// // XslStylesheet.cs // // Authors: // Ben Maurer (bmaurer@users.sourceforge.net) // Atsushi Enomoto (ginga@kit.hi-ho.ne.jp) // // (C) 2003 Ben Maurer // (C) 2003 Atsushi Enomoto // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Xml.Xsl; using System.IO; using Mono.Xml.Xsl.Operations; using QName = System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName; namespace Mono.Xml.Xsl { internal class XslStylesheet { public const string XsltNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"; public const string MSXsltNamespace = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt"; // Top-level elements ArrayList imports = new ArrayList (); // [QName]=>XmlSpace Hashtable spaceControls = new Hashtable (); // [string stylesheet-prefix]=>string result-prefix NameValueCollection namespaceAliases = new NameValueCollection (); // [QName]=>XmlSpace Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable (); // [QName]=>ArrayList of XslKey Hashtable keys = new Hashtable(); // [QName]=>XslVariable Hashtable variables = new Hashtable (); XslTemplateTable templates; string baseURI; // stylesheet attributes string version; XmlQualifiedName [] extensionElementPrefixes; XmlQualifiedName [] excludeResultPrefixes; ArrayList stylesheetNamespaces = new ArrayList (); // in-process includes. They must be first parsed as // XPathNavigator, collected imports, and then processed // other content. Hashtable inProcessIncludes = new Hashtable (); public XmlQualifiedName [] ExtensionElementPrefixes { get { return extensionElementPrefixes; } } public XmlQualifiedName [] ExcludeResultPrefixes { get { return excludeResultPrefixes; } } public ArrayList StylesheetNamespaces { get { return stylesheetNamespaces; } } public ArrayList Imports { get { return imports; } } public Hashtable SpaceControls { get { return spaceControls; } } public NameValueCollection NamespaceAliases { get { return namespaceAliases; } } public Hashtable Parameters { get { return parameters; } } public XslTemplateTable Templates { get { return templates; } } public string BaseURI { get { return baseURI; } } public string Version { get { return version; } } public XslStylesheet () { } internal void Compile (Compiler c) { c.PushStylesheet (this); templates = new XslTemplateTable (this); baseURI = c.Input.BaseURI; // move to root element while (c.Input.NodeType != XPathNodeType.Element) if (!c.Input.MoveToNext ()) throw new XsltCompileException ("Stylesheet root element must be either \"stylesheet\" or \"transform\" or any literal element", null, c.Input); if (c.Input.NamespaceURI != XsltNamespace) { if (c.Input.GetAttribute ("version", XsltNamespace) == String.Empty) throw new XsltCompileException ("Mandatory global attribute version is missing", null, c.Input); // then it is simplified stylesheet. templates.Add (new XslTemplate (c)); } else { if (c.Input.LocalName != "stylesheet" && c.Input.LocalName != "transform") throw new XsltCompileException ("Stylesheet root element must be either \"stylesheet\" or \"transform\" or any literal element", null, c.Input); version = c.Input.GetAttribute ("version", ""); if (version == String.Empty) throw new XsltCompileException ("Mandatory attribute version is missing", null, c.Input); extensionElementPrefixes = ParseMappedPrefixes (c.GetAttribute ("extension-element-prefixes"), c.Input); excludeResultPrefixes = ParseMappedPrefixes (c.GetAttribute ("exclude-result-prefixes"), c.Input); if (c.Input.MoveToFirstNamespace (XPathNamespaceScope.Local)) { do { if (c.Input.Value == XsltNamespace) continue; this.stylesheetNamespaces.Insert (0, new QName (c.Input.Name, c.Input.Value)); } while (c.Input.MoveToNextNamespace (XPathNamespaceScope.Local)); c.Input.MoveToParent (); } ProcessTopLevelElements (c); } foreach (XslGlobalVariable v in variables.Values) c.AddGlobalVariable (v); foreach (ArrayList al in keys.Values) for (int i = 0; i < al.Count; i++) c.AddKey ((XslKey) al[i]); c.PopStylesheet (); inProcessIncludes = null; } private QName [] ParseMappedPrefixes (string list, XPathNavigator nav) { if (list == null) return null; ArrayList al = new ArrayList (); foreach (string entry in list.Split (XmlChar.WhitespaceChars)) { if (entry.Length == 0) continue; if (entry == "#default") al.Add (new QName (String.Empty, String.Empty)); else { string entryNS = nav.GetNamespace (entry); if (entryNS != String.Empty) al.Add (new QName (entry, entryNS)); } } return (QName []) al.ToArray (typeof (QName)); } bool countedSpaceControlExistence; bool cachedHasSpaceControls; static readonly QName allMatchName = new QName ("*"); public bool HasSpaceControls { get { if (!countedSpaceControlExistence) { countedSpaceControlExistence = true; cachedHasSpaceControls = ComputeHasSpaceControls (); } return cachedHasSpaceControls; } } private bool ComputeHasSpaceControls () { if (this.spaceControls.Count > 0 && HasStripSpace (spaceControls)) return true; if (imports.Count == 0) return false; for (int i = 0; i < imports.Count; i++) { XslStylesheet s = (XslStylesheet) imports [i]; if (s.spaceControls.Count > 0 && HasStripSpace (s.spaceControls)) return true; } return false; } private bool HasStripSpace (IDictionary table) { foreach (XmlSpace space in table.Values) if (space == XmlSpace.Default) return true; return false; } public bool GetPreserveWhitespace (XPathNavigator nav) { if (!HasSpaceControls) return true; nav = nav.Clone (); if (!nav.MoveToParent () || nav.NodeType != XPathNodeType.Element) { object def = GetDefaultXmlSpace (); return def == null || (XmlSpace) def == XmlSpace.Preserve; } string localName = nav.LocalName; string ns = nav.NamespaceURI; XmlQualifiedName qname = new XmlQualifiedName (localName, ns); object o = spaceControls [qname]; if (o == null) { for (int i = 0; i < imports.Count; i++) { o = ((XslStylesheet) imports [i]).SpaceControls [qname]; if (o != null) break; } } if (o == null) { qname = new XmlQualifiedName ("*", ns); o = spaceControls [qname]; if (o == null) { for (int i = 0; i < imports.Count; i++) { o = ((XslStylesheet) imports [i]).SpaceControls [qname]; if (o != null) break; } } } if (o == null) o = GetDefaultXmlSpace (); if (o != null) { switch ((XmlSpace) o) { case XmlSpace.Preserve: return true; case XmlSpace.Default: return false; } } throw new SystemException ("Mono BUG: should not reach here"); } object GetDefaultXmlSpace () { object o = spaceControls [allMatchName]; if (o == null) { for (int i = 0; i < imports.Count; i++) { o = ((XslStylesheet) imports [i]).SpaceControls [allMatchName]; if (o != null) break; } } return o; } bool countedNamespaceAliases; bool cachedHasNamespaceAliases; public bool HasNamespaceAliases { get { if (!countedNamespaceAliases) { countedNamespaceAliases = true; if (namespaceAliases.Count > 0) cachedHasNamespaceAliases = true; else if (imports.Count == 0) cachedHasNamespaceAliases = false; else { for (int i = 0; i < imports.Count; i++) if (((XslStylesheet) imports [i]).namespaceAliases.Count > 0) countedNamespaceAliases = true; cachedHasNamespaceAliases = false; } } return cachedHasNamespaceAliases; } } public string GetActualPrefix (string prefix) { if (!HasNamespaceAliases) return prefix; string result = namespaceAliases [prefix]; if (result == null) { for (int i = 0; i < imports.Count; i++) { result = ((XslStylesheet) imports [i]).namespaceAliases [prefix]; if (result != null) break; } } return result != null ? result : prefix; } private void StoreInclude (Compiler c) { XPathNavigator including = c.Input.Clone (); c.PushInputDocument (c.Input.GetAttribute ("href", String.Empty)); inProcessIncludes [including] = c.Input; HandleImportsInInclude (c); c.PopInputDocument (); } private void HandleImportsInInclude (Compiler c) { if (c.Input.NamespaceURI != XsltNamespace) { if (c.Input.GetAttribute ("version", XsltNamespace) == String.Empty) throw new XsltCompileException ("Mandatory global attribute version is missing", null, c.Input); // simplified style == never imports. // Keep this position return; } if (!c.Input.MoveToFirstChild ()) { c.Input.MoveToRoot (); return; } HandleIncludesImports (c); } private void HandleInclude (Compiler c) { XPathNavigator included = null; foreach (XPathNavigator inc in inProcessIncludes.Keys) { if (inc.IsSamePosition (c.Input)) { included = (XPathNavigator) inProcessIncludes [inc]; break; } } if (included == null) throw new Exception ("Should not happen. Current input is " + c.Input.BaseURI + " / " + c.Input.Name + ", " + inProcessIncludes.Count); if (included.