 34, D1 = 35, D2 = 36, D3 = 37, D4 = 38, D5 = 39, D6 = 40, D7 = 41, D8 = 42, D9 = 43, DbeAlphanumeric = 157, DbeCodeInput = 167, DbeDbcsChar = 161, DbeDetermineString = 169, DbeEnterDialogConversionMode = 170, DbeEnterImeConfigureMode = 165, DbeEnterWordRegisterMode = 164, DbeFlushString = 166, DbeHiragana = 159, DbeKatakana = 158, DbeNoCodeInput = 168, DbeNoRoman = 163, DbeRoman = 162, DbeSbcsChar = 160, DeadCharProcessed = 172, Decimal = 88, Delete = 32, Divide = 89, Down = 26, E = 48, End = 21, Enter = 6, EraseEof = 166, Escape = 13, Execute = 29, ExSel = 165, F = 49, F1 = 90, F10 = 99, F11 = 100, F12 = 101, F13 = 102, F14 = 103, F15 = 104, F16 = 105, F17 = 106, F18 = 107, F19 = 108, F2 = 91, F20 = 109, F21 = 110, F22 = 111, F23 = 112, F24 = 113, F3 = 92, F4 = 93, F5 = 94, F6 = 95, F7 = 96, F8 = 97, F9 = 98, FinalMode = 11, G = 50, H = 51, HangulMode = 9, HanjaMode = 12, Help = 33, Home = 22, I = 52, ImeAccept = 16, ImeConvert = 14, ImeModeChange = 17, ImeNonConvert = 15, ImeProcessed = 155, Insert = 31, J = 53, JunjaMode = 10, K = 54, KanaMode = 9, KanjiMode = 12, L = 55, LaunchApplication1 = 138, LaunchApplication2 = 139, LaunchMail = 136, Left = 23, LeftAlt = 120, LeftCtrl = 118, LeftShift = 116, LineFeed = 4, LWin = 70, M = 56, MediaNextTrack = 132, MediaPlayPause = 135, MediaPreviousTrack = 133, MediaStop = 134, Multiply = 84, N = 57, Next = 20, NoName = 169, None = 0, NumLock = 114, NumPad0 = 74, NumPad1 = 75, NumPad2 = 76, NumPad3 = 77, NumPad4 = 78, NumPad5 = 79, NumPad6 = 80, NumPad7 = 81, NumPad8 = 82, NumPad9 = 83, O = 58, Oem1 = 140, Oem102 = 154, Oem2 = 145, Oem3 = 146, Oem4 = 149, Oem5 = 150, Oem6 = 151, Oem7 = 152, Oem8 = 153, OemAttn = 157, OemAuto = 160, OemBackslash = 154, OemBackTab = 162, OemClear = 171, OemCloseBrackets = 151, OemComma = 142, OemCopy = 159, OemEnlw = 161, OemFinish = 158, OemMinus = 143, OemOpenBrackets = 149, OemPeriod = 144, OemPipe = 150, OemPlus = 141, OemQuestion = 145, OemQuotes = 152, OemSemicolon = 140, OemTilde = 146, P = 59, Pa1 = 170, PageDown = 20, PageUp = 19, Pause = 7, Play = 167, Print = 28, PrintScreen = 30, Prior = 19, Q = 60, R = 61, Return = 6, Right = 25, RightAlt = 121, RightCtrl = 119, RightShift = 117, RWin = 71, S = 62, Scroll = 115, Select = 27, SelectMedia = 137, Separator = 86, Sleep = 73, Snapshot = 30, Space = 18, Subtract = 87, System = 156, T = 63, Tab = 3, U = 64, Up = 24, V = 65, VolumeDown = 130, VolumeMute = 129, VolumeUp = 131, W = 66, X = 67, Y = 68, Z = 69, Zoom = 168, } public partial class KeyConverter : System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter { public KeyConverter() { } public override bool CanConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type sourceType) { throw null; } public override bool CanConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type destinationType) { throw null; } public override object ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object source) { throw null; } public override object ConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value, System.Type destinationType) { throw null; } } public static partial class KeyInterop { public static System.Windows.Input.Key KeyFromVirtualKey(int virtualKey) { throw null; } public static int VirtualKeyFromKey(System.Windows.Input.Key key) { throw null; } } public partial class KeyValueSerializer : System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializer { public KeyValueSerializer() { } public override bool CanConvertFromString(string value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override bool CanConvertToString(object value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override object ConvertFromString(string value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override string ConvertToString(object value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.Input.ModifierKeysConverter))] [System.FlagsAttribute] [System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializerAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.Input.ModifierKeysValueSerializer))] public enum ModifierKeys { Alt = 1, Control = 2, None = 0, Shift = 4, Windows = 8, } public partial class ModifierKeysConverter : System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter { public ModifierKeysConverter() { } public override bool CanConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type sourceType) { throw null; } public override bool CanConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type destinationType) { throw null; } public override object ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object source) { throw null; } public override object ConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value, System.Type destinationType) { throw null; } public static bool IsDefinedModifierKeys(System.Windows.Input.ModifierKeys modifierKeys) { throw null; } } public partial class ModifierKeysValueSerializer : System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializer { public ModifierKeysValueSerializer() { } public override bool CanConvertFromString(string value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override bool CanConvertToString(object value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override object ConvertFromString(string value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override string ConvertToString(object value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } } public partial class TraversalRequest { public TraversalRequest(System.Windows.Input.FocusNavigationDirection focusNavigationDirection) { } public System.Windows.Input.FocusNavigationDirection FocusNavigationDirection { get { throw null; } } public bool Wrapped { get { throw null; } set { } } } } namespace System.Windows.Interop { public static partial class ComponentDispatcher { public static