//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Globalization; using System.Web.UI.MobileControls; using System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters; using System.Web.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; #if COMPILING_FOR_SHIPPED_SOURCE namespace System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ShippedAdapterSource #else namespace System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters #endif { /* * WmlFormAdapter base class contains wml specific methods. * * Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation */ /// [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157231.")] public class WmlFormAdapter : WmlControlAdapter { private IDictionary _postBackVariables = null; /// protected new Form Control { get { return (Form)base.Control; } } /// public override void Render(WmlMobileTextWriter writer) { String formsAuthCookieName = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName; if(!Device.SupportsRedirectWithCookie) { if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(formsAuthCookieName)) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Remove(formsAuthCookieName); } } writer.BeginForm(Control); if (Page.Adapter.PersistCookielessData && Device.CanRenderOneventAndPrevElementsTogether && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(formsAuthCookieName) && Control == Page.ActiveForm ) { IDictionary dictionary = PageAdapter.CookielessDataDictionary; if(dictionary != null) { String value = (String)dictionary[formsAuthCookieName]; if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { writer.AddFormVariable("__facn", value, false); } } } MobileControl secondaryUIControl = SecondaryUIControl as MobileControl; writer.EnterLayout(Style); if (secondaryUIControl != null && secondaryUIControl.Form == Control) { SetControlPageRecursive(secondaryUIControl, -1); secondaryUIControl.RenderControl(writer); } else { if (Control.HasControls()) { Panel header = Control.Header; Panel footer = Control.Footer; if (header != null) { writer.BeginCustomMarkup(); header.RenderControl(writer); writer.EndCustomMarkup(); } foreach(Control control in Control.Controls) { if (control != header && control != footer) { control.RenderControl(writer); } } RenderPager(writer); if (footer != null) { writer.BeginCustomMarkup(); footer.RenderControl(writer); writer.EndCustomMarkup(); } } else { RenderPager(writer); } } writer.ExitLayout(Style); writer.EndForm(); } /// protected virtual void RenderPager(WmlMobileTextWriter writer) { PagerStyle pagerStyle = Control.PagerStyle; int pageCount = Control.PageCount; if (pageCount <= 1) { return; } int page = Control.CurrentPage; writer.EnterStyle(pagerStyle); if (page < pageCount) { String nextPageText = pagerStyle.GetNextPageText(page); RenderPostBackEvent(writer, (page + 1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), writer.IsValidSoftkeyLabel(nextPageText) ? nextPageText : GetDefaultLabel(NextLabel), true, nextPageText, true); } if (page > 1) { String prevPageText = pagerStyle.GetPreviousPageText(page); RenderPostBackEvent(writer, (page - 1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), writer.IsValidSoftkeyLabel(prevPageText) ? prevPageText : GetDefaultLabel(PreviousLabel), true, prevPageText, true); } writer.ExitStyle(pagerStyle); } /// public virtual IDictionary CalculatePostBackVariables() { if (_postBackVariables == null) { _postBackVariables = new ListDictionary(); BuildControlPostBacksRecursive(Control); } return _postBackVariables; } private void BuildControlPostBacksRecursive(Control control) { if (control is IPostBackDataHandler && !(control is IPostBackEventHandler) && control.Visible && control != Control) { MobileControl mobileCtl = control as MobileControl; if (mobileCtl != null && !mobileCtl.IsVisibleOnPage(Control.CurrentPage)) { String s = GetControlPostBackValue(mobileCtl); if (s != null) { _postBackVariables[control] = s; } } else { _postBackVariables[control] = null; } } if (control.HasControls()) { foreach (Control child in control.Controls) { BuildControlPostBacksRecursive(child); } } } /// public override bool HandlePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) { String eventSource = eventArgument; int comma = eventSource.IndexOf(','); if (comma == -1) { eventArgument = null; } else { eventArgument = eventSource.Substring(comma + 1); eventSource = eventSource.Substring(0, comma); } if (eventSource.Length > 0) { Control sourceControl = Page.FindControl(eventSource); if (sourceControl != null && sourceControl is IPostBackEventHandler) { ((IPostBackEventHandler)sourceControl).RaisePostBackEvent(eventArgument); } } return true; } /// protected internal virtual void RenderExtraCardElements(WmlMobileTextWriter writer) { Form form = this.Control as Form; if((form != null) && (form.Script != null)) { foreach(Control childControl in form.Script.Controls) { LiteralControl lc = childControl as LiteralControl; if(lc != null) { writer.Write(lc.Text); } else { DataBoundLiteralControl dlc = childControl as DataBoundLiteralControl; if(dlc != null) { writer.Write(dlc.Text); } } } } } /// protected internal virtual void RenderCardTag(WmlMobileTextWriter writer, IDictionary attributes) { writer.WriteBeginTag("card"); if (attributes != null) { foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in attributes) { writer.WriteAttribute((String)entry.Key, (String)entry.Value, true); } } writer.WriteLine(">"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SECONDARY UI SUPPORT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private Control _secondaryUIControl; private int _secondaryUIMode; internal int GetSecondaryUIMode(Control control) { return (control != null && _secondaryUIControl == control) ? _secondaryUIMode : NotSecondaryUI; } internal void SetSecondaryUIMode(Control control, int mode) { if (mode != NotSecondaryUI) { if (_secondaryUIControl != null && _secondaryUIControl != control) { throw new Exception( SR.GetString(SR.FormAdapterMultiControlsAttemptSecondaryUI)); } _secondaryUIControl = control; _secondaryUIMode = mode; return; } if (control == _secondaryUIControl) { _secondaryUIControl = null; } } internal Control SecondaryUIControl { get { return _secondaryUIControl; } } //identical to method in htmlformadapter private static void SetControlPageRecursive(Control control, int page) { MobileControl mc = control as MobileControl; if(mc != null) { mc.FirstPage = page; mc.LastPage = page; } if (control.HasControls()) { foreach (Control child in control.Controls) { MobileControl mobileChild = child as MobileControl; if (mobileChild != null) { mobileChild.FirstPage = page; mobileChild.LastPage = page; } else { SetControlPageRecursive(child, page); } } } } } }