//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // <copyright file="MailWebEventProvider.cs" company="Microsoft"> // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // </copyright> //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.Web.Management { using System.Configuration; using System.Configuration.Provider; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Web.Util; using System.Net.Mail; using System.Globalization; using System.Web.Configuration; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging; using System.Security.Permissions; /* The class MailWebEventProvider is supposed to be used internally. But if I don't mark it public, I will get this compiler error CS0060 for TemplatedMailWebEventProvider and SimpleMailWebEventProvider because the two children classes are public and the base class accessibility has to be the same. The solution here is to introduce an internal constructor so user can't inherit from it. */ public abstract class MailWebEventProvider : BufferedWebEventProvider { internal const int DefaultMaxMessagesPerNotification = 10; internal const int DefaultMaxEventsPerMessage = 50; internal const int MessageSequenceBase = 1; // 1-based string _from; string _to; string _cc; string _bcc; string _subjectPrefix; SmtpClient _smtpClient; int _maxMessagesPerNotification = DefaultMaxMessagesPerNotification; int _maxEventsPerMessage = DefaultMaxEventsPerMessage; internal MailWebEventProvider() {} override public void Initialize(string name, NameValueCollection config) { Debug.Trace("MailWebEventProvider", "Initializing: name=" + name); ProviderUtil.GetAndRemoveRequiredNonEmptyStringAttribute(config, "from", name, ref _from); // Read "to", "cc" and "bcc" ProviderUtil.GetAndRemoveStringAttribute(config, "to", name, ref _to); ProviderUtil.GetAndRemoveStringAttribute(config, "cc", name, ref _cc); ProviderUtil.GetAndRemoveStringAttribute(config, "bcc", name, ref _bcc); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_to) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(_cc) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(_bcc) ) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.MailWebEventProvider_no_recipient_error, this.GetType().ToString(), name)); } ProviderUtil.GetAndRemoveStringAttribute(config, "subjectPrefix", name, ref _subjectPrefix); ProviderUtil.GetAndRemoveNonZeroPositiveOrInfiniteAttribute(config, "maxMessagesPerNotification", name, ref _maxMessagesPerNotification); ProviderUtil.GetAndRemoveNonZeroPositiveOrInfiniteAttribute(config, "maxEventsPerMessage", name, ref _maxEventsPerMessage); _smtpClient = CreateSmtpClientWithAssert(); base.Initialize(name, config); } [SmtpPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Access = "Connect")] [EnvironmentPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Read = "USERNAME")] internal static SmtpClient CreateSmtpClientWithAssert() { return new SmtpClient(); } internal string SubjectPrefix { get { return _subjectPrefix; } } internal string GenerateSubject(int notificationSequence, int messageSequence, WebBaseEventCollection events, int count) { WebBaseEvent eventRaised = events[0]; if (count == 1) { return HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(SR.GetString(SR.WebEvent_event_email_subject, new string[] { notificationSequence.ToString(CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture), messageSequence.ToString(CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture), _subjectPrefix, eventRaised.GetType().ToString(), WebBaseEvent.ApplicationInformation.ApplicationVirtualPath} )); } else { return HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(SR.GetString(SR.WebEvent_event_group_email_subject, new string[] { notificationSequence.ToString(CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture), messageSequence.ToString(CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture), _subjectPrefix, count.ToString(CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture), WebBaseEvent.ApplicationInformation.ApplicationVirtualPath} )); } } internal MailMessage GetMessage() { MailMessage msg = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(_from, _to); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_cc)) { msg.CC.Add(new MailAddress(_cc)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_bcc)) { msg.Bcc.Add(new MailAddress(_bcc)); } return msg; } [SmtpPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Access = "Connect")] internal void SendMail(MailMessage msg) { try { Debug.Trace("MailWebEventProvider", "Sending a message: subject=" + msg.Subject); _smtpClient.Send(msg); } catch (Exception e) { throw new HttpException( SR.GetString(SR.MailWebEventProvider_cannot_send_mail), e); } } internal abstract void SendMessage(WebBaseEvent eventRaised); public override void ProcessEvent(WebBaseEvent eventRaised) { Debug.Trace("MailWebEventProvider", "ProcessEvent: type =" + eventRaised.GetType() + ", ID=" + eventRaised.EventID + ", buffer=" + UseBuffering); if (UseBuffering) { base.ProcessEvent(eventRaised); } else { SendMessage(eventRaised); } } public override void Shutdown() { Flush(); } public override void ProcessEventFlush(WebEventBufferFlushInfo flushInfo) { int eventsInNotification = flushInfo.Events.Count; int eventsRemaining = eventsInNotification; bool split = false; int messageSequence = MessageSequenceBase; int messagesInNotification; int eventsToBeDiscarded = 0; bool fatalError = false; if (eventsInNotification == 0) { return; } WebBaseEventCollection eventsToSend; WebBaseEvent[] eventsChunk = null; // We will split based on MaxEventsPerMessage if (eventsInNotification > MaxEventsPerMessage) { split = true; // I use the below clumsy calculation instead of (a+b-1)/b is to avoid // Int32 overflow. messagesInNotification = eventsInNotification/MaxEventsPerMessage; if (eventsInNotification > messagesInNotification*MaxEventsPerMessage) { messagesInNotification++; } // We will exceed the limit. if (messagesInNotification > MaxMessagesPerNotification) { eventsToBeDiscarded = eventsInNotification - MaxMessagesPerNotification * MaxEventsPerMessage; messagesInNotification = MaxMessagesPerNotification; eventsInNotification -= eventsToBeDiscarded; } } else { messagesInNotification = 1; } // In each email we only send a max of MaxEventsPerMessage events for(int eventsSent = 0; eventsSent < eventsInNotification; messageSequence++) { if (split) { int chunkSize = Math.Min(MaxEventsPerMessage, eventsInNotification - eventsSent); if (eventsChunk == null || eventsChunk.Length != chunkSize) { eventsChunk = new WebBaseEvent[chunkSize]; } for(int i = 0; i < chunkSize; i++) { eventsChunk[i] = flushInfo.Events[i + eventsSent]; } eventsToSend = new WebBaseEventCollection(eventsChunk); } else { eventsToSend = flushInfo.Events; } Debug.Trace("MailWebEventProvider", "Calling SendMessageInternal; # of events: " + eventsToSend.Count); SendMessage( eventsToSend, flushInfo, eventsInNotification, eventsInNotification - (eventsSent + eventsToSend.Count), // eventsRemaining messagesInNotification, eventsToBeDiscarded, messageSequence, eventsSent, out fatalError); if (fatalError) { Debug.Trace("MailWebEventProvider", "Stop sending because we hit a fatal error"); break; } eventsSent += eventsToSend.Count; } } internal abstract void SendMessage(WebBaseEventCollection events, WebEventBufferFlushInfo flushInfo, int eventsInNotification, int eventsRemaining, int messagesInNotification, int eventsLostDueToMessageLimit, int messageSequence, int eventsSent, out bool fatalError); internal int MaxMessagesPerNotification { get { return _maxMessagesPerNotification; } } internal int MaxEventsPerMessage { get { return _maxEventsPerMessage; } } } }