//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Microsoft //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.Xml.Xsl.XsltOld { using Res = System.Xml.Utils.Res; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Xml; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; internal abstract class SequentialOutput : RecordOutput { private const char s_Colon = ':'; private const char s_GreaterThan = '>'; private const char s_LessThan = '<'; private const char s_Space = ' '; private const char s_Quote = '\"'; private const char s_Semicolon = ';'; private const char s_NewLine = '\n'; private const char s_Return = '\r'; private const char s_Ampersand = '&'; private const string s_LessThanQuestion = ""; private const string s_LessThanSlash = ""; private const string s_EqualQuote = "=\""; private const string s_DocType = ""; private const string s_CDataBegin = ""; private const string s_VersionAll = " version=\"1.0\""; private const string s_Standalone = " standalone=\""; private const string s_EncodingStart = " encoding=\""; private const string s_Public = "PUBLIC "; private const string s_System = "SYSTEM "; private const string s_Html = "html"; private const string s_QuoteSpace = "\" "; private const string s_CDataSplit = "]]]]>"; private const string s_EnLessThan = "<"; private const string s_EnGreaterThan = ">"; private const string s_EnAmpersand = "&"; private const string s_EnQuote = """; private const string s_EnNewLine = " "; private const string s_EnReturn = " "; private const string s_EndOfLine = "\r\n"; static char[] s_TextValueFind = new char[] {s_Ampersand, s_GreaterThan, s_LessThan}; static string[] s_TextValueReplace = new string[] {s_EnAmpersand , s_EnGreaterThan , s_EnLessThan }; static char[] s_XmlAttributeValueFind = new char[] {s_Ampersand, s_GreaterThan, s_LessThan, s_Quote, s_NewLine, s_Return}; static string[] s_XmlAttributeValueReplace = new string[] {s_EnAmpersand , s_EnGreaterThan , s_EnLessThan , s_EnQuote , s_EnNewLine , s_EnReturn }; // Instance members private Processor processor; protected Encoding encoding; private ArrayList outputCache; private bool firstLine = true; private bool secondRoot; // Cached Output propertes: private XsltOutput output; private bool isHtmlOutput; private bool isXmlOutput; private Hashtable cdataElements; private bool indentOutput; private bool outputDoctype; private bool outputXmlDecl; private bool omitXmlDeclCalled; // Uri Escaping: private byte[] byteBuffer; private Encoding utf8Encoding; XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; private void CacheOuptutProps(XsltOutput output) { this.output = output; this.isXmlOutput = this.output.Method == XsltOutput.OutputMethod.Xml; this.isHtmlOutput = this.output.Method == XsltOutput.OutputMethod.Html; this.cdataElements = this.output.CDataElements; this.indentOutput = this.output.Indent; this.outputDoctype = this.output.DoctypeSystem != null || (this.isHtmlOutput && this.output.DoctypePublic != null); this.outputXmlDecl = this.isXmlOutput && ! this.output.OmitXmlDeclaration && ! this.omitXmlDeclCalled; } // // Constructor // internal SequentialOutput(Processor processor) { this.processor = processor; CacheOuptutProps(processor.Output); } public void OmitXmlDecl() { this.omitXmlDeclCalled = true; this.outputXmlDecl = false; } // // Particular outputs // void WriteStartElement(RecordBuilder record) { Debug.Assert(record.MainNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element); BuilderInfo mainNode = record.MainNode; HtmlElementProps htmlProps = null; if (this.isHtmlOutput) { if (mainNode.Prefix.Length == 0) { htmlProps = mainNode.htmlProps; if (htmlProps == null && mainNode.search) { htmlProps = HtmlElementProps.GetProps(mainNode.LocalName); } record.Manager.CurrentElementScope.HtmlElementProps = htmlProps; mainNode.IsEmptyTag = false; } } else if (this.isXmlOutput) { if (mainNode.Depth == 0) { if( secondRoot && ( output.DoctypeSystem != null || output.Standalone ) ) { throw XsltException.Create(Res.Xslt_MultipleRoots); } secondRoot = true; } } if (this.outputDoctype) { WriteDoctype(mainNode); this.outputDoctype = false; } if (this.cdataElements != null && this.cdataElements.Contains(new XmlQualifiedName(mainNode.LocalName, mainNode.NamespaceURI)) && this.isXmlOutput) { record.Manager.CurrentElementScope.ToCData = true; } Indent(record); Write(s_LessThan); WriteName(mainNode.Prefix, mainNode.LocalName); WriteAttributes(record.AttributeList, record.AttributeCount, htmlProps); if (mainNode.IsEmptyTag) { Debug.Assert(! this.isHtmlOutput || mainNode.Prefix != null, "Html can't have abreviated elements"); Write(s_SlashGreaterThan); } else { Write(s_GreaterThan); } if(htmlProps != null && htmlProps.Head) { mainNode.Depth ++; Indent(record); mainNode.Depth --; Write(""); } } void WriteTextNode(RecordBuilder record) { BuilderInfo mainNode = record.MainNode; OutputScope scope = record.Manager.CurrentElementScope; scope.Mixed = true; if(scope.HtmlElementProps != null && scope.HtmlElementProps.NoEntities) { // script or stile Write(mainNode.Value); } else if (scope.ToCData) { WriteCDataSection(mainNode.Value); } else { WriteTextNode(mainNode); } } void WriteTextNode(BuilderInfo node) { for (int i = 0; i < node.TextInfoCount; i ++) { string text = node.TextInfo[i]; if (text == null) { // disableEscaping marker i++; Debug.Assert(i < node.TextInfoCount, "disableEscaping marker can't be last TextInfo record"); Write(node.TextInfo[i]); } else { WriteWithReplace(text, s_TextValueFind, s_TextValueReplace); } } } void WriteCDataSection(string value) { Write(s_CDataBegin); WriteCData(value); Write(s_CDataEnd); } void WriteDoctype(BuilderInfo mainNode) { Debug.Assert(this.outputDoctype == true, "It supposed to check this condition before actual call"); Debug.Assert(this.output.DoctypeSystem != null || (this.isHtmlOutput && this.output.DoctypePublic != null), "We set outputDoctype == true only if"); Indent(0); Write(s_DocType); if (this.isXmlOutput) { WriteName(mainNode.Prefix, mainNode.LocalName); } else { WriteName(string.Empty, "html"); } Write(s_Space); if (output.DoctypePublic != null) { Write(s_Public); Write(s_Quote); Write(output.DoctypePublic); Write(s_QuoteSpace); } else { Write(s_System); } if (output.DoctypeSystem != null) { Write(s_Quote); Write(output.DoctypeSystem); Write(s_Quote); } Write(s_GreaterThan); } void WriteXmlDeclaration() { Debug.Assert(this.outputXmlDecl == true, "It supposed to check this condition before actual call"); Debug.Assert(this.isXmlOutput && ! this.output.OmitXmlDeclaration, "We set outputXmlDecl == true only if"); this.outputXmlDecl = false; Indent(0); Write(s_LessThanQuestion); WriteName(string.Empty, "xml"); Write(s_VersionAll); if (this.encoding != null) { Write(s_EncodingStart); Write(this.encoding.WebName); Write(s_Quote); } if (output.HasStandalone) { Write(s_Standalone); Write(output.Standalone ? "yes" : "no"); Write(s_Quote); } Write(s_QuestionGreaterThan); } void WriteProcessingInstruction(RecordBuilder record) { Indent(record); WriteProcessingInstruction(record.MainNode); } void WriteProcessingInstruction(BuilderInfo node) { Write(s_LessThanQuestion); WriteName(node.Prefix, node.LocalName); Write(s_Space); Write(node.Value); if(this.isHtmlOutput) { Write(s_GreaterThan); } else { Write(s_QuestionGreaterThan); } } void WriteEndElement(RecordBuilder record) { BuilderInfo node = record.MainNode; HtmlElementProps htmlProps = record.Manager.CurrentElementScope.HtmlElementProps; if(htmlProps != null && htmlProps.Empty) { return; } Indent(record); Write(s_LessThanSlash); WriteName(record.MainNode.Prefix, record.MainNode.LocalName); Write(s_GreaterThan); } // // RecordOutput interface method implementation // public Processor.OutputResult RecordDone(RecordBuilder record) { if (output.Method == XsltOutput.OutputMethod.Unknown) { if (! DecideDefaultOutput(record.MainNode)) { CacheRecord(record); } else { OutputCachedRecords(); OutputRecord(record); } } else { OutputRecord(record); } record.Reset(); return Processor.OutputResult.Continue; } public void TheEnd() { OutputCachedRecords(); Close(); } private bool DecideDefaultOutput(BuilderInfo node) { XsltOutput.OutputMethod method = XsltOutput.OutputMethod.Xml; switch (node.