System.Windows.Interop.MSG CurrentKeyboardMessage { [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]get { throw null; } } public static bool IsThreadModal { [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]get { throw null; } } public static event System.EventHandler EnterThreadModal { add { } remove { } } public static event System.EventHandler LeaveThreadModal { add { } remove { } } public static event System.Windows.Interop.ThreadMessageEventHandler ThreadFilterMessage { add { } remove { } } public static event System.EventHandler ThreadIdle { add { } remove { } } public static event System.Windows.Interop.ThreadMessageEventHandler ThreadPreprocessMessage { add { } remove { } } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] public static void PopModal() { } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] public static void PushModal() { } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] public static void RaiseIdle() { } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] public static bool RaiseThreadMessage(ref System.Windows.Interop.MSG msg) { throw null; } } public partial interface IKeyboardInputSink { System.Windows.Interop.IKeyboardInputSite KeyboardInputSite { get; [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]set; } bool HasFocusWithin(); [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] bool OnMnemonic(ref System.Windows.Interop.MSG msg, System.Windows.Input.ModifierKeys modifiers); [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] System.Windows.Interop.IKeyboardInputSite RegisterKeyboardInputSink(System.Windows.Interop.IKeyboardInputSink sink); bool TabInto(System.Windows.Input.TraversalRequest request); [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] bool TranslateAccelerator(ref System.Windows.Interop.MSG msg, System.Windows.Input.ModifierKeys modifiers); [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] bool TranslateChar(ref System.Windows.Interop.MSG msg, System.Windows.Input.ModifierKeys modifiers); } public partial interface IKeyboardInputSite { System.Windows.Interop.IKeyboardInputSink Sink { get; } bool OnNoMoreTabStops(System.Windows.Input.TraversalRequest request); [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] void Unregister(); } [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential, Size=1)] public partial struct MSG { public System.IntPtr hwnd { [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]set { } } public System.IntPtr lParam { [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]set { } } public int message { [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]set { } } public int pt_x { [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]set { } } public int pt_y { [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]set { } } public int time { [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]set { } } public System.IntPtr wParam { [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]set { } } } public delegate void ThreadMessageEventHandler(ref System.Windows.Interop.MSG msg, ref bool handled); } namespace System.Windows.Markup { [System.FlagsAttribute] public enum DesignerSerializationOptions { SerializeAsAttribute = 1, } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute(System.AttributeTargets.Field | System.AttributeTargets.Method | System.AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple=false)] public sealed partial class DesignerSerializationOptionsAttribute : System.Attribute { public DesignerSerializationOptionsAttribute(System.Windows.Markup.DesignerSerializationOptions designerSerializationOptions) { } public System.Windows.Markup.DesignerSerializationOptions DesignerSerializationOptions { get { throw null; } } } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public abstract partial class InternalTypeHelper { protected InternalTypeHelper() { } protected internal abstract void AddEventHandler(System.Reflection.EventInfo eventInfo, object target, System.Delegate handler); protected internal abstract System.Delegate CreateDelegate(System.Type delegateType, object target, string handler); protected internal abstract object CreateInstance(System.Type type, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture); protected internal abstract object GetPropertyValue(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyInfo, object target, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture); protected internal abstract void SetPropertyValue(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyInfo, object target, object value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture); } public partial interface IReceiveMarkupExtension { void ReceiveMarkupExtension(string property, System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtension markupExtension, System.IServiceProvider serviceProvider); } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public partial class ServiceProviders : System.IServiceProvider { public ServiceProviders() { } public void AddService(System.Type serviceType, object service) { } public object GetService(System.Type serviceType) { throw null; } } } namespace System.Windows.Markup.Primitives { public abstract partial class MarkupObject { internal MarkupObject() { } public abstract System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection Attributes { get; } public abstract object Instance { get; } public abstract System.Type ObjectType { get; } public virtual System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Properties { get { throw null; } } public abstract void AssignRootContext(System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context); } public abstract partial class MarkupProperty { internal MarkupProperty() { } public abstract System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection Attributes { get; } public virtual System.Windows.DependencyProperty DependencyProperty { get { throw null; } } public virtual bool IsAttached { get { throw null; } } public virtual bool IsComposite { get { throw null; } } public virtual bool IsConstructorArgument { get { throw null; } } public virtual bool IsContent { get { throw null; } } public virtual bool IsKey { get { throw null; } } public virtual bool IsValueAsString { get { throw null; } } public abstract System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Items { get; } public abstract string Name { get; } public virtual System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor { get { throw null; } } public abstract System.Type PropertyType { get; } public abstract string StringValue { get; } public abstract System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable TypeReferences { get; } public abstract object Value { get; } } } namespace System.Windows.Media { [System.AttributeUsageAttribute(System.AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple=false)] public sealed partial class DisableDpiAwarenessAttribute : System.Attribute { public DisableDpiAwarenessAttribute() { } } [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.Media.MatrixConverter))] [System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializerAttribute(typeof(System.Windows.Media.Converters.MatrixValueSerializer))] [System.SerializableAttribute] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public partial struct Matrix : System.IFormattable { private int _dummyPrimitive; public Matrix(double m11, double m12, double m21, double m22, double offsetX, double offsetY) { throw null; } public double Determinant { get { throw null; } } public bool HasInverse { get { throw null; } } public static System.Windows.Media.Matrix Identity { get { throw null; } } public bool IsIdentity { get { throw null; } } public double M11 { get { throw null; } set { } } public double M12 { get { throw null; } set { } } public double M21 { get { throw null; } set { } } public double M22 { get { throw null; } set { } } public double OffsetX { get { throw null; } set { } } public double OffsetY { get { throw null; } set { } } public void Append(System.Windows.Media.Matrix matrix) { } public override bool Equals(object o) { throw null; } public bool Equals(System.Windows.Media.Matrix value) { throw null; } public static bool Equals(System.Windows.Media.Matrix matrix1, System.Windows.Media.Matrix matrix2) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public void Invert() { } public static System.Windows.Media.Matrix Multiply(System.Windows.Media.Matrix trans1, System.Windows.Media.Matrix trans2) { throw null; } public static bool operator ==(System.Windows.Media.Matrix matrix1, System.Windows.Media.Matrix matrix2) { throw null; } public static bool operator !=(System.Windows.Media.Matrix matrix1, System.Windows.Media.Matrix matrix2) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Media.Matrix operator *(System.Windows.Media.Matrix trans1, System.Windows.Media.Matrix trans2) { throw null; } public static System.Windows.Media.Matrix Parse(string source) { throw null; } public void Prepend(System.Windows.Media.Matrix matrix) { } public void Rotate(double angle) { } public void RotateAt(double angle, double centerX, double centerY) { } public void RotateAtPrepend(double angle, double centerX, double centerY) { } public void RotatePrepend(double angle) { } public void Scale(double scaleX, double scaleY) { } public void ScaleAt(double scaleX, double scaleY, double centerX, double centerY) { } public void ScaleAtPrepend(double scaleX, double scaleY, double centerX, double centerY) { } public void ScalePrepend(double scaleX, double scaleY) { } public void SetIdentity() { } public void Skew(double skewX, double skewY) { } public void SkewPrepend(double skewX, double skewY) { } string System.IFormattable.ToString(string format, System.IFormatProvider provider) { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } public string ToString(System.IFormatProvider provider) { throw null; } public System.Windows.Point Transform(System.Windows.Point point) { throw null; } public void Transform(System.Windows.Point[] points) { } public System.Windows.Vector Transform(System.Windows.Vector vector) { throw null; } public void Transform(System.Windows.Vector[] vectors) { } public void Translate(double offsetX, double offsetY) { } public void TranslatePrepend(double offsetX, double offsetY) { } } public sealed partial class MatrixConverter : System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter { public MatrixConverter() { } public override bool CanConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type sourceType) { throw null; } public override bool CanConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Type destinationType) { throw null; } public override object ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value) { throw null; } public override object ConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value, System.Type destinationType) { throw null; } } } namespace System.Windows.Media.Converters { public partial class MatrixValueSerializer : System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializer { public MatrixValueSerializer() { } public override bool CanConvertFromString(string value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override bool CanConvertToString(object value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override object ConvertFromString(string value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } public override string ConvertToString(object value, System.Windows.Markup.IValueSerializerContext context) { throw null; } } } namespace System.Windows.Threading { public sealed partial class Dispatcher { internal Dispatcher() { } public static