// // XslTemplate.cs // // Authors: // Ben Maurer (bmaurer@users.sourceforge.net) // Atsushi Enomoto (ginga@kit.hi-ho.ne.jp) // // (C) 2003 Ben Maurer // (C) 2003 Atsushi Enomoto // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Xml.Xsl; using Mono.Xml.Xsl.Operations; using Mono.Xml.XPath; using QName = System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName; namespace Mono.Xml.Xsl { internal class XslModedTemplateTable { class TemplateWithPriority : IComparable { public readonly double Priority; public readonly XslTemplate Template; public readonly Pattern Pattern; public readonly int TemplateID; public TemplateWithPriority (XslTemplate t, Pattern p) { Template = t; Pattern = p; Priority = p.DefaultPriority; TemplateID = t.Id; } public TemplateWithPriority (XslTemplate t, double p) { Template = t; Pattern = t.Match; Priority = p; TemplateID = t.Id; } public int CompareTo (object o) { TemplateWithPriority a = this, b = (TemplateWithPriority)o; //Debug.WriteLine (a.Pattern.ToString () + " ? " + b.Pattern.ToString ()); //Debug.WriteLine (a.Priority + " " + b.Priority); int r0 = a.Priority.CompareTo (b.Priority); //Debug.WriteLine (r0); if (r0 != 0) return r0; int r1 = a.TemplateID.CompareTo (b.TemplateID); //Debug.WriteLine (r1); return r1; } public bool Matches (XPathNavigator n, XslTransformProcessor p) { //Debug.WriteLine (Pattern.ToString ()); return p.Matches (Pattern, n); } } // [QName name]=>XslTemplate ArrayList unnamedTemplates = new ArrayList (); XmlQualifiedName mode; public XslModedTemplateTable (XmlQualifiedName mode) { if (mode == null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); this.mode = mode; } public XmlQualifiedName Mode { get { return mode; } } public void Add (XslTemplate t) { if (!double.IsNaN (t.Priority)) unnamedTemplates.Add (new TemplateWithPriority (t, t.Priority)); else Add (t, t.Match); } public void Add (XslTemplate t, Pattern p) { if (p is UnionPattern) { Add (t, ((UnionPattern)p).p0); Add (t, ((UnionPattern)p).p1); return; } unnamedTemplates.Add (new TemplateWithPriority (t, p)); } bool sorted = false; public XslTemplate FindMatch (XPathNavigator node, XslTransformProcessor p) { //Debug.WriteLine ("..."); if (!sorted) { unnamedTemplates.Sort (); unnamedTemplates.Reverse (); sorted = true; } for (int i = 0; i < unnamedTemplates.Count; i++) { TemplateWithPriority t = (TemplateWithPriority) unnamedTemplates [i]; if (t.Matches (node, p)) return t.Template; } return null; } } internal class XslTemplateTable { // [QName mode]=>XslTemplateTable Hashtable templateTables = new Hashtable (); Hashtable namedTemplates = new Hashtable (); XslStylesheet parent; public XslTemplateTable (XslStylesheet parent) { this.parent = parent; } public Hashtable TemplateTables { get { return templateTables; } } public XslModedTemplateTable this [XmlQualifiedName mode] { get { return templateTables [mode] as XslModedTemplateTable; } } public void Add (XslTemplate template) { if (template.Name != XmlQualifiedName.Empty) { if (namedTemplates [template.Name] != null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Named template " + template.Name + " is already registered."); namedTemplates [template.Name] = template; } if (template.Match == null) return; XslModedTemplateTable tbl = this [template.Mode]; if (tbl == null) { tbl = new XslModedTemplateTable (template.Mode); Add (tbl); } tbl.Add (template); } public void Add (XslModedTemplateTable table) { if (this [table.Mode] != null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Mode " + table.Mode + " is already registered."); templateTables.Add (table.Mode, table); } public XslTemplate FindMatch (XPathNavigator node, XmlQualifiedName mode, XslTransformProcessor p) { XslTemplate ret; if (this [mode] != null) { ret = this [mode].FindMatch (node, p); if (ret != null) return ret; } for (int i = parent.Imports.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { XslStylesheet s = (XslStylesheet)parent.Imports [i]; ret = s.Templates.FindMatch (node, mode, p); if (ret != null) return ret; } return null; } public XslTemplate FindTemplate (XmlQualifiedName name) { XslTemplate ret = (XslTemplate)namedTemplates [name]; if (ret != null) return ret; for (int i = parent.Imports.