//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Web.UI.MobileControls; using System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters; using System.Security.Permissions; #if COMPILING_FOR_SHIPPED_SOURCE namespace System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ShippedAdapterSource #else namespace System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters #endif { /* * HtmlControlAdapter base class contains html specific methods. * * Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation */ /// [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157231.")] public class HtmlControlAdapter : System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters.ControlAdapter { /// protected HtmlPageAdapter PageAdapter { get { return ((HtmlPageAdapter)Page.Adapter); } } /// protected HtmlFormAdapter FormAdapter { get { return (HtmlFormAdapter)Control.Form.Adapter; } } /// public virtual bool RequiresFormTag { get { return false; } } /// public override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { HtmlMobileTextWriter htmlWriter = (HtmlMobileTextWriter)writer; Render(htmlWriter); } /// public virtual void Render(HtmlMobileTextWriter writer) { RenderChildren(writer); } /// protected void RenderPostBackEventReference(HtmlMobileTextWriter writer, String argument) { PageAdapter.RenderPostBackEvent(writer, Control.UniqueID, argument); } /// protected void RenderPostBackEventAsAttribute( HtmlMobileTextWriter writer, String attributeName, String argument) { writer.Write(" "); writer.Write(attributeName); writer.Write("=\""); RenderPostBackEventReference(writer, argument); writer.Write("\" "); } /// protected void RenderPostBackEventAsAnchor( HtmlMobileTextWriter writer, String argument, String linkText) { writer.EnterStyle(Style); writer.WriteBeginTag("a"); RenderPostBackEventAsAttribute(writer, "href", argument); writer.Write(">"); writer.WriteText(linkText, true); writer.WriteEndTag("a"); writer.ExitStyle(Style); } /// protected void RenderBeginLink(HtmlMobileTextWriter writer, String target) { bool queryStringWritten = false; bool appendCookieless = (PageAdapter.PersistCookielessData) && (!( (target.StartsWith("http:", StringComparison.Ordinal)) || (target.StartsWith("https:", StringComparison.Ordinal)) )); writer.WriteBeginTag("a"); writer.Write(" href=\""); String targetUrl = null; String prefix = Constants.FormIDPrefix; if (target.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { String name = target.Substring(prefix.Length); Form form = Control.ResolveFormReference(name); if (writer.SupportsMultiPart) { if (form != null && PageAdapter.IsFormRendered(form)) { targetUrl = PageAdapter.GetFormUrl(form); } } if (targetUrl == null) { RenderPostBackEventReference(writer, form.UniqueID); appendCookieless = false; } else { writer.Write(targetUrl); queryStringWritten = targetUrl.IndexOf('?') != -1; } } else { MobileControl control = Control; // There is some adapter that Control is not set. And we // don't do any url resolution then. E.g. a page adapter if (control != null) { // AUI 3652 target = control.ResolveUrl(target); } writer.Write(target); queryStringWritten = target.IndexOf('?') != -1; } IDictionary dictionary = PageAdapter.CookielessDataDictionary; if((dictionary != null) && (appendCookieless)) { foreach(String name in dictionary.Keys) { if(queryStringWritten) { writer.Write('&'); } else { writer.Write('?'); queryStringWritten = true; } writer.Write(name); writer.Write('='); writer.Write(dictionary[name]); } } writer.Write("\""); AddAttributes(writer); writer.Write(">"); } /// protected void RenderEndLink(HtmlMobileTextWriter writer) { writer.WriteEndTag("a"); } // Can be used by adapter that allow its subclass to add more // specific attributes /// protected virtual void AddAttributes(HtmlMobileTextWriter writer) { } // Can be used by adapter that adds the custom attribute "accesskey" /// protected virtual void AddAccesskeyAttribute(HtmlMobileTextWriter writer) { if (Device.SupportsAccesskeyAttribute) { AddCustomAttribute(writer, "accesskey"); } } // Can be used by adapter that adds custom attributes for // multi-media functionalities private readonly static String [] _multiMediaAttributes = { "src", "soundstart", "loop", "volume", "vibration", "viblength" }; /// protected virtual void AddJPhoneMultiMediaAttributes( HtmlMobileTextWriter writer) { if (Device.SupportsJPhoneMultiMediaAttributes) { for (int i = 0; i < _multiMediaAttributes.Length; i++) { AddCustomAttribute(writer, _multiMediaAttributes[i]); } } } private void AddCustomAttribute(HtmlMobileTextWriter writer, String attributeName) { String attributeValue = ((IAttributeAccessor)Control).GetAttribute(attributeName); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeValue)) { writer.WriteAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue); } } /// protected virtual void RenderAsHiddenInputField(HtmlMobileTextWriter writer) { } // Renders hidden variables for IPostBackDataHandlers which are // not displayed due to pagination or secondary UI. internal void RenderOffPageVariables(HtmlMobileTextWriter writer, Control ctl, int page) { if (ctl.HasControls()) { foreach (Control child in ctl.Controls) { // Note: Control.Form != null. if (!child.Visible || child == Control.Form.Header || child == Control.Form.Footer) { continue; } MobileControl mobileCtl = child as MobileControl; if (mobileCtl != null) { if (mobileCtl.IsVisibleOnPage(page) && (mobileCtl == ((HtmlFormAdapter)mobileCtl.Form.Adapter).SecondaryUIControl || null == ((HtmlFormAdapter)mobileCtl.Form.Adapter).SecondaryUIControl)) { if (mobileCtl.FirstPage == mobileCtl.LastPage) { // Entire control is visible on this page, so no need to look // into children. continue; } // Control takes up more than one page, so it may be possible that // its children are on a different page, so we'll continue to // fall through into children. } else if (mobileCtl is IPostBackDataHandler) { HtmlControlAdapter adapter = mobileCtl.Adapter as HtmlControlAdapter; if (adapter != null) { adapter.RenderAsHiddenInputField(writer); } } } RenderOffPageVariables(writer, child, page); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SECONDARY UI SUPPORT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal const int NotSecondaryUIInit = -1; // For initialization of private consts in derived classes. /// protected static readonly int NotSecondaryUI = NotSecondaryUIInit; /// protected int SecondaryUIMode { get { if (Control == null || Control.Form == null) { return NotSecondaryUI; } else { return ((HtmlFormAdapter)Control.Form.Adapter).GetSecondaryUIMode(Control); } } set { ((HtmlFormAdapter)Control.Form.Adapter).SetSecondaryUIMode(Control, value); } } /// protected void ExitSecondaryUIMode() { SecondaryUIMode = NotSecondaryUI; } /// public override void LoadAdapterState(Object state) { if (state != null) { SecondaryUIMode = (int)state; } } /// public override Object SaveAdapterState() { int mode = SecondaryUIMode; if (mode != NotSecondaryUI) { return mode; } else { return null; } } } }