//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Runtime.Serialization { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Reflection; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Xml.Serialization; [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Class holds static instances used in serializer. " + "Static fields are marked SecurityCritical or readonly to prevent " + "data from being modified or leaked to other components in appdomain.", Safe = "All get-only properties marked safe since they only need to be protected for write.")] static class Globals { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Miscellaneous = "RequiresReview - Changes to const could affect code generation logic; any changes should be reviewed.")] internal const BindingFlags ScanAllMembers = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public; [SecurityCritical] static XmlQualifiedName idQualifiedName; internal static XmlQualifiedName IdQualifiedName { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (idQualifiedName == null) idQualifiedName = new XmlQualifiedName(Globals.IdLocalName, Globals.SerializationNamespace); return idQualifiedName; } } [SecurityCritical] static XmlQualifiedName refQualifiedName; internal static XmlQualifiedName RefQualifiedName { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (refQualifiedName == null) refQualifiedName = new XmlQualifiedName(Globals.RefLocalName, Globals.SerializationNamespace); return refQualifiedName; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfObject; internal static Type TypeOfObject { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfObject == null) typeOfObject = typeof(object); return typeOfObject; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfValueType; internal static Type TypeOfValueType { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfValueType == null) typeOfValueType = typeof(ValueType); return typeOfValueType; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfArray; internal static Type TypeOfArray { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfArray == null) typeOfArray = typeof(Array); return typeOfArray; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfString; internal static Type TypeOfString { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfString == null) typeOfString = typeof(string); return typeOfString; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfInt; internal static Type TypeOfInt { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfInt == null) typeOfInt = typeof(int); return typeOfInt; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfULong; internal static Type TypeOfULong { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfULong == null) typeOfULong = typeof(ulong); return typeOfULong; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfVoid; internal static Type TypeOfVoid { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfVoid == null) typeOfVoid = typeof(void); return typeOfVoid; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfByteArray; internal static Type TypeOfByteArray { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfByteArray == null) typeOfByteArray = typeof(byte[]); return typeOfByteArray; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfTimeSpan; internal static Type TypeOfTimeSpan { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfTimeSpan == null) typeOfTimeSpan = typeof(TimeSpan); return typeOfTimeSpan; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfGuid; internal static Type TypeOfGuid { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfGuid == null) typeOfGuid = typeof(Guid); return typeOfGuid; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfDateTimeOffset; internal static Type TypeOfDateTimeOffset { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfDateTimeOffset == null) typeOfDateTimeOffset = typeof(DateTimeOffset); return typeOfDateTimeOffset; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfDateTimeOffsetAdapter; internal static Type TypeOfDateTimeOffsetAdapter { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfDateTimeOffsetAdapter == null) typeOfDateTimeOffsetAdapter = typeof(DateTimeOffsetAdapter); return typeOfDateTimeOffsetAdapter; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfUri; internal static Type TypeOfUri { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfUri == null) typeOfUri = typeof(Uri); return typeOfUri; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfTypeEnumerable; internal static Type TypeOfTypeEnumerable { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfTypeEnumerable == null) typeOfTypeEnumerable = typeof(IEnumerable<Type>); return typeOfTypeEnumerable; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfStreamingContext; internal static Type TypeOfStreamingContext { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfStreamingContext == null) typeOfStreamingContext = typeof(StreamingContext); return typeOfStreamingContext; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfISerializable; internal static Type TypeOfISerializable { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfISerializable == null) typeOfISerializable = typeof(ISerializable); return typeOfISerializable; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfIDeserializationCallback; internal static Type TypeOfIDeserializationCallback { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfIDeserializationCallback == null) typeOfIDeserializationCallback = typeof(IDeserializationCallback); return typeOfIDeserializationCallback; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfIObjectReference; internal static Type TypeOfIObjectReference { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfIObjectReference == null) typeOfIObjectReference = typeof(IObjectReference); return typeOfIObjectReference; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfXmlFormatClassWriterDelegate; internal static Type TypeOfXmlFormatClassWriterDelegate { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfXmlFormatClassWriterDelegate == null) typeOfXmlFormatClassWriterDelegate = typeof(XmlFormatClassWriterDelegate); return typeOfXmlFormatClassWriterDelegate; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfXmlFormatCollectionWriterDelegate; internal static Type TypeOfXmlFormatCollectionWriterDelegate { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfXmlFormatCollectionWriterDelegate == null) typeOfXmlFormatCollectionWriterDelegate = typeof(XmlFormatCollectionWriterDelegate); return typeOfXmlFormatCollectionWriterDelegate; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfXmlFormatClassReaderDelegate; internal static Type TypeOfXmlFormatClassReaderDelegate { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfXmlFormatClassReaderDelegate == null) typeOfXmlFormatClassReaderDelegate = typeof(XmlFormatClassReaderDelegate); return typeOfXmlFormatClassReaderDelegate; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfXmlFormatCollectionReaderDelegate; internal static Type TypeOfXmlFormatCollectionReaderDelegate { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfXmlFormatCollectionReaderDelegate == null) typeOfXmlFormatCollectionReaderDelegate = typeof(XmlFormatCollectionReaderDelegate); return typeOfXmlFormatCollectionReaderDelegate; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfXmlFormatGetOnlyCollectionReaderDelegate; internal static Type TypeOfXmlFormatGetOnlyCollectionReaderDelegate { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfXmlFormatGetOnlyCollectionReaderDelegate == null) typeOfXmlFormatGetOnlyCollectionReaderDelegate = typeof(XmlFormatGetOnlyCollectionReaderDelegate); return typeOfXmlFormatGetOnlyCollectionReaderDelegate; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfKnownTypeAttribute; internal static Type TypeOfKnownTypeAttribute { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfKnownTypeAttribute == null) typeOfKnownTypeAttribute = typeof(KnownTypeAttribute); return typeOfKnownTypeAttribute; } } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Attribute type used in security decision.")] [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfDataContractAttribute; internal static Type TypeOfDataContractAttribute { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Accesses critical field for attribute type.", Safe = "Controls inputs and logic.")] [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfDataContractAttribute == null) typeOfDataContractAttribute = typeof(DataContractAttribute); return typeOfDataContractAttribute; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfContractNamespaceAttribute; internal static Type TypeOfContractNamespaceAttribute { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfContractNamespaceAttribute == null) typeOfContractNamespaceAttribute = typeof(ContractNamespaceAttribute); return typeOfContractNamespaceAttribute; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfDataMemberAttribute; internal static Type TypeOfDataMemberAttribute { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfDataMemberAttribute == null) typeOfDataMemberAttribute = typeof(DataMemberAttribute); return typeOfDataMemberAttribute; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfEnumMemberAttribute; internal static Type TypeOfEnumMemberAttribute { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfEnumMemberAttribute == null) typeOfEnumMemberAttribute = typeof(EnumMemberAttribute); return typeOfEnumMemberAttribute; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfCollectionDataContractAttribute; internal static Type TypeOfCollectionDataContractAttribute { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfCollectionDataContractAttribute == null) typeOfCollectionDataContractAttribute = typeof(CollectionDataContractAttribute); return typeOfCollectionDataContractAttribute; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfOptionalFieldAttribute; internal static Type TypeOfOptionalFieldAttribute { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfOptionalFieldAttribute == null) typeOfOptionalFieldAttribute = typeof(OptionalFieldAttribute); return typeOfOptionalFieldAttribute; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfObjectArray; internal static Type TypeOfObjectArray { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfObjectArray == null) typeOfObjectArray = typeof(object[]); return typeOfObjectArray; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfOnSerializingAttribute; internal static Type TypeOfOnSerializingAttribute { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfOnSerializingAttribute == null) typeOfOnSerializingAttribute = typeof(OnSerializingAttribute); return typeOfOnSerializingAttribute; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfOnSerializedAttribute; internal static Type TypeOfOnSerializedAttribute { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfOnSerializedAttribute == null) typeOfOnSerializedAttribute = typeof(OnSerializedAttribute); return typeOfOnSerializedAttribute; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfOnDeserializingAttribute; internal static Type TypeOfOnDeserializingAttribute { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfOnDeserializingAttribute == null) typeOfOnDeserializingAttribute = typeof(OnDeserializingAttribute); return typeOfOnDeserializingAttribute; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfOnDeserializedAttribute; internal static Type TypeOfOnDeserializedAttribute { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfOnDeserializedAttribute == null) typeOfOnDeserializedAttribute = typeof(OnDeserializedAttribute); return typeOfOnDeserializedAttribute; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfFlagsAttribute; internal static Type TypeOfFlagsAttribute { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfFlagsAttribute == null) typeOfFlagsAttribute = typeof(FlagsAttribute); return typeOfFlagsAttribute; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfSerializableAttribute; internal static Type TypeOfSerializableAttribute { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfSerializableAttribute == null) typeOfSerializableAttribute = typeof(SerializableAttribute); return typeOfSerializableAttribute; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfNonSerializedAttribute; internal static Type TypeOfNonSerializedAttribute { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfNonSerializedAttribute == null) typeOfNonSerializedAttribute = typeof(NonSerializedAttribute); return typeOfNonSerializedAttribute; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfSerializationInfo; internal static Type TypeOfSerializationInfo { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfSerializationInfo == null) typeOfSerializationInfo = typeof(SerializationInfo); return typeOfSerializationInfo; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfSerializationInfoEnumerator; internal static Type TypeOfSerializationInfoEnumerator { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfSerializationInfoEnumerator == null) typeOfSerializationInfoEnumerator = typeof(SerializationInfoEnumerator); return typeOfSerializationInfoEnumerator; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfSerializationEntry; internal static Type TypeOfSerializationEntry { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfSerializationEntry == null) typeOfSerializationEntry = typeof(SerializationEntry); return typeOfSerializationEntry; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfIXmlSerializable; internal static Type TypeOfIXmlSerializable { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfIXmlSerializable == null) typeOfIXmlSerializable = typeof(IXmlSerializable); return typeOfIXmlSerializable; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfXmlSchemaProviderAttribute; internal static Type TypeOfXmlSchemaProviderAttribute { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfXmlSchemaProviderAttribute == null) typeOfXmlSchemaProviderAttribute = typeof(XmlSchemaProviderAttribute); return typeOfXmlSchemaProviderAttribute; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfXmlRootAttribute; internal static Type TypeOfXmlRootAttribute { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfXmlRootAttribute == null) typeOfXmlRootAttribute = typeof(XmlRootAttribute); return typeOfXmlRootAttribute; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfXmlQualifiedName; internal static Type TypeOfXmlQualifiedName { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfXmlQualifiedName == null) typeOfXmlQualifiedName = typeof(XmlQualifiedName); return typeOfXmlQualifiedName; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfXmlSchemaType; internal static Type TypeOfXmlSchemaType { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfXmlSchemaType == null) typeOfXmlSchemaType = typeof(XmlSchemaType); return typeOfXmlSchemaType; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfXmlSerializableServices; internal static Type TypeOfXmlSerializableServices { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfXmlSerializableServices == null) typeOfXmlSerializableServices = typeof(XmlSerializableServices); return typeOfXmlSerializableServices; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfXmlNodeArray; internal static Type TypeOfXmlNodeArray { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfXmlNodeArray == null) typeOfXmlNodeArray = typeof(XmlNode[]); return typeOfXmlNodeArray; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfXmlSchemaSet; internal static Type TypeOfXmlSchemaSet { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfXmlSchemaSet == null) typeOfXmlSchemaSet = typeof(XmlSchemaSet); return typeOfXmlSchemaSet; } } [SecurityCritical] static object[] emptyObjectArray; internal static object[] EmptyObjectArray { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (emptyObjectArray == null) emptyObjectArray = new object[0]; return emptyObjectArray; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type[] emptyTypeArray; internal static Type[] EmptyTypeArray { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (emptyTypeArray == null) emptyTypeArray = new Type[0]; return emptyTypeArray; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfIPropertyChange; internal static Type TypeOfIPropertyChange { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfIPropertyChange == null) typeOfIPropertyChange = typeof(INotifyPropertyChanged); return typeOfIPropertyChange; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfIExtensibleDataObject; internal static Type TypeOfIExtensibleDataObject { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfIExtensibleDataObject == null) typeOfIExtensibleDataObject = typeof(IExtensibleDataObject); return typeOfIExtensibleDataObject; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfExtensionDataObject; internal static Type TypeOfExtensionDataObject { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfExtensionDataObject == null) typeOfExtensionDataObject = typeof(ExtensionDataObject); return typeOfExtensionDataObject; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfISerializableDataNode; internal static Type TypeOfISerializableDataNode { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfISerializableDataNode == null) typeOfISerializableDataNode = typeof(ISerializableDataNode); return typeOfISerializableDataNode; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfClassDataNode; internal static Type TypeOfClassDataNode { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfClassDataNode == null) typeOfClassDataNode = typeof(ClassDataNode); return typeOfClassDataNode; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfCollectionDataNode; internal static Type TypeOfCollectionDataNode { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfCollectionDataNode == null) typeOfCollectionDataNode = typeof(CollectionDataNode); return typeOfCollectionDataNode; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfXmlDataNode; internal static Type TypeOfXmlDataNode { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfXmlDataNode == null) typeOfXmlDataNode = typeof(XmlDataNode); return typeOfXmlDataNode; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfNullable; internal static Type TypeOfNullable { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfNullable == null) typeOfNullable = typeof(Nullable<>); return typeOfNullable; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfReflectionPointer; internal static Type TypeOfReflectionPointer { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfReflectionPointer == null) typeOfReflectionPointer = typeof(System.Reflection.Pointer); return typeOfReflectionPointer; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfIDictionaryGeneric; internal static Type TypeOfIDictionaryGeneric { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfIDictionaryGeneric == null) typeOfIDictionaryGeneric = typeof(IDictionary<,>); return typeOfIDictionaryGeneric; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfIDictionary; internal static Type TypeOfIDictionary { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfIDictionary == null) typeOfIDictionary = typeof(IDictionary); return typeOfIDictionary; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfIListGeneric; internal static Type TypeOfIListGeneric { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfIListGeneric == null) typeOfIListGeneric = typeof(IList<>); return typeOfIListGeneric; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfIList; internal static Type TypeOfIList { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfIList == null) typeOfIList = typeof(IList); return typeOfIList; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfICollectionGeneric; internal static Type TypeOfICollectionGeneric { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfICollectionGeneric == null) typeOfICollectionGeneric = typeof(ICollection<>); return typeOfICollectionGeneric; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfICollection; internal static Type TypeOfICollection { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfICollection == null) typeOfICollection = typeof(ICollection); return typeOfICollection; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfIEnumerableGeneric; internal static Type TypeOfIEnumerableGeneric { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfIEnumerableGeneric == null) typeOfIEnumerableGeneric = typeof(IEnumerable<>); return typeOfIEnumerableGeneric; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfIEnumerable; internal static Type TypeOfIEnumerable { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfIEnumerable == null) typeOfIEnumerable = typeof(IEnumerable); return typeOfIEnumerable; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfIEnumeratorGeneric; internal static Type TypeOfIEnumeratorGeneric { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfIEnumeratorGeneric == null) typeOfIEnumeratorGeneric = typeof(IEnumerator<>); return typeOfIEnumeratorGeneric; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfIEnumerator; internal static Type TypeOfIEnumerator { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfIEnumerator == null) typeOfIEnumerator = typeof(IEnumerator); return typeOfIEnumerator; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfKeyValuePair; internal static Type TypeOfKeyValuePair { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfKeyValuePair == null) typeOfKeyValuePair = typeof(KeyValuePair<,>); return typeOfKeyValuePair; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfKeyValue; internal static Type TypeOfKeyValue { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfKeyValue == null) typeOfKeyValue = typeof(KeyValue<,>); return typeOfKeyValue; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfIDictionaryEnumerator; internal static Type TypeOfIDictionaryEnumerator { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfIDictionaryEnumerator == null) typeOfIDictionaryEnumerator = typeof(IDictionaryEnumerator); return typeOfIDictionaryEnumerator; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfDictionaryEnumerator; internal static Type TypeOfDictionaryEnumerator { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfDictionaryEnumerator == null) typeOfDictionaryEnumerator = typeof(CollectionDataContract.DictionaryEnumerator); return typeOfDictionaryEnumerator; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfGenericDictionaryEnumerator; internal static Type TypeOfGenericDictionaryEnumerator { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfGenericDictionaryEnumerator == null) typeOfGenericDictionaryEnumerator = typeof(CollectionDataContract.GenericDictionaryEnumerator<,>); return typeOfGenericDictionaryEnumerator; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfDictionaryGeneric; internal static Type TypeOfDictionaryGeneric { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfDictionaryGeneric == null) typeOfDictionaryGeneric = typeof(Dictionary<,>); return typeOfDictionaryGeneric; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfHashtable; internal static Type TypeOfHashtable { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfHashtable == null) typeOfHashtable = typeof(Hashtable); return typeOfHashtable; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfListGeneric; internal static Type TypeOfListGeneric { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfListGeneric == null) typeOfListGeneric = typeof(List<>); return typeOfListGeneric; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfXmlElement; internal static Type TypeOfXmlElement { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfXmlElement == null) typeOfXmlElement = typeof(XmlElement); return typeOfXmlElement; } } [SecurityCritical] static Type typeOfDBNull; internal static Type TypeOfDBNull { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (typeOfDBNull == null) typeOfDBNull = typeof(DBNull); return typeOfDBNull; } } [SecurityCritical] static Uri dataContractXsdBaseNamespaceUri; internal static Uri DataContractXsdBaseNamespaceUri { [SecuritySafeCritical] get { if (dataContractXsdBaseNamespaceUri == null) dataContractXsdBaseNamespaceUri = new Uri(DataContractXsdBaseNamespace); return dataContractXsdBaseNamespaceUri; } } #if