System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher CurrentDispatcher { get { throw null; } } public bool HasShutdownFinished { get { throw null; } } public bool HasShutdownStarted { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] public System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherHooks Hooks { [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]get { throw null; } } public System.Threading.Thread Thread { get { throw null; } } public event System.EventHandler ShutdownFinished { add { } remove { } } public event System.EventHandler ShutdownStarted { add { } remove { } } public event System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventHandler UnhandledException { add { } remove { } } public event System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherUnhandledExceptionFilterEventHandler UnhandledExceptionFilter { add { } remove { } } public System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation BeginInvoke(System.Delegate method, params object[] args) { throw null; } public System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation BeginInvoke(System.Delegate method, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority, params object[] args) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation BeginInvoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority, System.Delegate method) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation BeginInvoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority, System.Delegate method, object arg) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation BeginInvoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority, System.Delegate method, object arg, params object[] args) { throw null; } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] public void BeginInvokeShutdown(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority) { } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public bool CheckAccess() { throw null; } public System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherProcessingDisabled DisableProcessing() { throw null; } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] public static void ExitAllFrames() { } public static System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher FromThread(System.Threading.Thread thread) { throw null; } public object Invoke(System.Delegate method, params object[] args) { throw null; } public object Invoke(System.Delegate method, System.TimeSpan timeout, params object[] args) { throw null; } public object Invoke(System.Delegate method, System.TimeSpan timeout, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority, params object[] args) { throw null; } public object Invoke(System.Delegate method, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority, params object[] args) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public object Invoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority, System.Delegate method) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public object Invoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority, System.Delegate method, object arg) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public object Invoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority, System.Delegate method, object arg, params object[] args) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public object Invoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority, System.TimeSpan timeout, System.Delegate method) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public object Invoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority, System.TimeSpan timeout, System.Delegate method, object arg) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false)] [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public object Invoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority, System.TimeSpan timeout, System.Delegate method, object arg, params object[] args) { throw null; } public System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation InvokeAsync(System.Action callback) { throw null; } public System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation InvokeAsync(System.Action callback, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority) { throw null; } public System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation InvokeAsync(System.Action callback, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] public void InvokeShutdown() { } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] public static void PushFrame(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherFrame frame) { } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] public static void Run() { } public static void ValidatePriority(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority, string parameterName) { } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public void VerifyAccess() { } } public partial class DispatcherEventArgs : System.EventArgs { internal DispatcherEventArgs() { } public System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher Dispatcher { get { throw null; } } } public partial class DispatcherFrame : System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject { public DispatcherFrame() { } public DispatcherFrame(bool exitWhenRequested) { } public bool Continue { get { throw null; } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute]set { } } } public sealed partial class DispatcherHookEventArgs : System.EventArgs { public DispatcherHookEventArgs(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation operation) { } public System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher Dispatcher { get { throw null; } } public System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation Operation { get { throw null; } } } public