//------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.ServiceModel.PeerResolvers { using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Net; using System.Runtime; using System.ServiceModel; using System.ServiceModel.Channels; using System.ServiceModel.Description; using System.Threading; class PeerDefaultCustomResolverClient : PeerResolver { EndpointAddress address; Binding binding; TimeSpan defaultLifeTime; ClientCredentials credentials; Guid clientId; Guid registrationId; IOThreadTimer timer; bool opened = false; string meshId; PeerNodeAddress nodeAddress; ChannelFactory channelFactory; PeerReferralPolicy referralPolicy; string bindingName, bindingConfigurationName; bool? shareReferrals; int updateSuccessful = 1; internal PeerDefaultCustomResolverClient() { this.address = null; this.binding = null; this.defaultLifeTime = TimeSpan.FromHours(1); clientId = Guid.NewGuid(); timer = new IOThreadTimer(new Action(RegistrationExpired), this, false); } public override bool CanShareReferrals { get { if (this.shareReferrals.HasValue) return shareReferrals.Value; if (this.referralPolicy == PeerReferralPolicy.Service && opened) { IPeerResolverClient proxy = GetProxy(); try { ServiceSettingsResponseInfo settings = proxy.GetServiceSettings(); shareReferrals = !settings.ControlMeshShape; proxy.Close(); } finally { proxy.Abort(); } } else { shareReferrals = (PeerReferralPolicy.Share == this.referralPolicy); } return shareReferrals.Value; } } public override void Initialize(EndpointAddress address, Binding binding, ClientCredentials credentials, PeerReferralPolicy referralPolicy) { this.address = address; this.binding = binding; this.credentials = credentials; Validate(); channelFactory = new ChannelFactory(binding, address); channelFactory.Endpoint.Behaviors.Remove(); if (credentials != null) channelFactory.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(credentials); channelFactory.Open(); this.referralPolicy = referralPolicy; opened = true; } IPeerResolverClient GetProxy() { return (IPeerResolverClient)channelFactory.CreateChannel(); } void Validate() { if (address == null || binding == null) PeerExceptionHelper.ThrowArgument_InsufficientResolverSettings(); } // Register address for a node participating in a mesh identified by meshId with the resolver service public override object Register(string meshId, PeerNodeAddress nodeAddress, TimeSpan timeout) { if (opened) { long scopeId = -1; bool multipleScopes = false; if (nodeAddress.IPAddresses.Count == 0) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.MustRegisterMoreThanZeroAddresses))); } foreach (IPAddress address in nodeAddress.IPAddresses) { if (address.IsIPv6LinkLocal) { if (scopeId == -1) { scopeId = address.ScopeId; } else if (scopeId != address.ScopeId) { multipleScopes = true; break; } } } List addresslist = new List(); foreach (IPAddress address in nodeAddress.IPAddresses) { if (!multipleScopes || (!address.IsIPv6LinkLocal && !address.IsIPv6SiteLocal)) addresslist.Add(address); } if (addresslist.Count == 0) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new CommunicationException(SR.GetString(SR.AmbiguousConnectivitySpec))); } ReadOnlyCollection addresses = new ReadOnlyCollection(addresslist); this.meshId = meshId; this.nodeAddress = new PeerNodeAddress(nodeAddress.EndpointAddress, addresses); RegisterInfo info = new RegisterInfo(clientId, meshId, this.nodeAddress); IPeerResolverClient proxy = GetProxy(); try { proxy.OperationTimeout = timeout; RegisterResponseInfo response = proxy.Register(info); this.registrationId = response.RegistrationId; timer.Set(response.RegistrationLifetime); this.defaultLifeTime = response.RegistrationLifetime; proxy.Close(); } finally { proxy.Abort(); } } return registrationId; } void RegistrationExpired(object state) { if (!opened) return; try { IPeerResolverClient proxy = GetProxy(); RefreshResponseInfo response; try { int oldValue = Interlocked.Exchange(ref this.updateSuccessful, 1); if (oldValue == 0) { SendUpdate(new UpdateInfo(this.registrationId, this.clientId, this.meshId, this.nodeAddress), ServiceDefaults.SendTimeout); return; } RefreshInfo info = new RefreshInfo(this.meshId, this.registrationId); response = proxy.Refresh(info); if (response.Result == RefreshResult.RegistrationNotFound) { RegisterInfo registerInfo = new RegisterInfo(clientId, meshId, nodeAddress); RegisterResponseInfo