// // makecert.cs: makecert clone tool // // Author: // Sebastien Pouliot // // (C) 2003 Motus Technologies Inc. (http://www.motus.com) // Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Security.Cryptography; using Mono.Security.Authenticode; using Mono.Security.X509; using Mono.Security.X509.Extensions; [assembly: AssemblyTitle("Mono MakeCert")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("X.509 Certificate Builder")] namespace Mono.Tools { class MakeCert { static private void Header () { Console.WriteLine (new AssemblyInfo ().ToString ()); } static private void Help () { Console.WriteLine ("Usage: makecert [options] certificate{0}", Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine (" -# num{0}\tCertificate serial number", Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine (" -n dn{0}\tSubject Distinguished Name", Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine (" -in dn{0}\tIssuer Distinguished Name", Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine (" -r{0}\tCreate a self-signed (root) certificate", Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine (" -sv pkvfile{0}\tPrivate key file (.PVK) for the subject (created if missing)", Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine (" -iv pvkfile{0}\tPrivate key file (.PVK) for the issuer", Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine (" -ic certfile{0}\tExtract the issuer's name from the specified certificate", Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine (" -?{0}\thelp (display this help message)", Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine (" -!{0}\textended help (for advanced options)", Environment.NewLine); } static private void ExtendedHelp () { Console.WriteLine ("Usage: makecert [options] certificate{0}", Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine (" -a hash\tSelect hash algorithm. Only MD5 and SHA1 (default) are supported."); Console.WriteLine (" -b date\tThe date since when the certificate is valid (notBefore)."); Console.WriteLine (" -cy [authority|end]\tBasic constraints. Select Authority or End-Entity certificate."); Console.WriteLine (" -e date\tThe date until when the certificate is valid (notAfter)."); Console.WriteLine (" -eku oid[,oid]\tAdd some extended key usage OID to the certificate."); Console.WriteLine (" -h number\tAdd a path length restriction to the certificate chain."); Console.WriteLine (" -in name\tTake the issuer's name from the specified parameter."); Console.WriteLine (" -m number\tCertificate validity period (in months)."); Console.WriteLine (" -p12 pkcs12file password\tCreate a new PKCS#12 file with the specified password."); Console.WriteLine (" -?\thelp (display basic message)"); } static X509Certificate LoadCertificate (string filename) { FileStream fs = new FileStream (filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); byte[] rawcert = new byte [fs.Length]; fs.Read (rawcert, 0, rawcert.Length); fs.Close (); return new X509Certificate (rawcert); } static void WriteCertificate (string filename, byte[] rawcert) { FileStream fs = File.Open (filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); fs.Write (rawcert, 0, rawcert.Length); fs.Close (); } static string MonoTestRootAgency = "v/4nALBxCE+9JgEC0LnDUvKh6e96PwTpN4Rj+vWnqKT7IAp1iK/JjuqvAg6DQ2vTfv0dTlqffmHH51OyioprcT5nzxcSTsZb/9jcHScG0s3/FRIWnXeLk/fgm7mSYhjUaHNI0m1/NTTktipicjKxo71hGIg9qucCWnDum+Krh/k=AQAB


