// // MonoTests.System.Xml.XPathNavigatorCommonTests // // Author: // Atsushi Enomoto // // (C) 2003 Atsushi Enomoto // using System; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.XPath; using NUnit.Framework; namespace MonoTests.System.Xml { [TestFixture] public class XPathNavigatorCommonTests { XmlDocument document; XPathNavigator nav; XPathDocument xpathDocument; [SetUp] public void GetReady () { document = new XmlDocument (); } private XPathNavigator GetXmlDocumentNavigator (string xml) { document.LoadXml (xml); return document.CreateNavigator (); } private XPathNavigator GetXPathDocumentNavigator (XmlNode node) { XmlNodeReader xr = new XmlNodeReader (node); xpathDocument = new XPathDocument (xr); return xpathDocument.CreateNavigator (); } private XPathNavigator GetXPathDocumentNavigator (XmlNode node, XmlSpace space) { XmlNodeReader xr = new XmlNodeReader (node); xpathDocument = new XPathDocument (xr, space); return xpathDocument.CreateNavigator (); } private void AssertNavigator (string label, XPathNavigator nav, XPathNodeType type, string prefix, string localName, string ns, string name, string value, bool hasAttributes, bool hasChildren, bool isEmptyElement) { label += nav.GetType (); Assert.AreEqual (type, nav.NodeType, label + "NodeType"); Assert.AreEqual (prefix, nav.Prefix, label + "Prefix"); Assert.AreEqual (localName, nav.LocalName, label + "LocalName"); Assert.AreEqual (ns, nav.NamespaceURI, label + "Namespace"); Assert.AreEqual (name, nav.Name, label + "Name"); Assert.AreEqual (value, nav.Value, label + "Value"); Assert.AreEqual (hasAttributes, nav.HasAttributes, label + "HasAttributes"); Assert.AreEqual (hasChildren, nav.HasChildren, label + "HasChildren"); Assert.AreEqual (isEmptyElement, nav.IsEmptyElement, label + "IsEmptyElement"); } [Test] public void DocumentWithXmlDeclaration () { string xml = "bar"; nav = GetXmlDocumentNavigator (xml); DocumentWithXmlDeclaration (nav); nav = GetXPathDocumentNavigator (document); DocumentWithXmlDeclaration (nav); } public void DocumentWithXmlDeclaration (XPathNavigator nav) { nav.MoveToFirstChild (); AssertNavigator ("#1", nav, XPathNodeType.Element, "", "foo", "", "foo", "bar", false, true, false); } [Test] public void DocumentWithProcessingInstruction () { string xml = ""; nav = GetXmlDocumentNavigator (xml); DocumentWithProcessingInstruction (nav); nav = GetXPathDocumentNavigator (document); DocumentWithProcessingInstruction (nav); } public void DocumentWithProcessingInstruction (XPathNavigator nav) { Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFirstChild ()); AssertNavigator ("#1", nav, XPathNodeType.ProcessingInstruction, "", "xml-stylesheet", "", "xml-stylesheet", "href='foo.xsl' type='text/xsl' ", false, false, false); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToFirstChild ()); } [Test] public void XmlRootElementOnly () { string xml = ""; nav = GetXmlDocumentNavigator (xml); XmlRootElementOnly (nav); nav = GetXPathDocumentNavigator (document); XmlRootElementOnly (nav); } private void XmlRootElementOnly (XPathNavigator nav) { AssertNavigator ("#1", nav, XPathNodeType.Root, "", "", "", "", "", false, true, false); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFirstChild ()); AssertNavigator ("#2", nav, XPathNodeType.Element, "", "foo", "", "foo", "", false, false, true); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToFirstChild ()); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToNext ()); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToPrevious ()); nav.MoveToRoot (); AssertNavigator ("#3", nav, XPathNodeType.Root, "", "", "", "", "", false, true, false); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToNext ()); } [Test] public void XmlSimpleTextContent () { string xml = "Test."; nav = GetXmlDocumentNavigator (xml); XmlSimpleTextContent (nav); nav = GetXPathDocumentNavigator (document); XmlSimpleTextContent (nav); } private void XmlSimpleTextContent (XPathNavigator nav) { AssertNavigator ("#1", nav, XPathNodeType.Root, "", "", "", "", "Test.", false, true, false); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFirstChild ()); AssertNavigator ("#2", nav, XPathNodeType.Element, "", "foo", "", "foo", "Test.", false, true, false); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToNext ()); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToPrevious ()); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFirstChild ()); AssertNavigator ("#3", nav, XPathNodeType.Text, "", "", "", "", "Test.", false, false, false); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToParent ()); AssertNavigator ("#4", nav, XPathNodeType.Element, "", "foo", "", "foo", "Test.", false, true, false); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToParent ()); AssertNavigator ("#5", nav, XPathNodeType.Root, "", "", "", "", "Test.", false, true, false); nav.MoveToFirstChild (); nav.MoveToFirstChild (); nav.MoveToRoot (); AssertNavigator ("#6", nav, XPathNodeType.Root, "", "", "", "", "Test.", false, true, false); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToNext ()); } [Test] public void XmlSimpleElementContent () { string xml = ""; nav = GetXmlDocumentNavigator (xml); XmlSimpleElementContent (nav); nav = GetXPathDocumentNavigator (document); XmlSimpleElementContent (nav); } private void XmlSimpleElementContent (XPathNavigator nav) { AssertNavigator ("#1", nav, XPathNodeType.Root, "", "", "", "", "", false, true, false); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFirstChild ()); AssertNavigator ("#2", nav, XPathNodeType.Element, "", "foo", "", "foo", "", false, true, false); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToNext ()); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToPrevious ()); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFirstChild ()); AssertNavigator ("#3", nav, XPathNodeType.Element, "", "bar", "", "bar", "", false, false, true); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToParent ()); AssertNavigator ("#4", nav, XPathNodeType.Element, "", "foo", "", "foo", "", false, true, false); nav.MoveToRoot (); AssertNavigator ("#5", nav, XPathNodeType.Root, "", "", "", "", "", false, true, false); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToNext ()); } [Test] public void XmlTwoElementsContent () { string xml = ""; nav = GetXmlDocumentNavigator (xml); XmlTwoElementsContent (nav); nav = GetXPathDocumentNavigator (document); XmlTwoElementsContent (nav); } private void XmlTwoElementsContent (XPathNavigator nav) { AssertNavigator ("#1", nav, XPathNodeType.Root, "", "", "", "", "", false, true, false); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFirstChild ()); AssertNavigator ("#2", nav, XPathNodeType.Element, "", "foo", "", "foo", "", false, true, false); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToNext ()); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToPrevious ()); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFirstChild ()); AssertNavigator ("#3", nav, XPathNodeType.Element, "", "bar", "", "bar", "", false, false, true); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToFirstChild ()); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToNext ()); AssertNavigator ("#4", nav, XPathNodeType.Element, "", "baz", "", "baz", "", false, false, true); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToFirstChild ()); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToPrevious ()); AssertNavigator ("#5", nav, XPathNodeType.Element, "", "bar", "", "bar", "", false, false, true); nav.MoveToRoot (); AssertNavigator ("#6", nav, XPathNodeType.Root, "", "", "", "", "", false, true, false); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToNext ()); } [Test] public void XmlElementWithAttributes () { string xml = "image Fooooooo!"; nav = GetXmlDocumentNavigator (xml); XmlElementWithAttributes (nav); nav = GetXPathDocumentNavigator (document); XmlElementWithAttributes (nav); } private void XmlElementWithAttributes (XPathNavigator nav) { nav.MoveToFirstChild (); AssertNavigator ("#1", nav, XPathNodeType.Element, "", "img", "", "img", "", true, false, true); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToNext ()); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToPrevious ()); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFirstAttribute ()); AssertNavigator ("#2", nav, XPathNodeType.Attribute, "", "src", "", "src", "foo.png", false, false, false); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToFirstAttribute ()); // On attributes, it fails. Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToNextAttribute ()); AssertNavigator ("#3", nav, XPathNodeType.Attribute, "", "alt", "", "alt", "image Fooooooo!", false, false, false); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToNextAttribute ()); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToParent ()); AssertNavigator ("#4", nav, XPathNodeType.Element, "", "img", "", "img", "", true, false, true); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToAttribute ("alt", "")); AssertNavigator ("#5", nav, XPathNodeType.Attribute, "", "alt", "", "alt", "image Fooooooo!", false, false, false); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToAttribute ("src", "")); // On attributes, it fails. Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToParent ()); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToAttribute ("src", "")); AssertNavigator ("#6", nav, XPathNodeType.Attribute, "", "src", "", "src", "foo.png", false, false, false); nav.MoveToRoot (); AssertNavigator ("#7", nav, XPathNodeType.Root, "", "", "", "", "", false, true, false); } [Test] // seems like MS does not want to fix their long-time-known // XPathNavigator bug, so just set it as NotDotNet. // We are better. [Category ("NotDotNet")] public void XmlNamespaceNode () { string xml = "test."; nav = GetXmlDocumentNavigator (xml); XmlNamespaceNode (nav); nav = GetXPathDocumentNavigator (document); XmlNamespaceNode (nav); } private void XmlNamespaceNode (XPathNavigator nav) { string xhtml = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; string xmlNS = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"; nav.MoveToFirstChild (); AssertNavigator ("#1", nav, XPathNodeType.Element, "", "html", xhtml, "html", "test.", false, true, false); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFirstNamespace (XPathNamespaceScope.Local)); AssertNavigator ("#2", nav, XPathNodeType.Namespace, "", "", "", "", xhtml, false, false, false); // Test difference between Local, ExcludeXml and All. Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToNextNamespace (XPathNamespaceScope.Local)); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToNextNamespace (XPathNamespaceScope.ExcludeXml)); // LAMESPEC: MS.NET 1.0 XmlDocument seems to have some bugs around here. // see http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;Q316808 #if true Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToNextNamespace (XPathNamespaceScope.All)); AssertNavigator ("#3", nav, XPathNodeType.Namespace, "", "xml", "", "xml", xmlNS, false, false, false); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToNextNamespace (XPathNamespaceScope.All)); #endif // Test to check if MoveToRoot() resets Namespace node status. nav.MoveToRoot (); AssertNavigator ("#4", nav, XPathNodeType.Root, "", "", "", "", "test.", false, true, false); nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // Test without XPathNamespaceScope argument. Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFirstNamespace ()); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToNextNamespace ()); AssertNavigator ("#5", nav, XPathNodeType.Namespace, "", "xml", "", "xml", xmlNS, false, false, false); // Test MoveToParent() Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToParent ()); AssertNavigator ("#6", nav, XPathNodeType.Element, "", "html", xhtml, "html", "test.", false, true, false); nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // body // Test difference between Local and ExcludeXml Assert.IsTrue (!nav.MoveToFirstNamespace (XPathNamespaceScope.Local), "Local should fail"); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFirstNamespace (XPathNamespaceScope.ExcludeXml), "ExcludeXml should succeed"); AssertNavigator ("#7", nav, XPathNodeType.Namespace, "", "", "", "", xhtml, false, false, false); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToNextNamespace (XPathNamespaceScope.All)); AssertNavigator ("#8", nav, XPathNodeType.Namespace, "", "xml", "", "xml", xmlNS, false, false, false); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToParent ()); AssertNavigator ("#9", nav, XPathNodeType.Element, "", "body", xhtml, "body", "test.", false, true, false); nav.MoveToRoot (); AssertNavigator ("#10", nav, XPathNodeType.Root, "", "", "", "", "test.", false, true, false); } [Test] public void MoveToNamespaces () { string xml = ""; nav = GetXmlDocumentNavigator (xml); MoveToNamespaces (nav); nav = GetXPathDocumentNavigator (document); MoveToNamespaces (nav); } private void MoveToNamespaces (XPathNavigator nav) { XPathNodeIterator iter = nav.Select ("//e"); iter.MoveNext (); nav.MoveTo (iter.Current); Assert.AreEqual ("e", nav.Name, "#1"); nav.MoveToFirstNamespace (); Assert.AreEqual ("x", nav.Name, "#2"); nav.MoveToNextNamespace (); Assert.AreEqual ("xml", nav.Name, "#3"); } [Test] public void IsDescendant () { string xml = ""; nav = GetXmlDocumentNavigator (xml); IsDescendant (nav); nav = GetXPathDocumentNavigator (document); IsDescendant (nav); } private void IsDescendant (XPathNavigator nav) { XPathNavigator tmp = nav.Clone (); XPathNodeIterator iter = nav.Select ("//e"); iter.MoveNext (); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveTo (iter.Current), "#1"); Assert.IsTrue (nav.MoveToFirstAttribute (), "#2"); Assert.AreEqual ("attr", nav.Name, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual ("", tmp.Name, "#4"); Assert.IsTrue (tmp.IsDescendant (nav), "#5"); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.IsDescendant (tmp), "#6"); tmp.MoveToFirstChild (); Assert.AreEqual ("a", tmp.Name, "#7"); Assert.IsTrue (tmp.IsDescendant (nav), "#8"); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.IsDescendant (tmp), "#9"); tmp.MoveTo (iter.Current); Assert.AreEqual ("e", tmp.Name, "#10"); Assert.IsTrue (tmp.IsDescendant (nav), "#11"); Assert.IsTrue (!nav.IsDescendant (tmp), "#12"); } [Test] public void LiterallySplittedText () { string xml = " string"; nav = GetXmlDocumentNavigator (xml); LiterallySplittedText (nav); nav = GetXPathDocumentNavigator (document); LiterallySplittedText (nav); } private void LiterallySplittedText (XPathNavigator nav) { nav.MoveToFirstChild (); nav.MoveToFirstChild (); Assert.AreEqual (XPathNodeType.Text, nav.NodeType, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("test string", nav.Value, "#2"); } // bug #75609 [Test] public void SelectChildren () { string xml = ""; nav = GetXmlDocumentNavigator (xml); SelectChildrenNS (nav); nav = GetXPathDocumentNavigator (document); SelectChildrenNS (nav); } private void SelectChildrenNS (XPathNavigator nav) { nav.MoveToFirstChild (); // root XPathNodeIterator iter = nav.SelectChildren ("foo", "urn:foo"); Assert.AreEqual (2, iter.Count, "#1"); } #if NET_2_0 [Test] // bug #78067 public void OuterXml () { string xml = @" Some data. "; nav = GetXmlDocumentNavigator (xml); OuterXml (nav); nav = GetXPathDocumentNavigator (document); OuterXml (nav); } private void OuterXml (XPathNavigator nav) { string ret = @" Some data. "; Assert.AreEqual (ret, nav.OuterXml.Replace ("\r\n", "\n"), "#1"); } [Test] public void ReadSubtreeLookupNamespace () { string xml = "x:val"; var doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.LoadXml (xml); XPathNavigator nav = doc.LastChild.LastChild.CreateNavigator (); var xr = nav.ReadSubtree (); xr.MoveToContent (); xr.Read (); // should be at x:val Assert.AreEqual ("urn:x", xr.LookupNamespace ("x"), "#1"); } #endif [Test] public void GetNamespaceConsistentTree () { document.PreserveWhitespace = true; string xml = " "; nav = GetXmlDocumentNavigator (xml); GetNamespaceConsistentTree (nav); nav = GetXPathDocumentNavigator (document, XmlSpace.Preserve); GetNamespaceConsistentTree (nav); } private void GetNamespaceConsistentTree (XPathNavigator nav) { nav.MoveToFirstChild (); nav.MoveToFirstChild (); nav.MoveToNext (); Assert.AreEqual ("ns1", nav.GetNamespace (""), "#1." + nav.GetType ()); nav.MoveToNext (); nav.MoveToNext (); Assert.AreEqual ("", nav.GetNamespace (""), "#2." + nav.GetType ()); } } }