MONO_FEATURE_CAS [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Holds instance of SecurityPermission that we will Demand for SerializationFormatter." + " Should not be modified to something else.")] [SecurityCritical] static SecurityPermission serializationFormatterPermission; public static SecurityPermission SerializationFormatterPermission { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Sets and accesses instance of SecurityPermission that we will Demand for SerializationFormatter.")] [SecurityCritical] get { if (serializationFormatterPermission == null) serializationFormatterPermission = new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter); return serializationFormatterPermission; } } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Holds instance of ReflectionPermission that we will Demand for MemberAccess." + " Should not be modified to something else.")] [SecurityCritical] static ReflectionPermission memberAccessPermission; public static ReflectionPermission MemberAccessPermission { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Sets and accesses instance of ReflectionPermission that we will Demand for MemberAccess.")] [SecurityCritical] get { if (memberAccessPermission == null) memberAccessPermission = new ReflectionPermission(ReflectionPermissionFlag.MemberAccess); return memberAccessPermission; } } #endif public const bool DefaultIsRequired = false; public const bool DefaultEmitDefaultValue = true; public const int DefaultOrder = 0; public const bool DefaultIsReference = false; // The value string.Empty aids comparisons (can do simple length checks // instead of string comparison method calls in IL.) public readonly static string NewObjectId = string.Empty; public const string SimpleSRSInternalsVisiblePattern = @"^[\s]*System\.Runtime\.Serialization[\s]*$"; public const string FullSRSInternalsVisiblePattern = @"^[\s]*System\.Runtime\.Serialization[\s]*,[\s]*PublicKey[\s]*=[\s]*(?i:00000000000000000400000000000000)[\s]*$"; public const string NullObjectId = null; public const string Space = " "; public const string OpenBracket = "["; public const string CloseBracket = "]"; public const string Comma = ","; public const string XsiPrefix = "i"; public const string XsdPrefix = "x"; public const string SerPrefix = "z"; public const string SerPrefixForSchema = "ser"; public const string ElementPrefix = "q"; public const string DataContractXsdBaseNamespace = "http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/"; public const string DataContractXmlNamespace = DataContractXsdBaseNamespace + "System.Xml"; public const string SchemaInstanceNamespace = XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace; public const string SchemaNamespace = XmlSchema.Namespace; public const string XsiNilLocalName = "nil"; public const string XsiTypeLocalName = "type"; public const string TnsPrefix = "tns"; public const string OccursUnbounded = "unbounded"; public const string AnyTypeLocalName = "anyType"; public const string StringLocalName = "string"; public const string IntLocalName = "int"; public const string True = "true"; public const string False = "false"; public const string ArrayPrefix = "ArrayOf"; public const string XmlnsNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"; public const string XmlnsPrefix = "xmlns"; public const string SchemaLocalName = "schema"; public const string CollectionsNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays"; public const string DefaultClrNamespace = "GeneratedNamespace"; public const string DefaultTypeName = "GeneratedType"; public const string DefaultGeneratedMember = "GeneratedMember"; public const string DefaultFieldSuffix = "Field"; public const string DefaultPropertySuffix = "Property"; public const string DefaultMemberSuffix = "Member"; public const string NameProperty = "Name"; public const string NamespaceProperty = "Namespace"; public const string OrderProperty = "Order"; public const string IsReferenceProperty = "IsReference"; public const string IsRequiredProperty = "IsRequired"; public const string EmitDefaultValueProperty = "EmitDefaultValue"; public const string ClrNamespaceProperty = "ClrNamespace"; public const string ItemNameProperty = "ItemName"; public const string KeyNameProperty = "KeyName"; public const string ValueNameProperty = "ValueName"; public const string SerializationInfoPropertyName = "SerializationInfo"; public const string SerializationInfoFieldName = "info"; public const string NodeArrayPropertyName = "Nodes"; public const string NodeArrayFieldName = "nodesField"; public const string ExportSchemaMethod = "ExportSchema"; public const string IsAnyProperty = "IsAny"; public const string ContextFieldName = "context"; public const string GetObjectDataMethodName = "GetObjectData"; public const string GetEnumeratorMethodName = "GetEnumerator"; public const string MoveNextMethodName = "MoveNext"; public const string AddValueMethodName = "AddValue"; public const string CurrentPropertyName = "Current"; public const string ValueProperty = "Value"; public const string EnumeratorFieldName = "enumerator"; public const string SerializationEntryFieldName = "entry"; public const string ExtensionDataSetMethod = "set_ExtensionData"; public const string ExtensionDataSetExplicitMethod = "System.Runtime.Serialization.IExtensibleDataObject.set_ExtensionData"; public const string ExtensionDataObjectPropertyName = "ExtensionData"; public const string ExtensionDataObjectFieldName = "extensionDataField"; public const string AddMethodName = "Add"; public const string ParseMethodName = "Parse"; public const string GetCurrentMethodName = "get_Current"; // NOTE: These values are used in schema below. If you modify any value, please make the same change in the schema. public const string SerializationNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/"; public const string ClrTypeLocalName = "Type"; public const string ClrAssemblyLocalName = "Assembly"; public const string IsValueTypeLocalName = "IsValueType"; public const string EnumerationValueLocalName = "EnumerationValue"; public const string SurrogateDataLocalName = "Surrogate"; public const string GenericTypeLocalName = "GenericType"; public const string GenericParameterLocalName = "GenericParameter"; public const string GenericNameAttribute = "Name"; public const string GenericNamespaceAttribute = "Namespace"; public const string GenericParameterNestedLevelAttribute = "NestedLevel"; public const string IsDictionaryLocalName = "IsDictionary"; public const string ActualTypeLocalName = "ActualType"; public const string ActualTypeNameAttribute = "Name"; public const string ActualTypeNamespaceAttribute = "Namespace"; public const string DefaultValueLocalName = "DefaultValue"; public const string EmitDefaultValueAttribute = "EmitDefaultValue"; public const string ISerializableFactoryTypeLocalName = "FactoryType"; public const string IdLocalName = "Id"; public const string RefLocalName = "Ref"; public const string ArraySizeLocalName = "Size"; public const string KeyLocalName = "Key"; public const string ValueLocalName = "Value"; public const string MscorlibAssemblyName = "0"; public const string MscorlibAssemblySimpleName = "mscorlib"; public const string MscorlibFileName = MscorlibAssemblySimpleName + ".dll"; public const string SerializationSchema = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <xs:schema elementFormDefault='qualified' attributeFormDefault='qualified' xmlns:tns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/' targetNamespace='http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/' xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'> <xs:element name='anyType' nillable='true' type='xs:anyType' /> <xs:element name='anyURI' nillable='true' type='xs:anyURI' /> <xs:element name='base64Binary' nillable='true' type='xs:base64Binary' /> <xs:element name='boolean' nillable='true' type='xs:boolean' /> <xs:element name='byte' nillable='true' type='xs:byte' /> <xs:element name='dateTime' nillable='true' type='xs:dateTime' /> <xs:element name='decimal' nillable='true' type='xs:decimal' /> <xs:element name='double' nillable='true' type='xs:double' /> <xs:element name='float' nillable='true' type='xs:float' /> <xs:element name='int' nillable='true' type='xs:int' /> <xs:element name='long' nillable='true' type='xs:long' /> <xs:element name='QName' nillable='true' type='xs:QName' /> <xs:element name='short' nillable='true' type='xs:short' /> <xs:element name='string' nillable='true' type='xs:string' /> <xs:element name='unsignedByte' nillable='true' type='xs:unsignedByte' /> <xs:element name='unsignedInt' nillable='true' type='xs:unsignedInt' /> <xs:element name='unsignedLong' nillable='true' type='xs:unsignedLong' /> <xs:element name='unsignedShort' nillable='true' type='xs:unsignedShort' /> <xs:element name='char' nillable='true' type='tns:char' /> <xs:simpleType name='char'> <xs:restriction base='xs:int'/> </xs:simpleType> <xs:element name='duration' nillable='true' type='tns:duration' /> <xs:simpleType name='duration'> <xs:restriction base='xs:duration'> <xs:pattern value='\-?P(\d*D)?(T(\d*H)?(\d*M)?(\d*(\.\d*)?S)?)?' /> <xs:minInclusive value='-P10675199DT2H48M5.4775808S' /> <xs:maxInclusive value='P10675199DT2H48M5.4775807S' /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:element name='guid' nillable='true' type='tns:guid' /> <xs:simpleType name='guid'> <xs:restriction base='xs:string'> <xs:pattern value='[\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12}' /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:attribute name='FactoryType' type='xs:QName' /> <xs:attribute name='Id' type='xs:ID' /> <xs:attribute name='Ref' type='xs:IDREF' /> </xs:schema> "; } }