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: if (node.NamespaceURI.Length == 0 && String.Compare("html", node.LocalName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { method = XsltOutput.OutputMethod.Html; } break; case XmlNodeType.Text: case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: if (xmlCharType.IsOnlyWhitespace(node.Value)) { return false; } method = XsltOutput.OutputMethod.Xml; break; default : return false; } if(this.processor.SetDefaultOutput(method)) { CacheOuptutProps(processor.Output); } return true; } private void CacheRecord(RecordBuilder record) { if (this.outputCache == null) { this.outputCache = new ArrayList(); } this.outputCache.Add(record.MainNode.Clone()); } private void OutputCachedRecords() { if (this.outputCache == null) { return; } for(int record = 0; record < this.outputCache.Count; record ++) { Debug.Assert(this.outputCache[record] is BuilderInfo); BuilderInfo info = (BuilderInfo) this.outputCache[record]; OutputRecord(info); } this.outputCache = null; } private void OutputRecord(RecordBuilder record) { BuilderInfo mainNode = record.MainNode; if(this.outputXmlDecl) { WriteXmlDeclaration(); } switch (mainNode.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: WriteStartElement(record); break; case XmlNodeType.Text: case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: WriteTextNode(record); break; case XmlNodeType.CDATA: Debug.Fail("Should never get here"); break; case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: Write(s_Ampersand); WriteName(mainNode.Prefix, mainNode.LocalName); Write(s_Semicolon); break; case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: WriteProcessingInstruction(record); break; case XmlNodeType.Comment: Indent(record); Write(s_CommentBegin); Write(mainNode.Value); Write(s_CommentEnd); break; case XmlNodeType.Document: break; case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: Write(mainNode.Value); break; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: WriteEndElement(record); break; default: break; } } private void OutputRecord(BuilderInfo node) { if(this.outputXmlDecl) { WriteXmlDeclaration(); } Indent(0); // we can have only top level stuff here switch (node.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: Debug.Fail("Should never get here"); break; case XmlNodeType.Text: case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: WriteTextNode(node); break; case XmlNodeType.CDATA: Debug.Fail("Should never get here"); break; case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: Write(s_Ampersand); WriteName(node.Prefix, node.LocalName); Write(s_Semicolon); break; case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: WriteProcessingInstruction(node); break; case XmlNodeType.Comment: Write(s_CommentBegin); Write(node.Value); Write(s_CommentEnd); break; case XmlNodeType.Document: break; case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: Write(node.Value); break; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: Debug.Fail("Should never get here"); break; default: break; } } // // Internal helpers // private void WriteName(string prefix, string name) { if (prefix != null && prefix.Length > 0) { Write(prefix); if (name != null && name.Length > 0) { Write(s_Colon); } else { return; } } Write(name); } private void WriteXmlAttributeValue(string value) { Debug.Assert(value != null); WriteWithReplace(value, s_XmlAttributeValueFind, s_XmlAttributeValueReplace); } private void WriteHtmlAttributeValue(string value) { Debug.Assert(value != null); int length = value.Length; int i = 0; while(i < length) { char ch = value[i]; i ++; switch (ch) { case '&': if(i != length && value[i] == '{') { // &{ hasn't to be encoded in HTML output. Write(ch); } else { Write(s_EnAmpersand); } break; case '"': Write(s_EnQuote); break; default: Write(ch); break; } } } private void WriteHtmlUri(string value) { Debug.Assert(value != null); Debug.Assert(this.isHtmlOutput); int length = value.Length; int i = 0; while(i < length) { char ch = value[i]; i ++; switch (ch) { case '&': if(i != length && value[i] == '{') { // &{ hasn't to be encoded in HTML output. Write(ch); } else { Write(s_EnAmpersand); } break; case '"': Write(s_EnQuote); break; case '\n': Write(s_EnNewLine); break; case '\r': Write(s_EnReturn); break; default: if(127 < ch) { if (this.utf8Encoding == null) { this.utf8Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; this.byteBuffer = new byte[utf8Encoding.GetMaxByteCount(1)]; } int bytes = this.utf8Encoding.GetBytes(value, i - 1, 1, this.byteBuffer, 0); for(int j = 0; j < bytes; j ++) { Write("%"); Write(((uint)this.byteBuffer[j]).ToString("X2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } else { Write(ch); } break; } } } private void WriteWithReplace(string value, char[] find, string[] replace) { Debug.Assert(value != null); Debug.Assert(find.Length == replace.Length); int length = value.Length; int pos = 0; while(pos < length) { int newPos = value.IndexOfAny(find, pos); if (newPos == -1) { break; // not found; } // output clean leading part of the string while (pos < newPos) { Write(value[pos]); pos ++; } // output replacement char badChar = value[pos]; int i; for(i = find.Length - 1; 0 <= i; i --) { if(find[i] == badChar) { Write(replace[i]); break; } } Debug.Assert(0 <= i, "find char wasn't realy find"); pos ++; } // output rest of the string if(pos == 0) { Write(value); } else { while(pos < length) { Write(value[pos]); pos ++; } } } private void WriteCData(string value) { Debug.Assert(value != null); Write(value.Replace(s_CDataEnd, s_CDataSplit)); } private void WriteAttributes(ArrayList list, int count, HtmlElementProps htmlElementsProps) { Debug.Assert(count <= list.Count); for (int attrib = 0; attrib < count; attrib ++) { Debug.Assert(list[attrib] is BuilderInfo); BuilderInfo attribute = (BuilderInfo) list[attrib]; string attrValue = attribute.Value; bool abr = false, uri = false; { if(htmlElementsProps != null && attribute.Prefix.Length == 0) { HtmlAttributeProps htmlAttrProps = attribute.htmlAttrProps; if (htmlAttrProps == null && attribute.search) { htmlAttrProps = HtmlAttributeProps.GetProps(attribute.LocalName); } if(htmlAttrProps != null) { abr = htmlElementsProps.AbrParent && htmlAttrProps.Abr; uri = htmlElementsProps.UriParent && ( htmlAttrProps.Uri || htmlElementsProps.NameParent && htmlAttrProps.Name ); } } } Write(s_Space); WriteName(attribute.Prefix, attribute.LocalName); if(abr && 0 == string.Compare(attribute.LocalName, attrValue, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ) { // Since the name of the attribute = the value of the attribute, // this is a boolean attribute whose value should be suppressed continue; } Write(s_EqualQuote); if(uri) { WriteHtmlUri(attrValue); } else if(this.isHtmlOutput) { WriteHtmlAttributeValue(attrValue); } else { WriteXmlAttributeValue(attrValue); } Write(s_Quote); } } void Indent(RecordBuilder record) { if (! record.Manager.CurrentElementScope.Mixed) { Indent(record.MainNode.Depth); } } void Indent(int depth) { if(this.firstLine) { if (this.indentOutput) { this.firstLine = false; } return; // preven leading CRLF } Write(s_EndOfLine); for (int i = 2 * depth; 0 < i; i--) { Write(" "); } } // // Abstract methods internal abstract void Write(char outputChar); internal abstract void Write(string outputText); internal abstract void Close(); } }