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Root) return; // Already done. c.PushInputDocument (included); included.MoveToRoot (); included.MoveToFirstChild (); while (c.Input.NodeType != XPathNodeType.Element) if (!c.Input.MoveToNext ()) break; if (c.Input.NamespaceURI != XsltNamespace && c.Input.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Element) { // then it is simplified stylesheet. templates.Add (new XslTemplate (c)); } else { c.Input.MoveToFirstChild (); do { if (c.Input.NodeType != XPathNodeType.Element || c.Input.LocalName == "import" && c.Input.NamespaceURI == XsltNamespace) continue; Debug.EnterNavigator (c); HandleTopLevelElement (c); Debug.ExitNavigator (c); } while (c.Input.MoveToNext ()); } c.Input.MoveToParent (); c.PopInputDocument (); } private void HandleImport (Compiler c, string href) { c.PushInputDocument (href); XslStylesheet imported = new XslStylesheet (); imported.Compile (c); imports.Add (imported); c.PopInputDocument (); } private void HandleTopLevelElement (Compiler c) { XPathNavigator n = c.Input; switch (n.NamespaceURI) { case XsltNamespace: switch (n.LocalName) { case "import": throw new XsltCompileException ("Invalid occurence of import element after other top-level content", null, c.Input); case "include": HandleInclude (c); break; case "preserve-space": AddSpaceControls (c.ParseQNameListAttribute ("elements"), XmlSpace.Preserve, n); break; case "strip-space": AddSpaceControls (c.ParseQNameListAttribute ("elements"), XmlSpace.Default, n); break; case "namespace-alias": // do nothing. It is handled in prior. break; case "attribute-set": c.AddAttributeSet (new XslAttributeSet (c)); break; case "key": XslKey key = new XslKey (c); if (keys [key.Name] == null) keys [key.Name] = new ArrayList (); ((ArrayList) keys [key.Name]).Add (key); break; case "output": c.CompileOutput (); break; case "decimal-format": c.CompileDecimalFormat (); break; case "template": templates.Add (new XslTemplate (c)); break; case "variable": XslGlobalVariable gvar = new XslGlobalVariable (c); variables [gvar.Name] = gvar; break; case "param": XslGlobalParam gpar = new XslGlobalParam (c); variables [gpar.Name] = gpar; break; default: if (version == "1.0") throw new XsltCompileException ("Unrecognized top level element after imports", null, c.Input); break; } break; case MSXsltNamespace: switch (n.LocalName) { case "script": c.ScriptManager.AddScript (c); break; } break; } } private XPathNavigator HandleIncludesImports (Compiler c) { // process imports. They must precede to other // top level elements by schema. do { if (c.Input.NodeType != XPathNodeType.Element) continue; if (c.Input.LocalName != "import" || c.Input.NamespaceURI != XsltNamespace) break; Debug.EnterNavigator (c); HandleImport (c, c.GetAttribute ("href")); Debug.ExitNavigator (c); } while (c.Input.MoveToNext ()); XPathNavigator saved = c.Input.Clone (); // process includes to handle nested imports. They must precede to other // top level elements by schema. do { if (c.Input.NodeType != XPathNodeType.Element || c.Input.LocalName != "include" || c.Input.NamespaceURI != XsltNamespace) continue; Debug.EnterNavigator (c); StoreInclude (c); Debug.ExitNavigator (c); } while (c.Input.MoveToNext ()); c.Input.MoveTo (saved); return saved; } private void ProcessTopLevelElements (Compiler c) { if (!c.Input.MoveToFirstChild ()) return; XPathNavigator saved = HandleIncludesImports (c); do { // Collect namespace aliases first. if (c.Input.NodeType != XPathNodeType.Element || c.Input.LocalName != "namespace-alias" || c.Input.NamespaceURI != XsltNamespace) continue; string sprefix = (string) c.GetAttribute ("stylesheet-prefix", ""); if (sprefix == "#default") sprefix = String.Empty; string rprefix= (string) c.GetAttribute ("result-prefix", ""); if (rprefix == "#default") rprefix = String.Empty; namespaceAliases.Set (sprefix, rprefix); } while (c.Input.MoveToNext ()); c.Input.MoveTo (saved); do { if (c.Input.NodeType != XPathNodeType.Element) continue; Debug.EnterNavigator (c); this.HandleTopLevelElement (c); Debug.ExitNavigator (c); } while (c.Input.MoveToNext ()); c.Input.MoveToParent (); } private void AddSpaceControls (QName [] names, XmlSpace result, XPathNavigator styleElem) { // XSLT 3.4 - This implementation recovers from errors. foreach (QName name in names) spaceControls [name] = result; } } }