delegate void DispatcherHookEventHandler(object sender, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherHookEventArgs e); public sealed partial class DispatcherHooks { internal DispatcherHooks() { } public event System.EventHandler DispatcherInactive { add { } remove { } } public event System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherHookEventHandler OperationAborted { add { } remove { } } public event System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherHookEventHandler OperationCompleted { add { } remove { } } public event System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherHookEventHandler OperationPosted { add { } remove { } } public event System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherHookEventHandler OperationPriorityChanged { add { } remove { } } } public abstract partial class DispatcherObject { protected DispatcherObject() { } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher Dispatcher { get { throw null; } } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public bool CheckAccess() { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public void VerifyAccess() { } } public sealed partial class DispatcherOperation { internal DispatcherOperation() { } public System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher Dispatcher { get { throw null; } } public System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority Priority { get { throw null; } set { } } public object Result { get { throw null; } } public System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperationStatus Status { get { throw null; } } public System.Threading.Tasks.Task Task { get { throw null; } } public event System.EventHandler Aborted { add { } remove { } } public event System.EventHandler Completed { add { } remove { } } public bool Abort() { throw null; } public System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperationStatus Wait() { throw null; } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] public System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperationStatus Wait(System.TimeSpan timeout) { throw null; } } public delegate object DispatcherOperationCallback(object arg); public enum DispatcherOperationStatus { Aborted = 1, Completed = 2, Executing = 3, Pending = 0, } public enum DispatcherPriority { ApplicationIdle = 2, Background = 4, ContextIdle = 3, DataBind = 8, Inactive = 0, Input = 5, Invalid = -1, Loaded = 6, Normal = 9, Render = 7, Send = 10, SystemIdle = 1, } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential, Size=1)] public partial struct DispatcherProcessingDisabled : System.IDisposable { public void Dispose() { } public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static bool operator ==(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherProcessingDisabled left, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherProcessingDisabled right) { throw null; } public static bool operator !=(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherProcessingDisabled left, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherProcessingDisabled right) { throw null; } } public sealed partial class DispatcherSynchronizationContext : System.Threading.SynchronizationContext { public DispatcherSynchronizationContext() { } public DispatcherSynchronizationContext(System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher dispatcher) { } public override System.Threading.SynchronizationContext CreateCopy() { throw null; } public override void Post(System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback d, object state) { } public override void Send(System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback d, object state) { } [System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute] public override int Wait(System.IntPtr[] waitHandles, bool waitAll, int millisecondsTimeout) { throw null; } } public partial class DispatcherTimer { public DispatcherTimer() { } public DispatcherTimer(System.TimeSpan interval, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority, System.EventHandler callback, System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher dispatcher) { } public DispatcherTimer(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority) { } public DispatcherTimer(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority priority, System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher dispatcher) { } public System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher Dispatcher { get { throw null; } } public System.TimeSpan Interval { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool IsEnabled { get { throw null; } set { } } public object Tag { get { throw null; } set { } } public event System.EventHandler Tick { add { } remove { } } public void Start() { } public void Stop() { } } public sealed partial class DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs : System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherEventArgs { internal DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs() { } public System.Exception Exception { get { throw null; } } public bool Handled { get { throw null; } set { } } } public delegate void DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventHandler(object sender, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e); public sealed partial class DispatcherUnhandledExceptionFilterEventArgs : System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherEventArgs { internal DispatcherUnhandledExceptionFilterEventArgs() { } public System.Exception Exception { get { throw null; } } public bool RequestCatch { get { throw null; } set { } } } public delegate void DispatcherUnhandledExceptionFilterEventHandler(object sender, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherUnhandledExceptionFilterEventArgs e); }