namespace System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Design { using System; using System.IO; using System.CodeDom; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Drawing; using System.Resources; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Drawing.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Windows.Forms.Design; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Workflow.Interop; using System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Compiler; using Microsoft.Win32; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; #region Enum LightSourcePosition [Flags] internal enum LightSourcePosition { Left = 1, Right = 2, Top = 4, Bottom = 8, Center = 16 } #endregion #region Class ActivityDesignerPaint /// <summary> /// Provides useful methods used to paint user interface elements on activity designers. /// </summary> [Obsolete("The System.Workflow.* types are deprecated. Instead, please use the new types from System.Activities.*")] public static class ActivityDesignerPaint { #region Members and Enumerations internal enum XpThemeColorStyles { Blue = 0, Silver = 1, Green = 2 } [Obsolete("The System.Workflow.* types are deprecated. Instead, please use the new types from System.Activities.*")] private enum XpSchemeColorIndex { FgGnd = 0, BkGnd = 1, Border = 2, Highlight = 3, Shadow = 4 }; private static Color[,] XPColorSchemes = new Color[,] { { Color.FromArgb(0, 60, 165), Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255), Color.FromArgb(181, 186, 214), Color.FromArgb(66, 142, 255), Color.FromArgb(181, 195, 231) }, { Color.FromArgb(49, 68, 115), Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255), Color.FromArgb(186, 187, 201), Color.FromArgb(126, 124, 124), Color.FromArgb(206, 207, 216) }, { Color.FromArgb(86, 102, 45), Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255), Color.FromArgb(210, 219, 197), Color.FromArgb(114, 146, 29), Color.FromArgb(212, 220, 190) } }; #endregion #region Drawing Functions #region Text Rendering internal static Size MeasureString(Graphics graphics, Font font, string text, StringAlignment alignment, Size maxSize) { SizeF textSize = SizeF.Empty; if (maxSize.IsEmpty) { textSize = graphics.MeasureString(text, font); } else { StringFormat format = new StringFormat(); format.Alignment = alignment; format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; format.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter; format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoClip; textSize = graphics.MeasureString(text, font, new SizeF(maxSize.Width, maxSize.Height), format); } return new Size(Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(textSize.Width)), Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(textSize.Height))); } /// <summary> /// Draws the text as per the parameters specified on given graphics object /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics">Graphics on which to draw the text</param> /// <param name="font">Font used in drawing</param> /// <param name="text">Text to draw on the graphics</param> /// <param name="boundingRect">Bounding rectangle in which text must be drawn</param> /// <param name="alignment">Alignment for the text</param> /// <param name="textQuality">Text quality to be used in drawing</param> /// <param name="textBrush">Brush using which to draw the text</param> public static void DrawText(Graphics graphics, Font font, string text, Rectangle boundingRect, StringAlignment alignment, TextQuality textQuality, Brush textBrush) { if (graphics == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("graphics"); if (font == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("font"); if (text == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("text"); if (textBrush == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("textBrush"); if (boundingRect.IsEmpty) return; StringFormat format = new StringFormat(); format.Alignment = alignment; format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; format.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter; format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoClip | StringFormatFlags.FitBlackBox; TextRenderingHint oldTextHint = graphics.TextRenderingHint; graphics.TextRenderingHint = (textQuality == TextQuality.AntiAliased) ? TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias : TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault; graphics.DrawString(text, font, textBrush, boundingRect, format); graphics.TextRenderingHint = oldTextHint; } #endregion #region Image Rendering /// <summary> /// Draws image with specified paramters. /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics">Graphics on which to draw the image</param> /// <param name="image">Image to be drawn</param> /// <param name="destination">Bounding rectangle for the image</param> /// <param name="alignment">Alignment specifying how the image will be aligned against bounding rectangle</param> public static void DrawImage(Graphics graphics, Image image, Rectangle destination, DesignerContentAlignment alignment) { if (image == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("image"); //we are accessing .Size property on the "image" argument DrawImage(graphics, image, destination, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, image.Size), alignment, 1.0f, false); } internal static void DrawImage(Graphics graphics, Image image, Rectangle destination, float transparency) { if (image == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("image"); //we are accessing .Size property on the "image" argument DrawImage(graphics, image, destination, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, image.Size), DesignerContentAlignment.Center, transparency, false); } /// <summary> /// Draws image with specified paramters. /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics">Graphics on which to draw image</param> /// <param name="image">Image to be drawn</param> /// <param name="destination">Bounding rectangle for the image</param> /// <param name="source">Source rectangle of the image</param> /// <param name="alignment">Alignment specifying how image will be aligned against the bounding rectangle</param> /// <param name="transparency">Transparency for the image</param> /// <param name="grayscale">Value indicating if the image should be gray scaled</param> public static void DrawImage(Graphics graphics, Image image, Rectangle destination, Rectangle source, DesignerContentAlignment alignment, float transparency, bool grayscale) { if (graphics == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("graphics"); if (image == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("image"); if (destination.IsEmpty) throw new ArgumentNullException("destination"); if (source.IsEmpty) throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); if (transparency < 0 || transparency > 1.0f) throw new ArgumentNullException("transparency"); Rectangle imageRectangle = GetRectangleFromAlignment(alignment, destination, source.Size); if (image != null && !imageRectangle.IsEmpty) { ColorMatrix colorMatrix = new ColorMatrix(); if (grayscale) { colorMatrix.Matrix00 = 1 / 3f; colorMatrix.Matrix01 = 1 / 3f; colorMatrix.Matrix02 = 1 / 3f; colorMatrix.Matrix10 = 1 / 3f; colorMatrix.Matrix11 = 1 / 3f; colorMatrix.Matrix12 = 1 / 3f; colorMatrix.Matrix20 = 1 / 3f; colorMatrix.Matrix21 = 1 / 3f; colorMatrix.Matrix22 = 1 / 3f; } colorMatrix.Matrix33 = transparency; //Alpha factor ImageAttributes imageAttributes = new ImageAttributes(); imageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(colorMatrix); graphics.DrawImage(image, imageRectangle, source.X, source.Y, source.Width, source.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttributes); } } internal static Rectangle GetRectangleFromAlignment(DesignerContentAlignment alignment, Rectangle destination, Size size) { if (size.IsEmpty || destination.IsEmpty) return Rectangle.Empty; Rectangle rectangle = Rectangle.Empty; rectangle.Width = Math.Min(size.Width, destination.Width); rectangle.Height = Math.Min(size.Height, destination.Height); if ((alignment & DesignerContentAlignment.Fill) > 0) { rectangle = destination; } else { if ((alignment & DesignerContentAlignment.Left) > 0) rectangle.X = destination.Left; else if ((alignment & DesignerContentAlignment.Right) > 0) rectangle.X = destination.Right - rectangle.Width; else rectangle.X = destination.Left + destination.Width / 2 - rectangle.Width / 2; if ((alignment & DesignerContentAlignment.Top) > 0) rectangle.Y = destination.Top; else if ((alignment & DesignerContentAlignment.Bottom) > 0) rectangle.Y = destination.Bottom - rectangle.Height; else rectangle.Y = destination.Top + destination.Height / 2 - rectangle.Height / 2; } return rectangle; } #endregion #region Selection Rendering internal static void DrawSelection(Graphics graphics, Rectangle boundingRect, bool isPrimary, Size selectionSize, Rectangle[] grabHandles) { InterpolationMode oldInterpolationMode = graphics.InterpolationMode; SmoothingMode oldSmoothingMode = graphics.SmoothingMode; //dashes dont show up when smoothing is set graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.High; graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None; Rectangle selectionRect = boundingRect; selectionRect.Inflate(selectionSize.Width, selectionSize.Height); selectionRect.Inflate(-selectionSize.Width / 2, -selectionSize.Height / 2); graphics.DrawRectangle(WorkflowTheme.CurrentTheme.AmbientTheme.SelectionPatternPen, selectionRect); selectionRect.Inflate(selectionSize.Width / 2, selectionSize.Height / 2); DrawGrabHandles(graphics, grabHandles, isPrimary); graphics.InterpolationMode = oldInterpolationMode; graphics.SmoothingMode = oldSmoothingMode; } internal static void DrawGrabHandles(Graphics graphics, Rectangle[] grabHandles, bool isPrimary) { foreach (Rectangle grabHandle in grabHandles) { if (isPrimary) { //primary graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, grabHandle); graphics.DrawRectangle(WorkflowTheme.CurrentTheme.AmbientTheme.SelectionForegroundPen, grabHandle); } else { Pen patternPen = WorkflowTheme.CurrentTheme.AmbientTheme.SelectionPatternPen; DashStyle oldDashStyle = patternPen.DashStyle; patternPen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid; //secondary graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, grabHandle); graphics.DrawRectangle(patternPen, grabHandle); patternPen.DashStyle = oldDashStyle; } } } #endregion #region General Rendering Methods /// <summary> /// Draws three dimentional button on the designer /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics">Graphics on which to draw the button</param> /// <param name="image">Image which is to be drawn on the button</param> /// <param name="bounds">Bounding rectangle for the button</param> /// <param name="transparency">Transparency value for the button</param> /// <param name="buttonState">State in which to draw the button</param> public static void Draw3DButton(Graphics graphics, Image image, Rectangle bounds, float transparency, ButtonState buttonState) { if (graphics == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("graphics"); int alpha = Math.Max(0, Convert.ToInt32(transparency * 255)); using (SolidBrush backgroundBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(alpha, SystemColors.Control))) using (Pen lightPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(alpha, SystemColors.ControlLightLight))) using (Pen darkPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(alpha, SystemColors.ControlDark))) using (Pen darkdarkPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(alpha, SystemColors.ControlDarkDark))) { graphics.FillRectangle(backgroundBrush, bounds); if (buttonState == ButtonState.Normal || buttonState == ButtonState.Inactive) { graphics.DrawLine(lightPen, bounds.Left + 1, bounds.Bottom - 1, bounds.Left + 1, bounds.Top + 1); graphics.DrawLine(lightPen, bounds.Left + 1, bounds.Top + 1, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Top + 1); graphics.DrawLine(darkPen, bounds.Left + 1, bounds.Bottom - 1, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Bottom - 1); graphics.DrawLine(darkPen, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Bottom - 1, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Top + 1); graphics.DrawLine(darkdarkPen, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom); graphics.DrawLine(darkdarkPen, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom, bounds.Right, bounds.Top); } else if (buttonState == ButtonState.Pushed) { graphics.DrawRectangle(darkPen, bounds); bounds.Offset(1, 1); } if (image != null) { bounds.Inflate(-2, -2); DrawImage(graphics, image, bounds, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, image.Size), DesignerContentAlignment.Fill, transparency, (buttonState == ButtonState.Inactive)); } } } internal static void DrawGrid(Graphics graphics, Rectangle viewableRectangle) { AmbientTheme ambientTheme = WorkflowTheme.CurrentTheme.AmbientTheme; if (ambientTheme.GridStyle == DashStyle.Dot) { Point gridStart = Point.Empty; gridStart.X = viewableRectangle.X - (viewableRectangle.X % ambientTheme.GridSize.Width); gridStart.Y = viewableRectangle.Y - (viewableRectangle.Y % ambientTheme.GridSize.Height); for (int gridCoOrdX = gridStart.X; gridCoOrdX <= viewableRectangle.Right; gridCoOrdX += Math.Max(ambientTheme.GridSize.Width, 1)) { for (int gridCoOrdY = gridStart.Y; gridCoOrdY <= viewableRectangle.Bottom; gridCoOrdY += Math.Max(ambientTheme.GridSize.Height, 1)) { graphics.FillRectangle(ambientTheme.MajorGridBrush, new Rectangle(new Point(gridCoOrdX, gridCoOrdY), new Size(1, 1))); if (((gridCoOrdX + ambientTheme.GridSize.Width / 2) >= viewableRectangle.Left && (gridCoOrdX + ambientTheme.GridSize.Width / 2) <= viewableRectangle.Right) && ((gridCoOrdY + ambientTheme.GridSize.Height / 2) >= viewableRectangle.Top && (gridCoOrdY + ambientTheme.GridSize.Height / 2) <= viewableRectangle.Bottom)) graphics.FillRectangle(ambientTheme.MinorGridBrush, new Rectangle(new Point(gridCoOrdX + ambientTheme.GridSize.Width / 2, gridCoOrdY + ambientTheme.GridSize.Height / 2), new Size(1, 1))); } } } else { //We use native pens to draw the grid for efficiency reason using (Hdc hdc = new Hdc(graphics)) using (HPen majorGridPen = new HPen(ambientTheme.MajorGridPen)) using (HPen minorGridPen = new HPen(ambientTheme.MinorGridPen)) { hdc.DrawGrid(majorGridPen, minorGridPen, viewableRectangle, ambientTheme.GridSize, true); } } } /// <summary> /// Draws expand / collapse button based on the theme passed /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics">Graphics on which to draw the button</param> /// <param name="boundingRect">Bounding rectangle for the button</param> /// <param name="drawExpanded">Value indicating if the button should be drawn in expanded state</param> /// <param name="compositeDesignerTheme">Theme associated with the designer used in rendering of the button</param> public static void DrawExpandButton(Graphics graphics, Rectangle boundingRect, bool drawExpanded, CompositeDesignerTheme compositeDesignerTheme) { if (graphics == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("graphics"); if (compositeDesignerTheme == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("compositeDesignerTheme"); if (boundingRect.IsEmpty) return; graphics.FillRectangle(compositeDesignerTheme.GetExpandButtonBackgroundBrush(boundingRect), boundingRect); graphics.DrawRectangle(CompositeDesignerTheme.ExpandButtonBorderPen, boundingRect); graphics.DrawLine(CompositeDesignerTheme.ExpandButtonForegoundPen, boundingRect.Left + 2, boundingRect.Top + boundingRect.Height / 2, boundingRect.Right - 2, boundingRect.Top + boundingRect.Height / 2); if (drawExpanded) graphics.DrawLine(CompositeDesignerTheme.ExpandButtonForegoundPen, boundingRect.Left + boundingRect.Width / 2, boundingRect.Top + 2, boundingRect.Left + boundingRect.Width / 2, boundingRect.Bottom - 2); } /// <summary> /// Draws a rounded rectangle with specified parameters /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics">Graphics on which to draw the rounded rectangle</param> /// <param name="drawingPen">Pen used to render the rectangle</param> /// <param name="rectangle">Bounding rectangle</param> /// <param name="radius">Radius used for the rounded edges</param> public static void DrawRoundedRectangle(Graphics graphics, Pen drawingPen, Rectangle rectangle, int radius) { if (graphics == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("graphics"); if (drawingPen == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("drawingPen"); GraphicsPath roundedRectangle = null; checked { roundedRectangle = GetRoundedRectanglePath(rectangle, radius * 2); } graphics.DrawPath(drawingPen, roundedRectangle); roundedRectangle.Dispose(); } /// <summary> /// Draws the drop shadow using specified base color /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics">Graphics object on which to draw the shadow</param> /// <param name="shadowSourceRectangle">Rectangle around which to draw the shadow</param> /// <param name="baseColor">Base color used to draw the shadow</param> /// <param name="shadowDepth">Depth of the shadow, this has to be between 1 and 12 inclusive</param> /// <param name="lightSourcePosition">Position of the light source determining the way shadow will be drawn</param> /// <param name="lightSourceIntensity">Intensity of the light source, this needs to be inbetween 0.01 and 1</param> /// <param name="roundEdges">Flag indicating whether to round the edges of the shadow</param> internal static void DrawDropShadow(Graphics graphics, Rectangle shadowSourceRectangle, Color baseColor, int shadowDepth, LightSourcePosition lightSourcePosition, float lightSourceIntensity, bool roundEdges) { if (graphics == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("graphics"); if (shadowSourceRectangle.IsEmpty || shadowSourceRectangle.Width < 0 || shadowSourceRectangle.Height < 0) throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Error_InvalidShadowRectangle), "shadowRectangle"); if (shadowDepth < 1 || shadowDepth > 12) throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Error_InvalidShadowDepth), "shadowDepth"); if (lightSourceIntensity <= 0.0f || lightSourceIntensity > 1.0f) throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Error_InvalidLightSource), "lightSourceIntensity"); const int baseAlphaLevel = 40; Rectangle shadowRectangle = shadowSourceRectangle; Size offset = Size.Empty; if ((lightSourcePosition & LightSourcePosition.Center) > 0) shadowRectangle.Inflate(shadowDepth, shadowDepth); if ((lightSourcePosition & LightSourcePosition.Left) > 0) offset.Width += (shadowDepth + 1); else if ((lightSourcePosition & LightSourcePosition.Right) > 0) offset.Width -= (shadowDepth + 1); if ((lightSourcePosition & LightSourcePosition.Top) > 0) offset.Height += (shadowDepth + 1); else if ((lightSourcePosition & LightSourcePosition.Bottom) > 0) offset.Height -= (shadowDepth + 1); shadowRectangle.Offset(offset.Width, offset.Height); GraphicsContainer graphicsState = graphics.BeginContainer(); GraphicsPath excludePath = new GraphicsPath(); if (roundEdges) excludePath.AddPath(GetRoundedRectanglePath(shadowSourceRectangle, AmbientTheme.ArcDiameter), true); else excludePath.AddRectangle(shadowSourceRectangle); try { using (Region clipRegion = new Region(excludePath)) { graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; graphics.ExcludeClip(clipRegion); Color shadowColor = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32((baseAlphaLevel * lightSourceIntensity)), baseColor); int alphaIncreament = Math.Max((baseAlphaLevel / shadowDepth), 2); for (int i = 0; i < shadowDepth; i++) { shadowRectangle.Inflate(-1, -1); using (Brush shadowBrush = new SolidBrush(shadowColor)) using (GraphicsPath shadowPath = new GraphicsPath()) { if (roundEdges) shadowPath.AddPath(GetRoundedRectanglePath(shadowRectangle, AmbientTheme.ArcDiameter), true); else shadowPath.AddRectangle(shadowRectangle); graphics.FillPath(shadowBrush, shadowPath); } shadowColor = Color.FromArgb(shadowColor.A + alphaIncreament, shadowColor.R, shadowColor.G, shadowColor.B); } } } finally { graphics.EndContainer(graphicsState); } } internal static void DrawDesignerBackground(Graphics graphics, ActivityDesigner designer) { ActivityDesignerTheme designerTheme = designer.DesignerTheme; CompositeDesignerTheme compositeDesignerTheme = designerTheme as CompositeDesignerTheme; //Draw the designer Rectangle designerBounds = designer.Bounds; Point location = designerBounds.Location; designerBounds.Location = Point.Empty; Matrix oldMatrix = graphics.Transform; graphics.TranslateTransform(location.X, location.Y); GraphicsPath designerPath = GetDesignerPath(designer, new Point(-location.X, -location.Y), Size.Empty, DesignerEdges.None); RectangleF boundsF = designerPath.GetBounds(); Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(boundsF.Width)), Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(boundsF.Height))); //Draw background graphics.FillPath(designerTheme.GetBackgroundBrush(bounds), designerPath); //Draw watermark, we draw the watermark only when the designer is not collapsed bool expanded = (designer is CompositeActivityDesigner) ? ((CompositeActivityDesigner)designer).Expanded : false; if (compositeDesignerTheme != null && expanded && compositeDesignerTheme.WatermarkImage != null) { Size margin = WorkflowTheme.CurrentTheme.AmbientTheme.Margin; bounds.Inflate(-margin.Width, -margin.Height); DrawImage(graphics, compositeDesignerTheme.WatermarkImage, bounds, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, compositeDesignerTheme.WatermarkImage.Size), compositeDesignerTheme.Watermar----gnment, AmbientTheme.WatermarkTransparency, false); } //Draw border if (WorkflowTheme.CurrentTheme.AmbientTheme.ShowDesignerBorder) graphics.DrawPath(designerTheme.BorderPen, designerPath); designerPath.Dispose(); graphics.Transform = oldMatrix; } internal static GraphicsPath GetDesignerPath(ActivityDesigner designer, bool enableRoundedCorners) { return GetDesignerPath(designer, Point.Empty, Size.Empty, DesignerEdges.None, enableRoundedCorners); } internal static GraphicsPath GetDesignerPath(ActivityDesigner designer, Point offset, Size inflate, DesignerEdges edgeToInflate) { return GetDesignerPath(designer, offset, inflate, edgeToInflate, true); } internal static GraphicsPath GetDesignerPath(ActivityDesigner designer, Point offset, Size inflate, DesignerEdges edgeToInflate, bool enableRoundedCorners) { GraphicsPath designerPath = new GraphicsPath(); Rectangle bounds = designer.Bounds; bounds.Offset(offset); if ((edgeToInflate & DesignerEdges.Left) > 0) { bounds.X -= inflate.Width; bounds.Width += inflate.Width; } if ((edgeToInflate & DesignerEdges.Right) > 0) bounds.Width += inflate.Width; if ((edgeToInflate & DesignerEdges.Top) > 0) { bounds.Y -= inflate.Height; bounds.Height += inflate.Height; } if ((edgeToInflate & DesignerEdges.Bottom) > 0) bounds.Height += inflate.Height; // if (designer == ActivityDesigner.GetSafeRootDesigner(designer.Activity.Site) && ((IWorkflowRootDesigner)designer).InvokingDesigner == null) { designerPath.AddRectangle(bounds); } else { ActivityDesignerTheme designerTheme = designer.DesignerTheme; if (enableRoundedCorners && designerTheme != null && designerTheme.DesignerGeometry == DesignerGeometry.RoundedRectangle) designerPath.AddPath(GetRoundedRectanglePath(bounds, AmbientTheme.ArcDiameter), true); else designerPath.AddRectangle(bounds); } return designerPath; } internal static void DrawInvalidDesignerIndicator(Graphics graphics, ActivityDesigner activityDesigner) { Rectangle bounds = activityDesigner.Bounds; graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, bounds); graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, bounds.Left, bounds.Top, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom); graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, bounds.Right, bounds.Top, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom); } #endregion #region Connector Drawing internal static void DrawConnectors(Graphics graphics, Pen pen, Point[] points, Size connectorCapSize, Size maxCapSize, LineAnchor startConnectorCap, LineAnchor endConnectorCap) { if (points.GetLength(0) < 2) return; //First we start with drawing start cap GraphicsPath startCap = null; float startCapInset = 0.0f; if (startConnectorCap != LineAnchor.None) { Point[] startSegment = new Point[] { points[0], points[1] }; int capSize = (startSegment[0].Y == startSegment[1].Y) ? connectorCapSize.Width : connectorCapSize.Height; capSize += (capSize % 2); capSize = Math.Min(Math.Min(capSize, maxCapSize.Width), maxCapSize.Height); startCap = GetLineCap(startConnectorCap, capSize, out startCapInset); //Now if user has requested us to fill the line cap then we do so //THIS IS A WORKAROUND IN FILLING THE CUSTOM CAPS AS GDI+ HAS A bool fill = (startCap != null && (((int)startConnectorCap % 2) == 0) && (startSegment[0].X == startSegment[1].X || startSegment[0].Y == startSegment[1].Y)); if (fill) { Matrix oldTransform = graphics.Transform; graphics.TranslateTransform(startSegment[0].X, startSegment[0].Y); if (startSegment[0].Y == startSegment[1].Y) graphics.RotateTransform((startSegment[0].X < startSegment[1].X) ? 90.0f : 270.0f); else graphics.RotateTransform((startSegment[0].Y < startSegment[1].Y) ? 180.0f : 0.0f); using (Brush penBrush = new SolidBrush(pen.Color)) { graphics.FillPath(penBrush, startCap); graphics.DrawPath(pen, startCap); } graphics.Transform = (oldTransform != null) ? oldTransform : new Matrix(); } } GraphicsPath endCap = null; float endCapInset = 0.0f; if (endConnectorCap != LineAnchor.None) { Point[] endSegment = new Point[] { points[points.GetLength(0) - 2], points[points.GetLength(0) - 1] }; int capSize = (endSegment[0].Y == endSegment[1].Y) ? connectorCapSize.Width : connectorCapSize.Height; capSize += (capSize % 2); capSize = Math.Min(Math.Min(capSize, maxCapSize.Width), maxCapSize.Height); endCap = GetLineCap(endConnectorCap, capSize, out endCapInset); //Now if user has requested us to fill the line cap then we do so, //THIS IS A WORKAROUND IN FILLING THE CUSTOM CAPS AS GDI+ HAS A bool fill = (endCap != null && (((int)endConnectorCap % 2) == 0) && (endSegment[0].X == endSegment[1].X || endSegment[0].Y == endSegment[1].Y)); if (fill) { Matrix oldTransform = graphics.Transform; graphics.TranslateTransform(endSegment[1].X, endSegment[1].Y); if (endSegment[0].Y == endSegment[1].Y) graphics.RotateTransform((endSegment[0].X < endSegment[1].X) ? 270.0f : 90.0f); else graphics.RotateTransform((endSegment[0].Y < endSegment[1].Y) ? 0.0f : 180.0f); using (Brush penBrush = new SolidBrush(pen.Color)) { graphics.FillPath(penBrush, endCap); graphics.DrawPath(pen, endCap); } graphics.Transform = (oldTransform != null) ? oldTransform : new Matrix(); } } if (startCap != null) { CustomLineCap customStartCap = new CustomLineCap(null, startCap); customStartCap.WidthScale = 1.0f / pen.Width; customStartCap.BaseInset = startCapInset; pen.CustomStartCap = customStartCap; } if (endCap != null) { CustomLineCap customEndCap = new CustomLineCap(null, endCap); customEndCap.WidthScale = 1.0f / pen.Width; customEndCap.BaseInset = endCapInset; pen.CustomEndCap = customEndCap; } graphics.DrawLines(pen, points); if (startCap != null) { CustomLineCap disposableLineCap = pen.CustomStartCap; pen.StartCap = LineCap.Flat; disposableLineCap.Dispose(); } if (endCap != null) { CustomLineCap disposableLineCap = pen.CustomEndCap; pen.EndCap = LineCap.Flat; disposableLineCap.Dispose(); } } #endregion #region General purpose functions // internal static GraphicsPath GetLineCap(LineAnchor lineCap, int capsize, out float capinset) { //WE DO NOT SUPPORT ARROWCAPS FOR ANGULAR CONNECTORS FOR NOW capinset = 0.0f; capinset = (float)capsize; Size capSize = new Size(capsize, capsize); GraphicsPath lineCapPath = new GraphicsPath(); switch (lineCap) { case LineAnchor.Arrow: case LineAnchor.ArrowAnchor: int arcRadius = capSize.Height / 3; lineCapPath.AddLine(capSize.Width / 2, -capSize.Height, 0, 0); lineCapPath.AddLine(0, 0, -capSize.Width / 2, -capSize.Height); lineCapPath.AddLine(-capSize.Width / 2, -capSize.Height, 0, -capSize.Height + arcRadius); lineCapPath.AddLine(0, -capSize.Height + arcRadius, capSize.Width / 2, -capSize.Height); capinset = capSize.Height - arcRadius; break; case LineAnchor.Diamond: case LineAnchor.DiamondAnchor: lineCapPath.AddLine(0, -capSize.Height, capSize.Width / 2, -capSize.Height / 2); lineCapPath.AddLine(capSize.Width / 2, -capSize.Height / 2, 0, 0); lineCapPath.AddLine(0, 0, -capSize.Width / 2, -capSize.Height / 2); lineCapPath.AddLine(-capSize.Width / 2, -capSize.Height / 2, 0, -capSize.Height); break; case LineAnchor.Round: case LineAnchor.RoundAnchor: lineCapPath.AddEllipse(new Rectangle(-capSize.Width / 2, -capSize.Height, capSize.Width, capSize.Height)); break; case LineAnchor.Rectangle: case LineAnchor.RectangleAnchor: lineCapPath.AddRectangle(new Rectangle(-capSize.Width / 2, -capSize.Height, capSize.Width, capSize.Height)); break; case LineAnchor.RoundedRectangle: case LineAnchor.RoundedRectangleAnchor: arcRadius = capSize.Height / 4; lineCapPath.AddPath(GetRoundedRectanglePath(new Rectangle(-capSize.Width / 2, -capSize.Height, capSize.Width, capSize.Height), arcRadius), true); break; } lineCapPath.CloseFigure(); return lineCapPath; } /// <summary> /// Get the rounded rectangle path with specified radius /// </summary> /// <param name="rectangle">Bounding rectangle used for getting the rounded rectangular path</param> /// <param name="radius">Radius used to obtain the rounded rectangle path</param> /// <returns></returns> public static GraphicsPath GetRoundedRectanglePath(Rectangle rectangle, int radius) { if (rectangle.IsEmpty) throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Error_EmptyRectangleValue), "rectangle"); if (radius <= 0) throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Error_InvalidRadiusValue), "radius"); int diameter = radius * 2; GraphicsPath roundedRectangle = new GraphicsPath(); roundedRectangle.AddLine(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom - radius, rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top + radius); roundedRectangle.AddArc(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top, diameter, diameter, 180.0f, 90.0f); roundedRectangle.AddLine(rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Top, rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Top); roundedRectangle.AddArc(rectangle.Right - diameter, rectangle.Top, diameter, diameter, 270.0f, 90.0f); roundedRectangle.AddLine(rectangle.Right, rectangle.Top + radius, rectangle.Right, rectangle.Bottom - radius); roundedRectangle.AddArc(rectangle.Right - diameter, rectangle.Bottom - diameter, diameter, diameter, 0.0f, 90.0f); roundedRectangle.AddLine(rectangle.Right - radius, rectangle.Bottom, rectangle.Left + radius, rectangle.Bottom); roundedRectangle.AddArc(rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom - diameter, diameter, diameter, 90.0f, 90.0f); roundedRectangle.CloseFigure(); return roundedRectangle; } internal static GraphicsPath GetScrollIndicatorPath(Rectangle bounds, ScrollButton button) { GraphicsPath scrollIndicatorPath = new GraphicsPath(); if (!bounds.IsEmpty) { if (button == ScrollButton.Left || button == ScrollButton.Right) { int arrowHeight = bounds.Height + bounds.Height % 2; int midPoint = arrowHeight / 2; Size arrowSize = new Size(arrowHeight / 2, arrowHeight); if (button == ScrollButton.Right) { scrollIndicatorPath.AddLine(bounds.Left + (bounds.Width - arrowSize.Width) / 2, bounds.Top, bounds.Left + (bounds.Width - arrowSize.Width) / 2, bounds.Top + arrowSize.Height); scrollIndicatorPath.AddLine(bounds.Left + (bounds.Width - arrowSize.Width) / 2, bounds.Top + arrowSize.Height, bounds.Left + (bounds.Width - arrowSize.Width) / 2 + arrowSize.Width, bounds.Top + midPoint); scrollIndicatorPath.AddLine(bounds.Left + (bounds.Width - arrowSize.Width) / 2 + arrowSize.Width, bounds.Top + midPoint, bounds.Left + (bounds.Width - arrowSize.Width) / 2, bounds.Top); } else { scrollIndicatorPath.AddLine(bounds.Left + (bounds.Width - arrowSize.Width) / 2, bounds.Top + midPoint, bounds.Left + (bounds.Width - arrowSize.Width) / 2 + arrowSize.Width, bounds.Top + arrowSize.Height); scrollIndicatorPath.AddLine(bounds.Left + (bounds.Width - arrowSize.Width) / 2 + arrowSize.Width, bounds.Top + arrowSize.Height, bounds.Left + (bounds.Width - arrowSize.Width) / 2 + arrowSize.Width, bounds.Top); scrollIndicatorPath.AddLine(bounds.Left + (bounds.Width - arrowSize.Width) / 2 + arrowSize.Width, bounds.Top, bounds.Left + (bounds.Width - arrowSize.Width) / 2, bounds.Top + midPoint); } } else if (button == ScrollButton.Up || button == ScrollButton.Down) { int arrowWidth = bounds.Width + bounds.Width % 2; int midPoint = arrowWidth / 2; Size arrowSize = new Size(arrowWidth, arrowWidth / 2); if (button == ScrollButton.Down) { scrollIndicatorPath.AddLine(bounds.Left, bounds.Top + (bounds.Height - arrowSize.Height) / 2, bounds.Left + arrowSize.Width, bounds.Top + (bounds.Height - arrowSize.Height) / 2); scrollIndicatorPath.AddLine(bounds.Left + arrowSize.Width, bounds.Top + (bounds.Height - arrowSize.Height) / 2, bounds.Left + midPoint, bounds.Top + (bounds.Height - arrowSize.Height) / 2 + arrowSize.Height); scrollIndicatorPath.AddLine(bounds.Left + midPoint, bounds.Top + (bounds.Height - arrowSize.Height) / 2 + arrowSize.Height, bounds.Left, bounds.Top + (bounds.Height - arrowSize.Height) / 2); } else { scrollIndicatorPath.AddLine(bounds.Left + midPoint, bounds.Top + (bounds.Height - arrowSize.Height) / 2, bounds.Left + arrowSize.Width, bounds.Top + (bounds.Height - arrowSize.Height) / 2 + arrowSize.Height); scrollIndicatorPath.AddLine(bounds.Left + arrowSize.Width, bounds.Top + (bounds.Height - arrowSize.Height) / 2 + arrowSize.Height, bounds.Left, bounds.Top + (bounds.Height - arrowSize.Height) / 2 + arrowSize.Height); scrollIndicatorPath.AddLine(bounds.Left, bounds.Top + (bounds.Height - arrowSize.Height) / 2 + arrowSize.Height, bounds.Left + midPoint, bounds.Top + (bounds.Height - arrowSize.Height) / 2); } } } scrollIndicatorPath.CloseFigure(); return scrollIndicatorPath; } internal static GraphicsPath[] GetPagePaths(Rectangle pageBounds, int pageFoldSize, DesignerContentAlignment foldAlignment) { GraphicsPath[] pagePaths = new GraphicsPath[2]; if (foldAlignment == DesignerContentAlignment.TopLeft) { //Page path pagePaths[0] = new GraphicsPath(); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Top + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Left + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Top + pageFoldSize); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Left + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Top + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Left + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Top); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Left + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Top, pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Top); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Top, pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Bottom); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Top + pageFoldSize); //Page fold path pagePaths[1] = new GraphicsPath(); pagePaths[1].AddLine(pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Top + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Left + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Top + pageFoldSize); pagePaths[1].AddLine(pageBounds.Left + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Top + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Left + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Top); pagePaths[1].AddLine(pageBounds.Left + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Top, pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Top + pageFoldSize); } else if (foldAlignment == DesignerContentAlignment.BottomLeft) { //Page path pagePaths[0] = new GraphicsPath(); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Top, pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Top); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Top, pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.Left + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Bottom); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Left + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.Left + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Bottom - pageFoldSize); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Left + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Bottom - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Bottom - pageFoldSize); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Bottom - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Top); //Page fold path pagePaths[1] = new GraphicsPath(); pagePaths[1].AddLine(pageBounds.Left + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.Left + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Bottom - pageFoldSize); pagePaths[1].AddLine(pageBounds.Left + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Bottom - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Bottom - pageFoldSize); pagePaths[1].AddLine(pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Bottom - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Left + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Bottom); } else if (foldAlignment == DesignerContentAlignment.TopRight) { //Page path pagePaths[0] = new GraphicsPath(); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Top, pageBounds.Right - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Top); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Right - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Top, pageBounds.Right - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Top + pageFoldSize); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Right - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Top + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Top + pageFoldSize); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Top + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Bottom); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Top); //Page fold path pagePaths[1] = new GraphicsPath(); pagePaths[1].AddLine(pageBounds.Right - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Top, pageBounds.Right - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Top + pageFoldSize); pagePaths[1].AddLine(pageBounds.Right - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Top + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Top + pageFoldSize); pagePaths[1].AddLine(pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Top + pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Right - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Top); } else if (foldAlignment == DesignerContentAlignment.BottomRight) { //Page path pagePaths[0] = new GraphicsPath(); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Top, pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Top); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Top, pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom - pageFoldSize); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Right - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Bottom - pageFoldSize); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Right - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Bottom - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Right - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Bottom); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Right - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Bottom); pagePaths[0].AddLine(pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.Left, pageBounds.Top); //Page fold path pagePaths[1] = new GraphicsPath(); pagePaths[1].AddLine(pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Right - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Bottom - pageFoldSize); pagePaths[1].AddLine(pageBounds.Right - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Bottom - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Right - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Bottom); pagePaths[1].AddLine(pageBounds.Right - pageFoldSize, pageBounds.Bottom, pageBounds.Right, pageBounds.Bottom - pageFoldSize); } return pagePaths; } #endregion #endregion #region Native Drawing Calls #region Class Hdc private sealed class Hdc : IDisposable { private Graphics graphics; private HandleRef hdc; private HandleRef oldPen; private HandleRef oldPenEx; private HandleRef oldBrush; private int oldGraphicsMode = 0; internal Hdc(Graphics graphics) { = graphics; NativeMethods.XFORM xform = new NativeMethods.XFORM(; this.hdc = new HandleRef(this,; //If the function fails, the return value is zero this.oldGraphicsMode = NativeMethods.SetGraphicsMode(this.hdc, NativeMethods.GM_ADVANCED); if (this.oldGraphicsMode == 0) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); //If the function fails, the return value is zero. int result = NativeMethods.SetWorldTransform(this.hdc, xform); if (result == 0) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); IntPtr handle = NativeMethods.GetCurrentObject(this.hdc, NativeMethods.OBJ_PEN); if (handle == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); this.oldPen = new HandleRef(this, handle); handle = NativeMethods.GetCurrentObject(this.hdc, NativeMethods.OBJ_EXTPEN); if (handle == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); this.oldPenEx = new HandleRef(this, handle); handle = NativeMethods.GetCurrentObject(this.hdc, NativeMethods.OBJ_BRUSH); if (handle == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); this.oldBrush = new HandleRef(this, handle); } void IDisposable.Dispose() { if ( != null) { string msg; IntPtr objectPtr = NativeMethods.SelectObject(this.hdc, this.oldPen); if (objectPtr == IntPtr.Zero) { Win32Exception e = new Win32Exception(); msg = e.Message; Debug.Assert(false, msg); } objectPtr = NativeMethods.SelectObject(this.hdc, this.oldPenEx); if (objectPtr == IntPtr.Zero) { Win32Exception e = new Win32Exception(); msg = e.Message; Debug.Assert(false, msg); } objectPtr = NativeMethods.SelectObject(this.hdc, this.oldBrush); if (objectPtr == IntPtr.Zero) { Win32Exception e = new Win32Exception(); msg = e.Message; Debug.Assert(false, msg); } int result = NativeMethods.SetWorldTransform(this.hdc, new NativeMethods.XFORM()); if (result == 0) { Win32Exception e = new Win32Exception(); msg = e.Message; Debug.Assert(false, msg); } result = NativeMethods.SetGraphicsMode(this.hdc, this.oldGraphicsMode); if (result == 0) { Win32Exception e = new Win32Exception(); msg = e.Message; Debug.Assert(false, msg); }; = null; } } //internal void DrawLines(HPen pen, Point[] points) //{ // try // { // IntPtr objectPtr = NativeMethods.SelectObject(this.hdc, pen.Handle); // if (objectPtr == IntPtr.Zero) // throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); // if (!NativeMethods.MoveToEx(this.hdc, points[0].X, points[0].Y, null)) // throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); // for (int i = 0; i < points.Length - 1; i++) // { // if (!NativeMethods.LineTo(this.hdc, points[i + 1].X, points[i + 1].Y)) // throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); // } // } // finally // { // IntPtr objectPtr = NativeMethods.SelectObject(this.hdc, this.oldPen); // if (objectPtr == IntPtr.Zero) // throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); // } //} internal void DrawGrid(HPen majorGridPen, HPen minorGridPen, Rectangle viewableRectangle, Size gridUnit, bool showMinorGrid) { try { Point gridStart = Point.Empty; gridStart.X = viewableRectangle.X - (viewableRectangle.X % gridUnit.Width); gridStart.Y = viewableRectangle.Y - (viewableRectangle.Y % gridUnit.Height); IntPtr objectPtr = NativeMethods.SelectObject(this.hdc, majorGridPen.Handle); if (objectPtr == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); for (int gridCoOrd = gridStart.X; gridCoOrd <= viewableRectangle.Right; gridCoOrd += Math.Max(gridUnit.Width, 1)) { if (gridCoOrd >= viewableRectangle.Left) { if (!NativeMethods.MoveToEx(this.hdc, gridCoOrd, viewableRectangle.Top + 1, null)) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); if (!NativeMethods.LineTo(this.hdc, gridCoOrd, viewableRectangle.Bottom - 1)) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } if (showMinorGrid && (gridCoOrd + gridUnit.Width / 2) >= viewableRectangle.Left && (gridCoOrd + gridUnit.Width / 2) <= viewableRectangle.Right) { objectPtr = NativeMethods.SelectObject(this.hdc, minorGridPen.Handle); if (objectPtr == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); if (!NativeMethods.MoveToEx(this.hdc, gridCoOrd + gridUnit.Width / 2, viewableRectangle.Top + 1, null)) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); if (!NativeMethods.LineTo(this.hdc, gridCoOrd + gridUnit.Width / 2, viewableRectangle.Bottom - 1)) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); objectPtr = NativeMethods.SelectObject(this.hdc, majorGridPen.Handle); if (objectPtr == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } } for (int gridCoOrd = gridStart.Y; gridCoOrd <= viewableRectangle.Bottom; gridCoOrd += Math.Max(gridUnit.Height, 1)) { if (gridCoOrd >= viewableRectangle.Top) { if (!NativeMethods.MoveToEx(this.hdc, viewableRectangle.Left + 1, gridCoOrd, null)) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); if (!NativeMethods.LineTo(this.hdc, viewableRectangle.Right - 1, gridCoOrd)) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } if (showMinorGrid && (gridCoOrd + gridUnit.Height / 2) >= viewableRectangle.Top && (gridCoOrd + gridUnit.Height / 2) <= viewableRectangle.Bottom) { objectPtr = NativeMethods.SelectObject(this.hdc, minorGridPen.Handle); if (objectPtr == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); if (!NativeMethods.MoveToEx(this.hdc, viewableRectangle.Left + 1, gridCoOrd + gridUnit.Height / 2, null)) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); if (!NativeMethods.LineTo(this.hdc, viewableRectangle.Right - 1, gridCoOrd + gridUnit.Height / 2)) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); objectPtr = NativeMethods.SelectObject(this.hdc, majorGridPen.Handle); if (objectPtr == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } } } finally { IntPtr objectPtr = NativeMethods.SelectObject(this.hdc, this.oldPen); if (objectPtr == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } } } #endregion #region Class HPen private sealed class HPen : IDisposable { private Pen pen; private HandleRef hpen; internal HPen(Pen pen) { this.pen = pen; int penStyle = ((int)pen.DashStyle < 4) ? (int)pen.DashStyle : 0; IntPtr penPtr = NativeMethods.ExtCreatePen(NativeMethods.PS_COSMETIC | NativeMethods.PS_USERSTYLE | penStyle, 1, new NativeMethods.LOGBRUSH(NativeMethods.BS_SOLID, ColorTranslator.ToWin32(pen.Color), 0), 2, new int[] { 1, 1 }); if (penPtr == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); this.hpen = new HandleRef(this, penPtr); } void IDisposable.Dispose() { if (this.pen != null) { //If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero int result = NativeMethods.DeleteObject(this.hpen); if (result == 0) { Win32Exception e = new Win32Exception(); string msg = e.Message; Debug.Assert(false, msg); } this.pen = null; } } internal HandleRef Handle { get { return this.hpen; } } //internal DashStyle Style //{ // get // { // return this.pen.DashStyle; // } //} } #endregion #endregion } #endregion internal static class UnsafeNativeMethods { internal const int S_OK = 0x00000000; internal const int S_FALSE = 0x00000001; internal static readonly int GWL_EXSTYLE = (-20); internal static readonly int WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL = 0x400000; [DllImport("user32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] internal static extern int GetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex); } internal static class DesignerHelpers { private static readonly string WorkflowDesignerSubKey = "Workflow Designer"; internal const string DeclarativeRulesRef = "System.Workflow.Activities.Rules.RuleConditionReference, " + AssemblyRef.ActivitiesAssemblyRef; internal const string SequentialWorkflowTypeRef = "System.Workflow.Activities.SequentialWorkflowActivity, " + AssemblyRef.ActivitiesAssemblyRef; internal const string StateMachineWorkflowTypeRef = "System.Workflow.Activities.StateMachineWorkflowActivity, " + AssemblyRef.ActivitiesAssemblyRef; internal const string EventHandlersTypeRef = "System.Workflow.Activities.EventHandlersActivity, " + AssemblyRef.ActivitiesAssemblyRef; internal const string IfElseBranchTypeRef = "System.Workflow.Activities.IfElseBranchActivity, " + AssemblyRef.ActivitiesAssemblyRef; internal const string CodeActivityTypeRef = "System.Workflow.Activities.CodeActivity, " + AssemblyRef.ActivitiesAssemblyRef; internal static Point SnapToGrid(Point location) { AmbientTheme ambientTheme = WorkflowTheme.CurrentTheme.AmbientTheme; if (ambientTheme.ShowGrid) { Size snapSize = WorkflowTheme.CurrentTheme.AmbientTheme.GridSize; snapSize.Width /= 2; snapSize.Height /= 2; location.X = ((location.X / snapSize.Width) * snapSize.Width) + (((location.X % snapSize.Width) > snapSize.Width / 2) ? snapSize.Width : 0); location.Y = ((location.Y / snapSize.Height) * snapSize.Height) + (((location.Y % snapSize.Height) > snapSize.Height / 2) ? snapSize.Height : 0); } return location; } internal static string DesignerPerUserRegistryKey { get { return Helpers.PerUserRegistryKey + "\\" + DesignerHelpers.WorkflowDesignerSubKey; } } internal static bool AreAssociatedDesignersMovable(ICollection components) { foreach (object obj in components) { Activity activity = obj as Activity; if (activity == null) { HitTestInfo hitInfo = obj as HitTestInfo; activity = (hitInfo != null && hitInfo.AssociatedDesigner != null) ? hitInfo.AssociatedDesigner.Activity : null; } ActivityDesigner designer = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(activity); if (designer != null && designer.IsLocked) return false; } return true; } internal static Activity GetNextSelectableActivity(Activity currentActivity) { ActivityDesigner activityDesigner = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(currentActivity); CompositeActivityDesigner parentDesigner = (activityDesigner != null) ? activityDesigner.ParentDesigner : null; if (parentDesigner == null) return null; DesignerNavigationDirection navigation = (parentDesigner is ParallelActivityDesigner || parentDesigner is ActivityPreviewDesigner) ? DesignerNavigationDirection.Right : DesignerNavigationDirection.Down; Activity nextSelectableActivity = null; object nextSelectableObject = parentDesigner.GetNextSelectableObject(currentActivity, navigation); while (nextSelectableActivity == null && nextSelectableObject != null && nextSelectableObject != currentActivity) { nextSelectableActivity = nextSelectableObject as Activity; nextSelectableObject = parentDesigner.GetNextSelectableObject(nextSelectableObject, navigation); } if (nextSelectableActivity == null) { navigation = (parentDesigner is ParallelActivityDesigner || parentDesigner is ActivityPreviewDesigner) ? DesignerNavigationDirection.Left : DesignerNavigationDirection.Up; nextSelectableObject = parentDesigner.GetNextSelectableObject(currentActivity, navigation); while (nextSelectableActivity == null && nextSelectableObject != null && nextSelectableObject != currentActivity) { nextSelectableActivity = nextSelectableObject as Activity; nextSelectableObject = parentDesigner.GetNextSelectableObject(nextSelectableObject, navigation); } } if (nextSelectableActivity == null) nextSelectableActivity = parentDesigner.Activity; return nextSelectableActivity; } internal static void SerializeDesignerStates(IDesignerHost designerHost, BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(designerHost.Container.Components.Count); foreach (IComponent component in designerHost.Container.Components) { // write activity identifier writer.Write(component.Site.Name); //placeholder for length int activityDataLengthPosition = (int)writer.BaseStream.Length; writer.Write((int)0); ActivityDesigner designer = designerHost.GetDesigner(component) as ActivityDesigner; if (designer != null) { int activityDataPosition = (int)writer.BaseStream.Length; // write activity data ((IPersistUIState)designer).SaveViewState(writer); // place length writer.Seek(activityDataLengthPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin); writer.Write((int)writer.BaseStream.Length - activityDataPosition); writer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); } } } internal static bool DeserializeDesignerStates(IDesignerHost designerHost, BinaryReader reader) { int componentCount = reader.ReadInt32(); bool outdated = (componentCount != designerHost.Container.Components.Count); for (int loop = 0; loop < componentCount; loop++) { string componentName = reader.ReadString(); int length = reader.ReadInt32(); if (designerHost.Container.Components[componentName] != null) { ActivityDesigner designer = designerHost.GetDesigner(designerHost.Container.Components[componentName]) as ActivityDesigner; if (designer != null) { ((IPersistUIState)designer).LoadViewState(reader); } else { outdated = true; reader.BaseStream.Position += length; // skip activity data } } else { outdated = true; reader.BaseStream.Position += length; // skip activity data } } return outdated; } internal static void MakePropertiesReadOnly(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, object topComponent) { Hashtable visitedComponents = new Hashtable(); Queue nestedComponents = new Queue(); nestedComponents.Enqueue(topComponent); while (nestedComponents.Count > 0) { object component = nestedComponents.Dequeue(); if (visitedComponents[component.GetHashCode()] == null) { visitedComponents[component.GetHashCode()] = component; //add custom readonly type descriptor to the component (to set ForceReadonly flag in the property grid) TypeDescriptor.AddProvider(new ReadonlyTypeDescriptonProvider(TypeDescriptor.GetProvider(component)), component); //now go through all the properties and add custom readonly type descriptor to all composite ones PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(component, new Attribute[] { BrowsableAttribute.Yes }); foreach (PropertyDescriptor property in properties) { if (!property.PropertyType.IsPrimitive) { object component1 = property.GetValue(component); if (component1 != null) { TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(component1); TypeDescriptorContext context = new TypeDescriptorContext(serviceProvider, property, component); if (converter.GetPropertiesSupported(context)) { TypeDescriptor.AddProvider(new ReadonlyTypeDescriptonProvider(TypeDescriptor.GetProvider(component1)), component1); nestedComponents.Enqueue(component1); } } } } } } } internal static void UpdateSiteName(Activity activity, string newID) { if (activity == null) throw new ArgumentException("activity"); string name = newID; if (Helpers.IsActivityLocked(activity)) name = InternalHelpers.GenerateQualifiedNameForLockedActivity(activity, newID); ((IComponent)activity).Site.Name = name; // If this activity is a custom composite activity, we also need to update the site name // for all locked children. if (activity is CompositeActivity) { foreach (Activity childActivity in Helpers.GetNestedActivities(activity as CompositeActivity)) { if (Helpers.IsActivityLocked(childActivity)) { Activity declaringActivity = Helpers.GetDeclaringActivity(childActivity); ((IComponent)childActivity).Site.Name = ((IComponent)declaringActivity).Site.Name + "." + childActivity.Name; //the parent should have already been updated by now } } } } internal static DialogResult ShowMessage(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string message, string title, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon, MessageBoxDefaultButton defaultButton) { IWin32Window owner = null; IUIService uiService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IUIService)) as IUIService; if (uiService != null) owner = uiService.GetDialogOwnerWindow(); else owner = Form.ActiveForm as IWin32Window; Control control = owner as Control; MessageBoxOptions options = 0; if (owner != null) { if (control != null) { options = (control.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes) ? MessageBoxOptions.RightAlign & MessageBoxOptions.RtlReading : 0; } else if (owner.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) { int style = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowLong(owner.Handle, UnsafeNativeMethods.GWL_EXSTYLE); int hr = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (hr == UnsafeNativeMethods.S_OK && (style & UnsafeNativeMethods.WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL) == UnsafeNativeMethods.WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL) options = MessageBoxOptions.RightAlign & MessageBoxOptions.RtlReading; } return MessageBox.Show(owner, message, title, buttons, icon, defaultButton, options); } else { return MessageBox.Show(message, title, buttons, icon, defaultButton, options); } } internal static void ShowHelpFromKeyword(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string helpKeyword) { IHelpService helpService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IHelpService)) as IHelpService; if (helpService != null) { helpService.ShowHelpFromKeyword(helpKeyword); return; } DesignerHelpers.ShowError(serviceProvider, DR.GetString(DR.NoHelpAvailable)); } internal static void ShowError(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string message) { ShowMessage(serviceProvider, message, DR.GetString(DR.WorkflowDesignerTitle), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } internal static void ShowError(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, Exception e) { if (e == CheckoutException.Canceled) return; while (e is TargetInvocationException && e.InnerException != null) e = e.InnerException; string message = e.Message; if (message == null || message.Length == 0) message = e.ToString(); ShowMessage(serviceProvider, message, DR.GetString(DR.WorkflowDesignerTitle), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } internal static bool IsValidImageResource(DesignerTheme designerTheme, string directory, string path) { Image image = GetImageFromPath(designerTheme, directory, path); bool validImage = (image != null); if (image != null) image.Dispose(); return validImage; } internal static string GetRelativePath(string pathFrom, string pathTo) { Uri uri = new Uri(pathFrom); string relativePath = Uri.UnescapeDataString(uri.MakeRelativeUri(new Uri(pathTo)).ToString()); relativePath = relativePath.Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); if (!relativePath.Contains(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())) relativePath = "." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + relativePath; return relativePath; } internal static Image GetImageFromPath(DesignerTheme designerTheme, string directory, string path) { Bitmap image = null; if (path.Contains(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()) && directory.Length > 0) { string imageFilePath = Uri.UnescapeDataString((new Uri(new Uri(directory), path).LocalPath)); if (File.Exists(imageFilePath)) { try { image = new Bitmap(imageFilePath); } catch { } } } else if (designerTheme.DesignerType != null) { int index = path.LastIndexOf('.'); if (index > 0) { string nameSpace = path.Substring(0, index); string name = path.Substring(index + 1); if (nameSpace != null && nameSpace.Length > 0 && name != null && name.Length > 0) { try { ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager(nameSpace, designerTheme.DesignerType.Assembly); image = resourceManager.GetObject(name) as Bitmap; } catch { } } } } if (image != null) image.MakeTransparent(AmbientTheme.TransparentColor); return image; } private static bool ShowingMenu = false; internal static DesignerVerb[] GetDesignerActionVerbs(ActivityDesigner designer, ReadOnlyCollection<DesignerAction> designerActions) { List<DesignerVerb> actionVerbs = new List<DesignerVerb>(); for (int i = 0; i < designerActions.Count; i++) { DesignerVerb actionVerb = new DesignerVerb(designerActions[i].Text, new EventHandler(new EventHandler(OnExecuteDesignerAction)), new CommandID(WorkflowMenuCommands.MenuGuid, WorkflowMenuCommands.VerbGroupDesignerActions + i)); actionVerb.Properties[DesignerUserDataKeys.DesignerAction] = designerActions[i]; actionVerb.Properties[DesignerUserDataKeys.Designer] = designer; actionVerbs.Add(actionVerb); } return actionVerbs.ToArray(); } internal static void ShowDesignerVerbs(ActivityDesigner designer, Point location, ICollection<DesignerVerb> designerVerbs) { if (ShowingMenu || designerVerbs.Count == 0) return; IMenuCommandService menuCommandService = designer.Activity.Site.GetService(typeof(IMenuCommandService)) as IMenuCommandService; if (menuCommandService == null) throw new Exception(SR.GetString(SR.General_MissingService, typeof(IMenuCommandService).FullName)); try { foreach (DesignerVerb designerVerb in designerVerbs) menuCommandService.AddCommand(designerVerb); ShowingMenu = true; menuCommandService.ShowContextMenu(WorkflowMenuCommands.DesignerActionsMenu, location.X - 2, location.Y + 1); } finally { ShowingMenu = false; foreach (DesignerVerb designerVerb in designerVerbs) menuCommandService.RemoveCommand(designerVerb); } } private static void OnExecuteDesignerAction(object sender, EventArgs e) { DesignerVerb designerVerb = sender as DesignerVerb; if (designerVerb != null) { DesignerAction designerAction = designerVerb.Properties[DesignerUserDataKeys.DesignerAction] as DesignerAction; if (designerAction != null) { ActivityDesigner designer = designerVerb.Properties[DesignerUserDataKeys.Designer] as ActivityDesigner; if (designer != null) designer.OnExecuteDesignerAction(designerAction); } } } internal static string CreateUniqueMethodName(IComponent component, string propName, Type delegateType) { IServiceProvider serviceProvider = component.Site as IServiceProvider; if (serviceProvider == null) throw new ArgumentException("component"); IDesignerHost host = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost; if (host == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.General_MissingService, typeof(IDesignerHost).FullName)); ITypeProvider typeProvider = (ITypeProvider)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITypeProvider)); if (typeProvider == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.General_MissingService, typeof(ITypeProvider).FullName)); string name = null; IReferenceService referenceService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IReferenceService)) as IReferenceService; if (referenceService != null) { name = referenceService.GetName(component); } else { ISite site = ((IComponent)component).Site; if (site != null) name = site.Name; } if (name == null) name = component.GetType().Name; name = name.Replace('.', '_'); name = name.Replace('/', '_') + "_" + propName; name = name.Replace('(', '_'); name = name.Replace(')', '_'); name = name.Replace(" ", ""); DelegateTypeInfo dti = new DelegateTypeInfo(delegateType); Activity contextActivity = host.RootComponent as Activity; if (contextActivity == null) { Activity activity = component as Activity; throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.Error_CantCreateMethod, activity != null ? activity.QualifiedName : string.Empty)); } Type type = Helpers.GetDataSourceClass(contextActivity, serviceProvider); if (type == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.Error_CantCreateMethod, contextActivity.QualifiedName)); BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy; MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(bindingFlags); ArrayList compatibleMethods = new ArrayList(); foreach (MethodInfo method in methods) { if (method.GetParameters().Length == dti.Parameters.Length) { bool match = true; for (int i = 0; i < dti.Parameters.Length; i++) { ParameterInfo right = method.GetParameters()[i]; CodeParameterDeclarationExpression left = dti.Parameters[i]; FieldDirection direction = left.Direction; if ((direction == FieldDirection.In && !right.IsIn) || (direction == FieldDirection.Out && !right.IsOut) || (direction == FieldDirection.Ref && !(right.IsIn && right.IsOut)) || !Helpers.TypesEqual(left.Type, right.ParameterType)) { match = false; break; } } if (match) compatibleMethods.Add(method.Name); } } int tryCount = 0; bool duplicate = true; string uniqueName = name; MemberInfo[] members = type.GetMembers(); while (duplicate && tryCount < Int32.MaxValue) { duplicate = false; foreach (string existingMethod in compatibleMethods) { if (string.Compare(existingMethod, uniqueName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { duplicate = true; break; } } if (!duplicate) { foreach (MemberInfo member in members) { if (!(member is MethodInfo) && string.Compare(member.Name, uniqueName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { duplicate = true; break; } } } if (!duplicate) { MethodInfo mi = host.RootComponent.GetType().GetMethod(uniqueName, bindingFlags, null, dti.ParameterTypes, null); if (mi != null && !mi.IsPrivate) duplicate = true; } if (duplicate) uniqueName = name + "_" + (++tryCount).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } return uniqueName; } internal static string GenerateUniqueIdentifier(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string baseIdentifier, string[] existingNames) { CodeDomProvider provider = null; if (serviceProvider != null) { provider = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(CodeDomProvider)) as CodeDomProvider; if (provider == null) { IdentifierCreationService identifierCreationService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IIdentifierCreationService)) as IdentifierCreationService; if (identifierCreationService != null) provider = identifierCreationService.Provider; } } if (provider != null) baseIdentifier = provider.CreateValidIdentifier(baseIdentifier); baseIdentifier = baseIdentifier.Replace('.', '_'); baseIdentifier = baseIdentifier.Replace('/', '_'); baseIdentifier = baseIdentifier.Replace('(', '_'); baseIdentifier = baseIdentifier.Replace(')', '_'); baseIdentifier = baseIdentifier.Replace(" ", ""); ArrayList identifiers = new ArrayList(existingNames); int index = 1; string finalIdentifier = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1}", baseIdentifier, index); identifiers.Sort(); while (identifiers.BinarySearch(finalIdentifier.ToLowerInvariant(), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) { finalIdentifier = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1}", baseIdentifier, index); index += 1; } return finalIdentifier; } internal static IDictionary<string, string> GetDeclarativeRules(Activity activity) { IDictionary<string, string> rules = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Type ruleConditionType = Type.GetType(DeclarativeRulesRef, false); if (ruleConditionType != null) { PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(activity); foreach (PropertyDescriptor property in properties) { object value = property.GetValue(activity); if (value != null && ruleConditionType.IsAssignableFrom(value.GetType())) { PropertyDescriptor namePropertyDescriptor = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(value).GetProperties(new TypeDescriptorContext(activity.Site, null, value), value)["ConditionName"]; PropertyDescriptor expressionPropertyDescriptor = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(value).GetProperties(new TypeDescriptorContext(activity.Site, null, value), value)["Expression"]; if (namePropertyDescriptor != null && expressionPropertyDescriptor != null) { string ruleName = namePropertyDescriptor.GetValue(value) as String; object expression = expressionPropertyDescriptor.GetValue(value); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ruleName) && !rules.ContainsKey(ruleName)) { string rulesText = (expression != null) ? expressionPropertyDescriptor.Converter.ConvertTo(new TypeDescriptorContext(activity.Site, null, value), System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture, expression, typeof(string)) as string : null; if (rulesText == null) rulesText = string.Empty; rules.Add(ruleName, rulesText); } } } } } return rules; } internal static void RefreshDesignerActions(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { if (serviceProvider != null) { IDesignerHost designerHost = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost; if (designerHost != null) { foreach (object component in designerHost.Container.Components) { Activity activity = component as Activity; if (activity != null) { ActivityDesigner designer = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(activity); if (designer != null) designer.RefreshDesignerActions(); } } } } } //if a components is a connector, see if it can be removed internal static bool AreComponentsRemovable(ICollection components) { if (components == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("components"); foreach (object obj in components) { Activity activity = obj as Activity; ConnectorHitTestInfo connector = obj as ConnectorHitTestInfo; //only activities and free form designer connectors are allowed to be deleted if (activity == null && connector == null) return false; if (activity != null) { ActivityDesigner designer = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(activity); if (designer != null && designer.IsLocked) return false; } if (connector != null && !(connector.AssociatedDesigner is FreeformActivityDesigner)) return false; } return true; } } #region Class DesignerUserDataKeys internal static class DesignerUserDataKeys { internal static readonly Guid DesignerAction = new Guid("3BD4A275-FCCD-49f0-B617-765CE63B4340"); internal static readonly Guid DesignerVerb = new Guid("07E3C73A-5908-4ed1-8578-D1423B7481A2"); internal static readonly Guid Image = new Guid("B4C2B905-A6D3-4cd6-A91A-5005A02B9676"); internal static readonly Guid ViewActivity = new Guid("06B3FD23-2309-40a9-917E-831B9E160DB0"); internal static readonly Guid PreviewActivity = new Guid("109316ED-A8A5-489f-ABD3-460E5C4C0529"); internal static readonly Guid DesignerView = new Guid("94B8FC95-2D8A-4e27-93D5-73FA4BEBC315"); internal static readonly Guid TemplateActivityIndex = new Guid("8EA852B4-48FC-45d3-91BE-CA4CF23E9114"); internal static readonly Guid MoveBranchKey = new Guid("D43D31AA-3C43-4a65-8071-51288B491FBA"); internal static readonly Guid Designer = new Guid("CF82A1DD-FD3E-4feb-8AED-EE1CAED551D7"); internal static readonly Guid Activity = new Guid("10BDBBD7-8C63-46e8-B3B8-5006E70820B8"); internal static readonly Guid ZOrderKey = new Guid("8F424588-5227-4273-A594-713454275670"); } #endregion #region Class DesignerGeometry internal static class DesignerGeometryHelper { #region Helper Methods internal static DesignerEdges ClosestEdgeToPoint(Point point, Rectangle rect, DesignerEdges edgesToConsider) { List<double> distances = new List<double>(); List<DesignerEdges> edges = new List<DesignerEdges>(); if ((edgesToConsider & DesignerEdges.Left) > 0) { distances.Add(DistanceFromPointToLineSegment(point, new Point[] { new Point(rect.Left, rect.Top), new Point(rect.Left, rect.Bottom) })); edges.Add(DesignerEdges.Left); } if ((edgesToConsider & DesignerEdges.Top) > 0) { distances.Add(DistanceFromPointToLineSegment(point, new Point[] { new Point(rect.Left, rect.Top), new Point(rect.Right, rect.Top) })); edges.Add(DesignerEdges.Top); } if ((edgesToConsider & DesignerEdges.Right) > 0) { distances.Add(DistanceFromPointToLineSegment(point, new Point[] { new Point(rect.Right, rect.Top), new Point(rect.Right, rect.Bottom) })); edges.Add(DesignerEdges.Right); } if ((edgesToConsider & DesignerEdges.Bottom) > 0) { distances.Add(DistanceFromPointToLineSegment(point, new Point[] { new Point(rect.Left, rect.Bottom), new Point(rect.Right, rect.Bottom) })); edges.Add(DesignerEdges.Bottom); } if (distances.Count > 0) { double minDistance = distances[0]; for (int i = 1; i < distances.Count; i++) minDistance = Math.Min(minDistance, distances[i]); return edges[distances.IndexOf(minDistance)]; } else { return DesignerEdges.None; } } //Find rectangle enclosing line segments internal static Rectangle RectangleFromLineSegments(Point[] segments) { Debug.Assert(segments.Length > 0); if (segments.Length == 0) return Rectangle.Empty; Point leftTop = segments[0]; Point rightBottom = segments[0]; foreach (Point point in segments) { leftTop.X = Math.Min(leftTop.X, point.X); leftTop.Y = Math.Min(leftTop.Y, point.Y); rightBottom.X = Math.Max(rightBottom.X, point.X); rightBottom.Y = Math.Max(rightBottom.Y, point.Y); } Rectangle enclosingRect = new Rectangle(leftTop, new Size(rightBottom.X - leftTop.X, rightBottom.Y - leftTop.Y)); enclosingRect.Inflate(4, 4); return enclosingRect; } //Is point on line segment internal static bool PointOnLineSegment(Point point, Point[] line, Size hitAreaSize) { Rectangle rect = RectangleFromLineSegments(line); rect.Inflate(hitAreaSize); if (rect.Contains(point)) { double distance = DistanceFromPointToLineSegment(point, line); if (distance < hitAreaSize.Width && distance < hitAreaSize.Height) return true; } return false; } //Shortest distance between point and rectangle internal static double DistanceFromPointToRectangle(Point point, Rectangle rect) { List<double> distances = new List<double>(); distances.Add(DistanceBetweenPoints(point, new Point(rect.Left, rect.Top))); distances.Add(DistanceBetweenPoints(point, new Point(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2, rect.Top))); distances.Add(DistanceBetweenPoints(point, new Point(rect.Right, rect.Top))); distances.Add(DistanceBetweenPoints(point, new Point(rect.Right, rect.Top + rect.Height / 2))); distances.Add(DistanceBetweenPoints(point, new Point(rect.Right, rect.Bottom))); distances.Add(DistanceBetweenPoints(point, new Point(rect.Right + rect.Width / 2, rect.Bottom))); distances.Add(DistanceBetweenPoints(point, new Point(rect.Left, rect.Bottom))); distances.Add(DistanceBetweenPoints(point, new Point(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - rect.Height / 2))); double minDistance = distances[0]; for (int i = 1; i < distances.Count; i++) minDistance = Math.Min(minDistance, distances[i]); return minDistance; } //Distance perpendicular from point to line segment internal static double DistanceFromPointToLineSegment(Point point, Point[] line) { int area = Math.Abs((((point.Y - line[0].Y) * (line[1].X - line[0].X)) - ((point.X - line[0].X) * (line[1].Y - line[0].Y)))); return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(area, 2) / (Math.Pow((line[1].X - line[0].X), 2) + Math.Pow((line[1].Y - line[0].Y), 2))); } //Slope of horizontal line is 0 //Slope of verical line will be infinite and we will represent it as -1 //Slope of forward \ line will be (Start at uppper point) //Slope of backward \ line will be (Start in lower point) //Slope of forward / line will be (Start at uppper point) //Slope of forward / line will be (Start at lower point) //m = y2-y1 / x2 - x1 //Line slope is +ve in 1st and 3rd quad and -ve in 2nd and 4th quad internal static float SlopeOfLineSegment(Point start, Point end) { //If line is vertical then the slope is infinite if (start.X == end.X) return float.MaxValue; //If the line is horizontal then slope is 0 if (start.Y == end.Y) return 0; return ((float)(end.Y - start.Y)) / (end.X - start.X); } //Following function is used in two cases //1. The distance from a line to apoint not on the line is the length of the segment //perpendicular to the line from the point // //2. The distance between two parallel lines is the distance between one of the lines //and any point on the other line. //Midpoint of line mid = X1 + X2 / 2, Y1 + Y2 /2 //Distance between points d = sqrt(sqr(x2-x1) + sqr(y2-y1)) internal static double DistanceBetweenPoints(Point point1, Point point2) { double d = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(point2.X - point1.X, 2) + Math.Pow(point2.Y - point1.Y, 2)); return d; } //This function calculates the total length of line segments by adding individual lengths internal static double DistanceOfLineSegments(Point[] segments) { double distance = 0; for (int i = 1; i < segments.Length; i++) distance += DistanceBetweenPoints(segments[i - 1], segments[i]); return distance; } //Midpoint of line mid = X1 + X2 / 2, Y1 + Y2 /2 internal static Point MidPointOfLineSegment(Point point1, Point point2) { return new Point((point1.X + point2.X) / 2, (point1.Y + point2.Y) / 2); } #endregion } #endregion }