// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
namespace System.ComponentModel {
* A "container" is an object that logically contains zero or more child
* components.
* In this context, "containment" refers to logical containment, not visual
* containment. Components and containers can be used in a variety of
* scenarios, including both visual and non-visual scenarios.
// Interfaces don't need to be serializable
/// Provides
/// functionality for containers. Containers are objects that logically contain zero or more components.
public interface IContainer : IDisposable {
// Adds a component to the container.
/// Adds the specified to the
/// at the end of the list.
void Add(IComponent component);
// Adds a component to the container.
/// Adds the specified to the
/// at the end of the list, and assigns a name to the component.
void Add(IComponent component, String name);
// The components in the container.
/// Gets all the components in the .
ComponentCollection Components {get;}
// Removes a component from the container.
/// Removes a component from the .
void Remove(IComponent component);