registerResponse = proxy.Register(registerInfo); registrationId = registerResponse.RegistrationId; this.defaultLifeTime = registerResponse.RegistrationLifetime; } else { Fx.Assert(response.Result == RefreshResult.Success, "Unrecognized value!!"); } proxy.Close(); } finally { proxy.Abort(); timer.Set(this.defaultLifeTime); } } catch (CommunicationException e) { DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(e, TraceEventType.Information); } catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) throw; DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(e, TraceEventType.Information); } } // Unregister address for a node from the resolver service public override void Unregister(object registrationId, TimeSpan timeout) { if (opened) { UnregisterInfo info = new UnregisterInfo(this.meshId, this.registrationId); try { IPeerResolverClient proxy = GetProxy(); try { proxy.OperationTimeout = timeout; proxy.Unregister(info); proxy.Close(); } finally { proxy.Abort(); } } catch (CommunicationException e) { DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(e, TraceEventType.Information); } finally { opened = false; timer.Cancel(); } } } // Updates a node's registration with the resolver service. public override void Update(object registrationId, PeerNodeAddress updatedNodeAddress, TimeSpan timeout) { if (opened) { UpdateInfo info = new UpdateInfo(this.registrationId, clientId, meshId, updatedNodeAddress); this.nodeAddress = updatedNodeAddress; SendUpdate(info, timeout); } } void SendUpdate(UpdateInfo updateInfo, TimeSpan timeout) { try { RegisterResponseInfo response; IPeerResolverClient proxy = GetProxy(); try { proxy.OperationTimeout = timeout; response = proxy.Update(updateInfo); proxy.Close(); this.registrationId = response.RegistrationId; this.defaultLifeTime = response.RegistrationLifetime; Interlocked.Exchange(ref this.updateSuccessful, 1); timer.Set(this.defaultLifeTime); } finally { proxy.Abort(); } } catch (CommunicationException e) { DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(e, TraceEventType.Information); Interlocked.Exchange(ref this.updateSuccessful, 0); } catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) throw; Interlocked.Exchange(ref this.updateSuccessful, 0); throw; } } // Query the resolver service for addresses associated with a mesh ID public override ReadOnlyCollection Resolve(string meshId, int maxAddresses, TimeSpan timeout) { ResolveResponseInfo result = null; IList addresses = null; List output_addresses = new List(); if (opened) { ResolveInfo info = new ResolveInfo(clientId, meshId, maxAddresses); try { IPeerResolverClient proxy = GetProxy(); try { proxy.OperationTimeout = timeout; result = proxy.Resolve(info); proxy.Close(); } finally { proxy.Abort(); } // If addresses couldn't be obtained, return empty collection if (result != null && result.Addresses != null) addresses = result.Addresses; } catch (CommunicationException e) { DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(e, TraceEventType.Information); } catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) throw; opened = false; throw; } } if (addresses != null) { foreach (PeerNodeAddress nodeaddr in addresses) { bool valid = true; long scopeId = -1; if (nodeaddr == null) continue; foreach (IPAddress addr in nodeaddr.IPAddresses) { if (addr.IsIPv6LinkLocal) { if (scopeId == -1) { scopeId = addr.ScopeId; } else if (scopeId != addr.ScopeId) { valid = false; break; } } } if (valid) { output_addresses.Add(nodeaddr); } } } return new ReadOnlyCollection(output_addresses); } internal string BindingName { get { return bindingName; } set { this.bindingName = value; } } internal string BindingConfigurationName { get { return bindingName; } set { this.bindingConfigurationName = value; } } public override bool Equals(object other) { PeerDefaultCustomResolverClient that = other as PeerDefaultCustomResolverClient; if ((that == null) || (this.referralPolicy != that.referralPolicy) || !this.address.Equals(that.address)) return false; if (this.BindingName != null || this.BindingConfigurationName != null) return ((this.BindingName == that.BindingName) && (this.BindingConfigurationName == that.BindingConfigurationName)); else return this.binding.Equals(that.binding); } public override int GetHashCode() { return base.GetHashCode(); } } }