"; static string defaultIssuer = "CN=Mono Test Root Agency"; static string defaultSubject = "CN=Poupou's-Software-Factory"; [STAThread] static int Main (string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { Header (); Console.WriteLine ("ERROR: Missing output filename {0}", Environment.NewLine); Help (); return -1; } string fileName = args [args.Length - 1]; // default values byte[] sn = Guid.NewGuid ().ToByteArray (); string subject = defaultSubject; string issuer = defaultIssuer; DateTime notBefore = DateTime.Now; DateTime notAfter = new DateTime (643445675990000000); // 12/31/2039 23:59:59Z RSA issuerKey = (RSA)RSA.Create (); issuerKey.FromXmlString (MonoTestRootAgency); RSA subjectKey = (RSA)RSA.Create (); bool selfSigned = false; string hashName = "SHA512"; CspParameters subjectParams = new CspParameters (); CspParameters issuerParams = new CspParameters (); BasicConstraintsExtension bce = null; ExtendedKeyUsageExtension eku = null; SubjectAltNameExtension alt = null; string p12file = null; string p12pwd = null; X509Certificate issuerCertificate = null; Header(); try { int i=0; while (i < args.Length) { switch (args [i++]) { // Basic options case "-#": // Serial Number sn = BitConverter.GetBytes (Convert.ToInt32 (args [i++])); break; case "-n": // Subject Distinguish Name subject = args [i++]; break; case "-$": // (authenticode) commercial or individual // CRITICAL KeyUsageRestriction extension // hash algorithm string usageRestriction = args [i++].ToLower (); switch (usageRestriction) { case "commercial": case "individual": Console.WriteLine ("WARNING: Unsupported deprecated certification extension KeyUsageRestriction not included"); // Console.WriteLine ("WARNING: ExtendedKeyUsage for codesigning has been included."); break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Unsupported restriction " + usageRestriction); return -1; } break; // Extended Options case "-a": // hash algorithm switch (args [i++].ToLower ()) { case "sha512": hashName = "SHA512"; break; case "sha256": hashName = "SHA256"; break; case "sha1": Console.WriteLine ("WARNING: SHA1 is not safe for this usage."); hashName = "SHA1"; break; case "md5": Console.WriteLine ("WARNING: MD5 is not safe for this usage."); hashName = "MD5"; break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Unsupported hash algorithm"); break; } break; case "-b": // Validity / notBefore notBefore = DateTime.Parse (args [i++] + " 23:59:59", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); break; case "-cy": // basic constraints - autority or end-entity switch (args [i++].ToLower ()) { case "authority": if (bce == null) bce = new BasicConstraintsExtension (); bce.CertificateAuthority = true; break; case "end": // do not include extension bce = null; break; case "both": Console.WriteLine ("ERROR: No more supported in X.509"); return -1; default: Console.WriteLine ("Unsupported certificate type"); return -1; } break; case "-d": // CN private extension ? Console.WriteLine ("Unsupported option"); break; case "-e": // Validity / notAfter notAfter = DateTime.Parse (args [i++] + " 23:59:59", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); break; case "-eku": // extendedKeyUsage extension char[] sep = { ',' }; string[] purposes = args [i++].Split (sep); if (eku == null) eku = new ExtendedKeyUsageExtension (); foreach (string purpose in purposes) { eku.KeyPurpose.Add (purpose); } break; case "-h": // pathLength (basicConstraints) // MS use an old basicConstrains ( which // allows both CA and End-Entity. This is no // more supported with if (bce == null) { bce = new BasicConstraintsExtension (); bce.CertificateAuthority = true; } bce.PathLenConstraint = Convert.ToInt32 (args [i++]); break; case "-alt": if (alt == null) { string [] dnsNames = File.ReadAllLines (args [i++]); alt = new SubjectAltNameExtension (null, dnsNames, null, null); } break; case "-ic": issuerCertificate = LoadCertificate (args [i++]); issuer = issuerCertificate.SubjectName; break; case "-in": issuer = args [i++]; break; case "-iv": // TODO password PrivateKey pvk = PrivateKey.CreateFromFile (args [i++]); issuerKey = pvk.RSA; break; case "-l": // link (URL) // spcSpAgencyInfo private extension Console.WriteLine ("Unsupported option"); break; case "-m": // validity period (in months) notAfter = notBefore.AddMonths (Convert.ToInt32 (args [i++])); break; case "-nscp": // Netscape's private extensions - NetscapeCertType // BasicContraints - End Entity Console.WriteLine ("Unsupported option"); break; case "-r": selfSigned = true; break; case "-sc": // subject certificate ? renew ? Console.WriteLine ("Unsupported option"); break; // Issuer CspParameters options case "-ik": issuerParams.KeyContainerName = args [i++]; break; case "-iky": // select a key in the provider string ikn = args [i++].ToLower (); switch (ikn) { case "signature": issuerParams.KeyNumber = 0; break; case "exchange": issuerParams.KeyNumber = 1; break; default: issuerParams.KeyNumber = Convert.ToInt32 (ikn); break; } break; case "-ip": issuerParams.ProviderName = args [i++]; break; case "-ir": switch (args [i++].ToLower ()) { case "localmachine": issuerParams.Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore; break; case "currentuser": issuerParams.Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseDefaultKeyContainer; break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Unknown key store for issuer"); return -1; } break; case "-is": Console.WriteLine ("Unsupported option"); return -1; case "-iy": issuerParams.ProviderType = Convert.ToInt32 (args [i++]); break; // Subject CspParameters Options case "-sk": subjectParams.KeyContainerName = args [i++]; break; case "-sky": // select a key in the provider string skn = args [i++].ToLower (); switch (skn) { case "signature": subjectParams.KeyNumber = 0; break; case "exchange": subjectParams.KeyNumber = 1; break; default: subjectParams.KeyNumber = Convert.ToInt32 (skn); break; } break; case "-sp": subjectParams.ProviderName = args [i++]; break; case "-sr": switch (args [i++].ToLower ()) { case "localmachine": subjectParams.Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore; break; case "currentuser": subjectParams.Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseDefaultKeyContainer; break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Unknown key store for subject"); return -1; } break; case "-ss": Console.WriteLine ("Unsupported option"); return -1; case "-sv": string pvkFile = args [i++]; if (File.Exists (pvkFile)) { PrivateKey key = PrivateKey.CreateFromFile (pvkFile); subjectKey = key.RSA; } else { PrivateKey key = new PrivateKey (); key.RSA = subjectKey; key.Save (pvkFile); } break; case "-sy": subjectParams.ProviderType = Convert.ToInt32 (args [i++]); break; // Mono Specific Options case "-p12": p12file = args [i++]; p12pwd = args [i++]; break; // Other options case "-?": Help (); return 0; case "-!": ExtendedHelp (); return 0; default: if (i != args.Length) { Console.WriteLine ("ERROR: Unknown parameter"); Help (); return -1; } break; } } // serial number MUST be positive if ((sn [0] & 0x80) == 0x80) sn [0] -= 0x80; if (selfSigned) { if (subject != defaultSubject) { issuer = subject; issuerKey = subjectKey; } else { subject = issuer; subjectKey = issuerKey; } } if (subject == null) throw new Exception ("Missing Subject Name"); X509CertificateBuilder cb = new X509CertificateBuilder (3); cb.SerialNumber = sn; cb.IssuerName = issuer; cb.NotBefore = notBefore; cb.NotAfter = notAfter; cb.SubjectName = subject; cb.SubjectPublicKey = subjectKey; // extensions if (bce != null) cb.Extensions.Add (bce); if (eku != null) cb.Extensions.Add (eku); if (alt != null) cb.Extensions.Add (alt); // signature cb.Hash = hashName; byte[] rawcert = cb.Sign (issuerKey); if (p12file == null) { WriteCertificate (fileName, rawcert); } else { PKCS12 p12 = new PKCS12 (); p12.Password = p12pwd; ArrayList list = new ArrayList (); // we use a fixed array to avoid endianess issues // (in case some tools requires the ID to be 1). list.Add (new byte [4] { 1, 0, 0, 0 }); Hashtable attributes = new Hashtable (1); attributes.Add (PKCS9.localKeyId, list); p12.AddCertificate (new X509Certificate (rawcert), attributes); if (issuerCertificate != null) p12.AddCertificate (issuerCertificate); p12.AddPkcs8ShroudedKeyBag (subjectKey, attributes); p12.SaveToFile (p12file); } Console.WriteLine ("Success"); return 0; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("ERROR: " + e.ToString ()); Help (); } return 1; } } }