//------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.Runtime { using System; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; class BufferedOutputStream : Stream { [Fx.Tag.Cache(typeof(byte), Fx.Tag.CacheAttrition.None, Scope = Fx.Tag.Strings.ExternallyManaged, SizeLimit = Fx.Tag.Strings.ExternallyManaged)] InternalBufferManager bufferManager; [Fx.Tag.Queue(typeof(byte), SizeLimit = "BufferedOutputStream(maxSize)", StaleElementsRemovedImmediately = true, EnqueueThrowsIfFull = true)] byte[][] chunks; int chunkCount; byte[] currentChunk; int currentChunkSize; int maxSize; int maxSizeQuota; int totalSize; bool callerReturnsBuffer; bool bufferReturned; bool initialized; // requires an explicit call to Init() by the caller public BufferedOutputStream() { this.chunks = new byte[4][]; } public BufferedOutputStream(int initialSize, int maxSize, InternalBufferManager bufferManager) : this() { Reinitialize(initialSize, maxSize, bufferManager); } public BufferedOutputStream(int maxSize) : this(0, maxSize, InternalBufferManager.Create(0, int.MaxValue)) { } public override bool CanRead { get { return false; } } public override bool CanSeek { get { return false; } } public override bool CanWrite { get { return true; } } public override long Length { get { return this.totalSize; } } public override long Position { get { throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new NotSupportedException(InternalSR.SeekNotSupported)); } set { throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new NotSupportedException(InternalSR.SeekNotSupported)); } } public void Reinitialize(int initialSize, int maxSizeQuota, InternalBufferManager bufferManager) { Reinitialize(initialSize, maxSizeQuota, maxSizeQuota, bufferManager); } public void Reinitialize(int initialSize, int maxSizeQuota, int effectiveMaxSize, InternalBufferManager bufferManager) { Fx.Assert(!this.initialized, "Clear must be called before re-initializing stream"); this.maxSizeQuota = maxSizeQuota; this.maxSize = effectiveMaxSize; this.bufferManager = bufferManager; this.currentChunk = bufferManager.TakeBuffer(initialSize); this.currentChunkSize = 0; this.totalSize = 0; this.chunkCount = 1; this.chunks[0] = this.currentChunk; this.initialized = true; } void AllocNextChunk(int minimumChunkSize) { int newChunkSize; if (this.currentChunk.Length > (int.MaxValue / 2)) { newChunkSize = int.MaxValue; } else { newChunkSize = this.currentChunk.Length * 2; } if (minimumChunkSize > newChunkSize) { newChunkSize = minimumChunkSize; } byte[] newChunk = this.bufferManager.TakeBuffer(newChunkSize); if (this.chunkCount == this.chunks.Length) { byte[][] newChunks = new byte[this.chunks.Length * 2][]; Array.Copy(this.chunks, newChunks, this.chunks.Length); this.chunks = newChunks; } this.chunks[this.chunkCount++] = newChunk; this.currentChunk = newChunk; this.currentChunkSize = 0; } public override IAsyncResult BeginRead(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new NotSupportedException(InternalSR.ReadNotSupported)); } public override int EndRead(IAsyncResult result) { throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new NotSupportedException(InternalSR.ReadNotSupported)); } public override IAsyncResult BeginWrite(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { Write(buffer, offset, size); return new CompletedAsyncResult(callback, state); } public override void EndWrite(IAsyncResult result) { CompletedAsyncResult.End(result); } public void Clear() { if (!this.callerReturnsBuffer) { for (int i = 0; i < this.chunkCount; i++) { this.bufferManager.ReturnBuffer(this.chunks[i]); this.chunks[i] = null; } } this.callerReturnsBuffer = false; this.initialized = false; this.bufferReturned = false; this.chunkCount = 0; this.currentChunk = null; } public override void Close() { } public override void Flush() { } public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size) { throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new NotSupportedException(InternalSR.ReadNotSupported)); } public override int ReadByte() { throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new NotSupportedException(InternalSR.ReadNotSupported)); } public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin) { throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new NotSupportedException(InternalSR.SeekNotSupported)); } public override void SetLength(long value) { throw Fx.Exception.AsError(new NotSupportedException(InternalSR.SeekNotSupported)); } public MemoryStream ToMemoryStream() { int bufferSize; byte[] buffer = ToArray(out bufferSize); return new MemoryStream(buffer, 0, bufferSize); } public byte[] ToArray(out int bufferSize) { Fx.Assert(this.initialized, "No data to return from uninitialized stream"); Fx.Assert(!this.bufferReturned, "ToArray cannot be called more than once"); byte[] buffer; if (this.chunkCount == 1) { buffer = this.currentChunk; bufferSize = this.currentChunkSize; this.callerReturnsBuffer = true; } else { buffer = this.bufferManager.TakeBuffer(this.totalSize); int offset = 0; int count = this.chunkCount - 1; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { byte[] chunk = this.chunks[i]; Buffer.BlockCopy(chunk, 0, buffer, offset, chunk.Length); offset += chunk.Length; } Buffer.BlockCopy(this.currentChunk, 0, buffer, offset, this.currentChunkSize); bufferSize = this.totalSize; } this.bufferReturned = true; return buffer; } public void Skip(int size) { WriteCore(null, 0, size); } public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size) { WriteCore(buffer, offset, size); } protected virtual Exception CreateQuotaExceededException(int maxSizeQuota) { return new InvalidOperationException(InternalSR.BufferedOutputStreamQuotaExceeded(maxSizeQuota)); } void WriteCore(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size) { Fx.Assert(this.initialized, "Cannot write to uninitialized stream"); Fx.Assert(!this.bufferReturned, "Cannot write to stream once ToArray has been called."); if (size < 0) { throw Fx.Exception.ArgumentOutOfRange("size", size, InternalSR.ValueMustBeNonNegative); } if ((int.MaxValue - size) < this.totalSize) { throw Fx.Exception.AsError(CreateQuotaExceededException(this.maxSizeQuota)); } int newTotalSize = this.totalSize + size; if (newTotalSize > this.maxSize) { throw Fx.Exception.AsError(CreateQuotaExceededException(this.maxSizeQuota)); } int remainingSizeInChunk = this.currentChunk.Length - this.currentChunkSize; if (size > remainingSizeInChunk) { if (remainingSizeInChunk > 0) { if (buffer != null) { Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, offset, this.currentChunk, this.currentChunkSize, remainingSizeInChunk); } this.currentChunkSize = this.currentChunk.Length; offset += remainingSizeInChunk; size -= remainingSizeInChunk; } AllocNextChunk(size); } if (buffer != null) { Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, offset, this.currentChunk, this.currentChunkSize, size); } this.totalSize = newTotalSize; this.currentChunkSize += size; } public override void WriteByte(byte value) { Fx.Assert(this.initialized, "Cannot write to uninitialized stream"); Fx.Assert(!this.bufferReturned, "Cannot write to stream once ToArray has been called."); if (this.totalSize == this.maxSize) { throw Fx.Exception.AsError(CreateQuotaExceededException(this.maxSize)); } if (this.currentChunkSize == this.currentChunk.Length) { AllocNextChunk(1); } this.currentChunk[this.currentChunkSize++] = value; } } }