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { XslStylesheet s = (XslStylesheet)parent.Imports [i]; ret = s.Templates.FindTemplate (name); if (ret != null) return ret; } return null; } } internal class XslTemplate { XmlQualifiedName name; Pattern match; XmlQualifiedName mode; double priority = double.NaN; ArrayList parameters; XslOperation content; static int nextId = 0; public readonly int Id = nextId ++; XslStylesheet style; int stackSize; public XslTemplate (Compiler c) { if (c == null) return; // built in template this.style = c.CurrentStylesheet; c.PushScope (); if (c.Input.Name == "template" && c.Input.NamespaceURI == Compiler.XsltNamespace && c.Input.MoveToAttribute ("mode", String.Empty)) { c.Input.MoveToParent (); if (!c.Input.MoveToAttribute ("match", String.Empty)) throw new XsltCompileException ("XSLT 'template' element must not have 'mode' attribute when it does not have 'match' attribute", null, c.Input); c.Input.MoveToParent (); } if (c.Input.NamespaceURI != Compiler.XsltNamespace) { this.name = QName.Empty; this.match = c.CompilePattern ("/", c.Input); this.mode = QName.Empty; } else { this.name = c.ParseQNameAttribute ("name"); this.match = c.CompilePattern (c.GetAttribute ("match"), c.Input); this.mode = c.ParseQNameAttribute ("mode"); string pri = c.GetAttribute ("priority"); if (pri != null) { try { this.priority = double.Parse (pri, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (FormatException ex) { throw new XsltException ("Invalid priority number format", ex, c.Input); } } } Parse (c); stackSize = c.PopScope ().VariableHighTide; } public XmlQualifiedName Name { get { return name; } } public Pattern Match { get { return match; } } public XmlQualifiedName Mode { get { return mode; } } public double Priority { get { return priority; } } public XslStylesheet Parent { get { return style; } } private void Parse (Compiler c) { if (c.Input.NamespaceURI != Compiler.XsltNamespace) { content = c.CompileTemplateContent (); return; } if (c.Input.MoveToFirstChild ()) { bool alldone = true; XPathNavigator contentStart = c.Input.Clone (); bool shouldMove = false; do { if (shouldMove) { shouldMove = false; contentStart.MoveTo (c.Input); } if (c.Input.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Text) { alldone = false; break; } if (c.Input.NodeType != XPathNodeType.Element) continue; if (c.Input.NamespaceURI != Compiler.XsltNamespace) { alldone = false; break; } if (c.Input.LocalName != "param") { alldone = false; break; } if (this.parameters == null) this.parameters = new ArrayList (); parameters.Add (new XslLocalParam (c)); shouldMove = true; } while (c.Input.MoveToNext ()); if (!alldone) { c.Input.MoveTo (contentStart); content = c.CompileTemplateContent (); } c.Input.MoveToParent (); } } string LocationMessage { get { XslCompiledElementBase op = (XslCompiledElementBase) content; return String.Format (" from\nxsl:template {0} at {1} ({2},{3})", Match, style.BaseURI, op.LineNumber, op.LinePosition); } } void AppendTemplateFrame (XsltException ex) { ex.AddTemplateFrame (LocationMessage); } public virtual void Evaluate (XslTransformProcessor p, Hashtable withParams) { if (XslTransform.TemplateStackFrameError) { try { EvaluateCore (p, withParams); } catch (XsltException ex) { AppendTemplateFrame (ex); throw ex; } catch (Exception) { // Note that this catch causes different // type of error to be thrown (esp. // this causes NUnit test regression). XsltException e = new XsltException ("Error during XSLT processing: ", null, p.CurrentNode); AppendTemplateFrame (e); throw e; } } else EvaluateCore (p, withParams); } void EvaluateCore (XslTransformProcessor p, Hashtable withParams) { if (XslTransform.TemplateStackFrameOutput != null) XslTransform.TemplateStackFrameOutput.WriteLine (LocationMessage); p.PushStack (stackSize); if (parameters != null) { if (withParams == null) { int len = parameters.Count; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { XslLocalParam param = (XslLocalParam)parameters [i]; param.Evaluate (p); } } else { int len = parameters.Count; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { XslLocalParam param = (XslLocalParam)parameters [i]; object o = withParams [param.Name]; if (o != null) param.Override (p, o); else param.Evaluate (p); } } } if (content != null) content.Evaluate (p); p.PopStack (); } public void Evaluate (XslTransformProcessor p) { Evaluate (p, null); } } internal class XslDefaultNodeTemplate : XslTemplate { QName mode; static XslDefaultNodeTemplate instance = new XslDefaultNodeTemplate (QName.Empty); public XslDefaultNodeTemplate (QName mode) : base (null) { this.mode = mode; } public static XslTemplate Instance { get { return instance; } } public override void Evaluate (XslTransformProcessor p, Hashtable withParams) { p.ApplyTemplates (p.CurrentNode.SelectChildren (XPathNodeType.All), mode, null); } } internal class XslEmptyTemplate : XslTemplate { static XslEmptyTemplate instance = new XslEmptyTemplate (); XslEmptyTemplate () : base (null) {} public static XslTemplate Instance { get { return instance; } } public override void Evaluate (XslTransformProcessor p, Hashtable withParams) { } } internal class XslDefaultTextTemplate: XslTemplate { static XslDefaultTextTemplate instance = new XslDefaultTextTemplate (); XslDefaultTextTemplate () : base (null) {} public static XslTemplate Instance { get { return instance; } } public override void Evaluate (XslTransformProcessor p, Hashtable withParams) { if (p.CurrentNode.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Whitespace) { if (p.PreserveOutputWhitespace) p.Out.WriteWhitespace (p.CurrentNode.Value); } else p.Out.WriteString (p.CurrentNode.Value); } } }