//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; namespace System.Configuration { public sealed class CommaDelimitedStringCollection : StringCollection { private bool _Modified; private bool _ReadOnly; private string _OriginalString; // // Constructor // public CommaDelimitedStringCollection() { _ReadOnly = false; _Modified = false; _OriginalString = ToString(); } internal void FromString(string list) { char[] _delimiters = { ',' }; if (list != null) { string[] items = list.Split(_delimiters); foreach (string item in items) { string trimmedItem = item.Trim(); if (trimmedItem.Length != 0) { Add(item.Trim()); } } } _OriginalString = ToString(); _ReadOnly = false; _Modified = false; } public override string ToString() { string returnString = null; if (Count > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string str in this) { ThrowIfContainsDelimiter(str); // Since the add methods are not virtual they could still add bad data // by casting the collection to a string collection. This check will catch // it before serialization, late is better than never. sb.Append(str.Trim()); sb.Append(','); } returnString = sb.ToString(); if (returnString.Length > 0) { returnString = returnString.Substring(0, returnString.Length - 1); } if (returnString.Length == 0) { returnString = null; } } return returnString; } private void ThrowIfReadOnly() { if (IsReadOnly == true) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_base_read_only)); } } private void ThrowIfContainsDelimiter(string value) { if (value.Contains(",")) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_base_value_cannot_contain,",")); } } public void SetReadOnly() { _ReadOnly = true; } public bool IsModified { get { return _Modified || (ToString() != _OriginalString); } } public new bool IsReadOnly { get { return _ReadOnly; } } // // Accessors // public new string this[int index] { get { return (string)base[index]; } set { ThrowIfReadOnly(); ThrowIfContainsDelimiter(value); _Modified = true; base[index] = value.Trim(); } } // // Methods // public new void Add(string value) { ThrowIfReadOnly(); ThrowIfContainsDelimiter(value); _Modified = true; base.Add(value.Trim()); } public new void AddRange(string[] range) { ThrowIfReadOnly(); _Modified = true; foreach (string str in range) { ThrowIfContainsDelimiter(str); base.Add(str.Trim()); } } public new void Clear() { ThrowIfReadOnly(); _Modified = true; base.Clear(); } public new void Insert(int index, string value) { ThrowIfReadOnly(); ThrowIfContainsDelimiter(value); _Modified = true; base.Insert(index, value.Trim()); } public new void Remove(string value) { ThrowIfReadOnly(); ThrowIfContainsDelimiter(value); _Modified = true; base.Remove(value.Trim()); } // Clone // // Clone the object, to get back and object that we can modify // without changing the original object // public CommaDelimitedStringCollection Clone() { CommaDelimitedStringCollection copy; copy = new CommaDelimitedStringCollection(); // Copy all values foreach (string str in this) { copy.Add(str); } // Copy Attributes copy._Modified = false; copy._ReadOnly = _ReadOnly; copy._OriginalString = _OriginalString; return copy; } } }